



1、教学设计执教杨德圃学校新泰市协庄学校授课年级五年级学科英语教学内容PEP5 Unit 5 There is a big bedlPart A Lets spell教学目标 知识与能力目标:1.学生能掌握字母组合ai/ay在单词中的常见发音,即:/e/;2.学生能读出符合ai/ay发音规则的单词,并能根据读音拼写出符合ai/ay发音规则的单词;3.学生能在单线上完成抄写句子的活动,做到书写规范。 情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标:1.学生能提高自主探究、归纳语音规则的能力;2.学生能够做到见到符合ai/ay发音规则的单词能拼读,听到符合ai/ay发音规则的单词能拼写;3.学生能从补充故事中体会“

2、No pain, no gain.”“The rainbow always comes out after the rain.”等格言的寓意,培养积极进取的态度。教学重点1.学生能掌握字母组合ai/ay在单词中的常见发音,即:/e/;2.学生能读出符合ai/ay发音规则的单词,并能根据读音拼写出符合ai/ay发音规则的单词;教学难点学生根据读音拼写符合ai/ay发音规则的单词时,发/e/音的具体是ai字母组合还是ay字母组合,不容易区分。教学准备CAI word cards sentence cards 设计思路由读句子判断真假的小游戏引出带字母组合ay的例词,学生发现并归纳出ay在单词中常发

3、/e/音的规则,然后通过跟读模仿、拼读单词等活动,学生建立字母组合ay的音形对应关系。而后小故事介入顺势引出带字母组合ai的例词,感知ai与ay都发/e/音的规则,通过拼读活动强化ai的音形对应关系。随后通过歌谣、听音圈词、归纳ai常在词中、ay常在词末的规律、听音补全句子等活动,逐步达成见词能读、听音能写的目标。最后通过绘本故事小结整课、巩固所学。教学过程Step 1: Warm-up 1. Have the students enjoy and follow the song: Rain, rain, go away.2. Greet with the students and ask t

4、hem to read the teachers English name: James.3. By playing a game -Read and say yes or no, elicit some words with “ay”: day, say, play, Monday, birthday, etcStep 2: Presentation and practice1. Guide the students to read these words and find out the same sound of “ay”. And practice it.(1) Encourage t

5、he students to read and discuss in pairs to find the same sound. (2) By playing the video, let the students get the answers: “ai” says /e/. (3) Have the students read these words: Monday, birthday, say, way, always, Jay, May. (4) Tell a small story: Jay the Snail and May the Snail are going to play

6、far away. Its such a long way. They say: Oh, its rainy. Lets wait for the train. Maybe theres a rainbow after rain.2. By discussing the sound of “ai” in the story above, help the students find and practice the sound “ai” /e/.(1) By playing the video, let the students get the answers: “ai” says /e/ a

7、nd chant it.(2) Have the students read these words: rainy, rainbow, wait, paint, train, snail, etc.(3) Let the students listen and follow the chant: I cannot wait.3. Practice “ai” and “ay”(1) Let the students to finish the exercise: Listen, read and circle. (2) Have the students play a game - Read a

8、nd spell.(3) Have the students guess what the whole sentence is and do the exercise: Look, listen and write.Step 3: Consolidation and extension1. By showing three English proverbs with “ai” and “ay”, let the students choose their favourite ones and read it.2. Enjoy a story “Wait! Wait! Wait!” Read and act in groups. Step 4: Homework. 1. Listen and read the words on P50. 2. Share the story with your friends.设计意图儿歌激趣,紧扣本课内容。拼读教师名字“James”,旨在复习a-e组合。游戏引出例词,读与讨论中感知并归纳ay发音规则。动画原音输入。训练“见词能读”能力。引出ai的例词及其发


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