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14、目第二节(共10小10;卷小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Some propk arc grpat nt remembering fares. Whilet for some people t remembering a fare can b<? difiicult. Even for olhen>, rctm?mljering a face may be impossible. Such people have a condition 61 ( call) "face blindness*. Ils actual

15、 name is Devc.opmenlal Prosopagnosia. or DP 62 *hort.Experts say DP can differ 63 (great) from |>atient to (Mitient. In less severe cases, people arc unable to describe the far妙 of somronr lh<*y liave just nict. In s<?vcrr cavs, people cmuiot r%cn rccognixr 3(hey ) own childieii in,group ph

16、o(aTIicmc, 65 have DP, show no clear sipw. Take Dacia for example. If you met her, you probably wouldn't know that she siiflerrd brain damage as n child. Thrrr would be no sign of it until you niecl her " Mxroiid lime. She wuuldifl remeinbcr yuu at all. Dacia lid» iimjbIIv recovered fr

17、om her 67 (injure). But now. she wflen* from fare blindness.Oner face hlindncs、 68(think) to be very rarr. But rrcent 69 (study) have whewndial it might be more cutiiniun than experts llmuglit. The study on face blindiicx» will not directly lead to any treatments. Hwever, it could lead to a muc

18、h 70( deep) understanding of howwe all remember the world around m.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(其10小题;每小段1分,满分10分)偿定英语课上老就要求同泵之间交换修改作文.请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中 扶有10处语言陆洪.每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及个中词的增加、删除或修改增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A),并在H卜面y出该加的词。蒯除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉,修改:在偌的词下画横找,并在该词下而写出修改后的词注意:】每处幡谀及其修改均仅限一网。2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第II处起)不计

19、分I wttil to buy M)nic Iruditioiiul ChincM* nwdiuinc un lahl Sunduy. JuM before Icusmg tlir drugstore. 1 noticed that some foreigners beents tu Imve difficulty cufiiniunicale with the assistant. I went over to ask if I needed. The asiMant told me that 4ir couldn't make hrr*elf unrVrMand hIkhiI hn

20、w to ImhI the- niixturrI tuning that I could givr llirtn ll* hand v thr) werrrelieved. U iIImmiI sunie trouble t I traiislaled that die ds*istaiit uanted tu say. Both sides expressed thank* Io nw. I wa* delighted to help other More imporlnnll, . m a Chinee. I felt proudly to *ee foreigners try tradi

21、tional (Ihinrw mrdirine.英语试版第9页(共10页)第二节书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Peter将在大学学习汉语.发来邮件请你推荐一本中文 小说绐他请你回复邮件,内容包括:1推一小说西油记(Journey to the Wot);2.推苕的理由。注意:I.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯,Dear Peter.Yours,Li Him(此部分试触在答期卡上作答)石家庄市2019届高中毕业班模拟考试(二)参考答案听力(20x1.5=30), 15 ACBBC 610AABCC li_15CBAAB 16-20CABBC (15x2=30)

22、!21 23 ABC 24-27 AADB 28 31 CADD 32 35 BBCC七选五虞读境空(5«2»10): 36 4ODGEBA完形地空(20x1.5=30): 4I45 BCDAC 4650ADBAC 5155 DBACD «60BDACB语法填空(10*1 .Alb* 61. called62. for63. greatly64. ihcir65 who66 a67 injur),68 was thought69 studies70 deeper短文改格(10x1=10)iI went to buy some traditional Chinese

23、 medicinc>>q last Sunday Just before leaving thednstore. 1 noticed tliat some fbicigncn sccina to have ditlicult) communicate witJi the assuitant. I seemedcommunicatingwent over to ask it 1 A needed. Ihe assistant told me that she couldn't make herself understand wasunderstoodabout how to

24、boil the mixture cornxlly. Learning that I could give them the hand. Ihcy wererelinked Without some tnxihlc, I translated tjut the assistant wanted to say Roth sides expressed anywhatthanks to me 1 was delighted to help other More importantly, as a Chinese. I felt proudly to seeothersproudforeigners

25、 tn- traditional Chinese medicine书面发达(满分25分卜参考数文,Dear Peter.Warm greetings from China! How is everxtliing going? Knowing tliat you are going to learn Chinese in our university. I feel pretty happy fbr you.In order to improve your Chinese. "Journey to the West" is a good choice. Regarded as

26、 one of tl>e tour classics in Chinese literature, the book po、es 心 great wisdom and cKxnce of the Chinese language, which makes it worthwhile to read. Eurthennore. the book tells an interesting slory in which a Gimous monk in Tang Dynasty went west with his three students who had super power. It

27、attracts several generations, old and young. Enjoy reading! Aid you can share your reading reflections with me if vou like.Looking fonvard to xour reply! (117 words)Yours.Li HiuYours,Li Hua注:靖各校阅卷教师认真学习本次书面表达的评分细则。书面表达评分细则U本数总分为25分.掖5个3次给分.2、评分时,先根据文章的内赤、语吉与结构初步确定其所属档次.然后以该档次的要求又雀出硝定成 调整档次.龈后给分3、叵数少

28、于80和多于120的.从总分中减去2分.4、评分时,应注急的主要内容为,内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准性及上下文的连贯性、 根据表达内容的层次适当分段及谙言的得体性.5、济写与标点符号是诺合存性的一人方曲,评分日3应尚共时交问的影的程度于以考虑.英.美拼写 及同汇用法均可接受6、如书写较行.以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次.7、本次m而表达磨度府设为。.6网设平均分为14分.8、书面友达要点认定,1)推存5IB:2)推荐原因:3)内容简介:4)配件恰当结语.请根据表达侑况依据下列要求赋分.各档次的拾分范围和要求第五若(2125分)完全完成了试题双定的任务。一嗖龙所有内容要点。一应用了牧

29、多的语法结构和词汇.一喏法结构或工汇方向白丝洋错浅,但为尔力使月依亚杂结构或牧高级包汇所致;具金较强的谖言运用能力.一背效地使用了语句间的连接成分.使全文结构紧冷.完全达到了预期的写作目的.第四档(16.20 »)完全完成了 Mlfl城定的任务。h 2小次玻点.但蔡斯育主要内容.一应用峋语法结构却同工能酒足任务的要求C一诏法结构或工汇方面应用垄点准确.些许错误主要是因笆法较史杂语法结构或工汇所致.一应用简单的语句间的连接成分,使全文结构索凑.达到了残朝的尊性目的.第三者(II is分)基本完成了试凶规定的任务.筑漏掉一些内容但厦旗所行主要内哲.一应用的语法结构却词汇纪槁足任务的要求.

30、一勾些诏法结构或利二方面的塔误,但不影响理解.一应用商单的谙句间的连接成分,使全文内容连贯。整体面吉.基本达到了预期的写作目的.第二档(G10分)3未恰当完成试题规定的任务。一漏掉或未描逑清楚一娶内容写了一些无关内容。一诏法结构单词、诃汇项目有限一有一些诺法结构或司二方面为楮发,骷响了对写作内容的理解.收少使用诏句间的逐接成分.内容域少连同性.信息未断清舱地传达蛤读看.第一档(1-S分)未完成试题规定的任务.明显遗漏生委内容写了 当无关内哲摩因可能是未理解洪电要求。一谙法结构单淘、词汇项目有限一校多谙法结构或词汇方向的错港,族中对可作内容的评眸,一缺乏语句间的连接成分.内容大连贯.信忌未髭仲达

31、拾侯行.0朱能传达给读卷任何信息,内容太少,无法浮叫:马的内赵均与所要求内容无关或断写内存无法看涓.tt:折力材料听力卓文:Cl«tl)M h my suit ready for the concert tonight. MunTW In the cupboard Will you wear it Io ihc party afterwards?M Xa. PH change into my T*shirl and)ctiMCT«t2)W Why arc you so dirty and wefM: I've been running tor an hour and

32、 it s been raining for the last twcnt, minutes Ihat's why Im so wet(Text 3)M: Have you finished voir homework yet?W No Vw just read three chapters of my histon- book and new Tm taking rjotes for the history project I'll finish them after tea(Tex W Would you like something to drink? Drinks ar

33、c ircc on this llighlM: A Coke ThanksW OH Here you are.(T«t5)W I his one has a 50-inch screen The picture quahtv is amazingM 1 bvc witching mevic. w thiu will he great I juu hope it'll fit in my living room,n«t6)W I'd like to rent an apartmentM. OK Do you have a specific position i

34、n mind1W Well, someuhere near the umversitx . or at least on a bus line.M: Here arc photos of the apartments availableW This one on Broadway Avenue looks nice I'd like to see it now Can 1 see the one on Main Street and that an Park Street after that?M: Sure. The one on Mam Street is close to the

35、 sulmav station and there is i supermarket nearby Let me get the keys.(TexQ7)M. 1 saw some coftec cups at the back of the store. Were they made by students?W NoM: Do you ever sell things made by sh*dcnUz>W No. we onhf use certain suppliersM That s too bad I designed and made these prcltv bowls An

36、d for my find project. I need to find a way io sell themW What about selling them online? Many art works arc marketed that wayM I realty don't have the computer skills or the time to manage a website.W What about the gift shop downtown" I ve seen items made by the local anists there.M. Oh.

37、I remember my pcoicssor xnenboned it before. Lil try my luck there. .hank you flext8)W Hu Michad!M Oh. May1 1 just came out of a conceHW How WA4 H?KI Wdl the first half wasn't great. The conductor couldn't keep lime And the piano sounded flatW Oh. noM. But I stayed fat the second half, which

38、 was excellent. The violtnisl played very well The audicticc just coul(ki*t get enough of her.W Good. Are you heading home now?M WII. I don't know How about youW I just u cnl for i walk in the park after I came out of my sister's. Nowm going to buy some light musicM Can I go with you? Thai w

39、e can go to a cafe frr a drink uftcr thatW Good idea(Text 9)W So, Mike, what is the Slow Food Movcmenl”M: Well, it s a reaction to fast food and fast modem lifestyles. The Movement was started by an hahan called Carlo Petrim He organized it because a McDonald s had opened near the Spanish Steps tn R

40、ome He felt it was the ruin of many valuable traditional things and he tried to promote healthier ways of eating and livingW So. Slow Forxi juhi healthier food, doet it0M Not exactly I think ift more about our liicsulcs Ue're ahvays in such a hurn We don't have enough time to enjoy our hvcs.

41、W Fast Food companies advertise their food ts healthy How would you answer thaf'M It may he right m a way, but for me, the problem is that wherever you si: down tor a meat whether m France or China, what you're given is too similar It makes eating and life bonng raditional food isn(t going to be lost completely, but we do want as many people


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