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1、阜阳京九实验中学博弈导学案Unit1 How often do you exercise?第一课时Section A 1a2c年级八 科目英语 主备人蔡雪丽 审核人 罗来来 班级 姓名 教师寄语:Doing is better than saying(空谈不如实干。).一学习目标:a. knowledge goals(知识目标)1.important words and phrases: housework ,hardly,ever, hardly ever, once, twice,Internet, program, full2. important sentences:How often

2、 do you exercise? What do you usually do on weekends? I often go to the movies.b. ability goals(能力目标)by the end of this class, students should be able to1. master and apply the important words and sentences 2. know and learn the way to express frequencyc. emotional ability(情感目标)1. get the students t

3、o know more about the way to express frequency2. develop the students spirit of cooperation and teamwork二教学重难点a. 学会读写本单元的单词b. 掌握表示频率的不同方法三快乐自学有目的的学习会让你的效率事半功倍,开始吧!a. 翻译下列短语(预习梳理)几乎从不 _ 一周两次 _ 多久一次_ 摇摆舞_ 最喜爱的节目_ 使用互联网_b. 观察单词:1. exercise (1) exercise用作动词,意为“锻炼,运动”。例如:How often does Jim exercise? 吉姆多久

4、锻炼一次?He exercises once a day. 他每天锻炼一次。(2) exercise 用作名词,表示“锻炼,运动”,是不可数名词。例如:Swimming is good exercise. 游泳是一项很好的运动。(3) exercise 用作名词,意为“练习题,操”,是可数名词。例如:Doing eye exercise is good for our eyes. 做眼保健操对我们的眼睛有好处。 He did many English exercises before the exam.考试前,他做了许多英语练习题。2. hardly ever 几乎从不【讲解】hardly本身

5、具有否定意义,不能再使用其他否定词。句中一般位于实义动词前,be动词,助动词或情态动词之后。【拓展】hard意为“努力,使劲地”,hardly 意为“几乎不,简直不”,两个词意思完全不同。例如:Tom works hard every day. 汤姆每天努力工作。Tom hardly works every day. 汤姆每天几乎不工作。【即学活用】1.带着自学的成果,自我检测一下吧!单项选择(1) Lets have a good rest and take some ,though we have lots of English to do. A. exercises, exercise

6、B. exercise, exercises C. exercising, exercise D. exercise, exercise(2) It was so dark that we see anything. A. could hardly B. hardly could C. could hardly not D. couldnt hardly 3. How often do you watch it?Twice a week.【讲解】(1) 这是由how often引导的一般现在时的特殊疑问句,询问“动作多长时间发生一次”,即频率。(2) twice a week是用来回答how

7、often的。其他常用回答有:always(100), never, sometimes, once a week, twice a month等。例如:How often do you go swimming?Once a week.【即学活用】2.带着自学的成果,自我检测一下吧! do you have P.E. lessons?Three times a week.A. How long B. How soon C. How many D. How often四快乐组学同学们,团结就是力量哦!一、单项选择(1)_ do you do your homework? - Every day.

8、    A.When     B. How often    C. How many times  D. What time(2) I visit my  grandparents _a month.   A. two times   B. second time C. the second time  D. twice   A. am  B.(3)She hardly ever _ sports

9、 games _ TV on Sunday evening.  A. watching ; over    B. to watch; in  C. watch; by   D. watches , on 二、句型转换。(1) The girl likes watching TV.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) the girl watch TV?(2) Tina reads books at night.(就划线部分提问) Tina read books?(3) He likes eating fruit thr

10、ee or four times a week.(就划线部分提问) he like fruit?(4) I did my homework every night.(改为否定句) I my homework every night.(5) does, often, Tom, school, at, homework(连词成句) 五自信展示勇于参与,挑战自己!六激烈博弈你方唱罢我登场!How often do you exercise? 举一反三,你能反几?试一试吧! 七变式练习相信你能行!改错。1. He decided going swimming that morning. A B C2.

11、 There is something on the desk but below nothing. A B C3. I find this game enjoy. A B C 八我的反思(写下你学习后的感受或问题吧!) 九教学反思(老师的教学反思) 阜阳京九实验中学博弈导学案Unit1 How do you study for a test?第二课时Section A 3a4年级七 科目英语 主备人蔡雪丽 初审人 审核人 班级 姓名 教师寄语:Eat to live, but not live to eat(人吃饭是为了活着,但活着不是为了吃饭。).一学习目标:a. knowledge go

12、als(知识目标)1.important words: specific, memorize, grammar, differently, frustrate, frustrating, quickly, add, not at all, excited, end up2. important sentence:Studying grammar is a great way to learn a languageb. ability goals(能力目标)by the end of this class, students should be able to1. master and appl

13、y the important words and sentences.2. know and master ways of learning Englishc. emotional ability(情感目标)1. get the students to know more about the ways to learn best2. develop the students spirit of cooperation and teamwork二教学重难点a. 宾语从句b. 总结学习英语的方法c. 本单元单词三快乐自学有目的的学习会让你的效率事半功倍,开始吧!a. 查一查,译一译 1.练习发音

14、 2.提高口语技巧 3.做的最好方式 4.记忆新单词 5.对感到兴奋的 6.以结束 7.做关于调查 8.听磁带 9.大声读 10.感到沮丧的 b. (一)阅读3a回答下列问题 1.What did many students say about learning English? 2.How does Lillian Li learn new words? 3.Does Lillian learn grammar ?Why? 4.How long has Wei Ming been learning English? 5.What is Wei Mings opinion about watc

15、hing English movies? 6.Whats Liu Changs best way to learn English?。(二)1. the best ways to learn more English意思是 。2. frustrating/ frustrated 这两个单词都是形容词,frustrating意为 ,主语通常是 ;frustrated意为 ,主语通常是 。 如:All of us were at the news.(frustrating, frustrated) 3. join/ join in/ take part in 它们的意思都是 ,想一想,它们之间有何

16、异同? He the club and its activities. A. took part in; joined B. joined; took part in C. joined; took part in D. took part in; tool part in 4. She said memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little. memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little在该句中是从句,做 的 。动名词即动词的-ing形式,在句中可作 、 、 、 等

17、。动名词作主语时,谓语必须用 形式。如:I think that doing lots of listening practice _ (be)one of the secrets of learning English.【即学活用】带着自学的成果,自我检测一下吧!一.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.What about_ _(go)to Shanghai Expo for our summer holiday? 2._ _(do)morning exercise every day_ _(be)good for our health. 3.You should look up the right

18、_ _(pronounce)from the British. 4.The American spell some words (different)from the British 5.Have you ever learned English by (make) pen pals? 四快乐组学同学们,团结就是力量哦!根据汉语完成句子 1.这部电影太令人失望了,我不喜欢; The move is for me to . 2.当我们谈到一些令人激动的事情后,就开始说中文了。 We get something and then speaking in Chinese 3.利莲认为学习新单词的最好

19、方式是读英语杂志。 Lillian thinks the best way new words is English magazines 4.他发现通过看英语电影来学英语太难了。 He finds it is for him learn English English movies .5.他学英语已经六年了。 He English six years.五自信展示勇于参与,挑战自己!六激烈博弈你方唱罢我登场!你能总结一下学习英语最好的方法吗? 七变式练习相信你能行!阅读短文,用括号所给单词的适当形式填空 The best way of learning a language The best w

20、ay of learning a language is by (use )it .The best way of learning English is talking in English as (many )as possible. Sometimes you will get your words mixed up and people will not understand you. Sometimes people (say )things too (quick )and you cant understand (they ). But if you keep sense of h

21、umor, you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes. (not be)unhappy if people seem (be) laughing at your mistakes. It is much (good) for people to be laughing at your mistakes than to be angry because they dont understand what you are saying, The (important) rule for learning English is:“Dont be

22、 afraid of making (mistake)because everyone makes mistakes.八我的反思(写下你学习后的感受或问题吧!) 九教学反思(老师的教学反思) 阜阳京九实验中学博弈导学案Unit1 How do you study for a test?第三课时Section B 1a2c年级七 科目英语 主备人蔡雪丽 初审人 审核人 班级 姓名 教师寄语:Doing is better than saying(空谈不如实干。).一学习目标:a. knowledge goals(知识目标)1.important words: pronounce, spoken,

23、 slowly, mistake, make mistakes, comma, challenge, solution, Why dont you? 2. important sentences: I dont have a partner to practice English with. Maybe you should join an English language club. b. ability goals(能力目标)by the end of this class, students should be able to1. master and apply the importa

24、nt words and sentences2. talk about the problems of learning Englishc. emotional ability(情感目标)1. get the students to know more about the ways to solve English learning problems2. develop the students spirit of cooperation and teamwork二教学重难点a. 本单元的单词b. 重点句型I dont have a partner to practice English wi

25、th. Maybe you should join an English language club.Why dont you ?三快乐自学有目的的学习会让你的效率事半功倍,开始吧!a. 1. I can read: 在教材P5找到学习目标1中的生词和短语,大声朗读并理解记忆,然后完成下列练习: pronunciation(动词)            speak(形容)_slow(副词)_solve(名词)_get the pronunciation right_ get much

26、writing practice_ 怎样使用逗号_练习说英语_读得很慢_在语法方面犯错误_2. I can read and check:大声朗读1a的每一个句子,然后根据自己的实际情况标出符合自己情况的句子。3. I can write:除了1a中提到的学习困难外,我还有其他的困难,在1b的表格中列出来。4. I can listen:认真听录音,然后完成2a与2b。5. I can read:大声朗读2a与2b中的句子。 6.I can translate:【即学活用】带着自学的成果,自我检测一下吧! I cant understand spoken English._I read ver

27、y slowly._Listening can help._四快乐组学同学们,团结就是力量哦!1.Work in pairs:根据2a和2b提供的信息,模仿2c的对话与同伴分角色表演。2.Work in pairs:根据2a和2b提供的信息与同伴谈论各自在学习英语中遇到的困难及其解决办法。3.难句突破I make mistakes in grammar.make mistakes意为_,= make _  _.翻译全句_I dont know how to use commas. how to use commas意为_,此结构为_+_,常见的短语有:what to do=_to d

28、o it翻译全句_Why dont you join an English language club to practice speaking English.Why dont you join=_ _ join, 意为_。此句型用来提_,类似的句型还有:Shall we +_Lets +_What about +_How about +_practice后接动词的_形式。翻译全句_I dont have a partner to practice English with.句中的with能省略吗?你能准确翻译这个句子吗?_五自信展示勇于参与,挑战自己!六激烈博弈你方唱罢我登场!每人学英语都

29、存在方方面面的困难,你能用英语说一说吗?看看谁能帮你找到解决问题的最佳方法。问题:1. 2. 3. 4. 解决方法:1. 2. 3. 4. 七变式练习相信你能行!一、根据首字母提示写单词:1. We should not make any m_ in English grammar.2.I cant p_ the new words.3.We will meet many c_ so we should learn to face them.4. Can you tell me the s_ to the problem .二、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Why do you look so

30、 _ (worry)?2. You should get much _ (write) practice.3. Why not _ (play) basketball after school.4. My friend practices_ (swim) in summer.5. I dont know what_ (say).八我的反思(写下你学习后的感受或问题吧!) 九教学反思(老师的教学反思) 阜阳京九实验中学博弈导学案Unit1 How do you study for a test?第四课时Section B 3a4年级七 科目英语 主备人蔡雪丽 初审人 审核人 班级 姓名 教师寄语

31、:Doing is better than saying(空谈不如实干。).一学习目标:a. knowledge goals(知识目标)1.important words and phrases: realize, matter, afraid, complete, secret, learner, term, impress, trouble, fast,first of all, to begin with, speak too quickly, later on, be afraid to do something, laugh at, decide to do something, t

32、ake notes, have trouble doing something2. important sentences:It wasn't easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked.It doesn't matter.b. ability goals(能力目标)by the end of this class, students should be able to1. master and apply the important words, phrases and sentences2. master wr

33、iting ways and skillsc. emotional ability(情感目标)1. get the students to know more about the ways of writing2. develop the students spirit of cooperation and teamwork二教学重难点a. 本单元所有课后单词b. 提高写作技能的方法三快乐自学有目的的学习会让你的效率事半功倍,开始吧!1. I can read:在课文中找到目标1中的单词并大声朗读记忆2.I can write:在3a中找到下列短语首先_   说得太快_&#

34、160;  开始_        later on_ be afraid to do something _  laugh at_decide to do something _     take notes_   做某事有困难,费力做某事_ 3.I can answer:快速阅读3a,回答下面问题:Is the writer enjoying learning English now?_4.I can finish:精读课文3a,然后完成3a后的练习.5

35、. I can write:According to 3a,write a letter tellinga friend how to become a better language learner6.I can translate:【即学活用】带着自学的成果,自我检测一下吧!I was also afraid to speak in class, because I thought my classmates might laugh at me._I couldn't always make complete sentences, either_7.I am a writer:Wr

36、ite an article about the things that have helped me the most in  learning another language.四快乐组学同学们,团结就是力量哦!1.I am an interviewer: Ask three classmates about learning English. Using the following three questions:What isn't easy about learning English?What do you do about this?What is your f

37、avorite way to learn more English?2.难句突破:I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner .翻译:_句中that为_词,引导_从句one of+_数Another thing that I found very difficult was English grammar.find在此处的用法为:find+宾语+_词翻译全句:_3.改写句子:I have finished my homework,

38、too.(改为否定句)_To learn English well isn't easy.(用it做主语改写)_3.用所给词的正确形式填空:She had some trouble _(speak)Japanese well.Don't_(laugh) at people in trouble._(do) a lot of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good learner.五自信展示勇于参与,挑战自己!六激烈博弈你方唱罢我登场!你能总结写信的格式以及其注意事项吗? 七变式练习相信你能行!1.

39、读句子,找规律:(1)Nice to meet you, too(见到你我也很高兴)(2)I was also afraid to speak in class. (我也害怕在同学们面前讲话)(3)I couldn't always make complete sentences, either. (我也总是不能造完整的句子。)归纳:too用于_句,放_;also用于_句,放_;either用于_句,放_。2.根据首字母或提示完成单词.I r_ that I made mistakes in the exam.It doesn't m_ if you can't und

40、erstand every word.Lucy, can you make c_ sentence?I have t_ doing listening practice.I can't tell you because it's a s_.We should try to be a good _(学习者)八我的反思(写下你学习后的感受或问题吧!) 九教学反思(老师的教学反思) 阜阳京九实验中学博弈导学案Unit1 How do you study for a test?第五课时Self check年级七 科目英语 主备人蔡雪丽 初审人 审核人 班级 姓名 教师寄语:Doing is better than saying(空谈不如实干。).一学习目标:a. knowledge goals(知识目标)important words and phares: soft, essay, write down, look up, make up conversations, feel soft, speak English as a second language, around th


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