



1、Unit 6Different places(七年级上册牛津版)核心词汇1. peaceful'pi:sfuladj. 平静的【词性转换】peacepi:sn. 和平It s peaceful at home when the children are at school.孩子们上学时,家里就安静了。2. convenientk?n'vi:nj?ntadj. 方便的【词性转换】conveniencek?n'vi:nj?nsn. 便利【反义词】inconvenient.ink?n'vi:nj?ntadj.不便的,有困难的When would it be conve

2、nient for you to go你什么时候方便去?3. neighbourhood'neib?hudn. 街区【词性转换】neighbour'neib?n. 邻居4. bottom【反义词】'b?t?mtopt?pn. 底部n. 顶部Some tea left at/in the bottom of your cup.你杯底剩下一些茶。5. steepsti:padj.陡的【反义词】gentle'd?entladj.暖和的There was a steep climb on the road out of town.城外的公路有一段陡坡。6. stepst

3、epn. 台阶There are two steps up onto the bus.上公共汽车有两级踏板。7. noisy'n?iziadj.吵闹的;嘈杂的【词性转换】noisen?izn. 噪音noisily'n?iziliadv.吵闹地;嘈杂地【反义词】 quiet'kwai?tadj. 安静的;宁静的Shanghai is sometimes a really noisy city.上海有时候真的是一个嘈杂的城市。8. excitingik'saiti?adj. 令人激动的;令人兴奋的【词性转换】exciteik'saitv. 使激动;使兴奋ex

4、citedik'saitid激动的;兴奋的excitementik'saitm?ntn. 激动;兴奋【反义词】boring'b?:ri?adj. 令人厌烦的We are watching an exciting football match.我们正在看一场激动人心的足球比赛。adj.9. pleasant'plez?ntadj.令人愉快的【反义词】【近义词】unpleasant enjoyable?n'pleznt in'd?i?b(?)ladj.adj.使人不愉快的;讨厌的令人愉快的【词性转换】愉快的please pli:z pleasure

5、'ple?v. 使高兴n. 高兴;愉快pleasedpli:zdadj. 高兴的;We spent a pleasant day in the country.我们在乡下度过了愉快的一天。10. relaxingri'l?ksi?adj.令人放松的It s very relaxing to lie down on the beach in summer.夏日里,躺在沙滩上真是很让人放松。11. financialfai'n?n?l【词性转换】financeadj. 金融的;财政的fai'n?nsn. 金融;财政New York is a great financ

6、ial centre.纽约市一个重要的金融中心。12. churcht?:t?n. 教堂Is there a church nearby附近有教堂吗?13. statue'st?tju:n. 雕塑;雕像The Statue of Liberty stands in New York Harbour.自由女神像耸立在纽约港。14. kindergarten'kind?.g :tnn. 幼儿园Take your children to the kindergarten.送你的孩子去幼儿园。15. fountain'fauntinn. 喷泉A beautiful stone

7、fountain is standing in the middle of the garden.花园中央立着一个漂亮的石头喷水池。重要句型1. Peter: Where is Water Bay on the map of Garden City水湾位于花园城地图上的哪里?Kitty: It s in the north of the map.它位于地图的北部。 表示“在地图上”时,应用介词on。表示地图上的方位时,应使用介词in。此时它表示的是在地图“中”的位置。如:In the east of the map, we can find a department store.在地图上的东部

8、,我们可以看到一家百货商店。2. I take a bus to Sunshine Shopping Centre. Then I take the underground to school.我搭公车到阳光购物中心。然后我再乘地铁到学校。 take + 交通工具+ 介词 to 意为“搭乘去(某地)”。一般地, bus, taxi, car 等前用不定冠词an,而 underground 前常用定冠词the。这个词的含义与“工具”一致,可互相替换。gotoby+交通3. It is convenient to go shopping in your new neighbourhood 在你们的

9、新小区里购物方便吗? “ It is +形容词+ to do sth. ”的结构常用来表示“ (做某事)很(怎么样)”的意思。It不是句子真正的主语,它替代了to do sth.的部分,我们称之为“形式主语”,而把动词不定式部分称为“真正的主语”。又如:Its very nice to meet you here.能在这儿见到你真高兴。4. There arentany shops or restaurants.那里没有商店和饭店。not any 是“什么都没有”的意思,与no 意思相近。本句可改写成:There are no shops or restaurants.5. There is

10、a beach at the bottom of some steep steps. 在陡峭的阶梯底部有一个沙滩。 at the bottom of 意为“在底部”。如:The apples at the bottom of the basket are smaller. 篮子底部的苹果较小。语法点讲解1. 句型“ It takes + 时间”表示“做某事花了多长时间” 。通常还可以用 “ It takes + sb. + 时间 + to do sth.”的句型。It takes five hours to travel from Shanghai to Nanchang by train.从

11、上海至南昌坐火车需五小时。【注意】句中谓语动词taketime to do sth.可以和要根据上下文来确定其时态。另外,句型It takes sb. somesb. spends some time (in) doing sth这.个句型互相转换。【活学活用】按要求改写句子:1.It took him about half an hour to cook this dish.(就划线部分提问)_ _ did it take him to cook this dish2.It will take him about two hours to finish this work.(保持句意不变)H

12、e _ _ about two hours _ this work.3.She spends an hour practicing singing every morning.(保持句意不变)It _ her an hour _ _ singing every morning.Keys: 1. How long2. will spend finishing3. takes to practise2.句型“ It is + 形容词 + to do sth.”表示“做事情是样的”。It is difficult to learn French.法语是很难学的。【活学活用】选择正确的答案:1.It

13、is _ to collect stamps.A. interestedB. interestC. interestingD. interests2.It is dangerous _ the street when the red light is on.A. crossB. to crossC. crossingD. across3.It is _ and _ get there by underground.A. quick convenientlyB. quickly convenientC. quickly convenientlyD. quick convenientKeys: 1

14、. C2. B3. D3. 表示乘坐交通工具有两种说法:take +冠词+ 交通工具。两种用法可以相互转换。I took a bus to go to my uncle s.我乘公交车去叔叔家。上句可以改写为:I went to my uncle s by bus.4. some, any, a lot of 和 much 都属于不定代词。some 和 any 都表示“一些” ,它们的共同点是:可修饰或代替可数名词或不可数名词。其不同点是: some 多用于肯定句,而 any 多用于否定句、一般疑问句及条件状语从句中。【注意 】 当 some 用于一般疑问句中,表示想要得到对方肯定的答复。如:

15、Would you like some tea你想喝些茶吗?而 any 也可以用与陈述句中表示“任何一个”。如:Shanghai is larger than any city in Japan.上海比日本的任何一个城市都要大。5. when 可引导时间状语从句,意为“当时候”。在用 when 引导的时间状语从句中,主句和从句的动作可以是同时发生的,也可以是先后的;从句中的动作可以是短暂的,也可以是持续的。What were you doing when your teacher came into the classroom当老师进教室的时候,你们正在做什么?【活学活用】选择正确的答案:1.

16、Don tlaugh at people _ they are in trouble.A. beforeB. whenC. afterD. until2.The students were talking and laughing _ Mr Smith went into the classroom.A. whenB. ifC. becauseD. thatKeys: 1. B2. A6. because 是用来引导原因状语从句的从属连词,意为“因为”,表达句子间的因果关系。I turn on the air conditioner because the students feel very

17、 hot. 因为学生们感到很熟,所以我打开了空调。【注意】because可以喝 so 作句型转换,但是两个词不可同时在一句话中出现。以上例句可以改写为:The students feel very hot, so I turn on the air conditioner.【活学活用】选择正确的答案:1.Jane is an adult(成人), _ she knows what to do.A. becauseB. soC. butD. or2.She did her homework carefully, _ she was often praised by her teacher.A. becauseB. andC. butD. soKeys: 1. B2. D7. 现在进行时表示说话者此刻或现阶段正在进行的动作,由be 动词( am, is, are) + 现在分词(动词 -ing 形式)构成。 现在进行时的基本用法如下:表示此时此刻(说话者)正在进行的动作,We are planting trees with our teachers at the常与时间状语now, at the moment 等连用moment. 我们此刻正和老师们在植树。表示(说话者)在现阶段进行的活动,但未Mike is translating a book


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