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1、and urban medical rescue work, conscientiously strengthen leadership, sound system. county government was set up by the magistrate as head of the government, civil affairs, finance, health, labour and other related departments mainly responsible as members of the leading group for rural cooperative

2、medical care. formed a government, the home of the county supervisors, operation mechanism of collaboration. this year, the county started implementing medicaid one-stop real time service, medical assistance, basic medical insurance, effective convergence of insurance and medical relief implementati

3、on plan for 2015 i counties to reconsider an amendment will be accepted to extend the hours of medical aid on june 30, and county-wide poverty population range of serious disease including medical assistance, protection of agricultural and pastoral areas in 22 major diseases and implement home healt

4、h aid secondary aid, to achieve a longitudinal and transverse to the side of medicaid coverage. so far, the total investment 2.8772 million yuan relief 955 visits the sick poor people in urban and rural areas, 155,000 to rescue 65 people in patients with serious diseases. (d) efforts to the developm

5、ent of social welfare service, constantly improve the five-guarantee system. implementing regulations of the rural five-guarantee work, further increase the intensity of day-to-day management and services to the five objects, ensure that the five should do, according to shi bao on the basis of furth

6、er perfecting rural five-guarantee system, raise the level of support. so far, funding for any county 89 wubaohu 524,700. meanwhile, as a region-wide severe disabilities aged care subsidies this year pilot counties, our county has been seriously disabled elderly nursing allowance pilot program, comp

7、leting survey work for severely disabled older people throughout the county, and in june began issuing subsidies, up to now, the nursing allowance total 79200 yuan. for a better implementation of the system of funding for raising, my county in 2015 revised burqin county of new rural cooperative medi

8、cal care program, will include the full scope of medical aid. existing 149 orphans in our county are scattered for the community support officers, standard 700 yuan/month/person, up to now, the total life subsidies for the 149 orphans 983,400 winter coal subsidies for 180,000 yuan. (e) optimize resc

9、ue, relief work strengthening the vagrants and beggars. under the voluntary aided, voluntary aid bailout principles, further strengthening the work of relief for vagrants and beggars, vagrants and beggars provide assistance such as accommodation, return travel by car, especially for children, the el

10、derly, and the sick, disabled people and young homeless person to implement a point-to-point first aid, after clearing protective relief, and safeguard the basic rights of bailouts. meanwhile, coordinating public security, urban management, manipulation, coercion against organizations such as the us

11、e of minors, begging for the disabled and to disrupt public order and other illegal panhandling. up to now, a total of 31,000 torelief for vagrants and beggars of 42 passengers. (vi) with a focus on safeguarding the peoples livelihood, promote home projects. adhere to the project as the starting poi

12、nt, positive projects, schedule, quality, safety, and to quicken the construction of projects, has made a new breakthrough. in 2015, two projects, burqin county community day care centre for the elderly in friendship peak project, burqin county hemu kanas mongolia扣件式钢管(拉吊卸荷)脚手架设计计算书(+39.80m+58.90m)段

13、工程名称:塘厦迎宾豪苑编制单位:东莞市骏鹏建筑工程有限公司一、 综合简述1、主要规程、规范(1)建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范(jgj 130-2001,2002年版)(2)建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范(jgj 80-91)(3)建筑施工安全检查标准(jgj 59-99)(4)钢结构设计规范(gb500172003)(5)一般用途钢丝绳(gb/t 20118-2006)(6)建筑结构荷载规范(gb5009-2001)(2006年版);(7)混凝土结构设计规范(g1350010-2002)(8) 施工图纸2、计算参数设定脚手架采用48x3.5钢管,内立杆离墙尺寸0.35m,拉吊段高度22.

14、50m;立杆步距h=1.70m,立杆纵距la=1.30m ,立杆横距=0.85m;纵向杆上有2条横向杆,拉吊段底标高+39.80m,冲压钢脚手板铺13.00层。3、钢管截面特征 壁厚t=3.5mm,截面积a=489mm2,惯性矩i=121900mm4;截面模量w=5080mm3,回转半径i=15.8mm,每米长质量0.0384kn/m;q235钢抗拉、抗压和抗弯强度设计值f=205n/mm2 ,弹性模量e=206000n/mm2。4、荷载标准值(1) 永久荷载标准值每米立杆承受的结构自重标准值0.1200kn/m脚手板采用冲压钢脚手板,自重标准值为0.35kn/m2栏杆与挡板采用栏杆、冲压钢脚

15、手板挡板,自重标准值为0.1400kn/m脚手架上吊挂的安全设施(安全网)自重标准值0.0050kn/m2(2)施工均布活荷载标准值装修脚手架2.00kn/m2 结构脚手架3.00kn/m2 (3)作用于脚手架上的水平风荷载标准值k拉吊段高度为22.50m拉吊段底离地高度39.80m地面粗糙度按b类 风压高度变化系数z=1.56挡风系数= 0.871 背靠建筑物按敞开,框架和开洞墙计算,则脚手架风荷载体型系数 s= 1.3=1.1323基本风压0=0.55kn/m2 广东广州市 (按现行国家标准建筑结构荷载规范(gb5009-2006)的规定采用)水平风荷载标准值k=0.71.561.130.

16、55=0.68kn/m2二、纵横向水平杆验算1、纵向水平杆验算a) 荷载计算脚手板自重gk2=0.350.28=0.10kn/m施工活荷qk=3.000.28=0.84kn/m作用于纵向水平杆线荷载标准值q=1.2gk 1.4qk = 1.2(0.0384+0.10)+1.40.84=1.34kn/mb) 纵向水平杆受力计算每根钢管长约6m,按四跨连续梁计算 (1) 抗弯强度验算弯矩系数km=0.107最大弯矩m=kmq12 =0.1071.341.301.30=0.24kn.m抗弯强度=m/w =0.241065080.00=47.24n/mm2 f=205n/mm2 抗弯强度满足要求(2)

17、挠度验算挠度系数k=0.632最大挠度=kq4/(100ei) =0.6321.34(1300)4(100ei)=0.963mm挠度l/150=1300/150=9mm与10mm 挠度满足要求2、横向水平杆受力计算a)荷载计算钢管自重gk1=0.0384kn/m中间纵向水平杆传递支座反力r中=1.141.34001.30=1.986kn旁边纵向水平杆传递支座反力r边=1.986/2=0.993knb)横向水平杆受力计算(1)抗弯强度验算最大弯矩m=q2/8r中a=0.03840.850.858+1.9860.28=0.57kn.m抗弯强度 =m/w =570000.005080.00=112.

18、20n/mm2 f=205n/mm2 抗弯强度满足要求(2)挠度验算集中荷载产生的挠度为:1=pa(3l24a2)/(24ei)=1986280.00(3850.002 - 4280.002)(24ei)=1.71mm均布荷载产生的挠度为:2=5q4/384ei=50.0384850.004 (384ei)=0.01mm最大挠度 =12 =1.71+0.01=1.72mm 1/150=850/150=5.7mm与10mm 挠度满足要求三、立杆计算1.立杆容许长细比验算计算长度附加系数k=1.0考虑脚手架整体稳定因素的单杆计算长度系数=1.50(2步3跨 查建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范j

19、gj130-2001,2002年版 表5.5.3)立杆步距h=1.70m立杆计算长度o=kh=1.001.501.70=2.55m长细比=o/i= 2550.0015.80=161.39容许长细比 210 立杆长细比满足要求2立杆稳定性验算(1)荷载计算立杆所受荷载包括:脚手架结构自重、构配件自重及活荷。其中:1)脚手架结构自重包括:立杆、纵向水平杆、横向水平杆、剪刀撑、横向斜撑和扣件等的自重 gk=0.1200kn/m脚手架结构自重:nglk=gkh=0.120022.50 = 2.70kn2)构配件自重包括:脚手板、栏杆、挡脚板、安全网等到防护设施的自重脚手板重量:131.300.430.

20、35=2.51kn栏杆、挡脚板重量:131.300.1400=2.37kn安全网重量:22.501.300.005 = 0.15kn构配件自重ng2k=2.51+2.37+0.15 =5.03kn 3)活荷包括: 施工荷载按3层作业计算 ,查建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范jgj130-2001,2002年版 表4.2.2,得ngk=1.3000.4(3.002.00)=3.12kn 风荷载标准值计算风荷载标准值k=0.6800kn/m2由风荷载设计值产生的立杆段弯矩mw= 0.85 1.4mk= 0.851.4kah2/10=0.851.40.681.301.70210=0.30kn.m

21、(1)轴心受压稳定性系数o=kh=1.1551.501.70=2.945m= o/i= 2945.015.8=186.39 =0.207(2)立杆稳定性验算1)不组合风荷载时n=1.2(nglk+ ng2k)1.4nqk=1.2(2.70+5.03)+1.43.12=13.64knn/(a)=136400.207489=134.75n/mm2f=205n/mm22)组合风荷载时n=1.2(nglk+ ng2k)0.851.4nqk=1.2(2.70+5.03)+0.851.43.12=12.99knn/(a)mw/w=129900.207489+3000005080=187.39n/mm2f=

22、205n/mm2 立杆稳定性验算为187.39n/mm2205n/mm2,立杆稳定性满足要求四、钢丝绳抗拉强度验算 h=5.70m,l=0.85m,n=13.6400kn钢丝绳采用14.00mm,=0.85,k=6破断拉力总和f破 = kd2ro/1000 = f破k =109.670.856.00=15.54kntoa =13.645.825.70=13.94knp=15.54kntob =13.645.715.70=13.67knn拉=27.61kn 吊环强度大于每个吊环承受的拉力,吊环强度满足要求六、连墙件计算连墙件采用48x3

23、.5钢管,截面积为489.0mm2,fy=210n/mm2按每个结构层花排设置,纵向间距取2跨,脚手架最高62.30m连墙件轴向力设计值n1= n1wn0,其中:风压高度变化系数z=1.86(标高+70m),基本风压o=0.55kn/m2挡风系数=0.871背靠建筑物按敞开、框架和开洞墙计算,则脚手架风荷载体型系数:s=1.3=1.1323风荷载标准值k,=0.71.861.13230.55=0.81kn/m2n1w=1.4ka=1.40.813.0021.30=8.85kn连墙件约束脚手架平面外变形所产生的轴向力,按双排脚手架,取no=5.00knn1= n1wn0=8.85+5.00=13

24、.85kn=n1/a连墙件=13854489.0=28.33fy=210n/mm2钢筋连墙件强度=28.33n/mm2fy=210n/mm2,满足要求。七、计算结果 脚手架采用48x3.5钢管,内立杆离墙尺寸0.35m,拉吊段高度22.50m; 立杆步距h=1.70m,立杆纵距=1.30m,立杆横距=0.85m,冲压钢脚手板铺13层。national rural home for the project. according to the countys general plan, integration of resources, in 2014, new burqin county sen

25、ior center project, the current project has been completed, internal equipment purchasing and working culture decoration is complete, start review acceptance, put into use by the end. my county is based on the basic livelihood needs to actively seek public service facilities, 2015 to declare mutual

26、assistance in building rural old happiness in burqin county 8 projects, invested 400,000 yuan lottery ticket equipment purchased during the year for the rural mutual happiness. while actively works with development and reform department, fighting for construction project of burqin county disaster re

27、lief material reserves, at present the project has completed feasibility study procedures, feasibility study approval. in 2015, the county invested 500,000 yuan, perfect muslim funeral home facilities, upgrading services and project acceptance. meanwhile, seeking burqin county non-muslim funeral hom

28、e works, so far the project has completed the project site, is for the early procedures. (vii) working steadily among others, the full implementation of the special care and placement policy. to further improve the quality of activities among others as the goal, close to military practice, deepening

29、 the county among others. during the spring festival, the eid al-adha period with condolences resident was paid 125,000 yuan forces and the soldiers back, special care and activities, while increasing work of demobilized stability control, regular or irregular visit condolence activities, understand

30、 the ideological trends, solve difficulties in life, increase the spear shield troubleshooting to resolve and implement a policy, effectively safeguarding social stability. as of now, 148 of the county issued living allowances 1.0648 million yuan, 4 retired veteran cadres to pay health insurance pre

31、miums 10,770, pay health insurance premiums for the 3 families of retired veteran cadres 7,800 yuan, 70 rural veterans aged over 60 issued living subsidies of 176,000 yuan, issued for 27 veterans a one-time employment economic benefit of 1.286 million yuan. (h) strengthen measures, promoting divisio

32、n names and basic power. division name: according to the autonomous regions urbanization development plans county finished wo yimoke xiang town, xiang to withdraw monthly, has passed the home office review of the autonomous region, continued this year to complete the scope stack xiang jian zhen xiang withdr


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