



1、topic 2 how about exploring the ming tombs?section a. aims and demands 目标要求1. learn some new words: receive, postcard, explore 2. learn useful expressions:id like to speak to michael.glad to receive your postcard.would you like to come to china for your vacation?why not explore beijing on our bicycl

2、es?it would be great looking forward to meeting him.while you were enjoying your trip, i was busy preparing for my exams.before he comes, would you help me make a plan to explore beijing?darren was reading renai english post when michael came in. five-finger teaching plan 五指教学方案step 1 warming

3、 up sing a happy song.step 2 review make a dialog to review telephone idioms.(the plone rings) oh, my cellphone is ringing.who is it? oh ,its my penpal sally.may i answer the phone? can i talk with her?ss:yes.sally: miss li: very well. im very glad to receive your postcard and the rose. did you have

4、 a good a time in mount tai?sally: miss li: .we can explore mount tai together .t:do you have a penpal.would you like to invite him or her to visit your hometown during the holiday? make a telephone call dialog between you and him or her with your partner. the phrases and sentences on the blackboard

5、 may help you.(板书)glad to receive your postcard.we can explore mount tai together. (explore+place 考察/探险某地)it would be great fun.good idea! see you.2. (结合topic1的内容,师生问答导入新课。)t:we know that kangkang and michale went to the mount tai ,did they have a good time?ss:yes, they didt:guess where does miss li

6、 want to go?ss ss t;i want to go to the (look at the screeen) t:where is it ?ss: its ming tombs t:is it beautiful ?ss:yes, it is .t:now, darren is calling michael. what are they talking about? lets listen to 1a and find the answer.step 2 presentation 第二步 表现(时间: 7分钟)表现1a,学习时间状语从句。1. (听1a的录音,回答问题。)t:

7、please listen to 1a and answer the question “what are they talking about”.(鼓励学生回答。)t:who can try?s1:they are talking about vacation.s2:they are talking about traveling to beijing.s3:they are talking about where to visit.s4:t:well done! you are very clever. they are talking about exploring beijing.2.

8、 (朗读1a,找出对话中表示邀请、建议、赞同、请求的句子。)t: read 1a, and find out the sentences about invitation, suggestion, agreement and request.(为了让学生更好地理解这些指令,教师能够适当使用汉语。)(鼓励学生说出他们找到的句子。学生边说,教师边板书。)s1: would you like to come to china for your vacation?s2: you bet!s3: would you help me make a plan to explore beijing?s4:(板

9、书)would you like to come to china for your vacation?you bet!why not explore beijing on our bicycles?it would be great fun.good idea!great!would you help me make a plan to explore beijing?how about exploring the ming tombs?that would be very interesting. t: read these sentences together. 3朗读 回答问题 4fi

10、nd out the useful expression 5. (用小黑板幻灯片出示1a中含有时间状语从句的句子。)while you were enjoying your trip, i was busy preparing for my exams.when he arrives, id like you to meet him.before he comes, would you help me make a plan to explore beijing? (教师简单解释时间状语从句。)step 3 consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 10分钟)巩固1a并完成1b。(让学

11、生分角色朗读1a,然后鼓励几组学生分角色表演。)1. t: read the dialog aloud in 1a, and then act it out in pairs.2. (活动,导出1b。)(展示深圳世界之窗的图片/颐和园图片。) t:look at this picture. is it beautiful?ss:yes, its beautiful.t:it is the window of world in shenzhen/the summer palace in beijing.t:s1, would you help me plan a trip to shenzhen

12、/beijing?s1: yes, of course.t:could you come along with me?s1:yes, id love to.t:(指着s1旁边的一名学生。) shall we take him there?s1: good idea.(板书画线部分。)would, could, shallt:very good. thank you. now, boys and girls, please make dialogs as we did just now in pairs. but youd better use “would”, “could” or “shal

13、l”. because they will make your partner feel that you are very polite.(学生热烈地对话。) t: now please act out your dialogs.3. t: very good. please finish 1b quickly according to the dialogs you made just now.(几分钟后)t: lets check them.(the answers are: 1.b, 2.c, 3.a.)step 4 practice 第四步 练习(时间: 15分钟)练习本课重点语法(时间状语从句),并完成2和3。exercise 1 like _ to li glad _ a letter from my mother.3.theyre busy _ (compare )for an english about _ (explore) the great w


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