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1、 英语求职,申请信 -a letter of application(2012全国)假定你是李华,你从互联网上得知一个国际中学生组织将在新加坡Singapore举办夏令营,欢迎各国学生参加。请写一封电子邮件申请参加。 主要内容包括; 1.自我介绍。 2.参加意图(介绍中国,了解其他国家); 3.希望获准。 假设你是李华,你们学校的报社不断发展,要招收更多的兼职编辑。你以前曾在报纸和杂志上发表过文章,想加入学校的报社。请据此写一封申请信,申请成为报社的编辑。 1.词数为120左右。 2.可适当增加内容,以使行文连贯通顺。 3.开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear General Editor,

2、Im pleased to hear that_ 假如你叫李华,你所在的城市即将举办国际贸易博览会。你从网上得知有关部门现向全社会招聘志愿者。要求; 1. 具有为国际友人服务的热情。 2.掌握丰富的文化知识,既是服务人员,又是传播文化的使者。 3.具有良好的英语表达能力,能做好交流沟通工作。 the International Trade Exposition假设你是李华,已满18岁,正读高三,平时喜欢上网,听音乐游泳打篮球,性格外向,乐于助人。暑假期间,你在报纸上看到一个超市招兼职销售员,请你写一封信给人事部经理申请这份工作,一是为了锻炼自己,二是为了积累工作经验,为将来步入社会作准备。随信

3、附上你的电话66885592Dear Manager, Im Li Ming,_ Im looking forward to hearing from you soon. yours truly, Li Ming第一段:开篇点题,交代消息来源,说明写信的目的。 1. Ive learned from your ad that your company is in need of an engineer.Im writing to apply for the job. 2. I am delighted/pleased to know that _ is needed in _.I am con

4、fident that I am fit the requirements that you listed in your advertisement. 3. I have heard the news that you are empolying_for_.so Im writing to apply for the position. 4.I am writing in response to your advertisement, which I saw in the local newspaper yesterday.Id like to apply for the job.第二段:四

5、部分 1. 自我介绍 2. 才艺展示(特长) 3. 性格特点 4. 申请目的自我介绍introduce yourselfyours: I am li Hua. I am a boy and I am 17 years old. I study in Shiyan Middle School. I am in Class 1, Senior 2.mine: 1. I am a boy of 17 years old from Class 1,Senior 2 ,studying in No 1 middle school. 2. I am a seven-year-old boy,and now

6、 in Senior 2. 3. I am li Hua , president of the students union in .school. 4. I am li Hua, a middle school student from China. 才艺展示I am good at English. My English is very good.I can speak English very well. I have a good knowledge/command of English/writing/computers and there is no trouble for me

7、to communicate with others in English fluently. Besides,I have won the first prize/place in the English Speech Contest held by our city,which also proves my ability of English. 性格特征I am good and independent.I am easy-going.I am friendly and open.Being easy-going, I can get along well with others eas

8、ilyand work well in a team.Being friendly, I am willing to help others in trouble and respected by others because of what I did.I am so easy-going that I can get along well.参加意图 1.On the one hand,I want to examine myself in the modern society and would like to train my ability.On the other hand,I ca

9、n gain some working experience for my future job.2. In order to improve my skills of-,I want to apply for -so that I could make a good contrIbution to society.3. Now I would like to put what I have learned into practice.第三段:表希望1. If you could take the trouble to provide me with the chance at your co

10、nvenience,I would appreciate it very much,looking forward to your early reply.2.I should be grateful if you can take my application into consideration,looking forward to your reply.3. I shall be much thankful if you will offer me this precious opportunity,and I will try my best to work for your company.By the way, my telephone number is.sample writingDe


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