已阅读5页,还剩19页未读 继续免费阅读




1、The Little Match Girl第1页/共24页It was snowing and very cold outside. A little girl was walking in the street, selling matches.第2页/共24页She didnt wear any shoes because she had her shoes _ (lose).lost第3页/共24页She looked very _(worry) because nobody wanted to buy a single match.worried第4页/共24页She was so c

2、old that she lit a match. She saw a Christmas tree _ (decorate) very beautifully.decorated第5页/共24页The _ (light) candles were burning brightly and she seemed very _ (delight).lighteddelighted第6页/共24页She lit another one and saw her grandmother. _(take) by her grandmother, the little girl went to anoth

3、er place where there was no hunger.Taken第7页/共24页1.She didnt wear any shoes because she had her shoes lost.2. She saw a Christmas tree decorated very beautifully.3. The lighted candles were burning brightly and she seemed very delighted.4. Taken by her grandmother, the little girl went to another pla

4、ce where there was no hunger.Conclusion :宾补宾补表语定语状语主主谓谓宾宾宾补宾补 表表定定状状 done第8页/共24页The lost child was found at last.The child lost in the park was found at last.单个过去分词作定语,常放在被修饰词的_, 过去分词短语作定语,常放在被修饰词的_.前面后面过去分词做定语第9页/共24页 a damaged bridge 一座被毁坏的桥一座被毁坏的桥 iced beer 冰冻啤酒冰冻啤酒 _ 被污染的空气和水被污染的空气和水 _ 熟食熟食及物动词

5、的过去分词作定语时,和所修饰的名词之间是_ 关系,表示动作_.polluted air and watercooked food被动已完成过去分词做定语第10页/共24页the_ sun升起的太阳升起的太阳a _ teacher 一位退休的教师一位退休的教师 _ 落叶落叶 _ 开水开水不及物动词的过去分词作定语时,只表示_,不表示_意义.动作完成被动risenretiredfallen leavesboiled water过去分词做定语第11页/共24页2.Yes, Dad. Im totally(2)_ (burn) out.(耗尽体力) 3.Why? What have you been

6、doing?1.Hi, Linda, you look _ (tire).tiredburnt分词做表语第12页/共24页5.Thats(4)_(disappoint). I think youll be (please) (5)_ when its finished.disappointingpleased6.But I still have plenty of work to do. School is too(6) _(challenge)challenging4. Ive been doing my homework all day. Im getting very(3)_ (bore

7、) with it. bored分词做表语第13页/共24页9. Dont worry. Just think of how 7_ (relax) youll be when its finished.7.When do you think youll finish your homework?8. In about two hours, I think. relaxed分词做表语第14页/共24页及物动词/介词(with) +N+_ 过去分词做宾补with plantWith so many flowers planted around the buildings, _Bole Commun

8、ity is beautiful.with surroundWith so many flowers surrounding the buildings, 第15页/共24页过去分词做宾补及物动词/介词(with) +N+_ makeseehearShe stands on the platform_.to make herself seen and heard第16页/共24页过去分词做宾补及物动词/介词(with) +N+_ seetake awayWe saw the boy _taken away by two policemen.第17页/共24页过去分词做宾补及物动词/介词(wit

9、h) +N+_ keep remindWe put the pictures of the stars on the wall to _. keep ourselves reminded of our own dreams第18页/共24页 1._ (send) to zoos in Beijing and other cities, the monkeys are reported to have settled down well. 2. The audience, greatly _ (affect) by his speech, all voiced support for the p

10、lan. 3. _(give) a chance, I can surprise the world. 4. _(award) the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, the scientist is still working hard. 5. The teacher came into the lab, _(follow) by a group of students.SentaffectedGivenAwardedfollowedAfter the monkeys were sent to zoos in Beijing and other cities, they

11、 are reported to have settled down well.The audience all voiced support for the plan because they were greatly affected by his speech. If I am given a chance, I can surprise the world时间原因Although he was awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry, the scientist is still working hard.让步条件The teacher came i

12、nto the classroom and was followed by a group of students.伴随分词做状语第19页/共24页非谓语做状语回归课本Listening practice1. _, my head ached.2. _, Zhang pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see. 3. _, he showed me into a large, bright clean room. 4. So between 1510 and 1514 he worked on it, gradually _ un

13、til he felt it was complete.5. _, he spread some food on the table, and produced a bed from the floor. 6. _, John Snow suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined.Hit by a lack of fresh airWorried about the time availableArriving at a strange-looking houseimproving his theoryHavi

14、ng said thisTo prevent this from happening again第20页/共24页非谓语做状语过去分词作状语时,与句子主语构成逻辑上的_关系。现在分词作状语时,与句子主语构成逻辑上的_关系。Having done 强调_.不定式位于句首表示_. 被动主动目的发生在主句之前第21页/共24页1.一般来说一般来说2.据据判断判断3.考虑到考虑到4.告诉你实话告诉你实话5.与与相比相比6.面临面临7.穿着穿着8.致力于致力于9.陷入沉思陷入沉思10.位于位于11. 坐在坐在 Generally speaking, Judging from/by Considering To tell you the truth, Compared with/to Faced with/Facing Dressed in Devoted to Lost in thought, Located in/at/on Seated at/in 熟记一下结构第22页/共24页1.Understand the rules inst


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