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1、 GDFZ-FGL/07/01-2013 SALE & PURCHASE CONTRACTFORSTEAM COAL动力煤购销合同NCV 5500 5300 Kcal/KgBetweenFortress Group Limited (Hereinafter called “Seller)以下称之为卖方And NINGBO JIFANG TRADING CO ., LTD (Hereinafter called Buyer)以下称之为买方July 16, 20132013年7月16日This Contract is made on July 2, 2013 by and between:

2、买卖双方于2013年7月2日订立此合同:(Hereinafter referred to as the “SELLER”)以下称之为卖方Company Name 公司名称Fortress Group LimitedAddress地址3811B Skyline Tower, 38th Floor, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong.Telephone Number电话号码+852 2350 7800Fax Number传真号码+852 2325 0298Email邮箱地址kennethAttention联系人Kenneth L

3、inTitle职位ANDHereinafter referred to as the “BUYER”以下称之为买方Company Name公司名称NINGBO JIFANG TRADING CO ., LTD .Address地址Room 903, GuangBo Panorama Building, No.252, TianDa Lane, South Business District, Yinzhou, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Prov. China 315194Telephone Number电话号码0086 574 27886918Fax Number传真号码00

4、86 574 27862098Email邮箱地址Attention联系人Mr Huang Xiaoming Title职位DEFINITIONS定义A. “Coal” shall mean Steam Coal (non coking coal) in bulk.煤指的是散装动力煤(非焦煤)。B. “Country of origin” shall mean South Kalimantan, Indonesia原产国指印度尼西亚加里曼丹南部。C. “Wet Basis” shall mean coal in its natural wet state湿基指的是自然水分状态下的煤 。

5、D. “Air Dried Basis” shall mean coal dried at room temperature.空干基指的是室温下干的煤。E. “Suitable Vessel” means vessel, which is suitable for entering and leaving (when loaded) the discharging port always safely afloat and for discharging at the discharging port.合适的船舶,指船舶符合卸货港要求,始终处于安全漂浮的状态进入和离开(卸完货)卸货港,并能安全

6、地进行卸货作业。F. “Independent Surveyor” shall mean SGS Indonesia and CIQ as mutually agreed between the SELLER and the BUYER. SGS Shantou China as third party surveyor.独立检测机构指双方认可的检测机构,即印度尼西亚SGS和中国检验检疫局,以及第三方检测机构,中国汕头SGS。G. “L/C” shall mean Irrevocable Letter of Credit made available at Sight to the benef

7、iciary issued by any prime International Bank which is acceptable to the SELLERS Bank.信用证指的不可撤销的即期信用证,是由一流国际银行开出的,并由卖方银行认可的,受益人可即期议付。H. “ARB” means “As Received Basis”.ARB指的是收到基。I. “ASTM” means the standards prescribed by the American Society for Testing and Materials.ASTM指的是美国材料与试验协会的标准。J. “ISO” me

8、ans the standards prescribed by the International Standardization Organization for Testing and Materials.ISO指的是国际标准化组织的标准。K. “Business Day” & “Working Day” means any day other than Saturday, Sunday or any public holidays.营业日和工作日指的是除星期六、星期日和法定节假日的任何一天。L. “Demurrage” means a charge payable in the

9、event the Buyer is unable to complete discharging the ship within agreed laytime.滞期费指的是因买方在规定的卸货时间内不能完成卸货而产生所要支付的费用。M. “Dispatch” means the charge payable in the event the the Buyer complete the discharge before the end of the laytime .速遣费指的是因买方在规定的卸货时间之前完成卸货而应被支付的费用。N. “Kcal/Kg” means kilocalories

10、of energy per kilogram of coal.千卡/千克指每一千克煤所含的能量千卡。O. “USD”, ”$”, “US Dollar”, ”Dollar” means (unless otherwise specified) the currency of the United States of America.“USD”, ”$”, “US Dollar”, ”Dollar”指的是(除非另外规定)美利坚众合国的货币。P. “Tonne”, “Tons”, “Tonnes”, “MT” means a metric ton of 1000 kilograms.“Tonne”

11、, “Tons”, “Tonnes”, “MT”指1000千克。Q. “NCV” means the Net Calorific Value of the said Coal.NCV指煤的低位发热量。R. A fraction of a cent in any calculation shall be rounded up to the nearest cent if such fraction is one half of a cent or more, and shall be rounded down when otherwise.在计算中,零点几分应四舍五入到最近的分。S. “Prat

12、ique” means permission to do business at a port by a ship that has complied with all applicable local health regulations.无疫入港许可证指船舶符合当地卫生法规,允许在一个港口作业。T. “Base Price” shall be the price CFR Ningbo based on min 14.10 Mtrs FW Draft and 12,000 mt SHINC, 24 h turn time unless discharging operations soone

13、r commenced discharging rate.基准价指宁波到岸价(运费加成本),港口吃水14.10米,卸率是12,000吨每晴天工作日,包括星期天和假期,除非卸货操作提前开始。WHEREAS the parties mutually desire to execute this contract which shall be binding upon each party and their respective successors and assign, in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction of choice toge

14、ther with terms and condition as provided herein and mutually agreed upon.鉴于双方都有意执行此合同,依照法律和此合同条款,此合同对双方、双方的继承人和双方债权人都有约束力。The SELLER and the BUYER, under full corporate responsibility, hereby represent the following:卖方和买方在共同责任下,阐述如下:1. That the SELLER has full corporate authority to source sell the

15、 coal of the said quality and in the said quantity as herein specified. 卖方有充分权利销售本合同指定的数量。2. That the BUYER has full corporate authority to purchase and pay for the coal of the said quality and in the said quantity as herein specified.买方有充分权利购买和支付本合同指定的数量。CLAUSE 1 COMMODITY第一条:商品Indonesian coal havi

16、ng NCV 5000-4800 Kcal/Kg (ARB), as per specification below:印尼煤,低位发热量4800-5000 千卡/千克(收到基),规格如下:Loading port: Standard Typical Specification (ASTM Standard)装运港:按美国材料与试验协会的标准Discharging port: Standard Typical Specification (ISO Standard)卸货港:按国际标准化组织的标准Origin: SOUTH KALIMANTAN, INDONESIA原产地:印度尼西亚加里曼丹南部P

17、arameterBasisUnitTypicalRejectionNet Calorific ValueARBkcal/kg5000 - 4800< 4800Total MoistureARB%24-26 Inherent MoistureADB%14 Approx Ash ContentADB%14-16> 16Volatile MatterADB%40 approx Fixed CarbonADB%By difference Total SulphurADB%0.8-1>1Size0-50mm%90 Hard Grove

18、Index (HGI)Index 40-50 approx Ash Fusion TemperatureCelcius 1250  CLAUSE 2 QUANTITY, DELIVERY & DURATION第二条:数量、交货期&有效期2.1 QUANTITY数量 The contract quantity of the coal to be sold and purchased under this contract is 65.000 MT ± 10% in Sellers option (Sixty-five Thousa

19、nd Metric Tons plus minus Ten Percent).此合同项下将出售和购买的煤合同数量是65,000吨,卖方有权上下调整± 10%的幅度。2.2 LOADING 装运 Loading port: Any open sea, anchorage at South Kalimantan, Indonesia.装运港:印度尼西亚南加里曼丹港锚地。2.3 Shipping and Delivery运输和交期The latest shipment date on L/C is August 30, 2013.信用证上的最迟装运日2013年8月30日。2.4 DURAT

20、ION有效期This Contract shall remain in force and be legally valid till all the obligations are fulfilled by either party to the other party, commencing from the date of signing this contract to the conclusion of this trial shipment.本合同从签约日开始有效直至双方责任和义务履行结束。CLAUSE 3 PRICE第三条:价格3.1 BASE PRICE基准价The price

21、 for the Coal with specification as per CLAUSE 2 (two) is USD$ 69.00 MT (Sixty Nine United States Dollars), on CFR (Cost and Freight) basis, at Ningbo, China. The price is inclusive of Goods inspection expenses and any other expenses required for the export of Coal from Indonesia.中国宁波港到港价格(运费加成本)USD

22、69.00/公吨,本到岸价格已包含印度尼西亚出口煤矿的货物检验和其他费用。The above price is based on discharging rate of 12,000 Mt per day SHINC12 h turn time unless discharging operations sooner commenced and 14.10 mtrs FW draft, and no other prevailing restrictions for panamax vessels.以上价格基于卸率12,000吨每晴天工作日,包括星期天和假期,除非卸货操作提前开始,船舶吃水14

23、.1米,对于巴拿马型的船舶,没有其他限制条件。Buyer guarantee the nominated discharge port shall have minimum draft allowed of 14.10m(freshwater) Meters.买方保证被指定的卸货港口最小吃水为14.1米3.2 TOTAL SHIPMENT VALUE 货物总值Considering -Ningbo- Port as discharge port, the Total Shipment value of 65000 MT will be USD $-4,485,000 with a plus m

24、inus of ten percent allowed in both quantity and value. Partial shipment and transhipment are not allowed.就宁波港作为卸货港而言,65000吨的货物价值是USD$4,485,000。允许10%的金额和数量的上下幅度。不允许分批装运和转运。3.3 PRICE ADJUSTMENT 价格调整Price adjustment shall apply on the Coal shipment under this agreement as Clause 4 as follows:煤炭价格需根据第四

25、条款调整如下:3.3.1 LOADING PORT BONUS/PENALTY ADJUSTMENT 在装港的奖励/扣罚调整 Net Calorific Value低位发热量a) If the actual Net Calorific Value (NCV) on an As Received Basis of a shipment of coal as determined by SGS Indonesia at loading port is greater or less than 5000 kcal/kg but still greater than the reject

26、ion limit of NCV below 4800, the bonus/penalty adjusted in accordance with the following formula:低位发热量(收到基):若装港印度尼西亚SGS报告所示的收到基低位发热量高于或低于5000卡/千克,但仍然高于拒收值4800卡/千克的话,则按如下公式奖励/扣罚:CV single Bonus/Penalty = (Actual NAR-5000) / 5000x Unit Price热值单倍奖励或扣罚=(实际热值-5000)/5000 x 基准价 Total Sulphur Content

27、 全硫: a) A penalty of US$0.20/MT per 0.10% shall apply to sulphur (air dried basis) above 0.8% and lower or equal to 1.0%, with practions pro rata. The penalty adjustment in accordance with the following formula:硫份(空干基)若超过0.8%而低于或等于1.0%时,每升高0.1%降价$0.20美元/每吨,不足0.1%则按比例扣罚。扣罚调整公式如下:(Actual Sulphur 0.8%)

28、/0.1% x $0.20(实际的硫份-0.8%)/0.1% x $0.203.4 Rejection拒收:In the event the cargo is rejected upon sailing of the vessel, because one or more of the values as reported on the certificate of sampling and analysis issued at the loading port by Indonesia SGS exceeds the rejection level (clause 2), Buyer and

29、 Seller will endeavour to mutually resolve any problems, which may arise in relation to quality rejection to find an amicable solution. 若已航行的该船货物因印度尼西亚SGS签发的装运港报告中的其中一项或多项参数大于拒收值(第二条款)而被拒,双方应互相努力解决问题,这是质量不达标而可能寻求的友好途径。In the event Seller and Buyer shall fail to find a commercial agreement, the Selle

30、r will be responsible for any direct cost buyer might incur. 若双方不能达成共识,卖方应承担任何买方直接的损失。CLAUSE 4 -WEIGHT, QUALITY, SAMPLING, AND ANALYSIS第四条:重量、质量、样品和分析4.1 For Quality:质量a) The quality of coal to be supplied hereunder shall be of the above typical specifications determined and analyzed as per ASTM sta

31、ndard by an internationally recognized laboratory at load port, appointed by the Buyer. Results are to be final and binding. 由买方在装港指定国际认可的检验实验室, 按ASTM标准对所供煤矿进行检测分些,检验结果对双方具有约束力b) The costs of the analysis shall be borne in their entirety by the Buyer. 检验费用由买方承担c) One sealed Umpire sample shall be re

32、tained by the appointed surveyor until 90 days after shipment. The parties have the right to require an Umpire analysis giving written notice to the other Party. If the Umpire analysis is requested, the laboratory appointed by Buyer shall send the sealed Umpire sample to a different independent surv

33、eyor to be mutually agreed. The Umpire results shall be final and binding. The cost of the Umpire Analysis shall be for the account of the Party whose own analysis differs farther from the Umpire Analysis.买方指定的检验机构应该对检验的装船货物抽取仲裁样品并封样90天,如果一方要求对仲裁样品重检,需要书面通知另一方,仲裁样品应该送双方认可的第三方独立检验机构检验,仲裁样品的最终检验结果,对双方

34、具有约束力,检验费用由自检结果跟仲裁结果相差较大的一方承担.4.2 For weight: 重量a) The Buyer shall appoint an independent international surveyor at load port to determine the weight of cargo loaded into the Vessel to the nearest tonne, and issue a certificate of weight based on the draft survey at the loading port, which shall be

35、final and binding on both parties, save for fraud or manifest error. 在装港,由买方指定独立的国际检验机构测量水尺并按最接近的重量开立重量报告,该报告为最终结果,对双方具有约束力b) The cost of such draft survey shall be borne by Buyer. 买方承担水尺测量费用4.3 Buyer has the right to depute their representative to supervise the loading operation.  The Seller s

36、hall coordinate to enable the representative(s) of the Buyer to supervise the loading operations and the Buyer will inform prior written notice on details of the such representatives to the Seller for the requirements of any needed permits to monitor the loading operations. The costs for the Buyers

37、representatives activities shall be borne by the Buyer. 买方有权利安排自己的监装代理,卖方应协助买方的代理进行监装要求,买方应提前书面通知卖方进行监装安排,买方承担监装代理的费用CLAUSE 5 -PAYMENT TERMS第五条:付款The Buyers bank shall issue the Irrevocable Documentary Letter of Credit 100% at sight established from World Prime Bank in favor of the Seller and negoti

38、able by Sellers bank counters. Within 5 days from contract signature. 合同签订后5日内,买方银行通过世界一流银行开出未激活的、不可撤销100%即期议付信用证,议付地点:卖方银行柜台。5.1Payment: 100% (+/- 10%) of total purchase unit price are payable against presentation of the following Documents, within 21 days from B/L date : 临时付款付款:100%(±10%)的货款,

39、于提单签发日起21天内见以下文件支付:5.1.1.Three (3) originals and three (3) copies of Beneficiarys signed and stamped provisional invoice showing the value of goods shipped, the contract number, L/C number and the name of the carrying vessel; 经由受益人签字盖章的临时发票(三正三副),上面显示货物价值、合同号、信用证号和船名。5.1.2.Three (3) originals Clean

40、on Board and three (3) non-negotiable copies of full set B/L marked “Freight prepaid” or “Freight payable by charter party” made out to order and blank endorsed. , and notify “- NINGBO JIFANG TRADING CO ., LTD ; 3正/3副清洁提单,运费已付或运费按租船合同,空白背书,通知NINGBO JIFANG TRADING CO ., LTD5.1.3.Certificate of Benefi

41、ciary indicating that the full set of loading port documents has faxed and emailed to applicant within 5 days after B/L date, showing L/C number, name of commodity, quantity / weight, vessel name, shipment date, invoice value before price adjustment, B/L number, contract number, ETA of the vessel at

42、 the discharging port. 受益人证明书,保证在提单离港日起5天内受益人会把装港全套单据传真和发电邮给开证人,证明书上显示信用证号码,商品名称,数量/重量,船名,最后离港日,未调价前的发票金额,提单号码,合同号码,和预计到卸港的时间。5.1.4.One (1) original and three (3) copies of Certificate of quantity report issued by SGS Indonesia nominated by seller and buyer at load port; 由买卖双方共同委托的装港印度尼西亚SGS出具的重量证书(

43、一正三副);5.1.5.One (1) original and three (3) copies of Draft Survey Report issued by SGS Indonesia nominated by seller and buyer at load port ;由买卖双方共同委托的装港印度尼西亚 SGS出具的水尺报告(一正三副);5.1.6.One (1) original and three (3) copies of Certificate of sampling and analysis issued by SGS Indonesia nominated by sel

44、ler and buyer at load port; 由买卖双方共同委托的装港印度尼西亚SGS出具的质量证书(一正三副);5.1.7 One (1) original and three (3) copies of Certificate of Origin(FORM E) issued by the relevant government authority in Republic of Indonesia.由印度尼西亚相关政府权威机构签发的原产地证(FORM E)(一正两副)。 5.3 SPECIAL CONDITIONS:特别条款· Third party documents

45、 acceptable, invoice and draft excluded除了发票和汇票外,第三方文件可接受。· -10/+10% tolerance on total quantity, total amount is allow数量和金额允许±10%的浮动· documents presented beyond 21 days after bill of lading date but within credit validity acceptable若文件在提单签发日21日后信用证有效期内提交是允许的。· L/C to be available

46、 by payment at the counters of beneficiary´s bank信用证在受益人银行付款有效typing and/or spelling mistakes not affecting figures not to be considered as discrepancies.一些细小的排版和拼写错误是允许的,只要不影响价格和改变其意思。 · L/C to be subject to the uniform customs and practice for documentary credits, ucp 600信用证遵循跟单信用证统一惯例最新

47、版本-UCP600。· Partial shipment not allowed transshipment not allowed 不允许分批装运和转运。5.4 BANKING DETAILS FOR PAYMENT/TRANSFER PURPOSES 银行信息:BUYER 买方; NINGBO JIFANG TRADING CO ., LTD .Name of Bank: 银行名称 : Address of Bank 银行地址: Swift Code : Swift 代码:Bank Account Holder 银行账户持有人: Account # 账号 : SELLER卖方Na

48、me of Bank 银行名称: Address of Bank 银行地址: Swift Code : Swift 代码: Bank Account Holder 银行账户持有人: Bank Acount No. 账号 : CLAUSE 6 - DELIVERY AND TITLE 第六条:货权6.1The Seller undertakes to complete all necessary formalities for the exportation of the Coal, from Indonesia and provide the Buyer with all necessary

49、documents. The Coal will be delivered to the Buyer, CFR NINGBO,CHINA-. 卖方负责承担出口印度尼西亚煤矿到买方的卸货港-中国宁波港到岸价(成本加运费)的所有必要的运输设施,并提供所有必要的文件6.2Title with respect to each MT of steam coal to pass by Seller to Buyer upon Sellers positive negotiation of documents under l/c; Risk to pass from the Seller to the Bu

50、yer according to Incoterms 2010. 条款关于整批货物经过卖家的积极谈判以信用证文件方式从卖家转移给买家;根据2010国际贸易术语通则,风险于卖家转移买家。6.3 Taxes : All export taxes, fees, levies, duties etc on the Coal loading on the vessel at the port of loading shall be to the Sellers account. 税款:所有货物在装货港装货过程中的出口相关的税费,关税等 都由卖家承担。 CLAUSE 7 SHIPPING CONDITIO

51、NS 第七条: 装运条款7.1 Performing Vessel运货母船:: Seller to nominate the performing Vessel to Buyers, the performing Vessel shall not exceed 25 years, to have all certificates in good order and to be classed Lloyds highest class or equivalent. The performing Ship to be reconfirmed by the Buyer within 12h afte

52、r nomination. Buyers reconfirmation never to be unreasonably withheld, if denied to be only for technical reasons and, if denied to be clearly motivated. Should the Buyer not be able to provide a confirmation within 12h, the nominated performer shall be consider as accepted by Buyers. 卖家提名运货母船给买家,船龄

53、不得超过25年,船有有齐全的基于劳埃德最高阶级或等效的所有证书,运货母船在提名后12小时内给买家再次确认。如果买家拒绝只是因为技术原因或者否认动机明显,买家的再次确认不能不合理的保留。如果买家不能在12小时内提供确认函,就视为买家已经接受卖家提名的母船。7.2 Discharging port: 卸货港Cargo to be discharged in Ningbo Port, China .中国宁波港做为卸货港。7.3 Berth 泊位Buyer to grant that cargo will be discharged at one good and safe port/berth be

54、ing always accessible always afloat. The berth and the port to be suitable for the performing Ship, to have minimum draft allowed of 14.10 Meters and not to have any other relevant restriction. 买家同意一个好的安全的的码头/泊位安排卸货,保证船舶总是能进入和保持漂浮状态,码头和泊位应该适合运货母船,至少有14.1米的吃水,并且没有其他相关限制。7.4 Discharging terms: 卸货条款Car

55、go to be discharged to shore (not to be discharged to barge or similar) by the Buyer free of charge for the Seller, cargo to be discharged by the mean of shore means (cranes, grabs, etc)货物买家安排直接卸到岸上(不是驳船或者小船),此费用不由卖方承担,货物通过岸上的机械卸货(例如是起重机,抓斗等)After completion of discharge Buyers to leave Vessel with

56、holds shovel clean to Masters satisfaction. 卸完货后买家需提供铁铲用于清理船舱,清仓工作需由船东认可后方可结束。7.5 Stevedoring damages: 卸货损毁赔偿Stevedoring Damage - Any damage caused by the stevedores shall be reported and notified before vessel sailing from discharging port by the Seller/Ship-Master to the stevedores and Buyer in wr

57、iting, failing which the Buyer shall not be held responsible. The Seller/Ship-Master shall endeavor to obtain the Stevedores' written acknowledgement of liability. Buyer shall be responsible for settlement of all stevedoring damage including but not limited to the necessary repairs to the vessel up to Master/class fu


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