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1、更新日志09/12 更新至 809/13 更新至 1609/14 更新至 1809/15 更新至 2109/16 更新至 2409/17 更新至 2609/18 更新至 2709/21 更新至 2809/22 更新至 291,【本月原始】器材作文就是器材杂志卖得很好,然后说要弄在 town 弄器材 jj 里面有【8 月考古】记得还蛮清楚,说是一个杂志叫 Muscle 什么的,内容全是者用超先进的健身器材,然后一个叫啥啥 Newsstand 的说这个杂志经常卖到脱销。然后就有一个 propse 说为了提高小镇居民的 fitness level,应该在一个新的中心引进这些超先进的器材。Muscle

2、 Monthly, a fitness magazine that regularly features pictures of bodybuilders using state-of-the-art exercise machines, frequently sells out,according to the owner of Skyview Newsstand. To helpize fitnesslevels in our towns residents, we should, therefore, equip our newcommufitness center with such

3、machines.”1) 充分必要条件将视为fitness的唯一途径,但其实慢跑、游泳等都可以强身健体,饮食。2) 无根据假设(跟公司安装一样,你安装了 他们不一定会用)3) 无根据假设(advertising from fitness magazine and effectiveness of machine)2,【本月原始】器材作文题是八月有的是那个小孩子买那个东西比例上升了然后公司要根据这一点更改广告和包装啥啥那篇【Orz 表达能力差给跪了】【8 月考古】V1 某F cereal 原来主要的消是成年女性,大概占65%,现在发现一个趋势是近几年小孩子吃这玩意的比例上升了,因此认为应该把这种

4、cereal的从为家庭准备改为为儿童准备,可以利用这波趋势增加销售,同时可以回避跟那些同样为家庭准备的同类的竞争。V2一个公司叫做Fieflake经营cereal line.过去一直65%消主要是adult women。但是过去两年,children increase16%to25%.因此,公司的新策略是转移正对children.这个公司现在的包装是对whole family. 别的公司也是对whole family.因此这个公司准备生产children's line这样只有它一个公司生产这种东西可以避免竞争力和增加销售1) 无关假设儿童数量的增加 不代表sales 的增长, 人家小孩

5、可能根本不爱吃这一样的麦片粥2 无关假设(你换了包装 就一定能够利润), 换包装的成本,和广告成本可能大于这种策略产生的3 错误类别别的公司策略不一定适合你,而且别的公司都开始瞄准小孩了,竞争就激烈了)3,【本月原始】器材是什么把什么DRILL都换到一个什么O还是什么地方的FACTORY 因为ADVANCE 和EFFICIENT【8 月考古】坐稳:额,有点不懂是drill production,讲一个工厂它觉得很efficient和advanced,因为的生产效率高还是怎样的,它可以在一定生产成本下生产10个,while the othercompetitors more than 6(大概这

6、个数,反正比10少)?然后这个工厂说可以reduce its drillproduction so as to reduce 生产成本,因为它认为降低生产成本一定可以使再竞争者中脱颖而出实现的goalThe following appeared in a presentation by the chief production manager of a machine parts manufacturing company at a management meeting:“Our factory in Cookville is our most advanced and efficient.

7、It is capable of producing ten drill bits for each dollar of production costs, whereas none of our other factories can produce more than seven drill bits per dollar of production costs. Therefore, we can reduce our overall drill bit production costs by devoting the Cookville factory entirely to dril

8、l bit production. Since reducing the production costs of individual machine parts is the only way to achieve our larger goal of reducing our overall production costs, dedicating the Cookville factory entirely to drill bit production and shifting all other machine part production to our other factori

9、es will help us to attain that larger goal.”1. Gratuitous assumption:Coikville factory entirely to drill bit production will reduce our overall drill bit production cost.Perhaps, there are only one or several skilled workers who are can productthem drill bits for each dollar of production cost. And

10、they have al reached their full potentialy2. 充分必要条件Reduce the production costs of individual machine parts in the only way to achieve the decrease overall production costs,以train workers , 引进new technologies, 定期维修老旧strategy,提高management3. Gratuitous assumption: 转移 就能减少全部成本之后 cargo and transporting f

11、ees would roar因为sporadically 分也许转移布的 工厂可以及时供货,集中在一个地方不利于 供货, 而且shifting 牵扯到 搬家的费用:那些cumbersome machine怎么转移啊,怎么迁移啊。这些都是hugeexpense, may not weighover the elevation of the productivity4,Take Heart Fitness Center【本月原始】就是那个 fitnesscenter 的那篇,要 add recreational facilities【8 月考古】The following appeared as

12、part of a business plan created by the management of the Take Heart Fitness Center:“After opening the new swimpool early last summer, Take Heart saw a12 percent increase in the use of the center by its members. Therefore, in order to increase membership in Take Heart, we should continue to add new r

13、ecreational facilities in subsequent years: for example, a multipurpose game room, a tennis court, and a miniature golf course. Being the only center in the area offering this range of activities would give us a competitive advantage in the health and recreation market.”Discuss how well reasoned etc

14、.Take Heart中心的管理者起草的商业计划:去年夏天开了新的游泳池以后,TH发现会员的使用率增加了12%。因此,为了增们的会员数量来增加收入,我们应该在以后几年中继续增加新的娱乐设施:比如,一个多功能游戏室,一个网球场,一个迷你和娱乐市场建立竞争优势。球场。作为本地唯一一家提供各种活动的中心,在1. Cause relationship(an increase in member usage portends and increase in membership.我一个人用100次,你也只能收我一次入会的钱,很傻很天真)2. All else equal(一年前的事情,现在不代表还会发生

15、, 以前有可能是当地只有一家游泳场, 没有竞争,而现在竞争很激烈了,你多开几家的cost,根本赚不回来)3. 无关假设你增加用泳池数量 就一定能增加 会员数量, 谁给你的idea、 今年可能天气比较冷,根本大家都不游泳, 赔的你连都不剩。)5 公司改提高 IT【本月原始】从而提高工作效率advertising company 要求 improve information technology 以提高员工工作效率和 profit margin那篇。8 月和 7 月的寂静应该都有此文,考的频率似乎还挺高,大家可以自行考古。这也是我唯一脸熟的题目了【8 月考古】The following appea

16、red in a memorandum from the information technology department of a major advertising firm:“The more efficient a firms employees are, the more profitable that firm will be. Improvements in a firms information technology hardware and software are a proven way to increase the efficiency of employees w

17、ho do the majority of their work on computers. Therefore, if our firm invests in the most powerful and advanced information technology available, employeeproductivity will beized. This strategy ensures that every dollar spenton enhanced information technology will help to increase our firms profit m

18、argins1)False causal relationship(information technology 与 employee productivity 的因果)也许有其他方面的因数, 比如公司内部管理问题, 奖励机制, training2) Gratuitous assumption 无关假设(不能说 enhanced information technology 一定能lead increase our firmsprofit margins, 且不说 你的员工会 他们则是一大笔开销, 其次,购买这些IT使用这些, 如果他们,那么培训还有花费 高昂的maintains fee)3)

19、 错误类比(information technology对于其他公司有用 不代表对于广告公司有用, 广告公司考的是creative idea)6. 一个开矿公司准备投资再生能源【本月原始】作文写的是,demand for mining technology has dropped worldwide(好像是mining), profits and stock price of the B company 减少了, 发现renewable technology is boo所以the, 而且它过去几年发展很好, 所以B公司应该devote future research to renewable

20、 energy,这样能够让B公司的profits and stock price safe举了三个错误 (1)demand减少不是导致profit减少的唯一让利润少了(2)renewable tech过去好不代表以后就好,是management管理不好了(3)转到renewable要有很多investment不能保证未来几年profit safe【8 月考古】这题7,8月份也有:Due to the decline demand of the mining technology, all the related corporations are suffering form decline o

21、f profit and sales this year, including Blastcom Corporation. Blastcom Corporation is considering adopting one growth strategy: to shift some of the researchers from mining technology to the renewable energy technology, the demand for the renewable energy such as solar energy. Some of the prominent

22、companies which market the renewable energy are successful in recent years. Therefore, it is guaranteed that company Blastcomwill also be successful in the future by providing renewable energy1all things are equal(今年上升或下跌不代表以后的趋势:也许矿业的是短暂的,明年就会会复苏;或者现在)再生能源的繁荣也是短暂的,明年就会2错误类比矿业与再生能源有很大区别,原来的技术不一定擅长再生

23、能源领域的研究,别的再生能源公司的不一定表示也能2Gratuitous Assumption无根据结论:A 不导致B(矿业领域demand减少不代表必须转型,可以把资源focus on本领域,选择把企业做专,或者拓展海外市场)3二选一(矿业技术企业转型有很多领域,不一定非要去做再生能源,比如可以去做术咨询、矿业套贸易、矿场交钥匙工程等)7. Nova High School 又出来闹了【本月原始】作文是这篇,搜了下貌似 7 月机经也有。The following appeared as part of a newspaper editorial: “Two years ago Nova Hig

24、h School began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic subjects. The school dropout rate declined immediately, and last years graduates have reported some impressive achievements in college. In future budgets the school board should use a greater portion of the available funds to b

25、uy more computers, and all schools in the districtshould adopt interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum.”【8 月考古】Two years ago Nova High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic subjects. The school dropout rate declined immediately, and last years grad

26、uates have reported some impressive achievements in college. In future budgets the school board should use agreater portion of the available funds schools in the district should adopt throughout the curriculum.to buy more computers, and all interactive computer instruction1) False Casual relationshi

27、p: (错误因果( introduction of interactive computer,)与 impressive achievementsdecline in the dropout 的)(可能是学校出台的 policy 要求生更加勤奋导致的;stricter discipline applied last year上课认真,学2) All things equal两年前的情况 现在可能变化很大,之类的3) 错误类比(一个学校不代表所有学校)这个学校是高中啊,其他学校可能是小学, 小学生不一定有运用电脑的能力8. 公司给员工建【本月原始】题目是这样子的!房就是说有个推论啊,those

28、people who do more exercises are less hospitalized(可能是狗主发烧了,第一次看的时候看成了热情好客那个词!我还想了好久,为什锻炼就热情好客了呢?我不锻炼也很热情嘛!) than those who do not. 一个Sa 开头的公司给员工建了一个高端大气上档次的insurance coverage declined by 50%。大概就是这样子的!房 Gym!于是乎 cost of楼主还提供了思路1. 建了Gym 不代表More Exercise。就比如说狗主这个懒样,你把我扔进房一我也动一下.2. 作者只说了这一个公司,根本开玩笑没有代表性

29、啊!3. decline of insurance coverage costs 就一定代表少住院么?不能够吧,可能人家就小病小灾住个院呆个几天,然后你可能索赔越来越麻烦,可能不到标准还不给一定愿意折腾好么!家不【8 月考古】这个 7 月也有考古 :一間公司根據 Research 說運動有益健康,可以減少 50%疾病發作率;而文中的公司有提供減支出設施,所以公司決定要減少員工健康保險的費用,以縮The following appeared in a memo to the Saluda town council from the towns business manager:“Research

30、 indicates that those who exercise regularly aospitalized lessthan half as often as those who dont exercise. By providing a well-equipped gym for Saludas municipal employees, we should be able to reduce the cost of our group health insurance coverage by approximately 50 percent and thereby achieve a

31、 balanced town budget.”Discuss how well reasoned . . . etc.1) GratuitousAssumption(employees will exercise regularly if a well-equipped facility is provided for them ) 2) GratuitousAssumption(assumption that employee do not exercise regulary)3)充分必要条件( hospitalization rate andhealth insurance cost)9.

32、 amusement park 改变策略【本月原始】作文是一个 amusement park 的收入减少,这个 park 是定位在孩子和青少年的,但是由于花钱的是家长所以应该重视家长。讲一个 automobile 机构的一个 research,说家长都比较重视安全,多以这个 park 就把策略改成给定会些安慰吧 还是什么的,这个人觉得这个策略一【8 月考古】这个 7 月也有考古 The managers argument: Background:Amusement parks attendance ,althoughthe advertisement investment Assumption

33、1: Parents make the decision whether a child should go an amusement park. Assuption2: The research from an automobile industry shows 60% of the parents put the safety as a priorty. Conclution: The amusement park should change itsoriginal slogan and show that their park is secure to enhance its atten

34、dance.有一个marketing director of amusement park,说amusement park最近的attendance和ticket sale 下降了。虽然这个park基本是为了给孩子们的,但是家长才是最终的决定者(是否要去这个park)。这个director提到了一个来自automotive industry的 research,这个调查显示60%的购车者在购车时把safety作为top priority。所以这个director说这个amusement park应该改变他们的slogan,从原来的“ do all what you want”(原话不是do,但

35、意思差不多),转变成“Thrill kids, safety.”, 这个campaign的转变可以increase attendance和ticket sale。1) 错误类比(汽车行业的经验不能套用在游乐园)2)充分必要条件Safety是不是影响attendance的唯一因数,有可能是交通,娱乐性啊什么的3无关假设(改变slogan 一定是增加attendance) 虽然说家长是去不去游乐园的最终决定者,但是他们会充分考虑孩子的意见,不能忽略孩子在决策中的作用公司事先准备材料10.【本月原始】the managers in annual reports claim that the comp

36、any should buy the precious metals such asgold, silver,etc beacuse they prediciate the company will have a great growhth and these raw materials will rise sharply.【8 月考古】V1“cell phone manufacturing requires a large variety of precious and expensive metasl, such like gold, silver and copper. 在过去的数年中,

37、我们公司已经进行过对此类贵重金属的购买, and we found the price of these metals sometimes changed dramatically. 而 且 我 们 forcast a growth of our cell phone division and high-volume pruchasing looking strong. 如果我们购买(并且库存?) a large amount fo these metals, 就可以lock our costs. By doing so, we can lock in our cost savings and

38、 guarantee a high-level profit.”V2因为cell phone的原材料金属很贵,且金属的价格此起彼伏dramatically 为了防止其的生产线 所以stockholder决定lock in the cost for those对什么的影响和保护materials(没搞懂lock in有啥特别意思),这样可以把lock in 的savings用作以后来保证产业的高利润(收入)。V3有个report说生产过程需要一些昂贵的稀有金属,类似于金银神,厂商说过去十年中他们对金属的需求一直扩大,在此过程中了金属价格的大幅的上升与下跌。由于他们此后他们对的生产仍会扩大对金属的

39、需求将会一直很大,厂商认为此时买下现在生产线上需要的large qu high profit in the future.ty of metals是明智的,将会lock成本,并且guarantee aV4生产需要大量的金属,比如金银之类的,在过去十年中厂商对这些原材料的需求不断增加,并且因此影响到这些金属的价格大幅度变动。由于说今后需求将继续不断增加并且对原材料的购买也将不断增加,因此可以考虑通过在现在大量购买这些原材料作为lock in the cost来节约成本,从而争取更大的利润。1) 时间全等过去几年涨价不代表未来会涨价,如果跌价会给工厂照成损失2充分必要条件提前购入材料 并不是 保证

40、利润的唯一条件。因为价格波动可能上浮或下降该贵金属是否在决定成本中起重要作用?可能影响甚微3)还有公司所做forecast的可靠性他们是根据什么资料来做的, 具不具有普遍性?4)无关假设提前购买 就一定会 保证利润副作用: 贵重金属与看护需要额外的劳动力和仓储资金.这增加了隐形成本.11. 老员工带新员工【本月原始】摘自 a human resouce director in a tire manufacturing company.”The cost of training the new employee plays an important role in the overall exp

41、ense of a company. 像 the Fun Toys Company 发起一个 Apprentice Training Progam. 他们给 senior empoloyee 发 salary bounus 如果他们自愿参加这个项目。在这个项目中 new employee can learn business patterns from the senior employee 这样来降低新员工的培训成本。 so no more expensive and cost programs are needed. 所以我们公司也应该象 FUN Toys Company 一样用这中项目降

42、低新员工培训的成本【8 月考古】V1.Fun Toy Company 采取了一个职工培训计划 program ,让 senior employees volunteer to take an new employees as their apprentice, 这样的话, newemployees 就可以 follow the pattern sets by the senior employees. 用这种,time-consu可以减少培训成本,也。因此,我们公司也应该仿效该公司,采取同样的来培训员工。偶写的错误是:false analogy& gratuitous assumpti

43、onV2.摘自a human resouce director in a tire manufacturing company.”The cost of training the new employee plays an important role in the overall expense of a company. 象the Fun Toys Company 发起一个 Apprentice Training Progam. 他们给 senior empoloyee 发 salary bounus 如果他们自愿参加这个项目。在这个项目中 new employee can learn b

44、usiness patterns from the senior employee 这样来降低新员工的培训成本。 so no more expensive and cost programs are needed. 所以我们公司也应该象FUN Toys Company 一样用这中项目降低新员工培训的成本V3.Fun Toy Company 采取了一个职工培训计划 program ,让 senior employees volunteer to take an new employees as their apprentice, 这样的话, newemployees 就可以 follow the

45、 pattern sets by the senior employees. 用这种,time-consu可以减少培训成本,也。因此,我们公司也应该仿效该公司,采取同样的来培训员工写作思路:1)False Analogy. 错误类比了我们公司(tire manufacturing company 和Fun Toys Company)可能轮胎公司需要技术创新呢,玩具公司只要流水作业2)充分必要条件Decrease cost of training 是 reduce overall cost 的唯一条件。 还有可能减少成本浪费啊, 提高生产力啊 都能减少 overall cost3)Gratuit

46、ous assumptionNew employee follow the pattern sets by the senior employees 一定会 learn business patterns from the senior employee 。 在 Apprentice Training Program 中新员工只能学到专业技能,操作,但是对团队协作力,团队建设等没有很培训到。并且在学习过程中,新员工可能会学到老员工的一些坏习惯,比如错误操作等12. 航空公司减少航线【本月原始】我作文题目是 P 那个 airline 因为增加了航线,然后 oilprice 上涨,其它公司赚钱但是

47、他亏损,然后就要减航线。八月的作文 JJ 有的【8 月考古】一个航空公司,他们经历了利润下降,他们在年初又新增了几条航线,又因为石油价格上涨了,但是别的航空公司同样经历了石油价格上涨,却未有利润下降,所以这个航空公司说是因为新增的几条航线的造成利润下降的The profit of airline AA has fell dramatically last year. The increase of fuel expenditure certainly was major problem. However, some other airlines also had the situation a

48、nd they were able to increase their profitablity. So it is not the problem of oil price. The problem is the newly added 5 flights. So, in order to return to profitablity, we should shrink the airline operation.1)充分必要条件flight expansion 是 profit 减少的唯一条件 ?也有可能是做的乘客少了,the air crash influences people cho

49、ose other vehicle for transportation2) 错误类比其他公司 increase their profitability 不一定就是减少 number of flight ,也许是他们的服务更好,顾客更喜欢选择他们公司)3)无关假设(decrease flight expansion. 一定会使 profit上升? 虽然减少航班数量,可以减少overall cost, 但是revenue from these flights 也是同样减少)13. 救护车【本月原始】因为看了一个 commercial ambulance company的 report 说说一个v

50、olunteer ambulance services的 renspond speed 平均下来比 commercialambulance 慢,所以为了人们能有更ambulance 服务,要停止所有的volunteerambulance,然后雇佣的commercial ambulance。 另一方面 还可以增加收入,因为commercial ambulance 可以 collect fees.【8 月考古】The following appeared in the editorial section of a West Cambria newspaper:“A recent review of

51、 the West Cambria volunteer ambulance service revealed a longer average response time to accidents than was reported by a commercial ambulance squad located in East Cambria. In order to provide better patient care for accident victims and to raise revenue for our town by collecting service fees for

52、ambulance use, we should disband our volunteer service and hire a commercial ambulance service.”1. 非此即彼两个一起使用可能更好。2. 充分条件Response time to accidents是衡量 ambulance squad performance 的唯一因数3. 无端假设Commercial ambulance squad caused raise revenue4. 错误类比东边和西边 毕竟是两个地方啊, 路况什么的都不一样,14. 买房 OR 买股票【本月原始】房地产公司的宣传小册

53、上一段: 买房保值,在一直下跌不景气的情况下买房是很投资选择,击破点,它以过去五年房价翻倍和下跌做对比,而且买房子你可以一边住在里边一边享受它增值的获利,还有一举说未来五年的房价 surely 会让买家获利。【8 月考古】Now is the perfect time to buy a house in our city. Over the past five years, average home prices in our region have nearly doubled. But average stock prices in the national stock market ha

54、ve actually declined over the same period. So homeowners have seen an increase in value for their housing investment during the last five years that far exceeds what they could have by investing in the stock market. Our citys residents can surely achieve a similar profit over the nest five years. Fu

55、thermre, if residents invest in a home, they can enjoy the use of the home while its value increases, whereas money invested in stocks would not contribute to their quality of life in the same way that owning a home would. Therefore, all theresidents of our city should invest their money in a home1)

56、 All things equal五年前的情况 现在可能变化很大, 股票随着很多因素的改变2) 错误因果买房子不一定赚钱,人们买房子的目的,住而不是投资。类比错误 4 即使投资,房子的价格也没有给出,是不是大家买得起。买股票多少钱都可以投资5)无根据假设( rich and quality of life)15. 汽车做广告【本月原始】AWA: autodealer 6月份把luxury line 的车放在prominent position in show room的时候, combination sale of luxury line and inexpensive cars reaches the highest. 2 月份把inexpensive 的车放在prominent position in show room的时候,sales不好。所以luxury的车attact potential customer, 以后一直把luxury line的车放在显眼位置,这样sales 就会好了。【8 月考古】V2:一个汽车公司的管理者说, 6月份的时候他们将广告的重心放在了奢侈汽车上,展览也以奢侈为主,结果是奢侈和廉价的销量都提高了;2月份时,他们改变了策略,即将重心放在了廉价上,结果两种的销


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