



1、模式教学设计设叱:张雪梅学校:胜利学校科目:英语年级:七年级任务型课堂教学三阶段操作模式:Pre-taSc -While- task-post-task教学内容Module 3 My schoolUnit 1 There are thirty students in my class.学生分析学生基础比较薄弱,学习能力有待提高,学习习惯有待养成,对 开放一点的话题,开口有困难,所以应该采取肩效的措施,提高 学生开口的安全感,引导学生积极参与学习过程,实实在在地提 局教学的实效性。教材分析本节课以学校为话题,把焦点放在对学校的介绍上,话题贴近学 生生活;新生对此介绍也比较感兴趣,还可以对新学校和

2、原来 的学校进行对比,便于开展活动。教学目标知识目标知识目标:掌握卜列重点单词和词 组 的意思及用法there, forty-six, computer, dictionary, wall, library, picture, television, right, fifteen, sixty, seventeen, eighteen, thirty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, many, how many, any, tree能力目标能在实际情境中运用句型:there is / there are Can introduce one' class

3、room.情感目标培养学生热爱学校,热爱自己家园 的意识。教学重点There is a/ an .There are教学难点There is a/ an.There are 具体用法课 型Listening and reading教学方法Team-work and communication approach.教 具a tape recorder, a computer教学策略设计1.兴趣激发策略。有了兴趣,学生才会有了参与的欲望,才 点燃他们的思维火花。s2 .任务型活动策略。在做中学,在做中练,在做中巩固往往有 良好的效果。3 .合作学习。学会倾听、学会表达、学会讨论,学会合作学习。 在小

4、组合作中,学习他人长处,学习沟通技巧,最终在学习中不 断成长。Step 1 Leading-inSs look the pictures and answer the questions. T:What school are you in? S:I am in Huidong Victory School. T:What class are you in? S:I ' m Class Two. T:How many students are there in your class? S:There are 46 students in my class.Step 2 Consolida

5、te new words 1. Look and say.The teachers shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible. 2. Find and say.The teacher shows pictures of different numbers, and the students find the right numbers.Step 3 Look and say Look at the pictures and talk about them accordin

6、g to the following words.blackboard, book, classroom, computer desk, funiture, map, picture, television, wallStep 4 Listening Listen and choose the right pictures.20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80eighty 90 ninety过Step 5 Listen and read1. Listen and tell true or false.There

7、 are thirty students in Linda ' s class.()There is a map of the world in Linda' s class.()2. Read the dialogue and fill in the form.3. Point out the main points in the dialogue.Step 6 Grammar1. (1).Find the declarative sentences from 3. (2).Point out the use of the declarative sentences and

8、the negative sentences in “ there be ” . (3).Do some exercises.2. (1).Find the general interrogative sentences from 3.3. ).Point out the rules about how to change into interrogative sentences.Step 7 Look and say Look at Picture 1 and the teacher show how to answer the general interrogative sentence.

9、 Is there a blackboard in the classroom? Yes, there is . Ss answer the questions in the following pictures. Look at the picture andthe teacher show how to answer the special question. Ss answer the questions in the following pictures.Step 9 Talk about your ideal classroomA:How many are there in your

10、 classroom? B:There are A:Is there a B:Yes, there is./No, there isn there ? B:Yes, there are./No, there aren' t.Step 10 Summary There be结构中的be的单复数取决于后 面紧跟的名词。 There be结构的疑问句是把 be提前。 Some在否定句和疑问句中要变为 any。Step 11 ExercisesStep 12 Homework介绍你理想的学校板书设计Module 3 My schoolUnit 1 There are thirty studen

11、ts in my class.There be+A/物+地点课后反思教后反思优点:1 .通过小组教学增加了学生主动参与教学过程的机会, 体现 和合作学习的优势。这也有助于提高学生之间的竞争意识, 也有 助于培养学生的学习能力。2 .教学中重返体现了学生的自主学习,学生在学习的过程 中,能够确定学习目标,学习效果感觉不错。3 .课件制作比较令人满意,通过利用磁带与 MP3的转换, photoshop , powerpoint等一系列软件的功能,比较圆满地完成 学科课程传统的教学目标,符合了现代教育技术与新课程的整合 的要求。不足:1 .时间上没有分配好,所以后面的内容显得有些紧张。前面 的有些内容较罗嗦,可去掉。例如:教师在显示课文重点内容后, 不必再领读后齐读。2 .学生运用所学


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