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1、unit 6 i like music that i can dance to. section a(3a4)阅读课一、teaching goals:learn and use the vocabularies: dislike, clearly, recently, heart, string,remind-of, cant /couldnt stand 。 express their favorite music by using the attributive clauses with that and who- i prefer singers who write their own

2、lyrics。 i cant stand music thats too loud。 let the students master the reading skills. try to exchange the opinions on cds with their friendstrain the students to love music and share ideas with others using their review。 二、teaching and learning steps :step one: preview: 1、let the students read the

3、words according to the phonetic symbols。(让学生学会用据音标读单词,学会自学,这样为他们的终身学习奠定基础) 2。 look at p46, put the following into english orally, and then write them down without looking at the textbook。1) 不喜欢_2) 提醒_3) 心,内心_4)细绳,细线_ 5) 。的名字_ 6) 清晰的唱出歌词_7) 把带到_ 8) 我无法忍受它_ 9)。 巴西的舞曲 _ 10).使某人记起 _ 11)。有很棒的歌词_ 12)伴随歌唱

4、_13)随音乐起舞 _ 14)那对某人不是非常重要 _ 【设计意图】 培养学生养成预习习惯,并用简单工具书查找信息,遇到困难时有效地寻求帮助。3. encourage the students to listen to different kinds of music before class。 come up with what cd they heard recently. 【设计意图】鼓励学生在课前一周末收集他们喜欢的cd,搜集他们喜欢的歌手和音乐家的图片,并欣赏他们喜欢的歌曲,特别是他们今年暑假看到的中国好声音,我想他们会有很多话题的,利用现代教育技术,能拓宽学生的学习渠道.step

5、two: warming up and leading in热身导入 【使用方法】:单击左边控件工具箱的退出设计模式,(即单击一下左边控件工具箱的左上三角尺),就可放出视频1。 enjoy the song right here waiting sung by richard marx.(理查德-马克斯所唱的此情可待) 1)t:do you enjoy it? i love the song, because the song has great lyrics。 the song that thati love has great lyrics。t: what do you think of

6、it?2) let the students express their feelings about this song. theyd better use the attributive clauses。(鼓励学生尽可能的说出自己的观点,最好结合他们上一节课学的定语从句)2。 what you said is about music review(音乐评论). can you say more review about music. work in pairs:a: what kind of music do you like?b: i like music that is loud/ h

7、as gentle lyrics/is full of energetic/reminds me of something/ i can dance to.i like/prefer/dislike music that _i agree/ disagree with you, i _【设计意图】: 展开小组竞赛形式,鼓励学生不拘泥课件,畅所欲言.让学生欣赏各种音乐及图片,吸引学生的兴趣,调动他们各种感官,学生能够用所给的词汇表达对音乐的看法,这其实让学生在潜移默化中说出对音乐的评论,同时也是巩固上节课的定语从句,并为下一步的阅读及对话练习做好了铺垫。)3. enjoy the song -

8、queens “i will rock you”. i take out the cd named rock you。 t: this is a cd called rock you, i like this cd because i can dance to it. remind sb of sth 使某人想起某事but i dont like the beginning of the music, its too noisy。 but it reminds me of my middle school time.4。 t: what i said just now is about cd

9、review, what do you think “review”review:评论means? the students can guess the chinese meaning of review。 【设计意图】让学生从感知上感受cd评论,为导入3a做准备,并让学生猜review的意思,为3a阅读扫清障碍.step three: readingread the review fast and silently to find the general idea读取大意.this is jennifer, read her email fast and answer。 1。 the mai

10、n idea of the email is about _a。 jennifers song review b. jennifers dance review c. a cd review from jennifer 【设计意图】: 训练学生集中精力快速阅读,敏锐捕获信息的能力-跳读的能力,一般的中下等学生都能找出.此环节设计简单,目的让学生树立信心。 read the text carefully and silently to find the specific ideas读取细节task one:1。 read jennifers cd review,and then match th

11、e sentence parts.1)。 its the kind of music _ a. who write their own lyrics.2)。 she likes musicians _ b。 brazilian dance music.3). she doesnt like songs _ c。 who sing the words clearly。4). she likes singers _d。 that you can dance to.5). the music is like _e。 that are too long。2。 the student read them

12、 out in pairs, try to say them aloud without books。【设计意图】: 此阅读让学生从整体上理解cd review,回答完问题后,让学生大声朗读这些句子,目的是让学生在读的过程中,体会定语从句.同时提高他们读和口语表达能力,为读后输出做准备。task two: read 3a carefully, and think over how to write a review of a cd, a book, or a movie?reminds you oflike and the reason.the students try to answer:a

13、 review should contain four parts: review(1) the name of the book, the cd or the movie。 dislike and the reason.(2) what you like and the reason。 the name(3) what you dislike and the reason.-(4) what it reminds you oftask three:1. read jennifers cd review carefully, try to answer the questions.1)。 wh

14、ere can you take the cd?2). can the musicians write their own lyrics?【设计意图】培养学生在读的过程中注意细节.2。 the students read 3a in rolls. 【设计意图】task two环节小组可合作讨论,此环节可教会学生如何对事物进行评论,也为section b的3a奠定基础;同时也指导学生如何写评论.task three: 2环节鼓励后进生展现自己,培养学生的大声阅读,并在分角色大声朗读课文中培养语感,并加强学生间的合作,此环节可评出 “诵读之星. step four: post-reading ac

15、tivities读后活动task one:1. read jennifers cd review again, fill in the blanks。 jennifers cd reviewjennifer likes to listen to music。 her favorite cd is 1 she often goes to parties on vacation. she can take her cd 2 , and she can 3 with her friends. jennifer prefers the musicians who 4 。 she has somethi

16、ng about the cd that she dislikes。 for example, some songs are 5 in this cd, and some of the singers dont 6 the words 7 。 the music reminds her 8 . she has listened to brazilian dance music before。 2。 read it aloud, try to retell them。【设计意图】这是关于3a -jennifers cd 评论的课文复述,此环节分层次要求,程度中下等可看课件复述,成绩优秀的学生,可

17、用自己的语言复述。(鼓励中下等学生读出,小组竞赛复述这篇cd评论,哪怕说一句也要表扬,让他们体会成功)。 此环节不仅是进一步的培养学生的阅读能力,也培养他们的复述课文的能力。让学生在了解文章的基础上,锻炼他们的思维能力、口头表达能力。task two:1。 talk with your partner about a cd you listened to recently. ask and answer the questions in activity 3b. heart strings心弦a: what cd did you listen to recently?b: i listened

18、 to one called heart strings.a: what do you think of it?b: i enjoy it a lot.a: why?b: the singer writes her own songs。 i prefer singers who write their own lyrics.【设计意图】:学生首先两人一组读出,然后以小组竞赛形式,学生拿出他们喜欢的cd进行评论,可不拘泥3b形式,鼓励英语基础薄弱的学生大胆说出,哪怕能说一句也是成功.在对cd的评论中,学生在潜移默化中学会运用recently这个单词.music is an important p

19、art in life.without music, life is a journey through a desert.没有音乐,生命就是一次穿越沙漠的旅程。enjoy music and feel good about the life.【设计意图】学生在听、评音乐中,感受音乐的魅力,此环节为情感教育。task three: make a survey and then make a report。1. choose to make a survey about 4 on p46 or the voice of china.play the piano write his own mus

20、ic play different kinds of musickey word: can write their own songs, can dance to the music, can make us happy, can play original musica: i like musicians/groups who -。b: thats not really important to me。 i like musicians/groups who -2。 suppose you are a reporter from zaozhuang tv, make a survey abo

21、ut the voice of china.q1。what kind of group do you like?/whats your favorite group?q2.what kind of music do you like/dislike?q3.who is your favorite singer/musician?q4。 who is your favorite good voice teacher? why?【设计意图】:此环节1和2部分学生可选做调查,学生可对课件内容进行调查和评论,也可对今年热播的中国好声音进行调查,调查他们熟悉的内容,为下一步的分类写作打下基础。在课件上提

22、供各种图片,目的是刺激学生的各种感官,鼓励学生有话可说;学生也不必拘泥课件图片,根据自己所了解的,尽情表达自己对音乐、音乐组合、音乐家等的评论。write out their report.task onereportmy friend and i are the same in some ways。 we both like _ who/that _, we both cant stand music_。 but in some ways we are different. i like_。 he/she prefers_-。 task twothe voice of china i lik

23、e/dislike the voice of china, i think its the kind of program that is exciting。 i prefer the singer who -i like the songs that -, it reminds me of- i like voice teacher who -.i cant understand the music that-【使用方法】:此环节为选做题,学生科根据自己的情况选做task one,还是task two。文章完成后,组间互相批改,合理评价,然后组内讨论改错,教师点评。【设计意图】:我认为学生学

24、习不一定拘泥于课本,可选择他们感兴趣的话题进行讨论,做调查,甚至写作。通过由浅入深,由易到难的教学设计,学生已经可以顺利的表达出来,写下来当然就容易的多了,并运用多元的角度进行及时评价,并抓住任何一次可能的机会进行表扬,让中下游的学生体验成功。将学生的习作通过投影或黑板报宣传栏的形式进行展示,评出星级习作打印出来.让学生学习他们的书写,行文语法等各个方面。好的文章在班级博客或我的博客中展示。step five: inquiry into knowledge by translation1、the music reminds me of brazilian music 。 (汉意_)。remin

25、d sb. of sb./ sth. _ remind sb. to do sth._ 1)。这首歌让他想起了他的妈妈。this song reminds him _his mother。2).请提醒我给妈妈写信。remind me _ to mother(write).2、i listened to one called heart string. (汉意_)。1) called= named _与前面的单词是_关系. we are always the one _(受影响的)。2) 电影哈里波特 a movie_ harry potter3、thats not really importa

26、nt to me 。 (汉意_)。 sth. is/are important to sb _。its important for sb。 to do sth。 _ 1)英语对我们来说非常重要。english is very_ _ us。 2)对于我们来说学习英语很重要 _ important _ _ _ learn english well. 1. i love singers who _ their own music。 (write) who / that 在定语从句中做_时,谓语动词的单复数应与_保持一致2。 活学活用: 1) i prefer shoes that _cool. (b

27、e)2) i like a pizza that _really delicious。 (be) 3). love singers who _beautiful。 (be)4)。 i have a friend who _ sports。 (play)【设计意图】首先让学生先独立思考,然后小组讨论,接着让学生展示自己的成果。鼓励学生在讲台前看课件并且板书讲解。再次鼓励后进生讲解,运用多元评价进行鼓励学生,采取小组加分的形式,或师生表扬的形式,让他们体会学习的乐趣。语法聚焦部分,让学生在本单元第二课时基本理解定语从句基础上,进一步深入,即关系词在定语从句中做主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式。sum

28、up课堂小结:【设计意图】学生尽可能自己有条理的说出今日所学,让学生学会自己总结。step six: the end of class test 当堂检测:一根据词的适当形式填空。1. everyone puts his mother in his _ (心)。2。 he cant stand _(work) there。3。 have you ever read the book _ (call )the old man and the sea? 4。 she likes musicians who _(play ) different kinds of music.5. liu huan

29、is a great _(music), many people like him. 二. 根据汉语意思完成下面英语句子。1。 那对我来说确实不重要。2。 我喜欢那些自己谱曲的歌手。3。 安喜欢能跟着唱的音乐。4。 有些歌手吐词不清.5. 这些音乐让我想到了巴西舞曲。homework you must: 1。memorize the new words and useful expressions. 2。 preview section bif you can: 1。 written: review a song that youve heard. 2。 whats your favorite

30、 band, book, or movie?教学反思: 在本节课一开始,我播放right here waiting,吸引学生们的兴趣,并引导他们运用定语从句把他们所听到的,所看到的音乐感受尽量用定语从句说出来,为本课阅读打下好的基础,为投入本课的学习创造积极的心理状态,并引入本节课的主题:对cd评论的阅读。快速阅读读取大意,降低了阅读的难度,增强了学生尤其是中下等水平学生的自信心;通过读取细节,培养学生在阅读的过程中,根据任务要求,抓住细节,解决实际问题的能力和快速浏览信息和迅速扑捉有用信息能力,利于提高学生的阅读能力.同时我又设计一环节,通过阅读cd review,思考如何写cd revie


32、定语从句,同时又让他们自己总结定语从句的用法。分层次阅读指导,并鼓励后进生展示,让他们树立自信;report在班级博客上展示,鼓励学生积极写作。 小组合作竞争,并运用多元评论,老师评价,小组评价,自我评价,调动学生的积极性。不足本来准备好几首英语歌曲音乐视频,那会让学生更多欣赏,更多评论,但本节课主要是读写课,不得不删掉一些.但以后可陆续播放。使用注意事项: 1。刚开始引入时,单击左边控件工具箱的退出设计模式,(即单击一下左边控件工具箱的左上三角尺),就可放出视频the song right here waiting。 2。 学生可选做调查与写作。学生可对课件内容据课本4进行调查、评论和写作,

33、也可对今年热播的中国好声音进行调查、评论和写作。让他们对自己熟悉的内容进行调查和写作。课堂自评section a(3a4)unit6时间:课堂表现与上节课相比:进步基本不变退步我已基本掌握的本节课的要点有:我还未掌握的本节课的要点有:我需要在这几方面加强学习:组长评论教师评论答案:preview:1)dislike 2) remind 3) heard 4)string 5) the name of 6) sing the words clearly 7)take to 8) i cant stand it 9) brazilian dance music 10) remind of has

34、great lyrics 12)thats not important to me 13) dance to music 14) sing along withread the review fast and silently to find the general idea读取大意。 答案:cread the text carefully and silently to find the specific ideas读取细节task one: 答案:d a e c b task two:答案:how to write a review of a book, a cd, or a movie?

35、a review should contain four parts: (1) the name of the book, the cd or the movie。 remind you ofreviewdislike and the reason.like and the reason.(2) what you like and the reason. the name(3) what you dislike and the reason。(4) what it reminds you of-task three: 答案:1) you can take the cd to a party。 2) yes, they can.post-reading activities读后活动答案:(1)”dance, dance,dance. (2) to parties (3)dance to it (4) write their own lyrics (5) too long (6) sing (7) clearly (8) of brazilian dance


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