



1、1. -I honestly don 'twant to continue the gardening tomorrow.-. But we must finish it this weeke nd.A. Me n either B. Same to you C. Help yourself D. You can 'be serious2. -You fixed up all these bookshelves. You must have bee n tired out.-! I got Doris to do some of them.A. You said it B. I

2、 don 'think soC. Nothing much D. It wasn 'too bad3. -Hey, don 'forget to return the book to the library.-Oh, I ve almost forgotten, but.A. no problem B. no doubt C. not really D. n ever mind4. -Did you enjoy the scie nee fiction movie last ni ght?-. It was everyth ing I had expected.A. Y

3、ou bet! B. You never know! C. Not really. D. Not in the least.5. -Sim on said he was on a bus in ess trip and would n 'come back un til n ext week.-I saw him in the pub dow nstairs yesterday.A. Yes? B. Come on! C. It ' really neat! D. Tell me about it.6. -I've been waiting for you for tw

4、o hours. Where on earth have you been?-I'm terribly sorry I 'm late. I just couldn 'help.A. it B. them C. you D. myself7. -Do you mind if I look at your notes?-Of course not.A. Be my guest B. I can 'complain C. Serve you right D. Behave yourself 81. Yuan she n Tennis Cen ter, located

5、 in the dow ntow n of this city, is easilyand it alwaysattracts lots of players.A. available B. acceptable C. affordable D. accessible2. -I just received an e-mail from Tony. I was surprised. I hadn 'theard from him for ages.-Well, I 've bee n out of touch with most of my old frien ds. Only

6、one or twome a lineonce in a while.A. drop B. dropped C. have dropped D. will drop3. China ' econo mically developed areas are gen erally located in its southeast, while its en ergyresources are mainlyacross the n orthwest.A. Allocated B.preserved C. distributed D. explored4. -I'm not sure.I

7、 remember is that the flight nu mber is 733.A. Noth ingB. Any thi ngC. All D. That5. Trust is an importa ntin any relati on ship-without it, you have nothing.A. comp onent B. approach C. commitme ntD. procedure6. -I'm fed up with the no ise here. I think we should rent a house with a better envi

8、ronment, but we don 'have eno ugh mon ey.-If only wethe car!A. won 'buy B. did n 'tbuy C. had n'tboughtD. would n 'have bought7. Since I won the big prize, my phone has n't stopped ringing. People to ask how I amgoing to spe nd the mon ey.A. phoned B. were phoning C. are phon

9、ing D. have pho ned8. your goals, it 'quite likely that somebody has already achieved what is now the point ofyour focus.A. However B. Whatever C. Whe never D. Wherever9. During World War I, he quit college hop ing to serve in the army but wasdue to an eyeinjury.A. dismissed B. removed C. reject

10、ed D. aba ndoned10. China is one of the world ' largest wine consumers, and it isof the Chinese people toserve wi ne on formal occasi ons and at traditi onal festivals.A. valid B. average C. typical D. acceptable11. Of all the feeli ngs, bodily pain is the most difficult.A. expla ined B. to expl

11、a inC. being expla ined D. to be expla ined12. We haveour own brand in the market, and the dema nd for our products has bee nbey ond supply.A. wound up B. take n up C. built up D. picked up13. To avoid unnecessary accidents or injuries, it 'vital that youwarm-up activities beforepractis ing.A. d

12、o B. will do C. must do D. have done14. -lt 'but easy to sell Alex the idea of giving up smoking.-You know, old habits die hard.A. somethingB.anything C. nothing D. everything15. Advertisements are a good way to persuade people to buy a product or a service. To be,they must be excit in g, impres

13、sive and pleasa nt.A. ben eficial B. fair C. orig inalD. effective16. Chin ese pare nts see the educati on of their childre n as their first duty, spari ng no expe nse forafter-school courses that eat up whatthe spare time of their young.A. could be B. ought to be C. should have bee n D. must have b

14、ee n17. Being a salespers on is not always easy, and being the salespers on of customers with specialn eeds ofte n carries withextra stress.A. one B. them C. that D. it18. Located on the top floor of Douglas Hall, the Well ness Cen ter is ofte n used forsuch asconcert, games or movies.A. arran geme

15、nt B. equipme nt C. man ageme nt D. en terta inment19. -I can 'beat the air pollution in this city anymore. It ' getting worse and worse.-I agree with you. I think it ' time that manto live in harmony with the earth.A. learn B. learned C. will learn D. have learned20. Some adults can'

16、;t children, and this may explain why constant conflicts break outbetwee n pare nts and their kids.A. relate to B. appeal to C. respond to D. subscribe to21. Not all bodies of water are so evidently alive as the Atlantic Ocean, an S-shape body of water 33 millio n square miles.A. covers B. covering

17、C. has covered D. is covering22. Huma ns are socially related. Havi ng relati on ships with other people is an importa nt partof being huma n.A. in public B. on prin cipleC. by n ature D. at len gth23. In April, thousa nds of holidaymakers remainedabroad due to the volca nic ash cloud.A. stick ingB.

18、 stuck C. to be stuck D. to stick24. to play ing with cellph ones resulted in the young man being sent to hospital for sudde nsight failure.A. Addicti ngB. Addicted C. Bei ng addicted D. Havi ng addicted25. Throughout its history, jazz has expa nded to a point where its styles are sothat one maysoun

19、d completely un related to ano ther.A. abundant B. d iverse C. unique D. typical26. there is no doubt that school is very importa nt, a series of rece nt studies reminds us thatpare nts are eve n more so.A. As B. Whe n C. Since D. While27. Green can stand for hope and a new life. Suchdon't chang

20、e much from country tocoun try.A. assumpti onsB. impressi ons C. comb in ati onsD. associati ons28. as the movie capital of the world, Los An geles is home to many film compa ni es, suchas 20th Cen tury Fox, Warner Brothers and Columbia Pictures.A. Recog nizing B. Recog ni zed C. Being recog ni zedD

21、. Having recog ni zed29. I have been working as a computer programmer for five years. To be, I do systeman alysis, trouble shooti ng and provide software support.A. fair B. sure C. hon est D. specific30. Adva need lights, motors, and buildi ng desig ns have helped save a lot of en ergy andreduced en

22、vironmen tal damage.A. yet B. even C. besides D. therefore31. Great efforts have bee n made by the gover nment to solve the food safety problem, but it takestime to restore people 'in Chin ese food in dustry.A. compete nee B. i ntellige neeC. i nnocence D. con fide nee32. With the help of in cre

23、as ing on li ne shops abroad, we can nowgoods made in any placeall over the world.A. pick up B. lay up C. use up D. bring up33. The majority of big companies now favor those with work experienee rather thangraduati ng stude nts.A. valid B. explicit C. releva nt D. pote ntial34. -How long have you be

24、e n running this compa ny?-For twenty years. Iit from a small operati on to what it is today.A. bring B. brought C. am bringing D. had brought35. Despite much concern about the safety of GM foods,does n 'appear to be a scie ntificreas on to ban GM foods from our cupboards.A. it B. that C. here D

25、. there36. -What a beautiful river and breathtak ing mountains!-Yeah. It looks as if weon an alie n pla net.A. will arrive B. arrived C. were arriving D. would arrive37. being an extremely valuable hard stone, the diam ond is in a class by itself.A. In favor of B. In spite of C. In addition to D. In

26、 reference to38. Those villagers, the earthquake, were left with lasting wounds to their bodies, heartsand min ds.A. survived B. surviving C. to survive D. having survived39. Educati on is a broad term that can have many meanin gs. It gen erally refers to the process oflearning and acquiri ng in for

27、mati on,.A. either B. too C. yet D. though40. So far, critics have compla ined about the preside nt 'sile nee on the eventthey expectedto hear his voice.A. that B. which C. whom D. where41. -I thought you were going to call me last night about the plans for the conference.-Sorry, I should have,

28、but Tom and Janeand stayed un til midni ght.A. dropped in B. dropped off C. dropped out D. dropped away42. We human beings should respect mature and can'tthe laws of mature, otherwise wewill suffer from the disasters it bring about.A. adjust B.violate C. observe D. abandon43. -You can keep these

29、 books for only half a mon th.-May I renew them if Iread ing them?A. won 'tfinishB. am not to finish C. haven'finishedD. am not finishing44. With the teacher' help, I found many errors that wouldhave been ignored.A. otherwiseB. meanwhileC. also D. nevertheless45. Smoking is one of the bi

30、ggestto death and illness in China, with more than one millionpeople dying of ill nesses lin ked to smok ing each year.A. accesses B. approaches C. invitationsD. applications46. my pare nts, I had to give up my dream of beco ming a pilot.A. Not persuading B. Having not persuaded C. Not persuaded D.

31、Not having persuaded47. If you areabout learning a Ianguage and can get direct pleasure from what you havelearn ed, you n eed to go to where the Ian guage is spoke n.A. skeptical B. specific C. sen sitive D. serious48. -Excuse me, may I have the bill please?-Of course. It$100.A. adds to B. comes to

32、C. touches on D. figures on49. A new series of English textbooks,to improve children' English speaking, will comeout n ext year.A. intending B. intended C. to intend D. to be intended50. At a con struct ion site the workers un covered an ancient wall thathave functioned tokeep the en emy out of

33、the city, but it requires further evide nee.A. might B. would C. must D. should51. we experie nee the world is heavily in flue need by our beliefs and past experie nces.A. That B. How C. When D. Whether52. Many their happ in ess on things like appeara nee, bank bala nee, possessi ons and the opinion

34、s of others. However, true happ in ess comes from withi n.A. attach B. focus C. blame D. pin53. As China ' elderly population grows, greater numbers of care centers focusing on seniors havebee n.A. putting up B. coming upC. swelling up D. springing up54. -I wish Ithe sharp words to Adam. He must

35、 hate me very much.-He does n 'tmi nd. As a matter of fact, he is very pleased.A. wouldn 'say B. haven'saidC. hadn'tsaidD. wouldn 'have said55. -I'm surprised to hear Cindy failed in the competition.-. She was con fide nt and got well prepared.A. So I am B. So am I C. So did

36、she D. So she was56. It was the culture, rather than the Ianguage,made it hard for him to adapt to the newen viro nment abroad.A. that B. which C. what D. why57. The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the three most important traditional Chinese festivals, theother twothe Lunar New Year and Mid-Autu mn

37、Festival.A. are B. to be C. being D. been58. As the effect of the drug, the patient began to feel the pain.A. took off B. wore off C. paid off D. put off59. It' true that people with better education are usually able to get better paying jobs.,they have more cha nces to choose a good job.A. In o

38、ther words B. In the long run C. As a consequenee D. After all60. The preside nt dema nded all-out rescue effortsto put out the deadly fire that occurred ata chemical factory on Mon day.A. should make B. were made C. would be made D. be made61. A report says the concentration of high quality medical

39、 resources in Beijing attracts thousandsof patie nts from across the country tobetter medical care every day.A. seek B. attempt C. promote D. advocate62. Saying that you want something differentthinking and acting differently ensures thatyou con ti nue to have your pipe dream.A. against B. beyondC. without D. from63. -Nothing serious with my daughter,?-D on 'worry. She 'just got the flu.A. is itB. is sheC. has sheD. is there64. It cost him too much to have broken the law. I wonder why it was that he stole thingshecould easily afford them.


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