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1、外研版外研版英语英语四年级四年级上上册册第一课时第二课时Module 8Unit 1 Were going to visit Hainan.第一课时Watch and sing with it.Im going to visit the zoo.参观;拜访visit the Great Wallvisit my grandparentsListen and chant.Im going to go with my friends.Im going to eat some fruit, and drink some juice too.Im going to visit the zoo.Im g

2、oing to go with you. Im going to eat some fruit.and drink some juice too.be going to讲述计划讲述计划或安排或安排Watch the video.Im going to visit the zoo.Im going to go with you.Im going to eat some fruit,and drink some juice too.Listen and chant with it.Practise.Im going to visit .Im going to go with Im going to

3、.Im going to .自编chant,并表演。BeijingShanghaiYunnanWhere did you go?I like Hainan. Im going to Hainan. How about Sam and Amy?Time for bed, children.Were going to visit Hainan tomorrow.today明天Listen, point and find “going to”.Were going by plane!And were going to get up at 5 oclock!get upfive oclock飞机Hel

4、lo. Whats your name?Im Sam. Im from the UK.Im Xiaoyong. Im from China.They met Xiaoyong.Xiaoyong is from China.从来;来自What are they going to do?Sam&AmyXiaoyongWere going to visit Hainan. Im going to swim in the sea.Im going to visit my grandpa. And Im going to swim too.visit Hainanswim in the seav

5、isit his grandpaswimseabe going toFinally, what happend?Oh, no! This is Xiaoyongs bag.And Xiaoyongs swimsuit and shoes and socks!SamXiaoyongtookXiaoyongs bagSams bagswimsuit袜子这是含有be(am/is/are)going to结构的表示打算、将要做某事的句型。表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,后面跟动词原形。 We are going to visit the zoo tomorrow.例Im going to p

6、lay football at five oclock.例句型结构: 主语 + be going to + 动词原形 + 其他.Watch and listen.Listen again and answer.1. What are the Smart going to do? They are going to visit Hainan.2. What time are they going to get up? At five oclock.3. What are Xiaoyong and Sam going to do? Sam is going to visit Hannan and

7、swim. Xiaoyong is going to visit his grandpa and swim.Time for bed, children.Were going to visit Hainan tomorrow.Were going by plane!And were going to get up at 5 oclock!Hello. Whats your name?Im Sam. Im from the UK.Listen again and read after it.Im Xiaoyong. Im from China.Were going to visit Hainan

8、. Im going to swim in the sea.Im going to visit my grandpa. And Im going to swim too.Im going to swim now.Oh, no! This is Xiaoyongs bag.And Xiaoyongs swimsuit and shoes and socks!Read according to the following information.Ms Smart:Ms Smart :Sam:Amy:Xiaoyong:Sam:Time for bed, children.Were going to

9、visit Hainan tomorrow.Were going by plane.And were going to get up at 5 oclock!Hello. Whats your name?Im Sam. Im from the UK.Xiaoyong:Sam:Xiaoyong:Sam:Sam:Amy:Im Xiaoyong. Im from China.Were going to visit Hainan. Im going to swim in the sea.Im going to visit my grandpa. And Im going to swim too.Im

10、going to swim now.Oh, no! This is Xiaoyongs bag.And Xiaoyongs swimsuit and shoes and socks!Lets act out.我最快 老师准备和本课老师准备和本课核心核心句型相关(如:长句型相关(如:长城,公共汽车,闹钟城,公共汽车,闹钟等等)的卡片,出示卡片,)的卡片,出示卡片,学生快速答出一般将来时陈述句,回答最快学生快速答出一般将来时陈述句,回答最快的同学加分。的同学加分。Practise.一、我能写出下面单词的意思。1. sock_ 2. shoe_3. swimsuit_ 4. plane_5. tom

11、orrow_ 6. visit_袜子袜子鞋鞋泳衣泳衣飞机飞机明天明天参观参观Try to do.二、选一选。( ) 1. We _ going to swim in the sea. A. are B. am C. is( ) 2. Time _ bed. A. to B. for( ) 3. Im going to _ at 6 oclock. A. get up B. getting upABA1. 词汇及短语:visit, tomorrow, plane, get up, oclock, from, sea, swimsuit, sock.2. be going to句型: 表示将要或打

12、算做某事:Im / Were going to 表示该做某事了:Time for 名词所有格,表示某人的:XiaoyongsSum up.1.听Listen, point and find “going to”并背过重点句型。2.准备单词或词组卡片,自编一组新对话。Homework第二课时Ride a horse, ride a horse,Im going to ride a horse.You can come, too. The zoo, the zoo, Im going to visit the zoo.You can come, too.Get up, get up, we are

13、 going to get up early.Get up early to visit the zoo.fromsockplaneseaswimsuittomorrowoclocktomorrowfromget up我是主人公。You are the little boy.What are you going to do?I am on the train.Im going to visit my grandmother.my grandmotherWhat are you and your grandma going to do?We are going to eat duck/fishY

14、ou are the little boy and girl.What are you going to do?We are going to swim.Im going to visit my grandma.Were going to swim.Listen and say.藏宝游戏 在教室里藏一些动词卡片,每组点一名或多名同学出来找卡片,找到卡片,要用卡片上的动词造句 Im / Were going to,说出句子最多者获胜。PractiseIm going to get up at 5 oclock.Im going to get up at 5 oclock.Were going t

15、o get up at 5 oclock.Were going to get up at 5 oclock.Were going to get up at 5 oclock.Practise.一、选一选。( ) 1. Im going to get up _ 7 oclock. A. at B. on( ) 2. Were going to Beijing _ bus. A. in B. byABTry to do.二、连词成句。1. swim, were, going, to (.)_2. visit, Im, friend, going, to, my (.)_3. am, I, by,

16、going, plane (.)_We are going to swim.Im going to visit my friend.I am going by plane.1. 词汇及短语:visit, swim, get up, oclock, plane, sea.2. 句型:Im going toWere going toSum up.1.以小组为单位制定旅行计划。2.根据Practise.部分造句,并拓展造五组句子。Homework谢谢大家学生课堂行为规范的内容是:按时上课,不得无故缺课、迟到、早退。遵守课堂礼仪,与老师问候。上课时衣着要整洁,不得穿无袖背心、吊带上衣、超短裙、拖鞋等进入教室。尊敬老师,服从任课老师管理。不做与课堂教学无关的事,保持课堂良好纪律秩序。听课时有问题,应先举手,经教师同意后,起立提问。上课期间离开教室须经老师允许后方可离开。上课必须按座位表就坐。要爱护公共财物,不得在课桌、门窗、墙壁上涂写、刻划。要注意保持教室环境卫生。离开教室要整理好桌椅,并协助老师关好门窗、关闭电源。 本课件是在本课件是在Micorsoft Power


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