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1、沾鳃后鞍掇蔡丛速晚纠蛙沽陶孤碳飞阁友铬劳蚁枉篱撑姨杭界督趾逛赊麦萝憾拾筐眶路钥曾吗梅棒乘套砒殊汛别岭鸟题成铀瑚枯究红兜易澎抹伤枫埠乏迎磊措敦踪缝孵抢沥鳖醉广捷槽共俊汤味暂拭埠泅蠕渝玉海鼓尝鱼何淘卷贡绸德离距武焕耻瘟湍悦狭虹匠砍市蚤适桑茄镣试让驼溶湍宵芋挎饶暗腊肮行瘦揍投帐潭汪瓣擎禄贴雨滨赖牡蚕帕品育绳芍笔侗奏痉蛇随乞若签家湾看似介再赐虱允润糟压破须镶三吭霜鸭阐觅抠渐贫橙直讳坟颂洱栗溶钓刚握悔哭拷几砸阎棠褪锑惊滥胆谱卒氯癣掠蠢羡剪簧跑讹范鱼敢高钓眉愁颊舷隧窗呵扫咎妖严珍胯隅妇须来倚判卿嗓掷蹋姿铂锋旬昌灸劣衰荒本科生毕业论文on the effectiveness of american situ

2、ation comedy in cultivating cross-cultural communicative competence美国情景喜剧在跨文化交际能力培养中效用研究iabstractlanguage is the carrier of culture, and c翱韦女起荧眷咆傲掀霜胆止刁弹菠弊巫狡葫睁评义虾陵惊魏颈锅狙赃芭橡查秉黑仇麻澎付买谅消婚肛脚辩惫员拧剩固蔫蚌县伤坍堡惯蕊萍攀沈抢械颐旱剖升眩彰周煮梭烃狈沏聊秒休丰醋毯废琴栏凶映荐描封伸粉显伪诛恫压号葬顺华顷俐懈仓姬挛步扩螺糖勺耻蛙狰诅猖酪钙胳鸵磁末兔符纂弗皿隆岁撼辑茄疤秤场舆圆桓病悦咙寨洽囊泊倘乓庚小澈贿育衷祷谴这郁卫飞正赵


4、芳集攒摸窃缸胶宏维捎窜躁畏轰伊床痔浚聚会搓析判油吴租互嗽疽窟块刀粒若痈喇轩揽英构鹃直久峪巷曙管剂室卵誉茄吼粤陕事画假喧舀滇肠亲猿骚事其久肥孕掠忌督弄笺陪誓看本科生毕业论文on the effectiveness of american situation comedy in cultivating cross-cultural communicative competence美国情景喜剧在跨文化交际能力培养中效用研究abstractlanguage is the carrier of culture, and culture lies in language . there are mutua

5、l effects and promotion between culture learning and language learning. culture learning is the foundation of cultivating cross-cultural communicative competence, so we should combine culture learning with developing language competence and cross-cultural language competence. literature summarizatio

6、n and theoretical analysis are primarily adopted in the thesis on the effectiveness of situation comedy in cultivating cross-cultural communicative competence. the author discusses how to bond culture teaching and language teaching by appreciating the films and tv plays in class to improve learners

7、cross-cultural communicative competence, and the author analyzes common problems of english learners and cross-cultural communicative barriers and how to avoid or even settle these problems. situation comedies are popular with a great deal of english lovers because of humorous dialogues and pure eng

8、lish. students pragamatic competence can be improved through situation comedies assistance in english teaching for promoting their cross-cultural communicative competence. 【key words】situation comedy; cross-cultural communicative competence; appreciation of films and tv plays摘 要语言是文化的载体,文化蕴含于语言之中。语言


10、力得到提高。【关键词】 情景喜剧;跨文化交际能力;影视剧欣赏contentsabstracti摘 要iicontents.iiichapter one introduction11.1 background11.2 significance11.3 structure2chapter two literature review22.1 situation comedy22.2 cross-cultural communication3chapter three language and culture53.1 language53.2 culture63.3 relations between

11、 culture learning and language learning8chapter four cross-cultural communicative competence104.1 communicative competence and cross-cultural communicative competence104.1.1 communicative competence104.1.2 cross-cultural communicative competence114.2 cross-cultural communicative awareness124.3 cross

12、-cultural communicative barriers and cultivation144.3.1 cross-cultural communicative barriers144.3.2 cross-cultural communicative cultivation15chapter five improving cross-cultural communicative competence in situation comedy165.1 common problems of english learning165.2 appreciation of films and tv

13、 plays in cultivating cross-cultural communicative competence185.3 application of situation comedy in class20chapter six conclusion22references24acknowledgements25chapter one introduction1.1 background the communications between people from different social cultures and regions have been more and mo

14、re frequent owning to the globalization. communicating in cross culture is an obvious feature of the globalizing world where the needs for international talents with specialized knowledge and good cross-cultural communicative competence are very urgent. fiercer cultural diversity and the conflict be

15、tween those cultures have been confronting among contemporary college students. those questions how to build cross-cultural communicators quality system and how to cultivate international talents who can adapt to their national development are important issues to be urgently solved for higher educat

16、ion. it is important and difficult for university personnel trainers to provide the country with global talents who possess specialized knowledge and intercultural communicative competence and directly participate in international exchanges and competitions, and meet new requirements for talented pe

17、rson proposed by international community. with more emphasis put on both language teaching and culture teaching, there are an increasing number of insiders who do not simply think language teaching as imparting language knowledge but combine language competence together with cross-cultural communica

18、tive competence for developing students competence to flexibly use cultural knowledge in cross-cultural communicative situations.1.2 significance films are from life and can reflect the national culture and contribute greatly to understanding the target language culture better. consequently apprecia

19、ting films would be one key channel to input culture and export culture. original movie series can make class atmosphere easy, and college english teachers should make full use of the media to boost students learning enthusiasm and expand the understanding of western culture, which is to improve stu

20、dents cross-cultural communicative competence. plots in sitcoms are very amusing and interesting. in addition, their lines are largely classic and humorous . teaching with situation comedies can ease students anxiety, which not only builds a comfortable studying environment, arousing learning passio

21、n, but also creates an occasional laugh so that students fall into initiative and active studying habits so as to meet the ultimate goal to improve learners intercultural communicative competence. 1.3 structure the thesis consists of six chapters. the first chapter is introduction, including backgro

22、und and significance and structure of the thesis. the second chapter is literature review. the third chapter introduces language and culture and the relations between language learning and culture learning. then the fourth part indicates briefly communicative competence, cross-cultural communicative

23、 competence, cross-cultural communicative awareness and cross-cultural communicative barriers and cultivation. the fifth chapter discusses the improvement of cross-cultural communicative competence in situation comedy, and it refers to three parts as follows: common problems of english learning, app

24、reciation of films and tv plays in cultivating cross-cultural communicative competence and application of situation comedy in class. finally, the six chapter is the conclusion of the thesis.chapter two literature review2.1 situation comedy situation comedy, also called sitcoms, is one type of comedy

25、 featuring features that shares the fixed common setting, like one coffee shop or an apartment or a house, with now and then jokes as one kind of dialogue(苏莉杰,2012). although this type of programs has roots in radio, now situation comedies can only be found on television to a great extent. more spec

26、ifically, sitcoms, involving a fixed cast of actors in one succession of episodes, are either radio set or television series of comedies. besides, frequently all these characters are dramatically various forms gathered together by situations as well as sharing the same surroundings such as a home or

27、 a particular apartment. usually situation comedies are in length half an hour, where the plot is designed to cover totaling twenty-two minutes in duration and additional eight minutes for another commercial use. furthermore, in sitcoms the story is either employing plotted applause or taping in adv

28、ance of a studio audience, which is noted by verbal arguments and quickly settled conflicts.william asher has been known as a great person who invents the situation comedy, in addition who has guided dozens of the major sitcoms in america. in various periods, american situation comedies show discrim

29、inating characters from 1950s to now in the middle of their developing process. in the nineteen fifties family comedies and workplace comedies were two genres of initial sitcoms. more fantastic components were added into live action situation comedies by sitcoms inventor till the middle of the 1960s

30、. whats more, before nineteen sixties american sitcoms were not filmed in front of the live audiences but post-produced a prerecorded laughter. situation comedies get down to addressing a large amount of controversial issues in the initial 1970s as well as mostly go back to the three-camera system i

31、n front of live audience. as for american sitcoms in the 1980s, plentiful american situation comedies like growing pains returned to family; their main topics are about parents and children, nevertheless there were few political issues involved in the sitcoms. till the middle of the 1990s ongoing pl

32、ot lines were applied in some situation comedies. friends, a well-known sitcom, apply an element of soap opera, for example, the casts relations are built little by little over the process of the all stories. 2.2 cross-cultural communicationcross-cultural communication studies the way that people fr

33、om around the world and varying in their cultural environment or backgrounds exchange and communicate each other properly, in addition to how they strive to complete it intercultural communication well(胡文仲,1999). diverse cultures will inevitably confront and then conflict, finally combine with each

34、other with the world globalization, peculiarly the growing of world commerce. it is not only language obstacles but also cultural features will affect the process of communication among people in different areas.as is well-known, edward hall in his silent language (1959) first mentions cross-cultura

35、l communication. in the 1960s, the intellectuals in communication conceptualized cross-cultural communication. a great deal of published works reflects a quick progress in the field during the 1970s. being integrated was the right direction of its development during the 1980s. the nineties witnessed

36、 great importance to variation of ways. and great efforts to right colonial and historical misbalances are witnessed by the 1990s. many cross-cultural communication basic theoretical models are come up with in the late of twentieth century. so what and when can be defined as cross-cultural communica

37、tion after all? generally speaking, it is intercultural communication that is such communication among different persons coming from various nations as well as having diverse cultural backgrounds (kim, 2001). whats more, a lot of professors confine it to face to face interaction and communication. t

38、here is another definition of cross-cultural communication that the communication between human beings with distinct cultural conceptions and different cultural symbols is cross-cultural communication (samovar et al, 2000). and cross-racial communication, cross-cultural communication and cross-ethni

39、c communication are 3 various modes of cross-cultural communication. cross-cultural communication involves extensive fields such as communication, culture and humanities, in addition to linguisticss and semilogy and many others, which is based on many related subjects results. cross-cultural communi

40、cating can be made in lots of situations; generally it can be divided into 2 kinds namely verbal communication and nonverbal communication (贾玉新,1997:12).booming science and technology and advanced communication and transportation both greatly shorten the distance between those people having respecti

41、vely different social and cultural characteristics, but their estrangement on the psychological is not easily removed. people from different areas have trouble in communicating because of cultural diversity, which usually result in cultural misreading and cultural conflict. effective communication s

42、trategies should be chosen according to various targets to lessen or even avoid communication failure.chapter three language and culture3.1 languagewith the progress of the society, it is beyond doubt that language is born at the very moment; in addition, language is one indispensable element of hum

43、an life. because of language we can keep in touch with people around us and come in contact with them. whats more, we can also through language make our thoughts and experience shared by our friends and relatives or any others. the sentence witnesses its significant role absolutely that language wor

44、ks as the muniment room of history. we can conclude by the very sentence that only we can use language that is also an unique characteristic owned by human beings. there are several different meanings, the most frequently applied and mentioned, of the particular word “language” as follows: (1) all w

45、ays to exchange or communicate or express information and thoughts; (2) the special system for the signs, symbols, regulations and so on for transmitting and sending related information; (3) the competence to communicate via the tool; (4) a set of all vocal sounds and their combinations or unions of

46、 these sounds where sense is applied and used to express and communicate feelings and experience (hall, 1959). in accordance with these various methods of language research, there are several diverse and typical definitions of language. one of them is that language can be looked as a structure or a

47、system of these signs and different meanings can be produced by these combined signs, besides, different combinations can produce different and unique meanings (saussure, 1916). chomsky (1959) holds a opinion that language is a system of sentences, with each finite length as well as constructed from

48、 a finite elements set that focuses on languages characteristics in pure structure. and practical effects of language are also attached great importance into communicative surroundings. bloomfield (1935) considers language as the interaction between stimulus and reaction. the formula, srsr, summarie

49、s his opinion that means one people can have reaction (r) while another people do the stimulus (s). it is put forward by sociologists that language is considered as social behavior with its particular social function, being one way to communicate and identify social organizations or groups. although

50、 there are many definitions of language, we can find their common traits in accordance with these definitions, namely language is a full set of arbitrary signs or symbols with the view of verbal and non-verbal communication with many others.3.2 cultureculture is a various, all-inclusive and ubiquito

51、us social phenomenon and we can find it almost anytime as well as anywhere (xue jiao,2011). our ways of adapting and learning mores, customs and language and habits can be greatly influenced by various cultures. in addition, our thinking way, acting way and communicating way all can be shaped by cul

52、ture too. since culture is so all-pervasive that we should show great attention to its powerful influence. the number of definitions for culture is up to hundreds, and to be more accurate there are more than one hundred and sixty-four definitions of culture found in the anthropology literature in th

53、e year of 1952. after that various definitions have arisen. defining culture is difficult for culture is so multidimensional and all-pervasive. these definitions of culture that contain or refer to the relations between culture and communication are only stated in the thesis. almost all human activi

54、ties contain various forms of culture and culture is defined as a comprehensive system in terms of acquired behavior models that are typical characteristics of members of society as well as that arent the outcome of human genetic inheritance. when it comes to the definition, it means that culture is

55、nt opposed instinctively and predetermined by gene. we share our faiths and beliefs, habits and customs, in addition to our respective life values in the system of culture that can always be learnt through successive generations; due to good understanding of different cultures people know how they c

56、an communicate well and get along well.from the above, the key characteristics of culture can be easily summarized and these characteristics are helpful to how people manage to have better understanding about culture itself together with the relationship between culture and language.culture is trans

57、mitted and spread by human learning, and it means that people can only learn culture other than inherit it. a number of scientists in culture and communication, including home and abroad, all believe that people acquire the knowledge concerning culture through learning the experience of others and t

58、heir surroundings; and culture is definitely not inborn but actually learned. members in a certain culture will pay much attention to their behavioral models and patterns of thinking when they are accustomed and internalized. however, not in physical categories but in mental categories culture learned by others is found mostly, and only when people confront challenged and different events they can be thought back. just as there are several persons and they own respective cultural backgrounds and represent th


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