江苏省成人高等教育非英语专业专科英语考试汉译英题库 (1) 2_第1页
江苏省成人高等教育非英语专业专科英语考试汉译英题库 (1) 2_第2页
江苏省成人高等教育非英语专业专科英语考试汉译英题库 (1) 2_第3页
江苏省成人高等教育非英语专业专科英语考试汉译英题库 (1) 2_第4页
江苏省成人高等教育非英语专业专科英语考试汉译英题库 (1) 2_第5页
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1、1. 10年后,那个腼腆的瘦小男孩变成一个自信漂亮的小伙。Ten years later, the shy and thin boy turned to a confident and handsome young man2. 1974年中国考古学家在西安挖掘出兵马俑。1n 1974 chinese archaeologists unearthed the pottery army in xi'an3. 阿尔弗雷德诺贝尔被认为是最伟大化学家发明家之一。Alfred nobel is regarded as one of the greatest chemists and invento

2、rs4. 奥运会中最重要的事不是获胜而是参与。The most important thing in olympic games is nit to win but to take part5. 把电话号码留给我,以便与你们联系。Give me your telephone number so that i can connect with you6. 爸爸说他以最好价格买了这两汽车。May father said that he had bought the car at the best price7. 帮助他使我们职责。It's our duty to help him8. 彼德

3、给她写了一封信。Peter wrote her a letter9. 必须马上把病人送到医院。The patient must be sent to hospital right away10. 毕业后我将回国,尽可能学好英语。After graduation, i'll go abroad to learn english as well as i can11. 别担心你的花草,在你度假期间我会照看它们。Don't worry about your flowers. I'll take care of them while you are out12. 并非所有求职者

4、都了解这些技巧。Not all job seekers know these skills13. 波琳能够干得比你好一点。Paulin can do better than you do14. 不管你在什么地方,我都能找到你。Wherever you are, i can find you15. 不仅是我们班同学,而且别班同学也兴奋喊叫。Not only are all the students of pur class shouting excitedly, but also the students of other classes16. 不久就证明电脑有助于改进他们的服务。It was

5、soon proved that computers could help improve their services17. 不要把那只玻璃杯放在桌边。Don't put the glass on the edge of the table18. 不要担心你母亲,她很快会好。Please don't worry about your mother. She will be well soon19. 不要满足于对功课的浅尝辄止,只求及格。Don't be content to just skim over courses with '' only to

6、pass'' in mind20. 不要让自己的探索局限于与自己专业直接相关的科目。Let yourself explore beyond your immediate career objectives21不要忘了在上学路上把信寄了。Dont forget to drop off the letter on your way to school22布莱克先生和他女儿进行了一次谈话。Mr. Black had a conversation with his daughter23成功的语言学习者能以更快的速度学会一门语言。Successful language learners

7、can pick up a new language more quickly24乘了8个小时飞机后我感觉有点累。I felt a bit tired after an 8-hour flight25除非签名真的,不然你无法打开银行贵重物品保险箱。You will not be able to open the safe-deposit box unless your signature is genuine26穿白色服装的学生来自我们学校。The students in white are from our school27此外,今年很多省份粮食大部分减产。In addition, ther

8、e is a crop failure in many provinces this year28粗心大意导致她考试不及格。Her carelessness led to her failure in the exam29达到十字路口前你要减速。Slow down before you cross the crossroads30大部分顾客愿意存钱时输入密码。The majority of customers are willing to type a personal number with depositing money31大家对你说的话感到厌倦。Everybody was tired

9、of what you were saying32当气候改变时,世界上的食物会更少。There 'll be less food in the world when the climate changes 33当时交通怎么样?正好是高峰期。How was the traffic at the moment? it was rush hour34导游对游客说,祝你们旅途愉快。The guide said to the tourists,"have a pleasant journey"35得知你成功我很快乐。It gave me much pleasure to he

10、ar of your success36得知要下雨,他们决定不去购物。Knowing that it was going to rain,they decided not to go shopping37迪克是我们班唯一懂四国语言的人。Dick is the only one, who knows four languages in our class38第二天早上水变成冰。The next morning the water changed into ice39电梯升至第10层。The elevator went up to the tenth floor40对不起,让你久等。Sorry t

11、o have kept you waiting41多穿些衣服防感冒。Put on more clothes in case you catch a cold42多年以前他是钢琴演奏家,难怪他现在仍弹这么好。He was a good pianist many years ago, so it's no wonder he can still play so well now43房间里有人吗?没有,一个人也没有。Are there any people in the room?no, there isn't any person in the room44房屋前面有个池塘。The

12、re is a pond in front of the house45放学后我准备去游泳。I shall go swimming after school is over46父母应当为孩子树立好榜样。Parents should set a good example for their children47父母总是尽一切努力保护孩子不受伤害。Parents always do their best to protect their children from any harm48父亲明天将给我许多礼物。My father will give me a lot of gifts tomorro

13、w49高辉告诉他的朋友如何在面试过程中推销自己。Gaohui told his friend how to sell himself in an interview50给我搬把椅子来,行吗?Fetch a chair for me, will you?51根据统计数字,90%的美国中学已与英特网连接。According to statistics, 90 percent of american high schools are connected to the internet52工人们停下活喝一杯茶。The workers stopped their work to have a cup o

14、f tea53工作条件该变了她整个性格。The working conditions changed her whole personality54顾客存取钱时间少了,顾客人数增加了。The amount of time for depositing and withdrawing money has been reduced and the number of the customers has increased55顾客的人数将来有增加可能吗is it possible that the number of the customers will increase in the future

15、56挂电话之前最好称呼对方一次。You'd better use the caller's name at least once before hanging up57过去,医学主要是与治病改善生活条件有关。In the past, medicine was concerned mainly with treating diseases and improving living conditions 58孩子们玩得如此开心,不知天色已晚。The children were so interested in their play that they didn't real

16、ize it was dark59孩子们正专心听老师讲话。The children are listing to the teacher attentively60毫无疑问,我们将取得成功。It's out of question that we'll succeed61合肥是安徽省省会。Hefei is the capital of anhui province62很久以前,所有旅客都要与其所带的行李一起称重。A long time ago, all the passengers had to be weighed with their luggage63怀特先生星期天上午去

17、伦敦。Mr. white is leaving for London on Sunday morning64还有很多时间吗?没有时间了。Is there much time left? No, there is little time left65患难朋友才是真朋友。A friend in need is a friend indeed66回家去吧,不然你妈妈会担心。Go home, otherwise, your mother will worry67会议主席总结了大家意见。The chairman of the meeting summed up the opinions of all68

18、霍尔曼先生,非常高兴欢迎您访问我校。Mr. Hoffman, i'm very happy to welcome you to visit our school69吉姆利用午饭时间与弗雷德对笔记。Jim took the advantage of the lunch time to compare his notes with fred's notes70计划生育政策降低了中国出生率。The family planning program has brought down the fertility rate of china71教育资源包括从天气情况到人口统计等专题的研究资料

19、。Educational resources included the research information on topics raging from weather conditions to population statistics72她病情如此严重,医生无能为力。She is so sick that the doctors can do nothing for her73她出国为了继续深造。She went abroad so that she could continue her studies74她从马上摔下来,结果不能上学。She was unable to go to

20、school as a result of the fall from her horse75她的话很含糊以至于我根本不明白她想说什么。She is so vague that i can never understand what she is trying to say76她的家庭由她和丈夫,还有一个女儿组成。His family consists of herself, her husband and a daughter77她的所有业余时间都用在英语学习上。All her spare time was devoted to learning english78她给他一包烟。She ga

21、ve him a packet of cigarettes79她给我打了一针盘尼西林。She gave me an injection of penicillin80她购买了一些适合冷天穿的衣服。She buys some clothes suitable for cold weather81她回不回来仍是个问题。Whether she will come back remains to be a question82她建议我向有经验的工人学习。She suggested that we learn from experienced workers83她经历一个又一个艰难困苦。She went

22、 though one hardship after another84她肯定会在比赛中获得冠军。She will surely win the championship in the competition85她起得很早,以免上课迟到。She got up early for fear that she might be late for class86她是第一个学会开飞机的妇女。She is the first woman to drive the plane87她太自私,所以没人喜欢和她交往。She is so selfish that no one likes to deal with

23、 her88她有三个孩子,两个男孩,一个女孩。She has three children:two boys and a girl89她越有钱越贪婪。The richer she was, the greedier she became90她再也抑制不住怒火。She was unable to hold back her anger any longer91她在公共汽车停靠站等你。She is waiting for you at the bus stop92她丈夫酒后举止使她尴尬。Her husband's drunken behaviour embarrassed her93今日的

24、世界充满宝贵知识。Today's world is full of precious knowledge94今天中国日报还没到。Today's china daily has not arrived yet95今天可真热。It's really hot today96今天晚上开会吗?Is there a meeting this evening?97今天我们家庭作业不多。We don't have much homework taday98今天我请客。It's on me today99今天下午你将干什么?我打算看风景。What are you goin

25、g to do this afternoon? I'm going to see the sights100今天早上,我们到火车站时刚好赶上早班车。This morning we arrived at the railway station just in time to catch the early train101尽管变化很多,但传统家庭模式仍占主导地位。Despite the changes, the traditional forms of family will prevail102尽管她不再年轻,但依旧美丽。Although she is no longer young,

26、 she is still pretty103尽管他病了,他仍开会。In spite of his illness, he still came to the meeting104尽管下雨,我们还是要去。We are going to go in spite of the rain105尽管学习中存在问题和困难,我还是十分喜欢英语。In spite of the problems and difficulties in my learning of english, i still love it very much106尽管这个任务十分艰巨,我很愿意干这事。Although the task

27、 is awful, i'm well content to do it107看起来没人喜欢她。It seems that nobody likes her108恐怕现在没有这样的工作。I'm afraid there is no such job available at the moment109快餐正在改变中国人饮食观念。Fast food is now changing Chinese eating ideas110快点,旅行车在外面等你。Hurry up, the coach is waiting for you outside111李芳几乎每天花一个半小时学英语。L

28、ifang almost spends an hour and a half on english everyday112李明试图使大家相信他会很快适应工作。Liming tried to make everybody believe he would soon fit in113李先生会在出站口接你们,然后带你们去旅馆。Mr. Li will meet you at the arrival gate and then he'll take you to the hotel114理一次发多少钱。How much do you charge for a haircut115连接英特网的电

29、脑使你家成为一个拥有无线信息的场所。A computer that is connected to the internet allows your home to turn to a place of unlimited information116旅行支票优点是安全方便。The advantage of travellers' checks is that they are safe and convenient117玛丽在考试时绞尽脑汁寻找解决问题的答案。Mary was racking her brain for the key to the problem during th

30、e exam118没有驾驶执照,你不可以开车。You cannot drive without a drivers license119没有见过凯旋门就等于没有到过巴黎。Not to see the arch of triumph is not to see paris120没有人知道这个故事起源。No one knows the origin of the story121每个月他都要给家里电汇些钱补贴家用。Every month he has to wire some money to support his family122每天早晨,幼儿园老师微笑站在校门口,迎接孩子。Every mo

31、rning the smiling kindergarten teachers stand at the gate greeting the children123民主观念已深深根植人们心里。The notion of democracy has taken root among people124明天我们全家将去餐馆吃一顿自助晚餐。Tomorrow, our family will go to the restaurant to have a buffet supper125母亲把她打扮像个洋娃娃。Her mother dressed her up like a doll126那笔钱已经转到

32、我的账户。That sum of money has been transferred to my account127那次火车事故是件可怕的事情。The railway accident was a terrible affair128那栋楼房前面有棵大树。There is a big tree in front of the building129那房子就在下一个拐角处,你不会找不到。The house is at the next corner. You can't miss it130那个新百货商店几乎每天都挤满人。The new department store is cro

33、wded with people almost every day131那位教授提出几种有价值的参考书。The professor mentioned a few valuable reference books132那座小山是看日落好地方。That hill is a great place to watch the sunset133南京不再是过去样子。Nanjing is not what it used to be134南京大学简称南大。Nanjing university is called nanda for short135能够在网上获取大量各种资料使我们世界变得更小。The a

34、ccess to a huge variety of information on the net has made our world a smaller place136你乘飞机旅行过吗?have you ever travelled by air?137你的表几点了?一点十五。What time is it by your watch? Its one fifteen138你的家乡发生什么变化。What changes have taken place in your hometown?139你的心脏听上去没问题。Your heart sounds ok140你付过保价金了吗?have

35、you paid for your insurance?141你刚才说了什么?What did you say just now?142你好,罗伯特,身体如何?Hello, robert, how are you?143你看过电影泰坦尼克号吗?have you seen the film titanic?144你可以在公园游玩,在那里沐浴明媚阳光。You can play and enjoy the bright sun in the park145你了解这个公司的情况吗?Have you found out about this company?146你慢慢讲,好吗?Will you spe

36、ak slowly?147你们办公室有几部电话?How many telephones are there in your office?148你们应保持宿舍整洁干净。You should keep your bedroom clean and tidy149你能帮我提这个包吗?Can you help me carry the bag?150你能帮我找到丢失的手表吗?Can you help me find my lost watch?151你认识和玛丽跳舞的那个年轻人嘛。Do you know the young man with whom mary is dancing?152你太客气了

37、。You are too polite153你为什么不求助。Why don't you ask for help?154你为什么不早告诉我们你不能参加我们音乐会呢?why didn't you tell us earlier that you couldn't come to our music evening?155你喜欢什么体育运动。What kind of sports do you go in for?156你喜欢中餐还是西餐。Do you like chinese food or westerner food?157你应该亲切向所有打电话者打招呼。You sh

38、ould greet all the callers pleasantly158你应花时间好好准备考试。You should take time to prepare well for the exam159你在行动之前必须仔细想一想。Think carefully before you act160你正是我要寻找的人。You are the very man i'm looking for161你知道他家出什么事吗do you know what happened in his family?162你最好还是试试以上概述的方法。You may do well to try the s

39、tudy techniques outlined above163你最好骑自行车来。You'd better come by bike164前法国总理高度赞西安兵马俑。The former french premier spoke highly of the pottery army in xi'an165乔治正在与一位中国学生练习对话。George is practicing dialogues with a chinese student166请把我的信装到你的信内寄出好吗?Will you please enclose my letter with yours?167请不

40、要把这些材料放在这里。Don't put the materials here168请打听那艘船什么时候开往纽约。Please find out when the ship sails for newyork169请给我订一张去广州的飞机票。Please book me an airline ticket for guangzhou170请立即将这封信寄出去。Please send this letter right away171请明天来参加面试。Please come to an interview tomorrow172请您告诉我怎样写应聘信好吗?Will you please

41、tell me how to write a letter of application173请确保我们有足够时间赶火车。Please make sure that we have enough time to catch the train174请通知我账号以便我把现金打入你账户。Please inform me of your account number so that i can pay the cash into your account175请问,去环球旅行社怎么走?这边走。Excuse me,how can i get to the global travel agency? P

42、lease come this way176请专心倾听,不要打断别人谈话。Please listen attentively and don't interrupt177去杭州的火车上午8:30开。The train to hangzhou departs at 8:30 am178去年两国贸易总额达40亿美元。Trade between the two countries totaled 4 billion dollars last year179去年夏天她们在海南度假。They spent their vacation in hainan last summer180让我把你介绍给

43、该系领导。Let me introduce you to the head of the department181日报上有很多版面专门评论体育活动。Several pages of the daily newspaper are devoted to discussing sports182如果不马上走,你会迟到。Unless you go at once,you'll be late183如果你从一个商店拿东西不付款,你肯定会被抓。If you take things from a shop without paying, you are sure to be caught184如

44、果你的英语学习一直不成功,很可能你没经常操练。If your english learning has not been successful,you have not probably not practiced using it regularly185如果你听从我的劝告,你就可能成功。If you follow my advice, you'll probably succeed186如果你想他请求,他会帮助你。If you ask him, he'll help you187如果你要投诉邮局服务的话,你就去找邮局负责人。If you want to complain a

45、bout the service, you can go to the person in charge of the post office188如果你有能力,你很可能有机会晋级。If you are capable, you'll probably have a chance for the promotion189如果你有时间,顺便来玩,任何时候你都受欢迎。If you have time, please drop in.you are welcome anytime190如果书店离这儿不远,我宁愿走去。If the bookstore isn't far away fr

46、om here, i'd rather go there on foot191如果他有时间,让他看一下这本书。Let him read this book if he has time192如今很多年轻人宁愿独身。Nowadays many young people prefer to remain single193如我们所期待的,他按时完成任务。He finished the work on time just as we had expected194三个人中我最喜欢比尔。Of all the three,i like bill the best195上百万示威者,包括工人学生教

47、师参加了游行。Millions of demonstrators including workers, students and teachers were on the march196上车前要记得准备好一些零钱。Remember to have some change with you before you get on a bus197上大学绝不仅意味着得到一个分数。Going to college means a lot more than earning a grade198上大学是一件十分严肃的事。Going college is a very serious business19

48、9上海是我去过的最漂亮城市。Shanghai is the most beautiful city I have ever visited200上周末我去了无锡,玩得非常痛快。I went to wuxi last weekend and i enjoyed my trip very much201圣诞节那天,他收到一件漂亮礼物。She was given a lovely gift on christmas day202十年前,我们曾在同一所大学工作。We worked in the same university ten years ago203什么都不能使我离开美丽家乡。Nothing

49、could take me from my beautiful hometown204史密斯教授是我遇到的最好英语老师。Professor smith is the best teacher that we have ever met205史密斯先生对这次旅行安排很满意。Mr. Smith was satisfied with the travel arragements206世上万事万物都相互关联。All things are related to all other things in the world207谁来看我都受欢迎。Whoever comes to see me will be

50、 welcomed208谁想去,她就带谁。She will take whoever wants to go209顺便问一下,你收到那封信吗?By the way, have you receive the letter?210似乎他不知道如何开户。It seems that he doesn't know how to open an account211所有人似乎都关心孩子教育问题。All the people seem to be concerned with children's education212他把所有的钱都投到可靠证券。He invested all his

51、 money in reliable securities213他班上大部分学生都是南京人。Most of the students in his class come from nanjing214他背靠墙一动不动站着。He stood motionless against the wall215他被车压了。He was run over by a truck216他被胜利冲昏头脑。He was carried away by success217他比我强,因为他是大学生。She has an advantage over me, for she is a college graduate2

52、18他表达了出国深造愿望。He expressed his desire to go abroad to have a further study219他表示要帮助我。He offers to help me220他不能决定是否回家。He couldn't decide whether or not to return home221他不认为这是令人生厌的事,因为他想把孩子训练成优秀运动员。He doesn't think it is a chore, because he wanted to discipline those children to be good playe

53、rs222他不在梦想出国留学。She no longer dreams of studying abroad他不知道怎样解这道数学题,所以他去请玛丽帮忙。He didn't know how to solve this maths problem, so he went to ask mary for help223他长在农村,但现在工作生活在城里。He grew up in the countryside but he is working and living in the city now224他常常在网上获取参考资料。He often got reference materia

54、ls on line225他常以点头微笑的方式与别人打招呼。He often greets people with a nod or a smile226他的弟弟一直对计算机感兴趣。His little brother is always interested in the computer227他的耳朵对机器中任何不正常的声音均十分敏感。His ears are highly sensitive to any unusual sound in the machine228他的歌迷盛赞他是最受欢迎歌唱家。His fans all acclaimed him as the most popula

55、r singer229他的话使她心里充满希望。His words fill her heart with hope230他的口音表明他是南方人。His accent proclaimed him a southerner231他的新作是关于一个发明家的一生。His new book is concerned with an inventor's life232他的艺术作品很巧妙。His works of art are ingenious233他的英语口语比我好。His oral english is better than mine234他的最大目标是通过大学英语六级。His gre

56、at aim is to pass college english band-vi235他懂一点法语,但讲的不流利。He has some acquaintance of french but he doesn't speak it fluently236他对这个房间发生事情感兴趣。He was interested in what had happened in the room237他关心周围每个人。He cares for everybody around him238他害怕他们球队会输掉这场比赛。He is afraid that his team may lose the g

57、ame239他和他的妻子原籍德国。He and his wife are german by origin240他还没有告诉我们去北京旅游的细节。He hasn't told us details about his travel to beijing241他将大部分人生花在时装设计。He spent a large part of his life on fashion designing242他讲英语略带德国口音。He speaks english with a slight german accent243他教她法文以交换英文。He is giving her french le

58、ssons in exchange for english lessons244他近来手头不宽裕。He's living on a tight budget245他卷入了汤姆和杰克的争吵。He got involved in the quarrel between tom and jack246他看书时总是记笔记。He always takes notes while he is reading247他靠小心投资获得利益。He has gained a profit by careful investment248他靠在许多小处省钱,设法积攒了度假钱。By various little

59、 economies, she managed to save money for a holiday249他夸耀自己是学校最棒足球队员。He boasts of being the best football play in the school250他略懂一点英语。He knows a little english251他没有把地址讲清楚。He didn't make the address clear252他每天早上5点起床。He gets up at five every morning253他们不知道下一步怎么办。They don't know what they should do next254他们


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