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1、2022年广东省茂名市信宜怀新中学高二英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. the 16 th asian games started _ november 12 th, 2010 in guangzhou.a. on             b. at            c. in      

2、60;   d. by参考答案:a2. i can hardly imagine that he has _ his illness for most of his life. life is severe for him.a. lived with    b. lived up to    c. lived by    d. lived on 参考答案:a3. the boy ran into the house, _.a hunger and thirsty  

3、   b hungry and thirsty c hungrily and thirstily    d hunger and thirstiness参考答案:b4. the poor man, _,ran out of the dark cave.a. tiring and frightened          b. tired and frightened c. tired and frightening     &#

4、160;     d. tiring and frightening参考答案:b5. a quarrel_, which made him_his family.a. was broken out; break awayb. broke out; break away fromc. was broken away; break downd. broke down; break out参考答案:b6. our country is performing reforms in many fields, one of _ is electric _.athat

5、; force  bthose; strengthcthem; energy  dwhich; power参考答案:答案:d句意:我们国家在许多领域都进行着改革,其中一项是电力。根据句中的逗号可知,后面部分应是定语从句,先行词是fields;electric power指“电力”。7. children often do as well as what adults, particularly parents and teachers, _ of them.a. supposeb. supposedc. expectedd. expect参考答案:d【详解】考查时态和动词词

6、义辨析。句意:孩子们通常能做得像成年人,尤其是父母和老师,期望的那样好。suppose认为,假设;expect期望,预料。根据语境可知,孩子们可以做好老师和家长“期望”他们做的事。结合主句时态可知,应用一般现在时态。故选d。8. when i left the theatre, i was _ by two men who asked me for money.a. facedd.challengedc. confrontedd. treated参考答案:c9. in the global economy, a new drug for cancer,    &#

7、160;  it is discovered, will create many economic possibilities around the world.a. whatever b. whoever c. wherever d. whichever 参考答案:c10. i stayed there for only two days but          felt like two weeks.   a. it    

8、60;        b. what              c.  when             d. which参考答案:a略11. i really didnt know who _ for the broken window, for none of th

9、em admitted that he had done it.a was to be blamed       b was blamed        c was to blame   d was blaming参考答案:c12. many children, _ parents are working in big cities, are taken good care of in the village.a. their 

10、0;            b. whose          c. of them           d. with whom参考答案:b13. _ earlier, i would have managed to make an appointment with the   

11、; professor for you.    a. if you informed me               b. had you informed me c. should i inform                  d. if i was info

12、rmed参考答案:b略14. don't bother tom, he is         in experiment on some rats.a. focused        b. fixed          c. absorbed         d. concentrated参考答案:c

13、15. its already 10 oclock. i wonder how it _that she was 3 hours late on such a short trip.a. came across  b came out  c. came up  d. came about 参考答案:d16. stomach   a.machine  b.cheek     c.aching      d.channel参考答案:c17. list

14、en! do you hear someone_ for help?a calling   b call   c to call   d called参考答案:a略18. _ the road is so slippery after the heavy snow, why not stay at home?a. due to    b. as long as    c. now that    d. even if参考答案:c【详解】考查固定短

15、语辨析。句意:既然大雪过后路很滑,为什么不待在家里呢? a. due to由于;    b. as long as 只要;c. now that既然;d. even if即使,根据题意,故选c。19. it was because of the heavy rain                the football match had to be put off.a. which  

16、0;        b. why           c. that       d. how参考答案:c二、 书面表达20. 请阅读下面的漫画及相关文字,并按照要求写一篇150词左右的文章。a: todays university students depend on their parents too much.you see, the boy even does

17、nt know how to wash socks.b: oh, its awful. both parents and children are to blame.a: yeah. learning to be independent is a must.b: parents cant help children to do everything. and children should learn to take care of themselves, too. 写作内容1. 用约30个词概括上面图文的主要内容;2. 分析当前学生缺乏自理能力的原因;3. 谈谈如何培养学生的自理能

18、力(至少两条)。写作要求1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。_参考答案:university students rely too much on their parents in china, which is a very big problem. according to the picture, the boy is calling his mother for instructions on how to wash socks.from my point of view, its parents and students that should

19、 take the blame for their lack of self-independence. for one thing, parents discourage their children from trying to be independent. they usually take control of every little detail in the daily life, rather than give children chances to do some easy housework. for another, students take everything

20、in their life for granted, thinking its parents duty to feed them, clothe them and even clean their messes.taking these factors into consideration, measures must be taken immediately to strengthen students self-independence. for parents, keep in mind that trust and encouragement make a difference. t

21、hey are expected to motivate students to take responsibility for themselves. for us students, its high time that we should learn to meet challenges in life bravely.本文为“材料类图形提纲类”形式作文,主要综合考查考生阅读材料,识图和写作能力。本文可分三段来写。第一段按题目要求用约30个词简要概括写作材料的要点;第二段结合材料信息简要分析当前学生缺乏自理能力的原因:第三段简谈谈如何培养学生的自理能力(至少两条)。写作时注意句子之间和段

22、落之间衔接词的使用,以使行文流畅。亮点说明:范文按照“三步走”的格局,第一段用短短33字(不含标点)概括了所给材料,得益于使用了非限制性定语从句(university students rely too much on their parents in china, which is a very big problem.)。第二段分析当前学生缺乏自理能力的原因,使用了“from my point of view,take the blame for,lack of self-independence,discourage from,take control of,rather than,ta

23、ke for granted,”等高级词汇,同时“for one thing,for another,”,衔接词的恰当使用使该段条理清晰及常用句型“its ones duty to do”。第三段谈谈如何培养学生的自理能力时,句型多样,变换使用了非谓语动词“taking these factors into consideration,.”祈使句“keep in mind that trust and encouragement make a difference”,虚拟语气常用句型“its high time that we should learn to meet challenges i

24、n life bravely.”。文中主动语态与被动语态交互使用,为文章增色不少。三、 阅读理解21. until recently, scientists and authors were in disagreement over the point of crying. in king henry vi, shakespeare wrote,”, to weep is to make less the depth of grief”, and the american writer lemony snicket said “unless you have been very, very l

25、ucky, you know that a good, long session of weeping can often make you feel better, even if your circumstances have not changed one bit”.charles darwin, on the other hand, thought that shedding tears (the act of crying) was merely a useless side effect of the way that the muscles around the eye work

26、ed. for him, those muscles had to contract(收缩)from time to time so that they didnt overflow with blood; the expulsion of tears was simply an unintended consequence of that evolved physiological(生理学的)process. he did acknowledge that crying could help young infants attract the attention of their paren

27、ts, though.we now know that cryingat least, the sort that adults dois a complex physiological response to some kind of emotional stimulus. the most noticeable feature is of course the shedding of tears, but it also includes changes in facial expressions and breathing patterns.from a scientific persp

28、ective, crying is different from shedding the kind of tears like when you accidentally rub your eyes after eating spicy foods. even the tears themselves are different. in 1981, minnesota psychiatrist william h frey ii discovered that tears flowing due to sad movies had more protein in them than thos

29、e that flowed in response to some freshly chopped onions.if you shed tears of laughter when seeing a funny comedy show or you're moved to tears when listening to a bridegrooms wedding vows to his bride, you may know that emotional tears aren't limited to feelings of deep sadness. while all o

30、f us are familiar with the feelings that are associated with crying, whether for joy or sorrow, we know little about why we do it as adults-but there are plenty of ideas.one idea is that adult crying isn't actually all that different from the sort that babies do, at least when it comes to its so

31、cial nature. in other words, perhaps weeping is a literal cry for attention, a means of soliciting support and help from our friends when we need it the most. its a way of communicating our inner emotional state at a time when we may not be able to express it clearly.while this may explain some form

32、s of crying, many researchers have found that adults often cry when theyre completely alone. another possibility is that crying might serve as a means of “secondary appraisal,” helping people to realize just how upset they are, a way of just how upset they are and helping them understand their own f

33、eelings.another idea is that crying provides relief from stressful situations. the idea is consistent not only with the words of shakespeare, but also with the words of roman poet ovid, who wrote, “it is some relief to weep; grief is satisfied and carried off by tears.” the greek philosopher aristot

34、le also wrote that crying “cleanses the mind”. in a 1986 study of popular us magazines and newspapers, one psychologist found that 94% of articles about crying suggested that it helped to relieve psychological tension.indeed, a 2008 study of nearly 4,300 young adults from 30 countries found that mos

35、t reported improvements in both their mental and physical well-being after a short period of crying, but not all. some reported no change after a crying session, and some even said that they felt worse afterwards.the difference seems to lie in the social context: if a person felt embarrassed about c

36、rying in public, for example, they might feel less resolved than if they cried alone or with a friend. the study also found that when people tried to suppress or hide their crying, they ended up feeling less relieved afterwards.so the notion of having “a good cry” is not without merit. in the end, a

37、dults might just cry for the same reason as human infants: to seek help from their friends and family.49. according to darwin, shedding tears was _.a. the same thing as cryingb. aimed at attracting others attentionc. nothing but a physiological processd. an effective way to get rid of negative emoti

38、ons50. what can we learn from the passage about crying?a. it can benefit peoples eye muscles.b. it is a response to the stimulus to eyes.c. it is usually caused by painful emotions.d. it can cause changes in people's outward features.51. the underlined word “soliciting” in paragraph 6 can be bes

39、t replaced by “_”.a. refusing    b. seekingc. providing    d. receiving52. who doesnt share the same idea with shakespeare about crying?a. lemony snicket.    b. ovid.c. aristotle.    d. charles darwin.53. what is the best title of the passa

40、ge?a. why do people cry    b. experiments on cryingc. different types of crying    d. is having a cry good for us参考答案:49. c    50. d    51. b    52. d    53. d本文是一篇说明文,一直以来科学家和文学家对流泪哭泣都有不同的看法,文章还分析了不同情绪下眼泪所含物质的

41、差异。从不同的角度分析了流泪哭泣对我们的好处:可以寻求他人的帮助,还可以释放我们的情绪。【49题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段第二三句“for him, those muscles had to contract(收缩)from time to time so that they didnt overflow with blood; the expulsion of tears was simply an unintended consequence of that evolved physiological(生理学的)process.”可知达尔文认为眼部肌肉时不时地收缩以防过度充血,流眼泪是这

42、一生理学过程的副作用而已。故c项正确。【50题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句the most noticeable feature is of course the shedding of tears, but it also includes changes in facial expressions and breathing patterns.可知哭最能引起人们注意的特点就是流眼泪,还包括面部表情和呼吸模式的变化。也就是说哭能够引起人们外部特征的变化。故d项正确。【51题详解】猜测词义题。根据本句in other words, perhaps weeping is a litera

43、l cry for attention, a means of soliciting support and help from our friends when we need it the most.可知流泪是为了引起关注的哭泣,当我们需要朋友帮助的时候,我们通过流泪的方法寻求他们的帮助。故该词意为“seek”,b项正确。【52题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第一段第二句shakespeare wrote,”, to weep is to make less the depth of grief”,可知莎士比亚认为流泪会让我们的痛苦程度减轻一点。根据第二段第二三句“for him, those muscles had to contract(收缩)


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