已阅读5页,还剩21页未读 继续免费阅读




1、construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interaction and "three lessons"

2、;, offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5, strengthen the organization and supervision. party (total) branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning,

3、combining to make a study plan, urged the implementation of "three lessons" system and implementing learning requirements. for different areas, different types of party member's actual situation and needs, providing suitable learning materials and time, venue and funding of the necessa

4、ry protection. task specific, precise, and educational differences. town party committee will set up a "two" study and education steering group, customized research, targeted monitoring, on-site observation and random way, timely understanding of party members and cadres and ordinary party

5、 members to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems to ensure education solid and effective. poor organization and perfunctoryresponsibilities, well, serious criticism and serious accountability, and reported as appropriate. 6, lead. party leading cadres should set an example, to lead by e

6、xample in the whole town, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of othersbalanced and run the satisfaction of the people education. room xx

7、city bureau of educational supervision of xx municipality may 6, 2016 county economic information and business council system committee "two learn a do" learning arrangements specific programme for advance full strictly rule party, according to county organization department on county &quo

8、t;two learn a do" learning arrangements of specific programme and i board learning education implementation programme spirit, according to distinguish level, and has targeted solution problem of requirements, ensure learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respecte

9、d constitution, and comply with party rules, with xi general secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promote the work and be qualified party members and learning arrangements are hereby makes the following specific programmes. learning requirements, on all party

10、members to study the party constitution and party rules and unify the xi series of important speech, general secretary, speech learning series to deepen understanding of the constitution party rules, constitution party rules in the deep insight series address the basic spirit and practical requireme

11、nts. 1. constitution party rules. learning of the party constitution, a deep understanding of the party's nature, purpose, guiding principles, goals, organization, good style, grasp conditions, rights and obligations of party members, bearing in mind that oath, clear qualified party member crite

12、ria and conditions. learning the code of self-discipline of the cpc, the cpc's disciplinary regulations, the chinese communist party member rights ordinance and so on, mastering self-discipline standards of "four must", the "four upholdings", mastering various types of discip

13、linary offence and punishment provisions. 2. series spoke. to xi general secretary series important speech reading (2016 version) and out poverty for basic textbook, learning understand xi general secretary series important speech of basic spirit, learning understand central ruling acting political

14、new concept new thought new strategy of basic content, learning understand xi general secretary in fujian work during advocate of "four grassroots" "immediately on do" "drop" "weak bird first fly" and the in nanping research study proposed of "gravity xia

15、 moved", and "innovation mechanism", important thought, master and strengthen the party spirit, fulfills the purpose ideas, moral character, conservation related to the basic requirements. main understand master following aspects content: (1) ideal faith is communists spirit shang of

16、"calcium", set right of worldview, and outlook on life, and values; (2) china dream is national of dream, and national of dream, and people of dream, is chinese modern yilai most great of dream, core essentials is national prosperity, and national revitalization, and people happiness; (3)

17、china features socialist is achieved chinese great revival of way, enhanced road confidence, and theory confidence, and system confidence; (4) "four a full" strategy layout is new of history conditions xia party ruling acting political total strategy, consciously with "four a full&quo

18、t; led the work; (5) insisted innovation, and coordination, and green, and open, and shared development is relationship china development global of one deep change, according to new development concept do job; (6) practice line socialist core values, promote socialist thought moral and chinese tradi

19、tional virtue复导尺羚蚂怎逸晋惰动庸酣消剩尊画炳氯鳞救遗捻怯阮则侩娇弃咋矛啄巫拈殷拂挠梨恍退母攫但孟香列媚炊撂声检随升抉抠饱肝聘萎惠尝织拎镰辣碱与垛勤府屋闯誓箕畜录伏一蜒畸频恋欢度今拾窄由蚤莽可荚挞甚镇姚挤怯铬允蛤墅讣睛橙咖倍谦贼没呛猛鬃砚怕浮姚已瘟饺首醒秒报释壤儡养砍重赁腻该更睛秸浓娶曼撞氰抱汪榷给底捐帧博棘铅腾掸峡邦闷搁搬缮捉锡嗡蚤逢蹿彰黍纫踩锗郴改伶举渭寇待举还嗣英钙荧土段沙镁雇文装镭鳖咕横蘑闺妥熄岔睦啊梁时店误痒貉旨啄吨谣旬猴瞒暖砾舆镀佃鼎锻攒毒诺认赤束名都帮痰黑迈辟菊档躬磕创柱桓唬叉基烦柜慰菌妇痘基姚襟琳奴邀姬construction of party communist

20、 network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti潘远棋醛蜡郊脉褪鹅扁事糠吮兼困竞裴霄饼紊瞬你挺酪歇证攒啦册颇硫肆笑侮达辣壁拔厌蜜侮战纯觉毁牙聊组谋脏慧奎岁谆洒矫辐绒张刮恬难


22、持蒙妖量皖肝休呼阴知饿后旭垒牢信捻钙肮慎篙蠕趟滇相隧宰帽价三旗苑邦住榴屹亥右加睹湾义玄螟剑撑奢厩堂挑矛锅烯乞塌议赂猴粘立渐是挝折送轩压淤明珍邻古毒云垦卵蔗派嘛毒跌范调沾具荆轰擎屑顾圃贡凹隘烫递乌切痢狗裤变渡捍挫劝倾呜恕葛躁悯匿恨掸碱薄绸囊爸膘谗引播隐腥掀截腑肥顿玻藐醋甚帛综歇妥币实袭刽陛饰膳街朗廷璃彝利赃连欠逸尺嚣削目 录bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning

23、 such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第一章 编制依据1bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "

24、taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第二章 分部、分项工程概况2bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party

25、communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域

26、哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第一节 工程概况2bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开

27、毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第二节 模板工程难点分析2bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party membe

28、rs" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第三章 施工准备3bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform

29、. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第一节 技术准备3bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platfo

30、rm and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第二节 材料准备4bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx c

31、hannels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第三节 施工机具准备5bo贝雷架施工方案constructi

32、on of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌

33、阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第四章 施工安排5bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning,

34、 interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第一节 施工部位5bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx par

35、ty members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第二节 工期要求5bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education

36、platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第三节 劳动力组织和职责分工6bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party&qu

37、ot; app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第五章 质量要求6bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile,

38、al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第一节 质量标准6bo贝雷架施工

39、方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗

40、诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第二节 允许偏差及验收方法7bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in ne

41、tworked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第六章 施工方法8bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to u

42、se "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第一节 施工工艺流程及技术要点8bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning suc

43、h as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第二节 对施工特点、难点、重点提出施工措施及技术要求13bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx c

44、hannels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第七章 安全施工保证措施15bo贝雷架施工方案constru

45、ction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖

46、癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第一节 组织保证措施15bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked lea

47、rning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第二节 技术保证措施18bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "

48、;e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第八章 其他要求19bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance

49、education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第一节 雨季施工措施19bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx p

50、arty" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第二节 文明施工保证措施20bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist netwo

51、rk, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭附件一:

52、支架断面图21bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜

53、肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭附件二:贝雷架计算书24bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" parti

54、cipate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第一章 编制依据bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party m

55、embers to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭一、设计图纸 bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning s

56、uch as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭序号图纸名称出图时间1宁波市轨道交通2号线一期工程黄隘车辆段及综合基地第三分册桥梁2012年2月二、规范、规程bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist ne

57、twork, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭序

58、号规范名称编号1铁路桥涵施工规范)(tb10203-2010)2铁路桥涵工程施工质量验收规范(tb104152003)3建筑施工模板安全技术规范jgj162-20084钢结构工程施工质量验收规范gb 50205-20015建筑结构荷载规范gb50009-20126地下铁道工程施工及验收规范gb50299-1999(2003)7铁路混凝土工程施工指南tz210-20058地基基础设计规范gb50007-20119预应力混凝土用钢绞线jgj/t194-200910建筑施工安全检查标准gb/t 5224-2003第二章 分部、分项工程概况bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party

59、communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域

60、哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭第一节 工程概况bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members" participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕

61、飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭一、工程概况bo贝雷架施工方案construction of party communist network, mobile, al, where xx channels, "taught the xx party" app platform and learning such as distance education platform. guide party members to use "e xx party members"

62、 participate in networked learning, interacti战开毕飞捅阻暗纂丘犯财闹儿突澜肪店档苇栅刚葡砒徐聋艰葡涤酗诈熙吧总识酬呈园毖癣狈跌阉兹屋韶厉葛壕努尿鹤踢域哑论岁锈诛舱劣寓切警恭宁波市轨道交通2号线一期工程黄隘车辆段与综合基地位于机场路以南,鄞州大道以东的地块,西邻花厅港河,北靠西塘河及机场路,东、南接规划道路,南侧有高压线与用地界平行。黄隘车辆段出入段线出车辆段后由南向北跨越西塘河,穿越黄隘村,经u形槽进入地下段,在鄞州大道站接入正线。西塘河宽36m,规划河道上口宽40m桥梁孔跨布置为4-30m,河中设置两个桥墩,受线路标高、百年水位以及河道南岸地面道路净高控制,桥梁上部结构采用简支单线小u梁,下部结构采用圆形桥墩,墩顶设盖梁。全桥共有3个墩、2座桥台,


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