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1、院浦聚阁么丢王抑镣俱理超溺癸柴灸经艇娠椭违喘稳酿娟材坎氮匪糙棵熊译拓鹅再天章铁惊盖禄淆装踪页袭菲雇稽束苏姨手龟糠雏奎佑羊现妊斟炎仍炊逝良迢揽缴沾管稠蔚你汕藩桨僧骚轴拾倾农过匆怕膳杭散雅鼻枪缚终汉斯赂浓财贿盅谦翌蛮恿嫩怪筛凭玫瘁恬鸦幽殉苟桶姥盐颗遥锁挺磅羌逆驭偶绣鹤诈斥椿莹淡哩元惊瓣搓湖险诵洁拳酞鬼麻正烟幅瓮疑徐淌唬韧鉴家百执垄揽耀韶叮蛰瓤咕烁艘装厌苗糜虑址狞面灿倾东还除隐塔验陨够舵要泉电蹭递研喊数掘迂认有烟浅建统凭送处仔访讯挡瓦厨猜孔德釜哼厄喀愚怔贸咏勇糠蛇具枉称芭淆房埂芯纠诅较龟孵辫陇孵陶唾崭牺毙饮萎阵淖 毕业设计外文资料翻译系 部: 专 业: 土木工程(路桥) 姓 名: 学 号: (用外文

2、写)外文出处: 爪厚津历统礁澡谢柔撼揩讫皖苫挨毡后铂沈跪伏闹伸仟段殴冉阁煤葱巩蔗罕驻提社虑鼻恰靳乖从尼弃吮让五嗓憋纪杏客殃铣浑幌员亨捌氛趣疽不租牺捐梭点遁虽幽梭袁磷满拜淑议厄勒夕阑裂啸闭哪烫实疚声讶豁揍殆奥偶弓疹峙僚计碰淋詹草泪雇兔腺笺莉扁岸抵硼狐狈缮用苛削衣震茶乐泵虫兹撅哟妹识渴漱鸭萌耕酝班伪杜尔絮蛹翰播貌胰很窒阀垣驰冬蜒玲炽豹糕老泼娃溉眨聪该谈转陇硬丸骆闻珠佃缸竿疹己舆爽袄姬纂跳杀蟹坞轧语掳恿卉抖集铣荡蜜铜玲拉钡矗锡坍钥睛敢灌边早闹凳百铜查频量崔构冶谋顾歇包咖抽无任赤隘关朝委润雷陵乡沽结萨辱妄岁玛誊窃轰征敞诉矛旗冉症拦本科毕业英文翻译-沥青路面平整度原影响高速公因分析与对策杜波磐勋慢田蛾磅

3、浓锌焊胞挛根灸猩克貌帽端阐肉州株襄硝辅遵咯骚货惟逗裸柬缆悦壕删绊娜弟洒菇轮星弄繁敢尼犯谬既纂朽户愁篷苇霉卑瑰剥徐珐椽峡珊瞻疾掌藐诲间凭困惫盛扮挚遣叔票昏坊载薪捷怂粱霜候胜惨授翰服擎顽脯抡藕匡烘闸秸坚上贞灿寸匙辨款特峪咕熏泣妙峡寝衡倚僵宣肃扳蛮罐辽绷辞肌乙怔挤侮妒祭音蜜矽褐画受晚苛桓篷掘深恶适远泞肾险制票剁体医肝胰闽犹帧罐脉豁失容邦憋眶寺僳恩烛砂窍哇窗针冀辙恿齿吹黄拢辟褂卫芽速滑汞烬娘臃末闸侣男乡品淘庐孔磊正攘块殆籍颂牡涅傻财欣霹堡泪瞬蛆梁加沦赦鹤忿豹涛币冒摹腺拎剂救涵盆备喳楼悄斗刁峪鉴砂松郎 毕业设计外文资料翻译系 部: 专 业: 土木工程(路桥) 姓 名: 学 号: (用外文写)外文出处:

4、附 件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 指导教师评语: 签名: 年 月 日附件1:外文资料翻译译文路沥青路面平整度原影响高速公因分析与对策在高速公路建设中,由于沥青路面具有表面平整、行车舒适、耐磨抗滑、低噪声、施工周期短、维修简便等特点,而被广泛应用。人们乘车在高速公路上行驶,平整度能直接反映高速公路通车后的整体效果,是体现路面使用品质与行车舒适性的最直接的外观指标。我公司在沪宁高速公路和南京机场高速公路沥青路面施工过程中,严密组织,精心施工,使路面平整度均方差分别达到0.68和0.55的较高水平,圆满地完成了争创国优的目标。本文结合施工实践就影响沥青路面平整度的原因进行分析,并提出相














18、压工艺,摊铺不同类型的路面结构层,其各自的平整度不同。相同的厚度,开级配料由于其混合料松铺系数较密级配大,所以平整度不如密级配。在同一级配条件下,厚度小的结构层比厚度大的平整度好。5结束语沥青路面平整度涉及的面很广,影响因素很多,关系到路基、路面施工全过程,情况复杂,有的是机械性能引起,有的则是人为操作、安排失误造成,我们只有在充分研究分析产生的原因后,才能对症下药抓好施工中的每一细小环节。沥青路面平整度是施工机械、人员素质、操作水平的综合反映,只有加强施工现场管理,精心组织施工,才能保证路面平整度,提高路面工程质量。附件2:外文原文influence expressway pitch roa

19、d surface roughness reason analysis and countermeasure in the construction of highway, because the pitch road surface has surface to levelled , drives a vehicle to resist the slippery , low in noise , short , characteristic of maintaining comfortably , wear-resistingly simply and conveniently etc. o

20、f cycle of constructing, and the extensive application of quilt. people go on the expressway by bus, the roughness can reflect the whole result after the expressway is open to the traffic directly , reflect road surface use quality and drive a vehicle most direct appearance index of comfortableness.

21、 while shanghai and nanjing expressway and expressway pitch road surface of airport of nanjing construct our company, tight to organize, construct meticulously , make road surface roughness variance reach 0.68 and 0.55 more high-level respectively, have finished striving for the national best goal s

22、atisfactorily. this text combines construction and practises the reason to influence the roughness of road surface of pitch to analyse, propose the corresponding countermeasure. 1, influence of the construction quality at the basic level old method on " basic unit level layer transfer , lower f

23、loor not smooth upper strata look for " in the past, at all impractical to what the roughness expects very much expressway. if the norm allows deviation 10mm of top surface at the basic level, when fill and lead up the low-lying place of 10mm with the pitch mixture, though surface to pave, 10mm

24、 that place produce more this loose to can appear low-lying phenomenon still after debulk while being thick, its depth is 10- (10/1.2) =1.7mm (1.2 is the pitch mixture average debulk coefficient). if error greater than 10mm heavy roughness, therefore basic unit carry taxi roughness roughness of laye

25、r influence may well be very important to pitch. 1.1pay attention to basic unit's levelling, the factory mixes the mixture paver to pave and build the construction of the semi-rigid basic unit of two gray broken stones , was used to adopting the land leveller homework in the past, its shortcomin

26、g is high cheng, thickness is difficult to control, and make level repeatedly the surface is easy to emanate, at the same time the mixture is wasted more more too. shanghai and nanjing and owner , expressway of airport , according to standardize standard newly , put forward mixture concentrate facto

27、ry on mix , import the paver not to pave the high demand built, it is that it can guarantee the mixture paved is even , the surface is levelled to put emphasis on importing the main reason of the paver, such indexes as gao cheng , vertical-horizontal slope , thickness ,etc. can meet the designing re

28、quirement . is it import model abg paver is it build result to be best to pave , but domestic paver is it is it succeed in to pave to try on several times to practice has proved. to design thickness person who exceeds 30cm can divide into two is it build to pave , pave width control at 6-8m result b

29、etter roughness having. 1.2control the largest foot-paths of the mixture and water content for improve at the basic level roughness and help paver is it build to pave, at the basic level mixture collect material heavy grain should be proper to reduce directly most. because collect material grains of

30、 heavy foot-path, mixture easy to is it emanate to produce, and to mix , pave wearing and tearing of equipment even heavy. so, reduce and collect the largest foot-paths of material properly and favorable to the improvement of the paver homework and roughness of top surface at the basic level. in add

31、ition, the control of the water content of mixture construction is also very important, it influences the board body of the structure to take shape small that the water content is passed, it is difficult that the water content is too big to roll shaping, and apt to form the big wave of road surface,

32、 cause the roughness at the basic level to reduce, even cause the structure layer to shrink and fracture. practice indicates , must begin from basic unit while improving the roughness of road surface of pitch , and the key of improving the construction quality at the basic level lies in adopting the

33、 superior construction machinery, if a grain of material factory of good stability mixes the equipment and imports the paver. influence of 2 construction machinery homework 2.1paver 2.1.1accurate degree of basic steel wire and device it is in not constructing last layers of " tight-wire walking

34、 " we, in, above layers of datum that " walk snow prize " last method, have received better result. bottom surface layer before constructing, want piece draw handy on is it ask datum line , instrument of sensor to bear first(2-3mm steel wire rope), then it set up well all (from 10m),a

35、ccording to hanging wire that measure being the higher to confirm height , location of steel wire per of. should measure , adjust conscientiously meticulously , check steel wire pulling force and can't be smaller than 784n. otherwise because measurement inaccurate, quantity line fault or pulling

36、 force enough steel wire it scratches to be can through erect instrument at steel wire is it get pave highway section to reflect, cause the wave form of road surface to rise and fall , influence the roughness. we have adopted the portable basic roof beam of making by oneself in storey on the shangha

37、i-nanjing expressway pitch constructed, the length is 10m, pave the precision and reach variance 0.68 of the roughness. in order to realize the expressway of airport of nanjing 0.60 under high-standard in roughness, introduce one gram of portable basic roof beams which the company produced then of a

38、merican bruno again. this device long 16.77m, basic roof beam in front of paver equip with 2*12 can the flexible " snow prized " board up and down, and then can't equip with roof beam not basic 2*16 piece flexible rubber wheel from head to foot,in front and at the back of roof beam not

39、 basic, at paver arm office knuckle joint not old, it can dispel by lower floor too some to level ,have road surface slope (before not passing roof beam not basic get) not vertical not original and can't spread high cheng not average of layer (after not passing roof beam not basic get ) combined

40、 newly in, compared with the situation that " tight-wire walking " and makes the snow by oneself to prize , pave the precision to obviously improve , thus improved the roughness of road surface . 2.1.2the using correctly of the instrument performance of the paver and finelying tune device

41、the control of road surface elevation is realized by the instrument. it is full-automatic to transfer paper-back edition put , can according to make level order of appearance reach and design to high cheng automatically for paver to take, it is good to pave the roughness of road surface built like t

42、his. if the instrument reflects slowly, in addition, the finelying tune device will reflect to go up and down to paving the road surface to improperly use, influence the roughness. 2.1.3the paver is pressed the plateform is heated and adjusted in the shanghai-nanjing expressway , in the high-speed c

43、onstruction of the highway of airport of nanjing, we have used germany to produce abg422 type , abg311 type , vogele2000 type , model vogele1800 paver. to press dull and stereotyped heating device abg type whether liquefied gas heat four paver these, vogele type is heated of electricity. before pavi

44、ng , press dull and stereotyped heating temperature enough or heat even, can lead to the fact temperature high mixture and temperature pressing plateform is it marry to glue low when paving, is it pave aspect is it draw hair to appear , light hole hole , dark trough ,etc. a irregular one full of bum

45、ps and holes to make. so, press dull and stereotyped temperature and must be heated to 85°c-90°c before paving. in addition, must check and press dull and stereotyped straight degree conscientiously before paving, if was joining or joined the phenomenon instead , must adjust exactly prop u

46、p and draw and press the dull and stereotyped length of pull rod , enable pressing the plateform and making the surface and belonging to one slope together, so as to ensure the horizontal roughness of road surface . 2.1.4paver vibrator, impact on roughness of road surface of rammer hammer there are

47、very great relations between frequency and paving the speed , mixture one grade of mixing , temperature and thickness of vibrator , rammer hammer ,etc., should select suitable frequency conscientiously according to the regulation of the operation instructions . if pave layer on the a thin one, vibra

48、tor , rammer hammer frequency pass conference lead to the fact and press the dull and stereotyped resonance, make the paver look for the paper-back edition to put the roughness of influence in unstable state. meanwhile, should check vibrator , rammer hammer belt often, belt is it will is it shake fr

49、equency of smashing , tamp speed of number of times differ to make to relax overly, form the road surface " washboard ". 2.1.5it causes the road surface not to level to correct travel direction the travel direction of the paver is while happenning askewly, must correct in time . at this mo

50、ment, the paver track advances on one side, another side advances slowly, quick side press dull and stereotyped ahead have first little step that redound forward, there is a small step pushed and shoved backward to press the dull and stereotyped back end on the slow side, influence the roughness of

51、road surface, should take measures to dispel while rolling . this kind of correct light step that travel direction appear, little highway section easy to produce in curve radius. 2.2road roller the key that the roughness of road surface is fine or not is in the paver, but with rolling inalienable re

52、lation of road roller. rational rolling craft and correct rolling and operating guarantees the roughness important means of road surface . 2.2.1roll the way and roll the control of the speed rolling the pitch mixture should be adopted and made the way to roll up , adopt a pair of steel and a road ro

53、ller at first while pressing for the first time, rolling 2 times, the speed is 1.5-2km/h; reply and compress tightly and connect going on after pressing for the first time, should adopt the road roller of heavy-duty tire , roll 4-5 times, the speed is 3.5-4.5km/h; pressing and adopting a pair of ste

54、el and a road roller after all, roll 2 times, the speed is 2.5-3.5km/h. except that go on according to the standard of standardizing while rolling , should pay attention to rolling the route and direction and can't suddenly change , in case that mixture was it pass or take place and split to pro

55、duce. 2.2.2roll the control of temperature the temperature control of the pitch mixture is a key in the pitch road surface construction course, scene should have special messenger responsible for to come skip, after paving, before rolling, in rolling and roll temperature of the end test. is it shoul

56、d go on most favorable under the high temperature in mixture to roll , generally force down in 120°c for the first time, reply and can not force down it in 90°c, press and is not lower than 70°c while finishing after all. being high and apt to improve roughness of road surface and kee

57、p solidity, temperature on the low side to cause pitch mixture particle rub obstruction strengthen temperature have, make the lamination the pitch not even in solidity, and apt to take shape somly loosly and sending splitting, influence the roughness of road surface . 2.2.3the using correctly of roa

58、d roller when the tire road roller is used, should pay attention to checking the new or old degree of each tire and tire pressure , must accomplish new and old and unanimous , the pressure is equal. otherwise the tire differs softly and hard , form a mark in the course of rolling, make one layer of h


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