



1、湛江一中2017-2018学年度第一学期“第一次大考”高一级 英语科试卷考试时间 :120 分钟 满分 150 分 第一部分:英语语言知识运用(共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节:阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B C 和 D 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThe Very Best of Travel- Chosen by Millions of TravelersMost travelers to Vietnam are at tracted by the country s wonderful nat

2、ural beauty. However,Vietnam is also a country with a long history and old traditions. Now let s have an overview of the TOP3 popular cities in Vietnam.TOP1 Hoi AnThis city on the central Vietnamese coast is a typical example of the important Southeast Asiantrading port from the 15th-19th centuries.

3、 As a common stop for backpackers, it is becoming betterknown to tourists.On the 14th day of each lunar month, the town trades its electric lights for traditional coloredlanterns. Sights include the Japanese Covered Bridge and the Quan Cong Temple.TOP2 HanoiThe capital of Vietnam has aged well, keep

4、ing the old buildings and monuments while makingroom for modern developments at the same time.Hanoi may have thrown away several former names, including Thang Long, or ascendingdragon, but it hasnt forgotten its past. Therefore, sites such as Ho Chi Minhs Mausoleum and Hoa LoPrison remain. Lakes, pa

5、rks, shady streets and more than 600 temples and pagodas add to the beautyof this city, which is easily explored by taxi.TOP3 Ho Chi Minh CityVietnams busiest and largest city sets the cultural and economic pace for the country. The formerSaigon boasts, charming French architecture and wide streets,

6、 are usually crowded with traffic. Taxisare a good choice for seeing the big city.The War Remnants Museum (战争遗迹博物馆)shows the Vietnam War through Vietnamese eyes.Dont miss the impressive Jade Emperor Pagoda. Go to the crazy Ben Thanh Market for food, flowersor frogs. Tour through the Mekong Delta, pa

7、st rice paddies( 稻谷) and houseboats.1. Where can you enjoy the beautiful and colorful lanterns every month?A. HanoiB. Hoi AnC. Thang LongD. Ho Chi Minh City2. Which is an easy means of transportation for tourists in Hanoi?A. BusB. TaxiC. FerryD. On foot3. What type of writing is this text?A. vary in

8、gB. cha ngingA. A tour guideC. A scie nee fictio n.D. An official reportBChin ese docume ntary film, Twe nty Two, scree ned in theaters on Mon day, in memory of theFifth Intern ati onal Memorial Day for Comfort Wome n.The documentary was named after the number of comfort women alive at the time of i

9、ts filmingin 2014. It is said that at least 200,000 Chinese women were forced into sex slavery( 奴隶)by theJapanese invaders during World War II.The film details the present situation and lives of these elderly women in different parts of China ina gentle and comforting way, different from that of a t

10、ypical film narrative. Twenty Two follows thewomenand records their daily lives, offeri ng their pers onal views on life and the world.This documentary film comes right after the death of Huang Youliang, one of the womerwhounsuccessfullysued(起诉)the Japanese government in July of 2001 for theirterrib

11、le suffering. She died at the age of 90 in her home in the southern province of Hainan on August13.Directed by Guo Ke, Twenty Two is his second documentary on comfort women. It was inspired by Thirty Two, the first short film he directed and released in 2012. Thirty Two retells the storyof a 92-year

12、-old comfort woma n Wei Shaola n and her half-Japa nese son. Wei also appeared inTwe nty Two.The short film received favorable critical reviews both home and abroad, in cludi ng the Best Cinematography Award at the 2013 Chin ese Academy Awards of Docume ntary Film and nomin ati ons atthe 2014 Americ

13、a n Docume ntary Film Festival.Back in 2012, there were 32 Chinese comfort women left in the country, by 2014 there were only22. The nu mbers are dwin dling. Only ni ne of the 22 wome n filmed in the documentary were alivebefore its public release. Go watch the film before the nu mber becomes zero,

14、said one Weibo user.Famousdirector Feng Xiaogang has since taken Weibo to promote the film,callingcin emas to in crease the ratio. In less tha n 20 hours, the Weibo post by Feng Xiaoga ng has receivedmore than 141,000 likes and 68,000 retweets includingthose from A-liststars.4. Why the documentary f

15、ilm was named “Twenty Two” ?A. Because these comfort wome n lived in the sec ond world war.B. Because there are twenty two comfort wome n filmed in this docume ntary.C. Because twenty two comfort wome n tried to sue the Japa nese gover nment.D. Because there are only twenty two comfort wome n alive

16、at the time of its filmi ng.5. Where did Guo Ke get the inspiration of filming the documentary“Twenty Two” ?A. World War IIB. “Thirty Two ”C. The comforts wome nD. The Fifth Intern ati onal Memorial Day6. What does the underlinedword “dwindling ” inthe seventh paragraph probablymea ns?B. A book revi

17、ew3C. decreasing D. increasing7.From the underlined sentence in the last paragraph, we can learn thatA. most people watch this documentary from Weibo.B. this documentary is known to everyone in the society.C. most of the people are in support of this documentary.D. people love to make use of Weibo t

18、o promote new films.CPutonghua is the official language on the mainland, but if history had played out differently most ofthe people could have been speaking Cantonese.In 1912, shortly after the end of the Qing dynasty, the founding fathers of the republic met todecide which language should be spoke

19、n in the new China.Mandarin - now known as Putonghua the common language - was just a northern dialect spokenby the hated Manchurian officials at that time. While it had served as Chinas lingua franca( 混合语 )for centuries, many saw it as an“impure form ”of Chinese.Many of the leaders,includingSun Yat

20、-sen, were from Guangdong - where peopleare open to new ideas. A great debate started and eventually led to a formal vote. Cantonese lost out bya small margin to Putonghua and the rest is history.While historians today still argue about whether this story is real, it is something Guangdongpeople lov

21、e to tell.Many Cantonese speakers feel proud of theirnative language, saying it has more in common with the classical Chinese than Putonghua - which is amix of northern dialects heavily influenced by Manchurian and Mongolian.Linguists agree to some degree. “Cantonese is closer to classical Chinese i

22、nits pronunciation and some grammar,” Jiang Wenxian, a Chinese language scholar,said. “Using Cantonese to read classical poetry is a real pleasure,” he said.“Many ancient poems dont rhyme (押韵) when you read them in Putonghua, but they do inCantonese. ”“Cantonese keeps a flavor of ancient Chinese. No

23、wadays few people understand classicalChinese, so Cantonese should be protected as a type of language fossil helping us study ancientChinese culture.”Cantonese is spoken by about 70 million people in Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macau andcommunities abroad.In the 17th and 18th centuries, Guangdong was the

24、only Chinese province allowed to trade directlywith foreigners. Many Westerners at the time learned Cantonese. Up till very recently, there were moreCantonese speakers in overseas Chinese communities than Putonghua speakers. In Canada, forexample, Cantonese is the third most commonly spoken language

25、 after English and French.8.Whats the function of the first paragraph?A. To introduce the topic.B. To attraction peoplesattention.C. To summarize the whole passage.D. To show the importance ofPutonghua.9.What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?A. Most of the leaders are in favor of Putonghua.B.

26、Most of the leaders came from Guangdong at that time.C. Guangdong people are more likely to accept new ideas.D. Sun Yat-sen suggested having a debate to decide on the new language.10.Why Cantonese should be protected as a type of language fossil?A. Because it s as important as Putonghua.B. Because i

27、t is an ancient language with a long history.C. Because nowadays few people can understand Cantonese.D. Because it is very helpful when studying Chinese culture.11.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A. New language, New China.B. How Putonghua defeated CantoneseC. The developme

28、nt of an official languageD. Cantonese almost became the official languageDLONDON- Chinas bike-sharing company ofo decided to increase the number of its bikes inLondons Hackney following its recent launch in this area, the company announced Friday.The company said it will increase the number of its

29、bikes to 750 from an initial 200 over the comingmonth in Hackney, hoping to provide a blueprint for ofo in the rest of the capital as it looks to make ofobikes good choices for the last mile of travel.Ofo offers an effective way to make use of shared urban space with dockless bike sharing andgeo-fen

30、cing.Dockless bikes offer convenience to users, whilegeo-fencing makes sure that riders use the bikes within certain Home Zone which can be clearly seenin the app.The news comes after successful launches in Cambridge and Oxford by the company, which isworking closely with Hackney Council to make sur

31、e that its service can work together with the cyclingsystem in this area.Joseph Seal-Driver, ofos Britain Operations director, said: As we celebrate our success in thecapital, were excited to announce on World Car Free Day that we are putting more bikes in Hackney tomeet the increasing demand for of

32、o bikes in this area.With the highest cycling rate in the capital, Hackney is leading the way on sustainable( 可持续的 ) transport. Yet, London as a whole continues to suffer from congestion and pollution problems.Weneed creative solutions to meet these problems that go beyond the reach of Santander bik

33、es, headded.People pay 50p ($0.67) through a smartphone app for a 30-minute ride of ofos yellow bikes whichcan be picked up and dropped off anywhere that bike parking is allowed.With more than 25 million transactions( 交易 ) daily, ofo connects over 10 million bikes to ridersin more than 170 cities in

34、 nine countries, including China, Singapore, Brita in, the Un ited States,Khazaksta n, Malaysia, Thaila nd, Austria and Japa n. In total, more than 4 billion rides have beenprovided to over 200 million users globally.By the end of 2017, ofo pla ns to put 20 milli on bikes in 20 coun tries.12. How ma

35、ny more bikes will the compa ny put in Hack ney n ext mon th?A. 750.B. 170.5C. 200.D. 550.13. What problems is London faced with at prese nt?A. Traffic jams and heavy fog.B. Con gestio n and polluti on.C. Water polluti on and air polluti on.D. Traffic problems and crowdedspace.14. You can pick up an

36、 ofo yellow bike in the following countries exceptA. The Un ited States.B. Khazaksta n.C. New Zeala nd.D.Japa n.15. Who are most likely to choose an ofo yellow bike?A. Young people who are headi ng from office to the subway.B. Parents who are hurry ing to the hospital with a sick baby.C. Elderly peo

37、ple who are on their way to a traditi onal market.D. Foreign tourists who are leaving the airport to the downtown.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多 余选项。Money MattersPare nts should help their childre n un dersta nd mon ey. 16 so you may starttalk ing about money whe n

38、your child shows an in terest in buying thi ngs, candy or toys, for example.1.The basic function of moneyExplai ning the basic fun ctio n of money by show ing how people trade money forgoods or services is important to show your child how money is traded for the thing he wants to have.If he wants to

39、 have a toy, give him the money and let him hand the money to thecashier. 17_When your child grows a bit older and un dersta nds the basic function of mon ey, you can start explaining more complex ways of using mon ey.2. Money less onsApproach money less ons with ope nn ess and hon esty. 18 If you m

40、ust say no toa child s request to spe nd mon ey, expla in, “ You have eno ugh toy trucks for no w.” Or, if therequest is for many differe nt thin gs, say,“ You have to make a choicebetwee n this toy and that toy. ”3.19_Begi n at the grocery store. Pick out similar brands of a product a n ame brand b

41、utter and ageneric( 无商标产品 ),for example. You can show your child how to makechoices between differentbrands of a product so that you can save money. 20 Ifhe chooses the cheaper brand, allow him to makeanother purchase with the money saved. Later, youmay expla in how the more expe nsive choice leaves

42、 less money for other purchases.A. Wise decisi on.B. The value of mon ey.C. Permit the child to choose betwee n them.D. Tell your child why he can or cannot have certa in thin gs.E. Ask yourself what things that cost money are most importa nt to you.F. Talk about how the money bought the thing after

43、 you leave the toy store.G. The best time to teach a child anything about money is whe n he shows anin terest.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后面各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。I worked in a restaura nt. One ni ght a woma n came in with three small childre n.As

44、 a 21_, I could usually tell who is going to tip well and who isn t going totip at all. I 22 got the latter vibe (气息)from her.She asked about the 23 of everyth ing on the menu, but she ordered 24_water to drink. She wasn t 25 appetizers(开胃饮料).At one point her daughterasked her very politely:“Mom, ca

45、n I have 26?” The woman pulled out her coinpurse and 27 her change before saying yes. Then I was 28_ that I wouldn tget a tip, but they were very nice and pleasant to 29_ so I didn t even thinktwice about it. At the end of the meal, she paid 30 in coins._Whenl went back to clear the table, to my 31

46、, there were a lot of quarters left for me. Theyamounted to $ 8, or about 25% of the 32 . Here wasa woman whohad to count her money before 33 her daughter a milk because she wan ted to 34 she still had eno ughto tip me.Was it the larg est tip I ever got? No, but it s the only one I35 afterall these

47、years.This story 36 us that the very best aspects of humannature can shine through in even the most 37of everyday situati ons. The first 38 may be powerful, but it s impor tant to let others show their truenature rather than making a snap (仓促的)39 about them. As a matter of fact, generosity is a valu

48、ablevirtue, whether you 40 to be rich, poor, or somewhere in betwee n.B. director C. waiterB. graduallyC. sudde nlyB. priceC. taste24. A. evenB. muchC. alsoD. only25. A. concerned about B. excited at C. i nterested in D. ready for21. A. man ager22. A. certai nly23. A. materialD. cashierD. calmlyD. c

49、olor726. A. juiceB. sodaC. milkD. cocoa27. A. coun ted upB. used upC. stared atD. played with28. A. worried29. A. pleaseB. sureB. faceC. disappo in tedC. serveD.annoyedD.recog nize30. A. largelyB. partlyC. mostlyD. en tirely31. A. surpriseB. happ in essC. amuseme ntD. request32. A. dishB. mealC. amo

50、untD.menu33. A. orderi ng B. bringingC. pass ingD.prepari ng34. A. make upB. make use ofC make sureD.make sense35. A. un dersta ndB. remember C.requireD.save36. A. recordB. referC. recallsD. reminds37. A. normalB. ordinary C. importa ntD.unu sual38. A. impressi onB. thoughtC. recog niti onD.expressi

51、 on39. A. choiceB. comparis onC. an alysisD. decisi on40. A. tryB. desireC. failD.happen第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分15 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。In Can ada, volun teeri ng is extremely com mon among people of all ages. They believe thatbeing helpful is one of the most importa nt 41 (quality) to ha

52、ve. There are many forms of volun tary workand opport un ities to help are everywhere, 42_(in clude) schools or people s garde ns.I m volunteering for a foundation to assist the teacher there.I m in chargeof a preschool class, 43 students are aged from 3 to 6. When I first started,I was quite nervou

53、s as I d never worked with little kids before. As time went on,I 44 (become) more familiar with them. One teacher asked me to help the 45_(young)girl in the class draw a picture 46_(base) on the word “grateful ” . AsI was draw ing and talk ing with her, I 47 (gradual) felt warm and peaceful, andI re

54、alized 48 was not that difficult to work with childre n. When the class was over, I felt really excited andeven a bit proud of 49 I had done. _Volun teeri ng gives us not only 50_ opport un ityto cha nge some one s life butalso the satisfact ion of help ing others. It is also a great way to develop

55、social skills and valuableexperie nee for our future.第三部分基础知识(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节 单词填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 根据句意,用括号所给的词的正确形式补充完整。51.Theres nopointdiscuss ingseriousmusic with such(ig nore)people.52.Luckily,I am nowout of hospitaland wellonthe way to(recover).53.Itwassaidthatone of hisforefatherswas

56、an early(settle)inAmerica.54. They(actual)moveddow n fromupstairsbecausethe rent istooexpe nsive.55._ Although I respected the president, I(agree) with his decision.56.The city has been built up really fast.9Its changed beyond _(recognize).57.I must say I have a strong _(prefer) for French movies.58

57、.Richard Dorringtonwas, in theireyes, averysensible and _ (rely) man.59.After his _ _(graduate)fromcollege,hewas assigned towork in a hospital60. As isknown to all,theUnitedNation is animportantinternational _ (organize).第二节 完成句子(共 20 空;每空 1 分,满分 20 分) 根据汉语意思,用所学的短语完成句子翻译。61. 家里人坚持认为我不应让步,而应该留下来继续抗争

58、。My family insisted that I should not _ _, but stay and fight.62. 我在想知道我的朋友和新同学们相处得怎样。I am wondering how my friends are _ _ _ their new classmates.63. David 厌烦在伦敦工作,因此他迁移到苏格兰。David _ _ _ working in London, so he moved up to Scotland.64. 不管你怎么想,我已下决心做这事了。No matter what you think, I had _ _ _ _ to do

59、it.65. 既然你有了这个机会,你可以充分的利用它了。Now that youve got a chance, you might as well _ _ _ _ it.66诗歌和戏剧在当代罗马尼亚人生活中扮演了重要的角色。Poetry _ _ _ _ in contemporary Romanian life.第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分 35 分) 第一节 短文改错 ( 共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加

60、一个漏字符号(A),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()戈胖。修改:在错的下面画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。Dear Peter,I am writing to offer my sincere congratulations to you on your win the firstprize in the Chinese Chess Network Challenge. As you friend, I just want you to know how gladly


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