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1、三年级下册英语学案lesson16breakfast,lunchanddinner冀教版(三起) 冀教版英语三年级下册 lesson 16 breakfast, lunch and dinner 教学制定 教材与学情分析: 本单元的主要话题与食物有关,围绕食物和一日三餐展开教学。本课内容较多。分为两课时进行教授。第一课时介绍了一天当中的三个时间段,及各个时间段的问候;第二课时介绍了三个时间段的三餐表述及三餐后的简要活动。 本课的学习对象为三年级的孩子们,从年龄和心理发展特点来看他们年龄比较小,注意力容易分散,自控能力也较差。但与此同时他们活泼好动,喜爱表达,乐于表现。关于学习英语起始年级的孩子

2、们来讲,英语的学习热情很高,不过积存较少。所以以此作为制定本课的依据。 知识与技能目标: 1.能听、说、认读并会书写单词:breakfast, lunch, dinner 2.理解,认读以下句子 in the morning/afternoon/evening, i have breakfast/lunch/dinner. then 3.学会唱歌曲:its time for lunch. 教学策略:利用课件,借助有声的歌曲、铃声,无声的直观图片,及带动作的演唱等方式,通过一日的早中晚的问候,为孩子们创设了真实的情景,用孩子们喜爱的歌曲,表演,chant等多种活动形式学习语言,运用语言。 情感、

3、态度、价值观目标: 引导孩子们树立健康的饮食习惯。 重点难点: breakfast的发音; 准确表述三餐;能在日常生活中运用本课句型进行会话。 板书制定: 教学过程: step 1 greeting and revision 1、greeting t: hello, boys and girls. are you ready for class? first lets sing a song. s: hello, miss di. (制定意图:课前与孩子们进行简单的英语交流,增进师生了解,融洽师生关系。也帮助孩子们快速进入英语学习状态。) 2、sing a song t: good morni

4、ng! s: good morning! good morning! good morning! and how are you? i m fine. thank you. t: good afternoon! s: good afternoon! good afternoon! good afternoon! and how are you? i m fine. thank you. t+s: good evening! good evening! and how are you? good evening! good evening! i m fine. thank you. good e

5、vening! good evening! and how are you? good evening! good evening! i m fine. thank you. t: good night! good night! i am going to sleep. good night! good night! have a nice dream! t: after a long night. the sun rises. t:i get up, put on my clothes, brush my teeth and wash my face. 制定意图:在轻松愉悦的氛围中,孩子们进

6、入了学习状态;师生间进行了更进一步的问候;并以此种方式复习了第一课时的主要内容;创设情境,感受一天的时间变化,并由日出的来临,预示新的一天的开始,由此导入新知。 step 2 new concept 1、breakfast 导:t:oh, i feel very hungry. are you hungry? lets eat sth. its time for breakfast. (制定意图:在情境中导入新授词汇:breakfast) 教:1、老师板书教读breakfast 2、学生个体读,分组读 制定意图:孩子们对breakfast的发音较难掌握,讲授中放慢速度,教授字母组合的发音规则,

7、并通过学生个体读,小组读,男女生读检验和巩固读音。 练:t: now breakfast is ready for you. look! whats this? t: i like noodles for breakfast. what about you ? 制定意图:在情境中体会,学习早餐 breakfast文本 导:t: your breakfast is so great .and we know breakfast is very important for us.(解释:早餐对我们来说非常重要。)so 教:1、ppt浮现 in the morning, i have breakfa

8、st. 2、板书t: in the morning, 3、板书i have (教读have, have breakfast;带动作读have breakfast) 4、t: in the morning, i have breakfast. and then i go to school(浮现ppt) 5、教读go to school, then 读:follow the tape; read together; ask some students to read. 制定意图:在情境中理解文本,朗诵文本,并通过对孩子的激励和肯定性评价激发孩子们读的热情。 2、lunch 导:t: we usu

9、ally have 4 classes in the morning. now look! its 12 oclock. we can go home .its time for lunch. 制定意图:以时间为线索,在情境中导入新授词汇:lunch 教:1、老师板书教读 2、学生读 练语音:t:you know “un pronounced /n / .i have more words with un. try to read. t: its a piece of cake for you to read these words. look at these sentences. try

10、to read. t: look at me. (带动作展示) interesting, yeah? all together stand up. say it with actions. 制定意图:让孩子们在情境中体会字母组合un的发音,并通过表演的形式加强记忆效果,增加趣味性。 lunch文本 导:t:look, this is my lunch. is it fun? and we usually have lunch in the afternoon. 教: 1、ppt 出示in the afternoon ,i have lunch. 2、板书in the afternoon; 强调

11、the发音; 引导孩子们读i have lunch. 3、in the afternoon ,i have lunch. and then i go to school. 读:follow the tape; read together; ask some students to read. 制定意图:在情境中理解文本,朗诵文本,并通过对孩子的激励和肯定性评价激发孩子们读的热情。 3、dinner 导:t:at school ,i play with my friends, listen to my teacher then i go home. look! its seven thirty.

12、 its time for dinner. 制定意图:以时间为线索,在情境中导入新授词汇:dinner 教:1、板书教读 2、学生读 dinner文本 导:we usually have dinner in the evening. 教:1、磁条in the evening. 领读in the evening,强调the读音.;引导学生读i have dinner. 2、then i go to school? ppt浮现i read a book. 磁条i read a book 练:in the evening,i have dinner. then i read a book. what

13、 do you do after dinner? (制定意图:扩大一些有关活动的短语,在情境中学习使用简单动作短语) 读:follow the tape; read together; ask some students to read. 4. text 导:t: books are our good friends. we should read more books. now lets read. open your books and turn to p41. please read part 2.(自读课本41页第二部分)。lets begin. 读 制定意图:语言输出,大声朗诵文本。

14、 5、summary t: toady we learned breakfast/lunch/dinner. and some sentences: can you read? good learning. lets make these into a chant. 制定意图:总结本节课所学新知,引导孩子们学会归纳知识点。并以此导出下一个环节chant. 6、chant t: first part. follow me. second part. have a try. go on! together. big hands for you! there is a tip for you. (制

15、定意图:伴着朗朗上口的旋律,让孩子们进一步巩固今天所学的目标语言。) 7、tip eat like a king in the morning, a prince at noon, and a peasant at night. t: what have you learnt from this tip? t: it tells us breakfast is very important. our brain and body need healthy food. so we should eat more for breakfast and eat less for dinner. 制定意

16、图:用这种类似故事的表述方式,增加了孩子们对英语学习的另外一种体验,也提升了学习的热情。并在热情的带动下悟出道理,自觉树立正确的健康的饮食习惯。 8、sing a song t: lets relax. do you want to listen to a song? before that there is a question for you. what food can you hear?听,问 t: do you like it? now who can answer my question. what food have you heard? t: good hearing.回答 t

17、: do you eat dumplings with rice?解释:你会饺子就着米饭吃吗? (教学意图:让孩子们带着问题,有目的性的听歌曲,并采纳问答的方式适时处理句子中的难点a special treat.解释并教读。) t: do you want to learn? ill teach you . (看ppt歌词,老师示范并逐句教唱。跟唱) t: its the right time to sing .have a try.(试唱) t : lets sing in a different way. now i divide you into two parts. i point t

18、o this part, you sing .i point to this part, you sing. and if i do this action, sing together. clear? 制定意图:以歌曲结尾,在欢快的氛围中总结和巩固了这节课的内容。并由歌词引出本节课的作业。 part 3 class closing t: dumplings and rice. a special treat. what else is a special treat? here comes the homework. (eg.its time for lunch. i want to eat. noodles and soup. a special treat.) 反思 本节课的活动制定以孩子的学情和教材为依据,紧紧围绕教学目标。在情境中教授词汇,在词汇教学中渗透语音教学。再利用孩子们喜爱的方式有效的学习和巩固新知。整个过程关注学生,引导学生。激励评价贯穿始终。比较成功的教学制定有如下几点:首先是课程开篇的自编歌曲。这个原创歌曲一是让学生们复习之前所学;二是让学生们更快速的进入学习状态;三是起到一个引入新授的作用,因为歌曲的结尾就是夜晚的结束,也就预示着新的一天的开始


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