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1、part 1 reading comprehension passage 1opinion poll surveys show that the public see scientists in a rather unflattering light. commonly, the scientist is also seen as being male. it is true that most scientists are male, but the picture of science as a male activity may be a major reason why fewer g

2、irls than boys opt for science, except when it comes to biology, which is seen as “female. ”the image most people have of science and scientists comes from their own experience of school science, and from the mass media. science teachers themselves see it as a problem that so many school pupils find

3、 school science an unsatisfying experience, though over the last few years more and more pupils, including girls, have opted for science subjects. in spite of excellent documentaries, and some good popular science magazines, scientific stories in the media still usually alternate between miracle and

4、 scientific threat. the popular stereotype of science is like the magic of fairy tales: it has potential for enormous good or awful harm. popular fiction is full of “good” scientists saving the world, and “mad ” scientists trying to destroy it. from all the many scientific stories which might be giv

5、en media treatment, those which are chosen are usually those which can be framed in terms of the usual news angles: novelty, threat, conflict or the bizarre. the routine and often tedious work of the scientist slips from view, to be replaced with a picture of scientists forever offending public mora

6、l sensibilities (as in embryo research), threatening public health (as in weapons research), or fighting it out with each other (in giving evidence at public enquiries such as those held on the issues connected with nuclear power). the mass media also tends to over-personalize scientific work, depic

7、ting it as the product of individual genius, while neglecting the social organization which makes scientific work possible. a further effect of this is that science comes to be seen as a thing in itself: a kind of unpredictable force; a tide of scientific progress. it is no such thing, of course. sc

8、ience is what scientists do; what they do is what a particular kind of society facilitates, and what is done with their work depends very much on who has the power to turn their discoveries into technology, and what their interests are. 1. according to the passage, ordinary people have a poor opinio

9、n of science and scientists partly because _. a) of the misleading of the media b) opinion polls are unflattering c) scientists are shown negatively in the media d) science is considered to be dangerous 2. fewer girls than boys study science because _. a) they think that science is too difficult b)

10、they are often unsuccessful in science at school c) science is seen as a mans jobd) science is considered to be tedious 3. media treatment of science tends to concentrate on _. a) the routine, everyday work of scientists b) discoveries that the public will understand c) the more sensational aspects

11、of science d) the satisfactions of scientific work 4. according to the author, over-personalization of scientific work will lead science a) isolation from the rest of the world b) improvements on school system c) association with “femaleness ”d) trouble in recruiting young talent 5.according to the

12、author, what a scientist does _. a) should be attributed to his individual genius b) depends on the coordination of the society c) shows his independent power d) is unpredictable keys:1-5 accab(全国 2010 年英语六级考试冲刺试题)passage 2no one can be a great thinker who does not realize that as a thinker it is he

13、r first duty to follow her intellect to whatever conclusions it may lead. truth gains more even by the errors of one who with due study and preparation, thinks for himself, than by the true opinions of those who only hold them because they do not suffer themselves to think. no that it is solely, of

14、chiefly, to form great thinkers that freedom of thinking is required. one the contrary, it is as much or even more indispensable to enable average human beings to attain the mental stature which they are capable of. there have been and many again be great individual thinkers in a general atmosphere

15、of mental slavery. but there never has been, nor ever will be, in that atmosphere an intellectually active people. where any of heterodox speculation was for a time suspended, where there is a tacit convention that principles are not to be disputed: where the discussion of the greatest questions whi

16、ch can occupy humanity is considered to be closed, we cannot hope to find that generally high scale of mental activity which has made some periods of history so remarkable. never when controversy avoided the subjects which are large and important enough to kindle enthusiasm was the mind of a people

17、stirred up from its foundation and the impulse given which raised even persons of the most ordinary intellect to something of the dignity of thinking beings. she who knows only her own side of the case knows little of that. her reasons may be food, and no one may have been able to refute them. but i

18、f she s equally unable to refute the reasons of the opposite side; if she does not so much as know what they are, she has no ground for preferring either opinion. the rational position for her would be suspension of judgment, and unless she contents herself with that, she is either led by authority,

19、 or adopts, like the generality of the world the side to which she feels the most inclination. nor is it enough that she should heat the arguments of adversaries from her own teachers, presented as they state them, and accompanied by what they offer as refutations, that is not the way to do justice

20、to the arguments, or bring them into real contact with her own mind. she must be able to hear them form persons who actually believe them; who defend them in earnest, and do their very utmost for them. she must know them in their most plausible and persuasive form; she must feel the whole force of t

21、he difficulty which the true view of the subject has to encounter and dispose of; else she will never really possess herself of the portion of truth which meets and removes that difficulty. ninety-nine in a hundred of what are called educated persons are in this condition; even of those who can argu

22、e fluently for their opinions. their conclusion may be true, but it might be false for anything they know; they have never thrown themselves into the mental position of those who think differently form them and considered what such persons may have to say; and consequently they do not, in any proper

23、 sense of the word, know the doctrines which they themselves profess. 6. the best title for this passage is a the age of reason b the need for independent thinking c the value of reason d stirring peoples minds 7. according to the author, it is always advisable to a have opinions which cannot be ref

24、uted. b adopt the point of view to which one feels the most inclination. c be acquainted with the arguments favoring the point of view with which one disagrees, d suspend heterodox speculation in favor of doctrinaire approaches. 8. according to the author, in a great period such as the renaissance w

25、e may expect to find a acceptance of truth b controversy over principles c inordinate enthusiasm d a dread of heterodox speculation 9. according to the author, the person who holds orthodox beliefs without examination may be described in all of the following ways except as a enslaved by tradition b

26、less than fully rational c determinded on controversy d having a closed mind 10. it can be inferred from the passage that the author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements a a truly great thinker makes no mistakes. b periods of intellectual achievement are periods of un

27、orthodox reflection, c the refutation of accepted ideas can best be provided by ones own teachers. d excessive controversy prevents clear thinking. vocabulary 1. stature 高度,境界,状况 2. heterodox 不合乎公认的标准的,异端的,异教的 3. tacit 心照不宣 4. refute 反驳 5. adversary 对立面,对手,敌人 6. plausible 善于花言巧语的 /辞令的,似乎有理的 /有可能的 7.

28、 doctrine 教义,学说 8. profess 表示,明言,承认,自称,信奉难句译注 1. true gains more even by the errors of one who with due study and preparation, thinks for himself, then by the true opinions of those who only hold them because they do not suffer themselves to think. 参考译文 真理甚至从一个经过恰当研究和准备进行独立思考的人的错误中获得更多的东西,而从那些只是因为不予

29、思考却持有正确的观点中获得的少(一种经过恰当的研究和准备进行独立思考的人犯的错误,另一种人是不予思考的却持有正确的观点,真理从前者错误中获得的东西比从后者的正确观点中获得的要多)。 2. mental slavery 思想禁锢,精神受奴役状态 3. never when controversy avoided the subjects which are large and important enough to kindle enthusiasm was the mind of a people stirred up from its foundation and the impulse g

30、iven which raised even persons of the most ordinary intellect to something of the dignity of thinking beings. 结构简析 这是一句以 never 否定词开头的倒装句,正常的句序应把never 放在句中,形成: the mind of people was never stirred up from its foundations. 参考译文 当辩论比开重大课题,重大到足以燃起/激起人们激 /热情的课题时,那么一个民族的思想绝不会从天赋的情感和原始的基础上升华,甚至使最普通智力的人上升到优

31、点庄严的思想家水平上。 4. the rational position for her would be suspension of judgement, and unless she contents herself with that, she is either led by authority, or adopts, like the generality of the world, the side to which she feels the most inclination. 参考译文 对她来说理智的立场是停止判断, 而且除非她满足于这一点, 否则,她不是为权威人物的观点所左右

32、,后者就像世界上芸芸众生一样, 倒向她感觉最倾向的一边。 5. that is not the way to do justice to the arguments, or bring them into teal contact with her own mind. 结构简析 do justice to 公平对待, 适当处理。 bring , into contact with 使和 ,接触/联系。 参考译文 这不是对正确观点评价的方法,也不能使自己的思想真正接触到论点的实质。 6. she must know them in their most plausible and persuas

33、ive form; she must feel the whole force of the difficulty which the true view of the subject has to encounter and dispose of; else she will never really possess herself of the portion of truth which meets and removes that difficulty. 结 构 简 析 most plausible and persuasive form 很 善 于 辞 令 和 有 说 服 力 形式。

34、 possess oneself of 获得,据有,把 , 占为己有。them=arguments, else否则的话。 7. their conclusion may be true, but it might be false for anything they know; they have never thrown themselves into the mental position of those who think differently form them and considered what such persons may have to say; and conseq

35、uently they do not, in any proper sense of the word, know the doctrines which they themselves profess. 结构简析 throw oneself into , position 设身处地,使自己处于, 位置 /地点。写作方法与文章大意这是一篇由一般到具体,重要采用正反对比,推理的写作方法的文章,逻辑性强,正反论证,句子结构复杂冗长,分两段给出内容,第一段重点在:伟大的思想家的首要责任是奠定遵循自己智力所得出的结论。由此引起思想家和思想活跃的人民同时代环境的关系。 只有思想后月的时期, 才有伟大的思

36、想家和活跃的人民, 因为他们可以讨论重大主题, 而在思想禁锢时期,只能产生个别伟大思想家。第二段具体的论证了独立思考涉及两方面,既如自己一方种种, 也得知对手的一方种种 (内容,推理,论点 ),才能真正获得真理。 keys 6. b. 独立思考的必要性。 见难句译注 1。这里说明进行独立思考的人即使犯错误,真理也能从中获得东西,而那些懒于思考人,即使持有正确的观点,真理也难以获得东西。 第一段还点明思想禁锢时期,即不能进行独立思考时期, 难以讨论重大议题,产生不了活跃的人民,绝不会出现像辉煌的文艺复兴那种时期(见第二题注 )。第二段也是围绕独立思考而写,只是从具体点着眼:人只知自己,不知对方无

37、法获得真理, 只有独立思考两方, 才能不为权威所左右, 不会跟着自己感觉走,最终知道自己的真正主张。a. 理性时代。 c.驳斥的价值。 d. 激发人民的思想。 7. c. 熟悉有利于自己不同意 /反对观点的论点。这是作者在第二段讲述的重要论点。他认为一个人只知自己一方, 推理极好,无人能反驳,却不知对方的推理,也不能够予以反驳的话, 他就无权选择两方的任一论点, 其理智位置是停止判断。否则她就会 (像世界上芸芸众生那样 )不是为权威所“引导” ,就是跟着感觉 (的倾向)走。其二,作者提出:光听自己的老师讲述对立面的论点,以及他们所提出的反驳论点。只是不够的,必须倾听那些人(他们真正相信对立的观

38、点)的论点,并为此积极热情, 竭尽全力辩护, 才能使自己的思想和独立论点接触,公正的作出公正的判断。 a. 具有不能驳斥的观点。 b. 采取个人感觉最倾向的观点。 d. 停止有利于教条主义研究的异端思考。 8. b. 辩论原则问题。答案在第一段:在思想禁锢的气氛中,过去,现在可能会产生个别的思想家, 但绝不会有思想活跃的人民, 在那里有一种心照不宣的惯律:原则决不能讨论认为占据人类心灵的最重大问题的讨论应封闭,我们不能期望看到一般高级的思想活动。这种思想活动曾使历史上某些时期光辉灿烂。而文艺复兴就是思想活动的顶峰时期,必然会讨论原则问题,所以选b 。a. 接受真理,周经过讨论才能接受真理。c.

39、 过度的热情。 d. 害怕异端思考。 9. c. 在辩论上,坚定不移。这是一道推断题,一般讲:持有未经检验的正统信仰的人不会独立思考,更不会怀疑他所信仰的东西。a. 为传统所奴役。 b. 不怎么理智。 d. 头脑闭塞。这种人必然受传统思想控制,不理智更不愿接受外界新鲜事物。 10. b. 在思想方面取得成就的时期就是进行非正统反思的时期。见3 题注释。a. 一个真正的思想家不犯错误。c. 一个人的老师最能提供所接受思想观点的反驳。d. 过度的辩论会制止清晰的思考。(来自大学英语四级阅读理解精粹100 篇(40)伟大的思想家)passage 3 life comes only from othe

40、r life. the offspring of a living thing is like its parents. a bird is hatched from an egg produced by parent birds. a flower grows from seeds created by a parent flower. one creature passes the flame of life to another to another in a continuing cycle, thus preserving life on the earth. in the mid-

41、nineteenth century, biologists began to explore the questio9n of how so many different species of plants and animals had developed. a young english scientist named charles darwin traveled to an island off the coast of south america. there he observed many types of creatures that he had never seen. d

42、arwin was struck by the fact that many of the animals that he saw lived nowhere else in the world; then, on the neighboring islands, he studied many different species of birds. as a result of his observations, darwin brought about a theory of the evolution of human life. he knew that many creatures

43、produce more offspring than can actually survive. since not every young creature can survive, there is competition among the individuals in species for food, water, warmth, and space. in the struggle for existence, only the fittest, or the ones that are best able to change as their surroundings chan

44、ge, will succeed. darwin called his theory “ natural selection”, or the “ survival of the fittest ” . in his work the origin of species, he claimed that man has evolved from a lower form of life and that in fact all life on the earth has developed from a single, original cell. over millions of years

45、, through gradual change, development, and natural selection, all the different species of life that we know today have evolved. darwin s ideas were not accepted by most people of his time, partly because they were against many religious views about the origin of mankind. in addition, many people we

46、re shocked at the idea that humans are animals and related to other forms of life, particularly that human beings were related to apes or monkeys millions of yeas ago. but all the evidence we have today shows that darwin s theory is true. 11. when studying the creatures on the islands, charles darwi

47、n was deeply impressed by the fact that _. a. there were many rare creatures on the islands b. there were different kinds of birds on the islands c. the animals on the islands were unique d. the plants and animals had developed fast on the islands 12. according to the first paragraph, it can be conc

48、luded that the quality of a creature _. a. is decided by its parentsb. is different from its parentsc. has nothing to do with its parents d. can be changed by its parents 13. what is mentioned about darwin s original idea in the third paragraph? a. all the creatures on the earth are created by god.

49、b. all the creatures on the earth are lower forms of life. c. all the creatures have their own life styles. d. all the creatures have evolved from a single, original cell. 14. darwin s theory of natural selection is based on his observation that _. a. all creatures try to conquer the other species b

50、. competition takes place among the creatures c. food, water, and space are necessary to all the creatures d. many creatures struggle for existence throughout their lives 15. why did many people in the 19th century refuse to accept darwins theory according to the passage? a. they doubted the evidenc

51、e given by darwin. b. darwin regarded human beings as apes and monkeys. c. the theory was against their religious belief. d. the theory was difficult to be tested by experiments keys:ominitted (来自 2011年全国职称英语考前培训班模拟测试题)part 2 cloze (15 minutes, 15 points, 1 for each)most people who travel long dista

52、nces complain of jetlag(喷气飞行时应)jetlag makes business travelers less productive and more prone 1 making mistakes. it is actually caused by 2 of your body clock a small cluster of brain cells that controls the timing of biological 3 . the body clock is designed for a 4 rhythm of daylight and darkness,

53、 so that it is thrown out of balance when it 5 daylight and darkness at the wrong times in a new time zone. the 6 of jetlag often persist for days 7 the internal body clock slowly adjusts to the new time zone. now a new anti-jetlag system is 8 that is based on proven 9 pioneering scientific research. dr. martin moore-ede has 10 a practical strat


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