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1、新概念册1新ppt课件(干货分享)2first listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。who paid for tonys dinner?3【new words and expressions】 生词和短语turn n. 行为,举止 deserve v. 应得到,值得 lawyer n. 律师 bank n. 银行 salary n. 工资 immediately adv. 立刻 4i was having dinner at a restaurant when tony steele came in. tony worked in

2、a lawyers office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. he gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. he has never borrowed money from me. while he was eating, i asked him to lend me &20. to my sur

3、prise, he gave me the money immediately. i have never borrowed any money from you, tony said,so now you can pay for my dinner!5( )?turn n. ( action that may help someone )n. 行为;举动do sb. a good (bad) turn 帮了某人的忙(倒忙)eg: actually the worms do the cattle farmers a good turn.实际上,蚯蚓为那些以牛耕地的农夫们做了件好事。 he wi

4、ll do a good turn to anyone if he can.只要可能,任何人他都愿意帮忙。one good turn deserves another (something that you say which means if someone does something to help you, you should do something to help them) eg: he fixed my bike so i let him use my computer. one good turn deserves another. 6in turn 轮流,依次 turn

5、off 关掉,关闭;拐弯,使转变方向 turn into v. 变成;进入 turn on 打开,发动 turn out 生产;结果是;关掉;出动;驱逐 turn over 移交给;翻阅;把翻过来;发动;营业额达到;反复考虑 turn left v. 向左转 turn right v. 向右转 turn around 船只留港 turn in 交上;归还;拐入;告发;口上床睡觉 turn back 往回走;阻挡;翻回到 turn up 出现;发生;开大;发现;卷起;使仰卧 turn out to be 结果是;原来是 turn down 拒绝;向下转折 turn from 对感到厌恶 your

6、 turn 轮到你;该你了 turn away 避开;解雇;不准入内;走开;转过脸 turn round 转身,转向;归航;回车道;转变 turn of the century 世纪之交;19世纪与20世纪转换交替时期;19世纪末20世纪初 by turns 轮流;交替7( )?deserve v. 应得到, 值得1、deserve + n.you deserve the best.你应该得到最好的 he deserved a promotion. these views deserve serious consideration our attention. 这些看法值得认真考虑我们注意。2

7、、deserve to do: 应该.she deserved to be punished. i think they deserve to be congratulated. 我认为他们应得到祝贺。3、 deserve of :应该受到某人某团体好的坏的待遇 be worthy of goodbad treatment by sb or a group 8( )?lawyer n. 律师lawyers office : 律师事务所law n.法律sea lawyer 鲨鱼,强词夺理的水手,对工作斤斤计较、逃避责任的人act as lawyer for sb 给某人当律师brilliant

8、lawyer 出色的律师crooked lawyer 骗子律师advice of ones lawyer 律师的意见-in lawlaw of the jungle:弱肉强食,丛林法则law of averages:平均律be a law unto yourself:自行其是,我行我素go to law: 打官司 law and order: 法治,治安,遵纪守法lay down the law: 发号施令,严格规定 there is no law against sth:(对付批评自己的人)谁也管不着9( )?bank n. 银行rob the bank : 抢银行bank account

9、:银行账户n.堤,堤防;岸,河畔。the right left bank (顺流方向的)右左岸a sand bank沙洲10( )?salary n. 薪水,薪金,薪俸。 salary 指公职人员、职员等拿按年、按月计算的“年薪”或“月薪”a salary man领薪族(a salaried man)。 pay: 工资”、“薪水”,使用最为简单。它特指海陆空军人和在政府管理下工作人员的薪水,不可数名词。与之搭配的介词有:for, in, at, on, under, with, without 等。allowance津贴、补贴、定期给的一笔钱,它不指应得的薪水或工资,而指根据政策、规章制度或慈

10、善心愿而定期给予的附加费用。可数名词。与之搭配的介词有of, from等。 wage:工人等拿的“工资”叫做 wages 一般按日、按时或按件计算。小辨析小辨析salary,wage,pay,allowance11i was having dinner at a restaurant when tony steele came in. when引导的时间状语从句的谓语动词可以是延续性的动词,可以是瞬时动词。并且when有时表示“就在那时”。while引导的从句的谓语动作必须是延续性的,并强调主句和从句的动作同时发生(或者相对应。当从句的谓语是表动作的延续性动词时,when, while才有可能

11、互相替代。as表示“一边一边”,as引导的动作是延续性的动作,一般用于主句和从句动作同时发生;as也可以强调“一先一后。12i was having dinner at a restaurant when tony steele came in. come about 发生come across 遇见come after 跟随come along 随同come and go 来来去去come apart 破碎come around 来come at 到达come away 掉下come back 回来come before 优先于come between 介入之间come by 走过come

12、down 降下come for 来迎接come forward 挺身而出come in 进来come into 进入come of 由产生come off 从掉落come on上演come out 出来come out of 出自come through 经过come to 来,到come together和好come under 归入类别come up 上升come upon 发现come up with 想出,找出(答案) have dinner/lunch/supper/breakfast13tony worked in a lawyers office years ago, but h

13、e is now working at a bank. 两个或两个以上的简单句用并列连词连在一起构成的句子,叫做并列句,其基本结构是“简单句+并列连词+简单句”。并列连词有:and,but,or,so等.并列句中的各简单句意义同等重要,相互之间没有从属关系,是平行并列的关系。它们之间用连词连结。and 表示顺承while表示对比but/yet表示转折for/so表示因果or/either or 表示选择and/then/when表示时间and/so/neither/nor表示并列not only.but also/neither. nor表示递进work for 通常指为某人某事或者某单位效力

14、.work in 通常指在什么地方工作(工作单位的规模较大).work at 从事某事,或者是致力于某种工作;也可以指在小规模的地方工作.14he gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.1. borrow sth. from sb.:向某人借某物 e.g.: peter向bill借了100块钱。 peter borrowed 100 yuan from bill. e.g.:bill向helen借了100个贴纸。 bill borrowed 100 stic

15、kers from helen. 2. pay sth. back: 归还 e.g.: bryant经常向朋友借钱,但很快就还了。borrow和lend区别:borrow 是借进,规则动词,过去式,过去分词:borrowed borrowed 常用短语:borrow sth from sb /sp lend是借出,不规则动词,过去式,过去分词:lent,lent 常用短语:lend sth to sb lend sb sth(通常跟双宾)15一般来讲,由动词+副词所构成的短语动词,如代词it/them作它的宾语时,要把it/them放在其中间;由动词+介词所构成的动词短语,如it/them作它

16、宾语时,要将其放在后面。 1.由动词+副词 put down/on/off/in. take out/up/down/off. get on/off/down/. hold back/down. look up. 2.由动词+介词 look after/over/for. take on/after. get over/into. put into. 动词+介词时 放后面 动词+副词时 代词放中间 及物动词时,可放中间; 不及物动词,不能放中间。pay back 1偿还,还钱给(某人); eg: will you lend me $10? i will pay you back next mo

17、nth. 2回报 how can i pay you back for all your kindness? 我该怎样报答你的好意呢?pay off 1还清(债),给清工资后遣散; eg: it took him six years to pay off the loan.2得到好结果, 使得益(be successful)。 eg: we worked away for months in all weathers, and the hard work at last pay off very much.我们不论天气好坏,连续干了三个月,艰苦的劳动终于有了很好的结果。16tony saw m

18、e and came and sat at the same table. he has never borrowed money from me. the same: 同样的,一样的主语+have/has+动词的过去分词:肯定句:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词否定句:主语+have not/has not+动词的过去分词一般疑问句:have/has+主语+动词的过去分词at table : 吃饭he seldom talks at table. 他进餐时很少说话。at the table:坐在桌子旁边please seat yourself at the table. 请在桌旁边就坐

19、吧?its my treat.我请客lets go dutch. aa制this time is your treat. next time is my turn.17英国人喜欢打仗、而且不管交战的对手是谁?不管这场战役到底结英国人喜欢打仗、而且不管交战的对手是谁?不管这场战役到底结果是英军大胜、还是英军惨败,只要战争结束之后赶快帮敌人取一果是英军大胜、还是英军惨败,只要战争结束之后赶快帮敌人取一个浑号、来嘲笑一番。个浑号、来嘲笑一番。 当英国人与土耳其大打出手之后,从此土耳其当英国人与土耳其大打出手之后,从此土耳其(turk)在英文里面在英文里面的意义就叫做残暴的人。的意义就叫做残暴的人。

20、当英国与西班牙大干一场之后,从此西班牙人在英文里头就化当英国与西班牙大干一场之后,从此西班牙人在英文里头就化身为吹牛皮的人身为吹牛皮的人(spanish athlete)。 当英国人与俄国人干完架之后、俄国人从此就与野蛮人划当英国人与俄国人干完架之后、俄国人从此就与野蛮人划上了等号。上了等号。 最惨的还是荷兰人,因为荷兰人与英国人在三百多年前争夺大最惨的还是荷兰人,因为荷兰人与英国人在三百多年前争夺大西洋霸权的时候,曾经打了长达二十六年、历经三次惨烈大决战的西洋霸权的时候,曾经打了长达二十六年、历经三次惨烈大决战的战争。战争。 这场英荷大战,其实双方互有胜负、两败俱伤!英荷两军这场英荷大战,其

21、实双方互有胜负、两败俱伤!英荷两军都没有人敢说自己赢得这场战争!不过当战争结束之后,英国人就都没有人敢说自己赢得这场战争!不过当战争结束之后,英国人就开始卯足全力来丑化荷兰人。所以英文里面的荷兰开始卯足全力来丑化荷兰人。所以英文里面的荷兰(dutch)几乎都是几乎都是不好的字眼。不好的字眼。 我们日常生活最常用的荷兰浑号式英文,末过我们日常生活最常用的荷兰浑号式英文,末过于于go dutch(各自买单付款各自买单付款),这是一个暗讽荷兰人非常吝啬的常用,这是一个暗讽荷兰人非常吝啬的常用英文词组。不过现在很多人为了不想让荷兰人太伤心,所以已经用英文词组。不过现在很多人为了不想让荷兰人太伤心,所以

22、已经用share cost来代替来代替go dutch这个带有偏见的英文成语。这个带有偏见的英文成语。 go dutch 的来历的来历18while he was eating, i asked him to lend me &20. to my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. i have never borrowed any money from you, tony said,so now you can pay for my dinner!to ones + 带感情色彩的名词( 表喜怒哀乐)astonishment (惊讶)

23、, amazement (惊愕), annoyance (烦恼,恼火), delight (高兴), dismay (惊慌、愕然), disappointment (失望), joy (高兴), relief (欣慰,释然), regret (遗憾), surprise (惊讶), satisfaction (满意), sorrow (悲伤)等。to my surprise19201. it was quiet _ those big trucks started coming through the town.a. before b. after c. until d. unless 2.

24、it seemed only seconds _ the boy finished washing his face.a. when b. before c. after d. even if3. hardly had he reached the school gate _ the bell rang.a. while b. when c. as d. as soon as 4.we were told that we should follow the main road _ we reached the central railway station.a. whenever b. unt

25、il c. while d. wherever5. i recognized you _ i saw you at the airport.a. the moment b. while c. after d. once 6. he was about to go to bed _ the doorbell rang.a. while b. as c. before d. when7._i listen to your advice, i get into trouble.a. every time b. when c. while d. until8. _ john was watching

26、tv, his wife was cooking.a. as b. as soon as c. while d. till9. the children ran away from the orchard(果园) _ they saw the guard.a. the moment b. after c. before d. as10. no sooner had i arrived home _ it began to rain.a. when b. while c. as d. than2111. several weeks had gone by _ i realized the pai

27、nting was missing.a. as b. before c. since d. when12. it _ long before we _ the result of the experiment.a. will not be; will know b. is; will know c. will not be ; know d. is; know13. what was the party like? -wonderful. its years _ i enjoyed myself so much.a. after b. before c. when d. since14. th

28、e new secretary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she_.a. will arrive b. arrives c. is going to arrive d. is arriving15. _ got into the room _ the telephone rang.a. he hardly had; then b. hardly had he; when c. he had not; then d. not had he; when16. no sooner had he finished his talk

29、_ he was surrounded by the workers.a. as b. then c. than d. when17. did you remember to give mary the money you owed her?-yes, i gave it to her _ i saw her.a. while b. the moment c. suddenly d. once18. i thought her nice and honest _ i met her.a. first time b. for the first time c. the first time d. by the first time19. he will have learned english for eight years by the time he _ from the university next year.a. will graduate b. will have graduated c. graduates d. is to graduate20


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