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1、Part-Time Employment Contract雇佣合同(兼职) Party A: 甲 方: Party B 乙 方: Date签订日期: Party A (the “Employer”) : 甲方: Address: 地址: Party B (the “Employee”) 乙方: Gender性别: Nationality国籍: Passport No. 护照号码: Address居住地址: Contact 联系方式: The Employer and the Employee reach an agreement through friendly consultation, s

2、ign the contract in the principles of legality, equality and willingness, and pledge to fulfill all obligations stipulated hereinafter.甲、乙双方通过友好协商达成一致, 本着合法、平等、自愿的原则签订本兼职劳动合同,并承诺共同遵守。一. Employment term雇佣期限1. The employment term is one year, lasting from to . After one year, if both need to continue

3、to work together, both will sign new agreement 雇佣期限为1年,自 起至 止。一年后若双方需要继续合作,将签订新的合同。二. Job Title and Description 工作岗位及职责2. The Employer agrees to employ Mr Gerben Van Den Broeck as Sales Representative, located in .甲方聘任乙方担任销售代表。3. Based on the Employer business requirements, the Employee agrees to pr

4、ovide part-time service as below:根据甲方业务需求,乙方愿意以兼职形式为甲方提供以下服务: Develop new customers in Netherland and Belgium, and Chargeurs (Lainiere de Picardie) from France开发荷兰和 比利时区域的新客户,和法国的客户Chargeurs客。 New customers mean the customers which are never registered in the Employers ERP system. 新客户

5、以在甲方ERP系统里没有注册过为准。没有被注册过,则为新客户。 The Employee should ask the Employer support team in SAB headquarter to check whether the customer is already registered in the employers ERP system before the Employee engages in developing the specific customer. If the customer has been in the Employers ERP system,

6、which will be defined as the Employers old customer, the Employee should keep hands off it.乙方开始开发一个新客户前,需和甲方的中国对接团队确认此客户是否已经在ERP系统注册过。若此客户已经被注册,则甲方禁止继续开发此客户。 The Employer can register the customer developed by the Employee in ERP system from the first time to develop the sample for this customer rat

7、her than the first time to visit the customer. According to the Employer Headquarter operation principle, if there is not any sales and active contact after 6 months from the registration while another SAB branch office finds the way to develop samples, the previous registration will be invalid and

8、the customer will be open to that branch office to develop samples and make sales, then that branch office will be in charge of the customer.乙方开发的新客户开始有打样时,而不是第一次拜访客户时,甲方将在ERP系统注册此客户。但根据甲方总公司的经营原则,客户在注册6个月后没有销售也没有积极接触并且其它分公司找到合适方式来开发样品时,之前的注册将失效。其它分公司可以开发打样销售,这种情况下客户将归其它分公司管理。3.2 Maintain and furthe

9、r develop the customers which the Employee and china support team developed in 2017, such as .维护和进一步开发乙方及中国支持团队在2017年开发的客户,例如 。3.3 About the old customers关于老客户: The Employee is not allowed to visit the Employers old customers (same group 4 band) in the name of SAB.乙方不能以甲方的名义拜访甲方的老客户如 。 If the Employ

10、er needs help for old customer visiting, the Employer will discuss with Employee and pay the Employee at one-time price depends on each visiting.当甲方需要乙方帮忙拜访老客户时,甲方会和乙方商量并根据具体拜访事宜单次付款。 The Employee is not allowed to sell competitors same trim ( ) to and any other new customers.乙方不能销售其它同行的相同产品( )给 及其它

11、开发的新客户。 The Employer will inform above information to the old customers after the contract is signed.此劳动合同签订后,甲方将上面的信息通知给老客户。3.4 The Employee is required to send the meeting information to China support team after visiting customer each time on the same day or on the second day at the latest, to mak

12、e sure the China support team and the Employee are on the same page, and the support team provide timely support. If the Employee fails in doing this, the China support team is entitled to push the Employee until the get the meeting information.每次拜访客户后乙方需要当天把会议信息发给中国的对接团队,最迟第二天,确保中国的对接团队和乙方了解同样的信息以便

13、提供及时的支持。如果乙方没有发送会议信息,甲方的对接团队有权督促乙方直到乙方发送会议信息。3.5 The employee is required to get the business card and send it to the China support team for record after visiting a new customer for the first time, send the meeting information to the customer and cc the support team. 对于新客户的首次拜访,乙方需要获得客户名片并发中国对接团队留底。

14、发送会议信息给客户并抄送中国对接团队。3.6 The Employer provides necessary support to the Employee, including the support team in SAB headquarter to assist the Employee, season new collections, the samples etc. 甲方需给乙方提供必要的支付,包括协助乙方开发工作的对接团队,新季度选样,样品等。3.7 Both parties should consult and discuss with for all communicatio

15、ns and any key decision, and all emails should cc .所有沟通及重要决定,双方需要和Maurizio先生讨论,所有邮件也需要抄送Maurizio先生。三. Salary and Compensation薪酬及福利4. The job is commission based, without base salary此工作基于提成,无基本工资。5. The Employer pays the employee 5% commission quarterly, based on the total sales volume of the new cus

16、tomers developed by the Employee, including the new customer which the employee developed in 2017 (referring to 3.1 & 3.2) and future new customers developed by the Employee. The Employer related person in SAB headquarter will send the Employee the sales volume monthly for the Employee check and rec

17、ord.甲方支付乙方5%的销售提成,以乙方开发的新客户(包括2017年开发的客户详情参考3.1和3.2规定,和未来开发的新客户)销售总额计提销售提成。每季度支付一次。甲方每月统计销售额并发给乙方核对和记录。6. The employer pays the employee service fee each time when the scenario described in 3.3 happens.甲方按次支付乙方拜访甲方老客户的费用,详情参考3.3的规定。7. The Employer is obliged to pay cost compensations in line with th

18、e principles of:甲方按以下原则报销乙方的费用:7.1 If the customers are located in , the Employee will bear all the cost for visiting and marketing.当乙方拜访 的客户时,全部费用乙方自理。7.2 If the customers are located outside , and the Employer ask the Employee to visit the customers or the Employee get the preapproval from the Emp

19、loyer, the Employer will pay travel expense to the Employee, including the cost for: Economy class air ticket Intercity train Local transportation Normal standard hotel Meal (Inside Europe: 20/day, outside Europe: 40/day)当乙方拜访 以外的客户,并且是甲方要求乙方或者乙方预先获得甲方的批准时,甲方全额报销差旅费(经济舱机票,城际列车,当地交通),住宿费(常规标准酒店)。欧洲内,

20、甲方支付餐费20欧/天;欧洲外,甲方支付餐费40欧/天。8. The Employer agrees a one-off payment of 1500 in recognition of the Employees contribution in 2017. The head office will pay before July 10, 2018.甲方同意一次性支付乙方1500欧,做为对乙方2017年所做贡献的肯定。甲方总部将在2018年7月10日完成支付。9. The original invoices or receipts are required for the imburseme

21、nt for travel expense before any payment described above. The employer pays by the 10th of every month after receiving the invoices or receipts from the Employee.所有差旅报销项目,支付前均需乙方提供发票或收据原件。甲方在收到乙方提供的发票后每月10号前完成支付。四. Termination of Employment雇佣合同的终止10. This contract will be terminated once it expires

22、and both parties do not extend the contract.合同期满双方不再续签,雇佣合同即终止。11. The Employer may terminate the contract without prior notice when the Employee is found guilty on a criminal liability suit.乙方被判决承担刑事责任时,甲方无需提前通知乙方,即可终止雇佣合同。12. Either the Employer or the Employee may terminate the contract by giving

23、 a 30 days prior written notice in 6 months from the date of signing. 自合同签订日起6个月后,甲乙双方均可提前30天书面通知对方后终止雇佣合同。五. Others 其它事项13. The Employee is required to cc the Employer related persons including Maurizio, Tracy, Ivy and support team for all emails between customers. 乙方和客户的所有邮件,均需抄送甲方的相关人员,包括 及对接团队。1

24、4. The Employee agrees that, during the employment and for a period of one year following the termination or expiration of this contract, the Employee doesnt disclose any confidential information of the Employer; doesnt not entice the departure of any employee working for the Employer. 雇佣期间或者雇佣合同终止后的一年


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