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1、1.说说你向别人要求帮助的经历,别人是怎么样帮助你的I still remember there was an assignment which required us to do some interview in the street. As you know, it is a hard workfor a stranger to assist you. In order to gain stranger s trust, firstly, I told them my purposeheinterviewof sincerely, and then gave them a gift to

2、 thanks them for a cooperation. Finally, most of them were willing to assist us. Well, this assignment definitelyimproves my various abilities such as communication and so on.2.赚钱的工作还是personal satisfaction高的工作Personally speaking, I would like to choose a job which can provide me a high personal sati

3、sfaction. Firstly, success for me is a kind of process rather than a result such as a plenty of money. Money and reputation are incidental results to my success. So a high personal satisfaction can let me enjoy this process. Secondly, a high personal satisfaction can give me lots of passion to conti

4、nue my job. In other words, passion and satisfaction of a job are dynamic to my career not money.3.学生在工作之前应该做part-time job或者 summer intern来确定自己是否合适那份工作,同意否?In my opinion, every student should do a part-time job or apply for a summer intern before graduate. Firstly, During the intern, we can learn a

5、lot of things much more practical than what we learn in school. For example, a student of finance will put in many efforts in math while studying in school, but during the intern he/she will find the math formulas could do little help. Besides, we can check if we are really fit for the job we dreame

6、d. Take me for instance, I dreamed to be a sales clerk in the supermarket when I was still a child. But when I really work as a sales cleark as my summer intern I found the work was tedious and tired.4.最想学的一个技能The skill I want to learn most is cooking as the following reasons. Firstly, I m going to

7、study abroad, so cooking is verynecessary for me when i live alone. As we all know that it is very costly for me to eat out always. So cooking is a economical way.Secondly, if I could cook well, I would cook for my foreign friends. Let them know the culture of cooking in my country. Besidesthese, I

8、can do some part time jobs to earn my pocket money.5.是否同意学生进入大学前有一个one-year 的 breakI tend to agree that students having a one-year break before entering college. First of all, a long-term break will be beneficialfor students both physically and mentally cuz many years of study and exams before colle

9、ge really cost energy, after graduatingfrom high school,. Students can use the break to enjoy life and decide their future development. In addition, it s also a good chancefor poor students to use the break to earn a certain tuition for their college study. It must be a good chance to improve studen

10、ts various abilities.? Topic Area: Attitude towards Life? Topic: How to Fin d Happiness in Life? 1. Do you find college life challenging? If yes, in what way? 2. Have you met with any difficulties while at college? What are they? 3. If you ran out of money, what would you do? 4. What do you usually

11、do when you meet with difficulties in your studies? 5. Have you ever fallen ill? If yes, what was the problem? If not, how have you managed to keep so healthy? 6.Suppose one of your classmates came down with a fatal illness, what would you do for them?How to Find Happiness in Life (for candidates)?

12、Please talk about the way to find happiness in life as suggested on your card. You can give examples to illustrate your point ifnecessary.? 1.Happiness lies in contentedness知足常乐? 2.Find happiness in helping others助人为乐? 3.Derive happiness from what you are doing自得其乐? How Young People Should View Happ

13、iness More questions? 1. Do you think there are mental health problems among college students? Why do you say so? 2. What attitude do you adopt towards problems that come up in your life? 3. What should be done to ensure that students have a happy time at college? 4.Do you think wealthy people enjoy

14、 a happier life? Why do you say so? 5.Some people take a pessimistic attitude towards life. What do you think you can do to help them? 6.During the discussion, why did you say that ?II? Topic Area: University Life? Topic: Job Hunting and Study Questions? 1. What s your major? Why did you choose it?

15、2.Have you ever taken a part -time job? If yes, what did you do? If not, why not? 3.Do you think part -time jobs benefit college students? Why do you say so? 4.Does your university provide students with part-time jobs on campus? Why or why not? 5. Have you thought of pursuing graduate studies? Why o

16、r why not? Job Hunting and Study (for candidates)? Please talk about the topic given on your card.? 1. 目前大学生的就业形式? 2. 大学生找工作的途径精品文库? 3. 大学生求职时考虑的主要因素? Whether College Students Should Start Looking for a Job Long Before Graduation More questions? 1. Do you think postgraduates have better job opportun

17、ities than undergraduates? Why or why not? 2. Do you think work experience will help you find a good job? Please explain.? 3. What role do academic records play in job hunting? 4. What do you think contributes most to finding an ideal job? 5. What would be your chief consideration in choosing a job?

18、 6. During the discussion, why did you say that ?Quit it!别闹 !Don t mention it. 没关系,别客气。Who knows!天晓得How come怎么回事,怎么搞的Don t push me. 别逼我。 Come on!快点,振作起来!Have a good of it.玩的很高兴。 It is urgent.有急事。 What is the fuss?吵什么 ?Still up?还没睡呀 ?It doesn t make any differ nces.没关系。 Don t let me down. 别让我失望。God w

19、orks.上帝的安排。Hope so.希望如此。 get to the point言归正传。 None of my business.不关我事 .It doesn t work不.管用。I m not going. 我不去了。 Does it serve your purpose?对你有用吗?I don t care我.不在乎。Not so bad.不错。 No way!不可能 !Don t flatter me.过奖了。2016 年下半年英语六级口语场景练习:换乘火车口语练习 1第一句: It is going in theopposite direction.这是向相反方向开的火车。A:

20、Excuse me. Is thisthe right train for New York?打扰一下,这是去纽约的火车吗 ?B: No. It is going inthe opposite direction.不,这是向相反方向开的火车。A: Oh, no! I have goton the wrong train. I have an important meeting to attend at 9:00.噢,不 ! 我上错火车了。 9 点钟我还有一个重要的会要开呢。口语练习 2第二句: You can get off atthe next stop and wait for a tra

21、in bound for New York.你可以在下一站下车,等候开向纽约方向的火车。A: What shall I do?我该怎么办呢 ?B: You can get off atthe next stop and wait for a train bound for New York.你可以在下一站下车,等候开向纽约方向的火车。A: I see.我知道了。背诵句型:How soon will thetrain come, do you know?你知道得等多久火车才会来?But I think you canask the clerk there after you get off.你可

22、以下车后向部儿的工作人员打听。2016 年下半年英语六级口语场景练习:飞机上进餐口语练习 1第一句: What kind ofdrinks do you have?机上提供哪些饮料?A: Excuse me, whichwould you like for dinner, beef,chicken or fish?请问您晚餐想吃牛肉、鸡肉还是鱼?B: Beef, please. Whatkind of drinks do you have?请给我牛肉。机上提供哪些饮料 ?A: We have coffee,tea, juice, coke, beer and cocktails.咖啡、茶、果汁

23、、可乐、啤酒和鸡尾酒。B: A cup of coffeeplease.请来杯咖啡。口语练习 2第二句: We have apple juiceand orange juice. Which would you like?我们有苹果汁和橙汁,请问您要哪种?A: We have apple juiceand orange juice. Which would you like?我们有苹果汁和橙汁,请问您要哪种?欢迎下载2B: Orange juice,please.请给我橙汁。A: Thank you.谢谢。B: You are welcome.不客气。背诵句型:Could I have som

24、eorange juice?我可以来点儿橙汁吗?Large, medium, orsmall?大杯、中杯还是小杯?2016 年下半年英语六级口语场景练习:谈判价格口语练习 1You wiil soon makebigger profits when market fluctuation stopped.当市场波动停止时,你们将很快赚取大笔利润。But with this price,it is hard for us to push the sale in our market.但是以这个价格买入,我们很难扩大销售。You will soon makebigger profits when m

25、arket fluctuation stopped.当市场波动停止时,你们将很快赚取大笔利润。The price we quote youfor belts is much lower than that of last year's. You must find it very competitive.我们的皮带报价比去年的低,你们一定会发现这很有竞争力。Our product is verycompetitive so there is no question of profit.我们的产品很有竞争力,所以你们一定会有利润的。口语练习 2We do not think therei

26、s any possibility of business unless you cut your price by 20%.除非你们可以降价20% ,否则这笔生意不可能谈成。We do not think thereis any possibility of business unless you cut your price by 20%.除非你们可以降价20% ,否则这笔生意不可能谈成。That is too low.这个价格太低了。Your price has gone upso rapidly that it would be impossible for us to push an

27、y sales at such aprice.你方的价格涨得如此快,我们无法销售。“We regret to say thereis no possibility of business because of your high price. 我们很遗憾地告知贵方,你方出价太高我方无法接受 We regret that it isimpossible for us to entertain the bid.我们很遗憾地告知你,我们不可能考虑你们的报价。口语试题全真演练II.Questions about Sense of Responsibility responsible people? 1

28、.What kind of people would you like to work with? 2.What do you think about people who don t keep their promises? 3. How do you feel about students who are often late for class? 4. What kind of people would you like to employ if you were the boss? Sense of Responsibility (for candidates)Discussion?

29、Whether the younger generation today has a strong sense of responsibility?More Questions? 1. Do adult children have the responsibility to care for their elderly parents? Why or why not? 2.Do you think it s important for students to have a strong responsibility? Reasons? 3.Could you suggest some ways

30、 to enhance one s sense of responsibility? 4.What could you do with an irresponsible employee? 5.During the discussion, why did you say that ?III. Questions about Social Behavior honesty ? 1. Do you get along with your roommates? 2. Do you think people are less honest today than they used to be? 3.

31、Do you think it s always wrong to tell a lie? 4. Do you think one should always be ready to help others? 5. Some people say interpersonal relationships are becoming more and more complicated. What Fighting Dishonesty (for candidates)? Please comment on the following form of dishonest behavior and gi

32、ve examples to illustrate your point.? 1. Cheating in exams精品文库 s your opinion?欢迎下载3精品文库? 2. Selling fake commodities? 3. Taking stimulants, or illegal drugs, for better athletic performance? 4. Evading or escaping taxes? The best way to fight dishonesty More Questions? 1. Do you believein the sayin

33、g that honesty is the best policy? 2. Have you ever been cheated by anybody? If yes, please tell us about it. If not, how did you avoid being cheated? 3. Do you believe honesty is important in developing friendships? 4.What would you do if your found somebody cheating in exams? 5.Do you think people

34、 will benefit from being dishonest? 6.During the discussion, why did you say that ? 1. Can you give e xamples to illustrate the rapid development of cities in China? 2. Which city do you like best? Why? 3. Where do you prefer to work, a coastal city or an inland city? 4. Why does the government enco

35、urage young people to work in the western areas of China? 5. Now many people from rural areas are trying to make a living in cities . What do you think about that? If You Were Mayor of a City (for candidates)? Please tell us what you would do about the two areas of concern listed on your cardif you

36、were mayor of the city.? 1. Environment Housing? 2. Employment Public Security? 3. Education Medical Care? 4. Welfare for the unemployed Public transportation Discussion? The qualities a mayor should have? 1. If you were given the job of a mayor, would you accept it? 2. What do you think could be th

37、e most difficult problem for a mayor? 3. What do you think is the best way to solve the problem of unemployment? 4. Have you ever thought of doing administration work after graduation? 5. What contribution so you think a university student can make to city development?V. Questions about Education Ed

38、ucation? 1. How did you feel when you first went to school? 2. How did you like the school you attended? 3. Do all children in your hometown go to school when they reach school age? Why or why not? 4. Did you have to pay a lot of extra fees when you went to school? Explain.? 5. Can you say something

39、 about your former classmates who failed to get into university? 6. Have you ever been back to your former school to see your teacher? The Right to Education (for candidates)? Describe the pictures and talk about the difficulties children in poor areas face in getting an education.? 1. 学校环境对比? 2. 上学

40、路途对比? 3. 考上大学与否对比? 4. 兄妹上学对比? Why all children should be given equal opportunity to get an education? More Questions? 1. Why is education important for the development of our county? 2. Do you think itods ideago for parents to send their young children abroad to study? 3. Why do you think some paren

41、ts like to send their children to expensive private schools? 4. What s your comment on schools which charge students unreasonable fees? 5. Why do weencourage people to contribute to Project Hope? 1.Do you think studying in college is challenging? 2.Do you consider yourself a hard-working student? 3.

42、Have you won any awards sinceentered college? If yes, what kind of award is it? If not, what do you think about winningawards? 4. Why do you think some students indulge in playing computer games? 5. Do you think you are overburdened in your studies?欢迎下载4精品文库Ways to Motivate Students (for candidates)

43、? Do you think the following way is effective in motivating students to learn? 1. Giving frequent exams? 2. Updating course content? 3. Enhancing students interest in what is being taught? 4. Enforcing strict regulationsDiscussion? Why some students lack motivation for learning? More Questions? 1. W

44、hat s your motivation for learning? 2. Do you think it s the teacher s job to motivate students? 3. Do you think motivation is important for success? 4. DO your have any other suggestions for motivating students? 5. Some students are planning to study abroad after graduation. What? 6. During the dis

45、cussion, why did you day that ? s their reasons for doing so?篇一: Andrew CarnegieAndrew Carnegie, known as the King of Steel, built the steel industry in the United States, and ,in the process, became one of the wealthiest men in America. His success resulted in partfrom his ability to sell the produ

46、ct and in part from his policy of expanding during periods ofeconomic decline, when most of his competitors were reducing their investments.Carnegie believed that individuals should progress through hard work, but he also feltstrongly that the wealthy should use their fortunes for the benefit of soc

47、iety. He opposedcharity, preferring instead to provide educational opportunities that would allow others to helpthemselves. "He who dies rich, dies disgraced," he often said.Among his more noteworthy contributions to society are those that bear his name, including the Carnegie Institute of

48、 Pittsburgh, which has a library, a museum of fine arts, and amuseum of national history. He also founded a school of technology that is now part ofCarnegie-Mellon University. Other philanthrophic gifts are the Carnegie Endowment forInternational Peace to promote understanding between nations, the C

49、arnegie Institute ofWashington to fund scientific research, and Carnegie Hall to provide a center for the arts.Few Americans have been left untouched by Andrew Carnegie's generosity. Hiscontributions of more than five million dollars established 2,500 libraries in small communitiesthroughout the

50、 country and formed the nucleus of the public library system that we all enjoytoday.篇二: American RevolutionThe American Revolution was not a sudden and violent overturning of the political andsocial framework, such as later occurred in France and Russia, when both were alreadyindependent nations. Si

51、gnificant changes were ushered in, but they were not breathtaking. What happened was accelerated evolution rather than outright revolution. During theconflict itself people went on working and praying, marrying and playing. Most of them werenot seriously disturbed by the actual fighting, and many of

52、 the more isolated communitiesscarcely knew that a war was on.America's War of Independence heralded the birth of three modern nations. One wasCanada, which received its first large influx of English-speaking population from thethousands of loyalists who fled there from the United States. Anothe

53、r was Australia, whichbecame a penal colony now that America was no longer available for prisoners and debtors. The third newcomer-the United States-based itself squarely on republican principles.Yet even the political overturn was not so revolutionary as one might suppose. In somestates, notably Co

54、nnecticut and Rhode Island, the war largely ratified a colonial self-rule alreadyexisting. British officials, everywhere ousted, were replaced by a home-grown governing class, which promptly sought a local substitute for king and Parliament.1 What do you miss most in your home?2 Which one do you prefer, on-line educationortraditional education?3 What do yo


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