



1、反义疑问句例句展示:isn' t it ?附加疑问句? It is a lovely day,陈述句什么是反意疑问句?英语中,反意疑问句是由陈述句和附在其后的附加疑问句组成。其中附加疑问句是对陈述句所说的事 实或观点提岀疑问,起证实作用,一般用于证实说话者所说的事实或观点。Read and summarize :? They have been to the Great Wall , haven ' t they ? They haven ' t been to the Great Wall , have they ?反意疑问句的结构前面肯定后面否定前面否定后面肯定前面

2、肯定,后面否定He's reading this book, isn ' t heHe read this book, didn ' t heHe reads a lot of books, doesn ' t heHe'll read this book, won ' t he ? He should read this book, shouldn ' t he前面系动词后面系动词前面助动词后面助动前面行为动词后面助动前面情态动词后面情态动词Atte nti on : 注意主语中的缩略形式1. He' s gone to bed

3、 ,hasn' t he ?He has2. They ' d gone home before you came, hadn ' t they ?They had3.1' d rather stay at home this Sun day,would n ' t I?I would4. You' d better not keep silent now , had you ?You had反意疑问句的特殊句式:一、祈使句的反意疑问句以let's开头的用shall we,其他祈使句用 will you,表示邀请,用won ' t

4、 you?女口 Come in won' t you ?1. Let us play badm inton, _will you?2. Let' s go home ,shall we?3. Ope n the wi ndow,will you?4. Don 'tope n the door ,will you?5. Have dinner with me ,won 'you?二、含有否定词的反意疑问句。陈述句 中含有 not, no, hardly,neither, never, seldom,nothing, few, little, tooto, nobo

5、dy,nowhere等否定词时,疑问部分常用肯定形式。1. She seldom writes to you , _does she?2. They n ever forgot your n ame, _did they?3. There is nothing here, _is there?三、当陈述句的主语为an ybody,a nyone, everybody, n obody, these , those 等时,疑问句部分主语常用 they, 也可用 he。1. Everyone knows the an swer, _don 'they?2. Nobody knows the

6、 an swer, _do they?3. These are all good team sports , _aren 'they?时,疑问部分用 it四、陈述句的主语为this, that, everyth in g,a nything, someth ing,nothing.Everyth ing is all right ,isn'tit2. Noth ing can stop us now ,_can it3. That isn ' t the reason why he refused her, is it 巧记:指人的用they ,指物的用it注意: 否定

7、前缀或后缀视为肯定,疑问句部分用否定。It is impossible , isn't it ?It' s unfair , isn ' t it ?He is notunkind to his classmates , is he?You are careless , aren ' t you?五、主从复合句中,疑问部分的主谓要和主句的主谓保持对应关系(除第一人称外)1. He n ever said she would come ,did he?2. You had told us he was a thief, _had n 'tyou?但如果陈述

8、句部分是“ / We think (believe, suppose, imagine, expect等)+宾语从句”,疑问部分应与宾语从句的主谓保持一致,但是要注意 主句否定”的时候,疑问部分用肯定。I don 'think you have heard him before, have you?I don 'think he is bright , is he?We believe she can do it better, can 'she?I don ' t think John went back home last night , did he?I

9、thi nk every one will be in terested in these afterschool activities , won 'they?六、主语是 I am , 疑问句部分用 aren ' t II' m as tall as your sister , aren't I ?七、谓语动词是 wish 的句子中,疑问句部分用 may +主语 ?I wish to have a word with you , may I ?八、must 的反意疑问(根据意义)当陈述部分含有must时,要注意 must的含义。 表示” 一定要,必须”时,反意

10、疑问句附加部分用needn't,若前面部分是mustn ',反义疑问部分用 must/may 。e.g. You must renew the book, n eed n't you?They mustn 'smoke here, must/may they?表示推测"一定是,必定是”时,反意疑问句附加部分有下列情况A) .当陈述部分有 must be时,反意疑问句附加部分用be的现在时态,若是 mustdo时,用 do/does。e.g. He must be work ing hard at the office, is n't he?Yo

11、u must sing very well, don ' t you?B) .must have + 过去分词表示对过去的推测a).单纯表示对过去的推测,与现在无关,反意疑问句附加部分用过去式,即句子中有yesterday/.ago/last.表过去的时间状语。b).表示对过去的推测且影响到现在或持续现在,反意疑问句附加部分用现在完成式。e.g. He must have come yesterday, did n't he?You must have studied En glish for years, have n't you?He must have lived

12、 here at least ten years, has n't he?九. 如果陈述部分是 there be 句型,后反意部分主语用there。如:There is nothing wrong with the clock, is there?There seems to be a temple in the village, doesn ' t there?快速记忆表陈述部分的谓语疑问部分Let's开头的祈使句shall we?et us开头的祈使句will you ?省去主语的祈使句will you ?劝请用 won' t you?no,nothing,

13、no body ,n ever,few,seldom,hardly,rarely, ittle等否定含义的词冃定意义但否定前缀或者后缀不能视为否定词否定含义否定意义an ybody,a nyon e,everybody, n obody, these , those主语用theythis,that,everythi ng,any thi ng,someth ing,no thi ng nothin g,this主语用itthi nk,believe,expect, suppose,imagine 等弓丨导与兵语从句相对应的从句,冃疋或 否定依主句而定amaren ' t Iwishmay +主语反意疑问句的回答: 根据事实回答对反意疑问句的回答,无论问题的提法如何,如果事实是肯定的,就用yes,事实是否定的,就要用no。要特别注意陈述句部分是否定结构,反意疑问句部分用肯定式提问时, 回答yes或no与汉语正好相反这种省略回答的yes要译成不”,no要译成是”。例 Snow is white , isn ' t it ? Yes , it is .Snow isn ' t white , is it ?Yes,


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