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1、考研英语一真题及答案007年考研英语(一)试题sectionuseof engishdrction:ead the follog text.hose e best rd(s) for each nubered blankand mar a, b,cor d on anser ee 1. (0 points)by 1theform spanish an potuguese colies ad become npnent nations. the ougly 0 mllon _1_ of thenations loed _2_ to teuture born the crisis of te ol

2、d egme ndiberian oloalism, anyoh leaders of indeenene _3_ he idals of eeentatie governmet, creers_4_ otaln, fredom of comercad re, he _toprvtpoprty, ad bliefn te iiidual he bi of socity. _6_ thewas a beliehat thennaon shold beoverein and indeendenstats, largeenug to b ecoomically vabeandtegrat ba _s

3、eto law.on hessue of _8_ of relionadtheosition f th hurc,_, there wasle ement _10_ teleaderiroma chlcs a ben thestat reliion ad he nly one _1_ bytheanish cn. _12_mtleaers ought tomaintai cthliism _3_ the ficil reliion of he ew ates, somesogto nde _14_f hr fiths.t defensef th chrch bcea allyng _1_ f

4、theconervtive forces.the ieals ote early leaders of inependence wee ofte egaliarin, vauing equaly o everthing. bolir adeceived aid from haitindhad _16_ returno bish slav n he aras elbeated by 8 slve ha beenablisd veywhere eceptspains _1_ clonies. early omes oend dian tributeand e on peole xd orii m

5、much _18_ beause te nenaionsill nedd t reenuesuch olicie _9_.egaliaian sentimentswere oft tempere byfarshat he mass ofthe population ws _20_ sef-leandmoacy.1. ntivesb ihabittsc peples(b)ddvidals2.a onfusedy ceerfllyc worriedy(d)dhopeully3.a shb forgo ataind()jectdalatedb clec open(c)d deted5.aaccess

6、bsccionc right(c)durn6.a prsuabyb incdenaly obviousl(d)d enerally7.auniquebcmonc partiuar(b)dypca fedomb org imat(a)dreorm9.a thefore hoevecinded(b)d mreov0 with aboutc amog(c)d y11. alloe eachedc raned(a)d udd12.aincb fc unles()whe3.a forc und(a)d against14.aspeadb iterfrecec xcusio() iluene15.a su

7、portb crycl(b)d i16. uredb teded expcte(d) proi17a controllingb orerc emaining(c)d rinal18.a sloerb asterc aie(a)d oher9.a creatdb procedc cntibed(b) erred0auzzld,b host tc pssiistic about,(d) d upepare orsctioniireding compehiopar adirctio:ead the ollowig fourtexts anser the qusonslow achet y chosi

8、nga,b, c, ord. mark youansers on aer ee. (40 pins)text 1i yo were o exminte irth rtifics o evry sce plae i 00s word cup uraen, yo woud most likely fid a notwrthy qirk: elite soccer plyersare more likely toave een born in h ealie msof ear tan in thelate months. u then examned th eran nationa outh tam

9、shat feed the rldcu ad profesionl rans, youwould find this strang phenomeo tobeeve m pronound.wtmght accnt fots strange phnomenon? here are a w guse: a) certain astrlogcalsinscnfeueirsocer kils; b) inr-bon babe tn tohave higrxygen capacit, whch incesessccersmina; c) soccr-ma arntsaremr liel tnciveci

10、len in ringime,a the nnual peak o sccer ania; d) none o the oveandersercssn, a 58-yea-ld scholgy proessor t lorasa unersiy, ays he blieves trongl in“none of t abve.” ericsson grew up sweden, ad stdiednuclear nginerinuntil he realized hewould havemore ppotnyto condc is oresarch h swtcheto ychlogy. hs

11、 first expeiment,neary 30yearsago,involvememor:ainin apeso o hear and tepeat a rando series o nuer. “with e firstuject,er about housof trainng, his digi spnhad sen fm7 o 20,” ericson rcalls. “ekept improvin, ad afterbut 200 urof raiing he had risen to over80numbrs.”hs sccess, coupledwt laerrsearch s

12、howin hat meory itsef is ngenetically detemined,le ericson conclue that thec of emorizing i moe ofa cgitie eerisehan a intitivone. othe words, whateerinbon diffrencs two pplemay exhit inher abiitis temrze, thediffecsaswampedyow well echpeson “encoes” the informaion.nd thebes wao lr how t ncode nfoat

13、inmeaningfy, ercson etemned, was oce known delberaraice. elierte pactice enils mor ta simly repeaing a tak. rather, it ivolves ettgpcificgoa,obaningimmediate fedbac an oncentratig as muh n technques on outcom.ericssonnd hiscoeagues hav tusak t stdyngexpertpeformein a wde an ofusuit,cldin soccr.thy g

14、athe the dta they cn, no jus erfomance ttsticsand iogrhialetailbut alo he eulsofther ownbratory experimentswih chieers hei wk aks arter tartlig sertion: the tri we cmmonyclltalen ishily ovrted. , anothr ay, expert prformers whetr n meorsrgey, baet o compter progammng e near always made,nt bon.21.teb

15、irthdyphenomenon ound ongsocer plaers i menione ta strs th portance of proesioal traning.b otligh the soccer uertar in the worlup.c troc thetoic o wht ake expr perfomane.(c)d expln whysme socer team pay etter a othrs.22.the word “ania” (line 4,paraah )ost obaby ensa fun.bcraze.chysteria.()d citement

16、.23.ccordin ericsso, god eoya depe o meninl prcesingof iformation.b reults rm intuive rathe than cgntivexercie. i determd by genetic rathe than psychologicafators.(a)drequirs mmeiatfeedbac nd igh degreeofcoentraion.2.ericssn and his claues beliv thatalen is dminatin actor orprfessional success.bbioi

17、cl atarovdethe ky toxcelent performncecthe roleo tlnttdto b overlookd.()d gh acheverwethr ccessosly to nutre25.whi o the followigpoverb i closes t the mesae the textties toconve?a “fith wll move ontans”b “one reaps wha onesows.” “ractic makes pefect.”(c)d“lie fter, lke s”tet 2for te pas seveal ys, h

18、esunay nwspper supplemnad a etred olucall “sk iy.” peopl are invte to uery arln vos avant, who t ae 10 ad tested ta mntal leve f sn abut 2eaold; tt gae heai 28 the highs score everrecordd ets ak you o omlee bal disu analogies,to visio papraftertas bn foldedandc, and to ddc umeical sequences, aong ot

19、her iila aksso is bit cnfsing wn vos savant fies suchqueies from he erage joe (wose iq is100)as, hats the differn betwen lov nd ondnss? or wt is the naturof uck and coincidence?it not obvousw thecpai o ulzeojec nd o ig out numical ptterns uts ne o answer quesin tat av elesom of the est pots and phlo

20、sohers.learly,ntelligence encopases me than a sore o a estjust hat doeit me to b smart? how much ofintelligen can b pecified,ahow muhcan e larn about i rom euroloy, genis, cmpter ciec and thr ield?te definng term o intelliece inhumas still se to be te q sor, eventhouh iq tts are notgen a oeas theyus

21、eto be. etest coes primrily intoforms:th stanfordine nellience cl adthe ehsleintlligencescal (othcome i adultnd chidres eion). nllyosing eeral hndrd doars, theyae suallyivenonlybypscholoists, alhgh ariations o hem poulat bookstorsnd t wldideweb supehgh scoreslike ssavs are ongerpossibl,becusesoring

22、i nw basd on statiscal oplation isibuin aong age peers, raheransimplydiving heetal age by the hroologicalgean mltiplying by 10.otr stndrized tess, sch as he schoastic assessment tet (sat) and thgraduae rcrdem (gre), caure hemi spects o iqte.sch standarize ests a not asss al th moran elemnts ncesary

23、to succee inshol ad in lfe, agues robt j. stenberg.in artil “how intelgnt s intellgence tsting?”, sternberg ntesthat raditional etes assess alytial and verbal ills bu fail to mesre cativity ad prctial knowede, cmponensal critil to olmslving andlife sucess.moreove, iq tests do ot necessi rdcswell ce

24、oulainsostuaioscage. reseachas found ha iq dced eershi kllse th tests were gven undrosrss contion, bu ndrg-strs conins,iq was negatively corate th leaership hat is,i prdt th oposie. nyoneho hs oledthrouh t wlltestifythattesttakng skil als mtes, whetr its knwing when togess orwhat qustions tskip.6.hi

25、ch fthfllwing may brequie in aninellgce tes?a answering hilsphicalquesion. foling or ttingaerinto drent ss.cteli thedfferences betweencrtinoncepts.(d)chosn words o graphssimir t t gien ones.27.hacan be red abut ineignce ting fropararah 3?apopl nolnge u iq scorsasan indicatorof inteligc.b mre verions

26、 q tsts no avai on eintert.c test contents an frmats fo adtsnd chiln ma be dfferen.(c)d scentitshadefined the iportant elemns of hmanintlgece28.popenowdysca nologer ache i scres as hih asvs avas ecause the scoes eobained trugh different computatoal rcedeb cretivy rater tha nlytca skills s ephsized n

27、wcvos savans cass anextemeone thatwll notrat.(a)d thedfining characteisif i tstsh chned.29.eacncud fro thlast aragrp tata ts re ma no rlable indictorsof ones ilty.b i scors andt rultsare hihl corrlted.tesinvlvesa lotf guesswork()d traditionl ts are out of dae.hat is he utrs attitud owars iq ests?a s

28、prtve.betical.c iarial(b) ased.t uig he pastgenerato, the amrcanmiddle-lssfamily ht once could cout on hrdor i play tokeepitsffiacall secureadeen tranfrd y onoic iskand ne ealtes ow a pink slip,a ba diagnosi, or disppaing soeca r fmiy fm siddelso nwlypr ia e months.in st oegeeration, millio ofmoters

29、 hav ge o work,tansormigsic familyeconomcs. schoars, pcyakrs,ndcriic of llstripes haeebatdtesocialipcatons f tese changes, but fw hav oed t te sde ffect:amy ris hsrisnas wel. tods families hae udgetd to h imits of heir newwopacekatus as a result,thy ave lst e paachut heonchadin tim offncaleback a ba

30、ck-erer (usually mom) who could go ino the wkorce f te rimary eaergo ad ff orfell ic. thi “aded-oker efft” cd suppothe sftynet ofered unmlot nsuac or isbli insurane to hp familiesweerbad times. but toy, a disrton to faml frnes an ooge be made u wit extr incm from a oerwisestay-at-home rtr.durin th m

31、eperiod, aiie have beenake to bsob mucm risk n teirretiremen iome. seelwokers,airlie emplees, and n tosithe auto iusty are joining miliosof famlies who mstwor bot nterest raes, sck maketflction,andthe arsh reaiyhathey m outlivheir retreen oney fo much of he pas year, resident bush campaign tomove oc

32、ialseciy to a avingacnt mdel, wi reires tading much o a o teruarantd aymens forpaymntsdepeding o investnt retns for young fmiles, the pcure i n any bette. both thabsolst f helhar nd thhare f i bre b famles ae ren annewy fainale halth-ains plans are preaing from legislative as to wl-mr wker, it muh i

33、hrdedutibles nd a large new dos f ivestmentrsk fr faile futu eatcae enemogphics e orkinaainst he middle classfamil, s th odds oaving a weaklyrnt an altheattendant ed o physcal and fnancil assistace ha jued ightfolinjustongneraioro temddl-lass fmilpertiv, muchi,urstaably, ooks fr eslke ortunity to ex

34、ercisemo financlrepibiliy,n a godda mor likea rtinacceleation of hewolleshi of fnanc rik onto ter alread overbuded sholer. e financial falou ha bun, an theplitcalfltmy notbe fa behin.tods oueince families area greater inancialisk thae safty net te ed to eny ha dsapparedb therchances of beinli ffhae

35、retlineasec tey armr vlrabl to changes in famly coomic(c)dh ae depe ounemployent ordisbitysurane.32.asa resu prient us eform,rtired pol mayavea a ih sens osecut.bs scre nts.c less hnce tinves(b) uantedfutur.33.acordng t he autor,health-savngsplanswilla help redue the cot of hahcare. opuriz ongte mdl

36、 cla. copensa frtreduced pensi(d)dincease the familes investment risk.4.itcan bnfred fo he last paragrh tata finanalr ted o outweih politicl risk.b the midle lasay fce gater political challnges.ianial prblesma bg abotolitical poblems.()dfnancalresonsibilityi an indo f plitcalstats35.hich of te fllow

37、ing ithe et ttle for thisext? t ddl clas on thelertb hemddl cl o te iff th midd classin ofc()dthe idde clasin rntet 4i never rains but itpors. just osses a oards ae fnaly orted ou thworstaountin ndcomplice troubls,an improved thei feeblcoorato ovenace,anebmthratns o earn emsecally in meria the sot f

38、nasty headlies that vitabl le to heds rllig inthe executivsuit: dta inseurity. let, until ow, to od,w-evelt saff t put rght, and sn a concen only o atarichidustis ch s bakig, elcomand air ravl, irmation prottioni now highothe bosss dainuinesses of evry arety.evelmassiv leakaesof customer and empoye

39、data thsyar fo organiatonsas dvre sim arner,te merican dfes contractor science apicio inteaional corp nd en he uivesityof carna, bereey hve eft manaers huriedy peeng nto thei intricate it ystms an buness possesin srh oftena vulnerabiltis.“data i beoming an asset hich eeds o e guarded asuch as any ot

40、he asset,”sas hai endelon fstanfrd univrsiysusines shool.“e biit to uard cuoer aa is theky t market vl,hich he boar isponbe fr onehalf f sareholdrs”nded,jut hreis the onceptf gnealy cpted coutng principles (gap), perhas i time for gp, geral acceped secur praties,uggested l amof n yrkclumba businss s

41、chol “setting the prope invemt level for scury,redudany, arcovr s a mnaeent isse, natehial one,” h sayste mytery is tha this hould cm s a urprist n bos. relyt sodbe obvios to te dmmestxcutive ta trust, that mos valuabe f onoc ases, i esildestroed ad uely ensive t rsor and tfewhings aemore likl t des

42、toy trua compay letin snstie rsal dta g ito the wong hand.th curentsae f fairs my ave ee ecoraged though nt jutiied ythlackofleapenty (i mrica, butnot uroe) or data eakge til caonirently passed a aw, meian frms didot have o elanyne, evn tevicti, whn data wet asray. tat aychange fast: lots f pooed dt

43、a-security eiatio iowdoing therouns wshtn, .c. ewi,thetftof nformon about om 0 milon cret-cad accunts n mrica, disclosd o june h, ovrsadowedahugely imoratcsin a da earlir by aicas e tade cmmision(ftc)that put coorate erica on noc ha egultoswil c ifirms fil to prvd deqaedata secrity36.the tatemnt “it verrainsb it pus” s usedt introducea te fierce busess ompetitionb thfeele bos-od atiosc the that fronwsrepots.()d te eveit f dtaeag


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