



1、修改 Outlook 2010 IMAP数据文件的存储位置从Outlook 2003 改用2010有一段时间,感觉IMAP功能有改进,不过一直被一个问题困扰着,即, IMAP数据文件的存储位置默认是User AppDataLocalMicrosoftOutlook(User是登录Windows 的用户名),无法像POP3的那样可以自行修改数据文件的存储位置。我的电脑操作系统是 win7 x64,Outlook关闭后,在控制面板-> 用户账户-> 邮件-> 数据文件的窗口中选中IMAP账户,点击右上角的"Open File Location ”,将数据文件剪切复制到新

2、位置(注意不能改数据文件名),然后双击IMAP账户,这时会弹出对话框提示.pst文件找不到,只要指向新位置即可。Gj Usm AccoumsChtn 泸 ZS ffCQ-UHl pscfirE吟rviHQwr讯耳 Ch*ng-<|HdQ#K 戸背 科£>出Parent Controls片 Sri up pjrem"jlF(if 审冒 jerWirsdows 匚ardSpacehlansypt! |卅b航ertiE Codi tfi-vE jifcto an fu onlinepa匸 nedent>ail Manager W ' Man 'r

3、tirKk-vhS.MailCUrtdi FlrtOuttMDMt FinMme16J net心752*>rr55rasl PuMffS丄0.U2.D:W5 林 DacuwiH OuitlPQi6 脚和廿站Stfert» dug1hrls4; tum ddt Sttwgi for rwa drMn at M Cptn 哉 Manor 0(1也 *中t 的g 9wEffW Ht To KM* b闻时11*,畑 E菽 升直 tfiul torn*重启Outlook 2010,在邮箱帐户设置窗口中测试我的Gmail邮箱,IMAP接收和SMTP发送均显示正常,但实际操作邮件发送时却会提

4、示“Outlook data file cannot be accessed ”。1 .-1经google搜索找到一篇帖子,参考文章(2),其中提到数个解决办法,经比较感觉其中的一个修改注册 表的方法最稳定可靠,引用如下:I have found a solution, a bit tech-intense, but working- on Microsoft Technet (thanksVONAH):If you have moved th e file you probably has now a new problem:“ Error 0x8004010F: Outlookdata f

5、ile cannot be accessed” (NOTE: this solution edits your computer registers. Be carefull!)1. Close Outlook. Click on Start then type regedit to open the register editor;2. Go to(CWindows NTCurrentVersionWindows Messaging9375CFF0413111d3B88A00104B2A6676"3. Right click on this folder and Export to

6、 save the actual configuration.4. Find the folder (or folders if you have more than an account) that has the“ Delivery StoreEntryID ” key.5. Right click on“ Delivery Store EntryID” key and than Modify.6. The data in the key is in HEXA. On the righter column you will find the data in normal chars.Go

7、to the end and find the path to the original data file. Edit it pointing the entire path to newfolder of the file.7. Open Outlook and everything is working again!8. If any problem comes up, click on the file you exported to restore the orginal registersettings.Couple of tips to this solution:1. You

8、have to replace S-1-5-21 .key with the one that exists on your system (is itHKEY_CURRENT_USER?).2. When editing path in binary data value, make sure you replace letters of old path with newletters and leave 00 values in place. If you need to add extra characters, add character,followed by 00 (assumi

9、ng the character is in ASCII). The path must terminate with a coupleof “ 00 " characters, for a total of 3“ 00 " s at the end of the value.简单说来就是:1. 关闭Outlook,运行regedit进入注册表编辑窗口;2. 找到“S-1-5-21-2252105952-3583732995-3196064763-1000SoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWindows Messaging“(

10、其中字段SubsystemProfilesOutlook9375CFF0413111d3B88A00104B2A6676S-1-5-21-2252105952-3583732995-3196064763-1000” 不同的电脑会有不一样的显示),在该目录的右键菜单中点击Export以备份这部分注册表,万一修改出错可以进行恢复;3.该目录下会有几个子目录,在其中一个子目录中找到Delivery Store EntryID”双击进入修改窗口,注意如有多个邮箱账户那么这里就会有多个子目录均含有Delivery Store EntryID”,该键值内容是16进制,窗口右侧是对应的ASCII码值,内含有

11、数据文件的路径,根据此内容就可以判断是否为需要修改的键值。这里可以看到Gmail邮箱对应的数据文件的存储位置仍旧在C:盘,导致邮件发送失败。HdMtKU«C4«LlW>irmM8 啊1臣坦LarfaliJEitaL阳曾IWb3d I* idlOwH db4U4?Qk «au«mn»MmKHrawi MTI71*個輯話LamWnm $*P. mnop.«nmoiLdi IkMMt*T fifert Enfiijf 眄 imi-(fl*IvapaftR丰=r卜 49MKSKrnKU*IKJZ K_i>i£iJlT K

12、4_if HUTMuhr m vrcp甘 畔jvwv rtvjttW' 欣帥曲 H£P-EMD me IHHLY 零”K RKJCpM:他 Ku.illWV M.UWT 蛍阳K) 爾JT4ACVmo noo .j Lu " I 3:-120rc inM15 .* (I;:4U7 Tin 34别” J4U.片i绅*32,!卩帥*4.修改键值内容并仔细检查无误后,保存退岀。注意路径中的每个字符需要用16进制的00隔开,该隔离符在右侧区域会显示为小数点一样的符号(而字符小数点的16进制为2E,在右侧也是一样的显示,勿混淆)Fdrt Binary Value7aje narre:Ddwe铮 Skxe EmrylDue dataOD000039 DO 000010004800500058OOSO00&8 0咖OQ00000


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