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1、 Chap.8 金属组织性能控制 (1) 8.1 金属的强化机制 strengthening mechanism 1.晶界强化microstructure hardening原子排列的正常结构遭到破坏/大量晶格缺陷 /第二相 夹杂物晶界能 晶界两侧晶粒取向不同,滑移难以连续进行.易滑移/难滑移需满足变形连续性.单晶体晶粒克服晶格阻力杂质原子对位错阻力多晶体晶粒克服晶界阻力Microstructure hardening2.形变强化work hardening形变位错受到阻碍 interaction加工硬化古老又普遍的现象 理论仍不完善Some applications of physical

2、metallurgy Work (dislocation density) hardening加工硬化加工硬化 位错密度与应力的关系2/ 10k : flow stress : measured dislocation density= 加工硬化与位错有直接关系 -cmStress02/10kk = b3.固溶强化solid solution hardening固溶体强度基体金属 固溶体solution 溶质solute 溶剂solvent固溶度 solubility有限互溶/完全互溶 流变应力溶质浓度 稀固溶体理论 位错钉扎pinning effect 摩擦机制不动的溶质原子应力场,位错运动

3、阻力.固溶强化固溶强化 Solid-solution hardeningHardness of Steel vs. Interstitial Carbon Content金属的拉拔高强度金属丝high strength steel wire (p69) The strongest known metal (disregardingwhisker filament) is drawn pearlitic wire. Not only with extremely high strength , but also with an amazing ductility at this strength

4、 level. 珠光体钢丝超高强度、高塑性珠光体钢丝超高强度、高塑性Limitation: only being produced by drawing wire to a reduction in area of over 90%fine wires 细丝Description UTS Range (MPa)Piano wire 17902400 Mandolin wire 20002760Wire cables 2210Galvanized suspension cable wire 13801590Mechanical spring wires 2960Patenting 铅浴铅浴Pat

5、enting 奥氏体化奥氏体化淬火(熔融淬火(熔融铅池)空铅池)空冷拉拔冷拉拔The purpose of heat treatment: to achieve the finest possible pearlite spacing prior to drawing4.弥散强化Particle hardening第二相弥散质点 dispersed second phase particle 位错切过第二相质点.位错饶过第二相质点Orowan机制质点尺寸Step 1: Solution-treat at a temperature between 340 to 451C to form a s

6、ingle-phase a solid solutionStep 2: Quench to room temperature fast enough to prevent the precipitate phase from formingStep 3: Age at a temperature below 340C to from a fine dispersion of phase451C340CPrecipitation hardening is accomplished by two different heat treatments Solution heat treatmentDu

7、ring solution heat treatment all solute atoms are dissolved to form a single-phase solid solutionQuenching or rapid cooling to room temperature to form a nonequilibrium supersaturated solid solution (to prevent diffusion and the accompanying formation of any second phase) Precipitation hardening is

8、accomplished by two different heat treatmentsPrecipitation heat treatment (aging) The supersaturated solid solution is heated to an intermediate temperature within the two-phase regionat this temperature diffusion rates become appreciable The precipitates of the second phase form as finely dispersed

9、 particles. (aging) Typical Precipitation Hardened Alloys Al 2014Forged Aircraft Fittings, Al Structures 2024High strength forgings, Rivets 7075Aircraft Structures, Olympic Bikes CuBeryllium Bronze: Surgical Instruments, Non sparking tools, Gears MgAM 100ASand CastingsAZ80AExtruded products NiRene 4

10、1High TemperatureInconel 700up to 1800F FeA-286High Strength Stainless17-10PPrecipitation Hardening Precipitation Hardening is a thermodynamic reaction that involves creation of a new phase change Precipitation Heat Treatment: precipitates form on grain boundaries lower fracture toughness compared t

11、o strain hardeningGrain BoundariesMicrostructure of A 7150-T651 Aluminum Alloy after Precipitation HardeningFig. 11.24 A transmission electron micrograph showing the microstructure of a 7150-T651 aluminum alloy (6.2Zn-2.3Cu-2.3Mg-0.12Zr-balanced Al) that has been precipitation hardened. The light ma

12、trix phase is an Al solid solution. Microstructure of Copper-Beryllium before and after Precipitation Hardening(a) Solution heat-treated(b) Precipitation hardened(x 750) 8.2 强韧性能的控制 强韧性强韧性strength and toughness 金属的韧性与韧化. 强度指标:屈服极限、抗拉强度 yield strengthtensile strength 韧性指标:冲击韧性、 脆性转变温度.材料承受载荷时在破坏前单位横截

13、面吸收的变形功。冲击试验:摆锤法冲击试验:摆锤法脆性转变温度 以冲击试样断口上开始出现脆性特征或断口上出现50脆断面积时的温度; 冲击值为完全韧性断裂于完全脆性断裂试样冲击值的平均值时的温度。-140-120-100-80-60-40-20020406080010203040 1#带 钢3#带 钢Ak/JT/ 脆性转变温度曲线 1号和3号带钢的脆性转变温度(Tk)分别为:-37.2,-70.8。 工业生产工业生产Super-SS400Super-SS400钢组织性能分析钢组织性能分析实验钢冲击断口形貌 (a) 1#20 (b) 1#-100 (c) 3#20 (e) 3#-100 (d) 3#

14、-70 工业生产工业生产Super-SS400钢组织性能分析钢组织性能分析影响强韧性能的因素 合金成分控制 气体、夹杂物 晶粒尺寸晶粒尺寸晶粒尺寸dDBTTductilebrittle traction T晶界 位错塞积在晶界处引起的应力集中程度小/分散 脆性晶粒细化 同时提高强韧性的唯一方式形变热处理 提高铝合金的韧性 脱溶沉淀 根据相变相变与形变形变发生的顺序,调整热处理工艺: 1 加工始态是固溶还是时效,决定了是相变前还是相变后进行形变; 2 加工温度形变过程是否伴随相变; 3 加工后时效形变后相变。 8.3 冲压性能的控制冲压性能的控制冷轧深冲板汽车板:汽车板:超深冲冷轧板、超深冲冷轧

15、板、IF钢电镀锌钢板、钢电镀锌钢板、IF钢深冲电镀锌钢钢深冲电镀锌钢板、烘烤硬化钢、汽车摩擦片用钢。板、烘烤硬化钢、汽车摩擦片用钢。家电用钢:家电用钢:家电用电镀锌、耐指纹板、热镀锌板、彩涂板、彩家电用电镀锌、耐指纹板、热镀锌板、彩涂板、彩电框架用钢、冰箱内板、侧板和面板。电框架用钢、冰箱内板、侧板和面板。热冲压成形:热冲压成形:Exposed quality dual phase with GI, GA, EG coatings500 DP GA0.6 mm 600 DP GI, EGFerrite-martensite DP600 GI高强度汽车钢板的进展高强度汽车钢板的进展DP外板外板成

16、形效果的比较 TRIP(transformation induced plasticity) +B+ R retained austenite德国采用薄规格镀锡板生产易拉罐22283200.511.522.533.544.51983199320030.30.260.2镀锡板厚度,mm万吨05101520253035g生产一亿个易拉罐所耗镀锡板数量每个罐重量深冲深冲 deep drawing板料板料 中心部位中心部位 受冲头的作用产生拉延受冲头的作用产生拉延 外缘部位外缘部位 受冲模的作用产生模压受冲模的作用产生模压冲压性冲压性冲压变形过程中不产生裂纹等缺陷的变形极限。条件:板料沿厚度方向的强度

17、沿板面方向的强度 板料沿厚度方向不易变形,沿板面方向容易变形。 改善冲压性能改善冲压性能冲压性能的测定 1)模拟法 杯突法 压入的深度值杯突值杯突值杯突值杯突值 冲压性能?冲压性能? 2)拉伸试验法)拉伸试验法 屈强比 加工硬化系数 Q:1.屈强比与加工硬化指数? 2.n冲压性能?加工硬化系数 材料不容易出现细颈 杯突性能 冲压性能塑性变形比Rb宽度方向的应变;h厚度方向的应变.R值越高,深冲性能越好。00111010lnlnlnlnLBLBBBhHBBRhb塑性应变比的平均值4/ )2(90450RRRR1)反映冲压性能的优劣;2)衡量各向异性。影响冲压性能的主要因素影响冲压性能的主要因素

18、(1)晶粒度 晶粒尺寸 屈强比 冲压性能晶粒尺寸过大 桔皮缺陷桔皮缺陷(2) 形变时效 屈服点延伸 屈服平台屈服平台冲压 “吕德丝带” luders bands措施:平整 temper rolling(1%)8.4 热强性能的控制热强性能high temperature properties 使用过程中承受一种或多种形式的应力作用拉伸、弯曲、扭转、冲击、振动及热应力等; 高温下抵抗塑性变形和断裂 使用性能承受载荷的时间时间Key words: high temperature, service property, plastic deformation , fracture 室温性能及短时间高

19、温性能不能代表长时间的性能热强性能:热强性能:高温蠕变极限、高温持久极限、高温疲劳极限以及在高温下的屈服强度、抗拉强度等。(1)蠕变极限 金属在高温高温条件下受力作用时,虽然应力远小于该温度的屈服极限,但随着时间时间的不断增长,金属也会逐渐变形,甚至产生断裂。 蠕变creep 蠕变极限:蠕变极限:在一定温度下和所规定的时间内引起一定变形量的应力应力值。temperature,time, strain and stress三阶段(1)减速蠕变;(2)恒速蠕变;(3)蠕变加速阶段。蠕变机制 空位运动 movements of vacancies; 位错运动 movement of dislocat

20、ions; 界面滑动 grain boundary sliding.(2)高温持久极限 在一定温度下和所规定的时间内, 使材料 断裂的应力应力值。受力状态的时间越久,材料断裂时所需的应力值越大/越小? 强度随时间变化的现象, 随温度的升高更明显/不明显?(3)疲劳极限 疲劳:材料在周期应力下或温度交变作用下,产生破坏。高温疲劳极限:在规定的应力循环次数下引起破坏的应力值。 (4) 短时拉伸性能高温高温/应力应力 晶界的行为晶界的行为 (1)原子或空位的扩散 (2)晶界滑动晶界强度下降晶界强度下降 等强温度等强温度Equicohesive temperature (ECT)应变速率的影响应变速率

21、的影响Decreasing the strain rate lowers the ECT and therefore increases the tendency for intergranular fractureEffect of strain rateEffect of purity For metals and alloys of commercial purity the ECT will occur within a fairly sharp temperature interval.However, for high-purity material there is a wide range


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