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1、LExplain the various tasks which would come under your remit asPhysical Resource ManagerAs a physical resource manager we have various task such as planning, organising,coordinating, budgeting, controlling and nionitoring/evaluatingThe first task is planning,as a Physical resource manager we must ne

2、ed know andunderstand the plan and role in the planning.lt is conclude three level of logisticsplanning:strategic planning, tactical planning, operational planning.The strategicplanning is medium to long term planning spanning one to five years. In this case, theAngus Glen Water cooperate with Ecoss

3、e Hotels and offer the water to all of the hotel.Due to that the hotel operate in many different countries, Angus Glen Water will enterthe international market and this is an big strategy and decision for the company, so theyneed make the strategic planning.Therefor the manager also need the tactica

4、lplanning,from we study we can know this planning spanning six months to a year.Thisplanning will deal with annual budgets,which provide the financial basis.Finally weneed operational planning,it is controlled the standards and rules and is day to dayplanning.Manager need detect the weekly and month

5、ly reports to understand theoperation of department and take some measures to deal with the problem The second task is organization,the manager absolutely need to ensure that the plansscheduled and the right task are being done at the right time and by the rightperson.Dividing up the work is really

6、importance to the manager in organization too.Inthis task the manager have two small task, the first is find more more manufacturer toproduce the glass bottle and find new haulier to transport the product to odiercountries.The second task is make decision of the transportation mode, such as airline,

7、ship or trainjnclude the production enter in to the new market.After ensure thetransportation the manager have to consider the export document.In one word themanager need consider and make sure every process is right and really be done in thewhole process from the old market to the new market.Thirdl

8、y, coordinating in this task manager have to keeping control at all time to ensurethat all plans are met. And this task consist of some small task such as delegating,objective setting. Delegating is one of the most importance coordinating tasks, in thistask manager absolutely need to sure that the m

9、embers of the team understand what isexpected of them, just by the way the manager can croodinating First of all managermust ensure thatthe person being given the task has the right level of skill to cairy out thetask111. Secondly, is that the manager should tell them what state required results and

10、 theresources required. The staff should understand what is the required results and discussthe resources The manager should set a deadlines and support to them, if the staff meetany problem .the manager can communicate with them and solve the problem Finallythe manager need evaluate the final resul

11、ts and obtain the feedback. If the manager candelegate the right people , the task will be coordinate. In this case the manager need tocoordinate the department and by coordinating improve they work efficiency Absolutely, setting a target is importance for coordinating, the work person objective The

12、 manager use the objectives to measure the performance and offer some suggestionto others, it will coordinate the taskFourth task is budgeting, from study we can know the budgeting are cost goal set by topmanager, it means through the budgeting the distribution manager can know what theorganization

13、goals and objectives are, and what resources will be needed to achievethose goals and objective Then ensure that distribution activities are profitable andefficient.Fifth is controlling. This task is to ensure that the goals is achieved and comparing theactual results and original objectives then, t

14、he manager can evaluate the detail thingsand find some good activities and some terrible things.Finally is monitoring and evaluation, as a manager monitoring121is essential because bythe way can improve efficient of work such as independent check and double check”In the last task, the manager need m

15、ake a evaluation about this work Such as the target,plan.the result is good or bad 2Explain how the International Trade Department would bestructured and how this would benefit Angus Glen over a structurethat did not include this department.International trade department can help companies to furthe

16、r expand overseas markets.Including import and export of international trade department, for example, overseasprocurement, marketing the three points. Here are some staff to deal with the export orimport problem, to the as the export certificate, the document of import and export. Thepurchasing over

17、sea is in charge of the purchasing in the world, to the as the material, thebottle and others. The sales and marketing is responsible for the sales and marketing inother countries, and find new customer and sell the product to them.There are some benefit when the company establish the international

18、trade department.At first, this department can help the company expand in the oversea market moreconvenience and quickly. The second, by establish the department can improve thestrength of corporation and improve the popularity of brand The company has theinternational trade department and the staff

19、 will sell their product to other countries andincrease the sales Finally the company can decrease the cost by international tradedepartment oversea purchasing3Describe the links that would operate between the InternationalTrade Department and other departments within the organization.Transport and

20、warehouse department is responsible for transport and preservation stores.Transport department major task is distribution the goods between different city andensure the goods quality and quantity. Warehouse department have two major task, thefirst one is preservation the goods this is also the most

21、importance task for waiehousedepartment such as unified the various business processes, periodic inventory systemand make sure the consistent of warehouse131account, content and card. The second oneis make sure the production is satisfaction.Production department is really important for a company, b

22、ecause this department is linkto customers, if the production cant get satisfaction of customers the company may cannot get profit. This department major task is ensure the production activity will finish intime. And this department need have de good corporation with development departmentand market

23、ing department, because this department need accuracy data to makegoods141.The international trade department is important for the company and it will connect withother department, meanwhile, odier department also will get information from thedepartment. Such as, the production department, the inter

24、national trade departmentobtain a customer from Canada, so the international trade department will tell theproduction department to produce the goods and tell them the entail of customer. Andthe the international trade department is really important to decrease the cost throughoversea purchasing. Th

25、e transport and warehousing department will offer theinformation of warehousing to international trade department, then the internationaltrade department will help the department to manage the inventory. For the D&Rdepartment, the international and trade department can bring some new technology

26、toD&R department from other country. The R&D department will help the internationaltrade department to introduce the goods and offer the technical training The sales andmarketing department will offer the situation of domestic market and help thedepartment to find new customer. Meanwhile, th

27、e international trade department canoffer the international situation and help the department to adjust their strategy.“Describe the links the International Trade Department would havewith external integrating bodies and why these would exist.There are several external integrating bodies, such as th

28、e freight forwarder,import agent,import dealers and others.A freight forwarder, forwarder, or forwarding agent, is a person or company thatorganizes shipments for individuals or corporations to get goods from the manufactureror producer to a market, customer or final point of distribution. Freight c

29、an be booked ona variety of shipping providers, including ships, airplanes, trucks, and railroads. It is notunusual for a single shipment to move on multiple carrier types. International freightforwarders typically handle international shipments. International freight forwardershave additional exper

30、tise in preparing and processing customs and other documentationand performing activities pertaining to international shipmentsFirst, it can help companies choose the best transportation and the best transport routes.International trade sector choose to accept orders, freight forwarding department w

31、illcontact the production sector. Second, it can help companies to handle differentdocuments, such as customs procedures and other documents, then give the product tothe haulier .it also helps the company to pay the freight and customs duties. Fromfreight forwarding task, it can help reduce the cost

32、 of international trade sector and risk At the same time, it can ensure transportation safety products and productsThe import agent is a person or company that by accepting the delegation of exporter andhelp the exporter to handle the import business, It receive some commissions. In general,the impo

33、rt agents do not assume the credit risk, exchange and market, it has no theownership of products, there are four types of import agents, such as brokers, factors,manufacturer; s representatives and managing agents that can help international tradesector to purchase some materials from other countries in order to reduce costs Becauseimport agency is specialized in importing stuff


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