1、哺乳动物胚轴形成与胚层分化哺乳动物胚轴形成与胚层分化l Vertebrate embryos show differences in form before gastrulation l After gastrulation, rather similar at Phylotypic stage (种系型种系型期期): head structure, neural tube, notochord, somitesLife cycle of the mousel 9 weeksl fertilization in the oviduct, meiois II completedl clevage
2、 morula卵裂卵裂蛙的早期卵裂。蛙的早期卵裂。 A 第一次卵裂,第一次卵裂, B 第二次卵裂,第二次卵裂, C 第四次卵裂,动物极和植第四次卵裂,动物极和植物极细胞出现差异。物极细胞出现差异。卵裂期是指受精卵开始有丝分裂并产生由较小的细胞构成的囊胚卵裂期是指受精卵开始有丝分裂并产生由较小的细胞构成的囊胚(blastula) (blastula) 的过程。主要特点包括:的过程。主要特点包括:l 分裂周期短分裂周期短; ;l 分裂球的体积下降:海胆胚胎的质分裂球的体积下降:海胆胚胎的质/ /核核比由比由550550降至降至6 6; ;l 早期卵裂中合子基因大多处于休眠状态;早期卵裂中合子基因大
3、多处于休眠状态;l 卵裂常经历由均等裂向不均等裂变化。卵裂常经历由均等裂向不均等裂变化。3. hatching1. compaction2. blastocyst cavity formationgene expression starts128 cellDay 7-humanDay 5.5-mouse哺乳动物的早期卵裂发生在输卵管中哺乳动物的早期卵裂发生在输卵管中Mouse pre-implantation stages: cleavage, compaction, blastocyst cavity formationCompaction at the late 8-cell stage,
4、 With apical-basal polarization of cells128-cell blastocystcompaction128-cell blastocystl 紧密化紧密化(Compaction): 8细胞分裂后不久,卵裂球突然挤在一细胞分裂后不久,卵裂球突然挤在一起,卵裂球之间的接触面增大,形成一个紧密的细胞球体。起,卵裂球之间的接触面增大,形成一个紧密的细胞球体。哺乳动物卵裂球的哺乳动物卵裂球的compaction: 发生第三次卵裂后不久发生第三次卵裂后不久 小鼠小鼠8细胞胚胎细胞胚胎compaction前后前后小鼠桑椹胚的压缩现象小鼠桑椹胚的压缩现象 8 8细胞时期,
5、小鼠细胞表面光滑,微绒细胞时期,小鼠细胞表面光滑,微绒毛均匀分布,压缩后微绒毛仅分布于细胞的外表面,细胞之间的毛均匀分布,压缩后微绒毛仅分布于细胞的外表面,细胞之间的联系加强了。联系加强了。未压缩的和压缩的未压缩的和压缩的8细胞小鼠胚胎的比较细胞小鼠胚胎的比较Compaction的机制的机制: 8细胞胚胎的外层胞间形成细胞胚胎的外层胞间形成致密连接致密连接 (tight junctions),可将球内部,可将球内部的细胞与外环境隔绝,起的细胞与外环境隔绝,起稳定细胞球的作用。稳定细胞球的作用。而内而内层胞间形成缝隙连接层胞间形成缝隙连接 (gap junction),可以交换小分,可以交换小分
6、子和离子。子和离子。 注射注射E-Cadherin抗体的胚胎不能够致密化。抗体的胚胎不能够致密化。 在在4细胞期激细胞期激活蛋白激酶活蛋白激酶C导致导致compaction发生。因此,发生。因此,Compaction可能可能始于蛋白激酶始于蛋白激酶C的活化,它引起细胞骨架的重排,在膜上均匀分的活化,它引起细胞骨架的重排,在膜上均匀分布的布的E-Cadherin重新定位在胞间相交处。重新定位在胞间相交处。哺乳动物囊胚细胞命运的早期分化位置决定论哺乳动物囊胚细胞命运的早期分化位置决定论l 16细胞期桑椹胚(morula):位于内部的少数细胞产生的子细胞将组成内细胞团(inner cell mass
7、),而位于外部的细胞产生的子细胞大多构成滋养外胚层(trophoblast)。l 32细胞期胚泡(blastocyst):位于囊胚腔一端的内细胞团(约10个细胞)将发育胚胎的本体及与其相连的卵黄囊、尿囊和羊膜;外层的滋胚层生成绒毛膜,为胎儿从母体摄取营养物质和氧,并产生激素以避免母体的排斥反应。 内细胞团的产生是哺乳动物早期发育的关键步内细胞团的产生是哺乳动物早期发育的关键步骤之一。骤之一。通过对活体胚胎的观察研究,发现这通过对活体胚胎的观察研究,发现这种重要决定作用仅仅依赖于细胞于某一正确时种重要决定作用仅仅依赖于细胞于某一正确时间出现在某一正确的位置。间出现在某一正确的位置。压缩后位于外层
8、的压缩后位于外层的细胞将形成滋养层细胞,而内部的细胞将发育细胞将形成滋养层细胞,而内部的细胞将发育成胚胎。成胚胎。 一个细胞是否成为胚胎或滋养层细胞,完全取一个细胞是否成为胚胎或滋养层细胞,完全取决于压缩作用后决于压缩作用后细胞所处的位置细胞所处的位置是位于外周还是位于外周还是内部。是内部。哺乳动物胚泡的着床哺乳动物胚泡的着床l 胚泡在向子宫移动过程中体积增大,是由定位于滋胚层细胞胚泡在向子宫移动过程中体积增大,是由定位于滋胚层细胞膜囊胚腔一侧的膜囊胚腔一侧的NaK泵将外部泵将外部Na+泵入腔中,最后通过渗透泵入腔中,最后通过渗透作用吸水使囊胚腔增大。作用吸水使囊胚腔增大。 随着囊胚腔内离子浓
9、度的增加,水分就通过渗透作用进入进入囊胚腔内。囊胚随着囊胚腔内离子浓度的增加,水分就通过渗透作用进入进入囊胚腔内。囊胚腔内液体的积累对囊胚腔壁造成一个向外的压力,这种静水压是参与形成和维持腔内液体的积累对囊胚腔壁造成一个向外的压力,这种静水压是参与形成和维持囊胚为球形的一个重要作用力。囊胚为球形的一个重要作用力。 哺乳动物胚泡的着床哺乳动物胚泡的着床l 胚胎外的胚胎外的透明带透明带阻止了胚泡与输卵管壁的粘连阻止了胚泡与输卵管壁的粘连-异位妊娠。异位妊娠。l 胚泡到达子宫时,胚胎细胞分泌胚泡到达子宫时,胚胎细胞分泌Strypsin(一种类胰蛋白酶一种类胰蛋白酶),它使透明带穿孔,胚泡从孔中,它使
10、透明带穿孔,胚泡从孔中“孵化孵化” (hatch) 出与子宫壁出与子宫壁接触,通过一系列反应而着床。接触,通过一系列反应而着床。人类的同卵双生的发生人类的同卵双生的发生(占出生总数的占出生总数的0.25%)分离分离发生在发生在滋胚层形成前滋胚层形成前(约受精后约受精后5天前天前)的分割,有的分割,有独立的绒毛膜和羊膜。占同独立的绒毛膜和羊膜。占同卵双生的卵双生的33%。发生在发生在滋胚层形成后但羊膜滋胚层形成后但羊膜形成前形成前(约受精后约受精后59天天)的的分割,共用绒毛膜,有独立分割,共用绒毛膜,有独立的羊膜。占同卵双生的的羊膜。占同卵双生的66%发生在发生在羊膜形成后羊膜形成后(约受精约
11、受精9天后天后)的分割,共用绒毛膜的分割,共用绒毛膜和羊膜,易出现连体儿。和羊膜,易出现连体儿。人类的连体婴儿人类的连体婴儿l 嵌合胚嵌合胚:早期卵裂球早期卵裂球有同等的发育潜力。自然有同等的发育潜力。自然人群中也出现过同时有人群中也出现过同时有XX型和型和XY型细胞的人,型细胞的人,异卵双生的两个胚胎融合异卵双生的两个胚胎融合形成的单一混合个体。形成的单一混合个体。l 胚胎干细胞胚胎干细胞:保持了保持了分化为胚胎本体的潜能的分化为胚胎本体的潜能的、可在体外增殖的胚胎细、可在体外增殖的胚胎细胞。在基因功能研究和疾胞。在基因功能研究和疾病治疗方面有重要的作用病治疗方面有重要的作用。哺乳动物中的嵌
12、合胚、胚胎干细胞哺乳动物中的嵌合胚、胚胎干细胞l 人工受精人工受精:如主要:如主要用于治疗不育症、保用于治疗不育症、保存存 和运输优良个体。和运输优良个体。l 胚胎切割胚胎切割:在:在2 24 4细胞期分割胚胎细胞细胞期分割胚胎细胞,用于繁殖优良家畜,用于繁殖优良家畜个体。个体。哺乳动物中的人工受精和胚胎切割哺乳动物中的人工受精和胚胎切割原肠作用原肠作用 Gastrulationl 原肠作用原肠作用是指囊胚细胞有规则的移动,使细胞重新排是指囊胚细胞有规则的移动,使细胞重新排列,用来形成内胚层和中胚层器官的细胞迁入胚胎内部列,用来形成内胚层和中胚层器官的细胞迁入胚胎内部,而要形成外胚层的细胞铺展
13、在胚胎表面。原肠作用期,而要形成外胚层的细胞铺展在胚胎表面。原肠作用期的胚胎叫的胚胎叫原肠胚原肠胚(gastrula)。l 通过原肠作用,通过原肠作用,胚胎首先建立起三个胚层,即外胚层、胚胎首先建立起三个胚层,即外胚层、中胚层和内胚层中胚层和内胚层;其次为重新占有新位置的;其次为重新占有新位置的胚胎细胞之胚胎细胞之间的相互作用间的相互作用奠定了基础。因此,原肠作用是从尚未分奠定了基础。因此,原肠作用是从尚未分化到分化为三个胚层和器官原基决定的关键时期。化到分化为三个胚层和器官原基决定的关键时期。l 动物身体的主轴动物身体的主轴(包括前后轴、背腹轴和左右轴)也(包括前后轴、背腹轴和左右轴)也会在
14、卵裂和原肠作用期间建立起来,胚胎各部分的细胞会在卵裂和原肠作用期间建立起来,胚胎各部分的细胞会获得各自的发育潜能。会获得各自的发育潜能。人类的原肠作用人类的原肠作用l 上胚层和下胚层的形成:上胚层和下胚层的形成:在原肠作用开始时,在原肠作用开始时,内细胞团分裂为两层。内细胞团分裂为两层。与囊与囊胚腔接触的一层为下胚层,将用于形成胚腔接触的一层为下胚层,将用于形成yolk sac;另一层为上胚层。上胚层另一层为上胚层。上胚层细胞间的缝隙将合并、扩大成为羊膜腔,腔中的液体可防止胚胎脱水和保护细胞间的缝隙将合并、扩大成为羊膜腔,腔中的液体可防止胚胎脱水和保护胚胎受振荡。上胚层将发育为胚胎的本体。胚胎
16、立及其命运人体胚胎三胚层的建立及其命运人类原肠作用过程中,羊膜结构的形成和细胞的运动。人类原肠作用过程中,羊膜结构的形成和细胞的运动。Note: the human epiblast is a flat disc. The mouse epiblast is cup-shaped-harder to visualize.40天妊娠后人类的天妊娠后人类的胚胎被羊膜包裹,胚胎被羊膜包裹,外面再被绒毛膜包外面再被绒毛膜包被。血管已深入到被。血管已深入到绒毛膜内,绒毛膜绒毛膜内,绒毛膜上的微绒毛最大限上的微绒毛最大限度地与母体血液接度地与母体血液接触。触。人类胚胎与母体间的物质交流人类胚胎与母体间的物
17、质交流人体胚胎细胞的分化路线人体胚胎细胞的分化路线Early post-implantation development of the mouse embryol Inner cell mass: primitive endoderm (extra-embryonic membrane) and primitive ectoderm or epiblast (embryo proper and some extra-embryonic components)l Polar trophectoderm: the ectoplacental cone and the placenta Mural
18、trophectoderm: trophoblast giant cellsEarly post-implantation development of the mouse embryol Egg cylinder: an internal cavity (proaminotic cavity) forms, U-shapedl Onset of gastrulation: the appearance of primitive streak小鼠胚胎上胚层细胞的程序性死亡导致囊胚腔的形成。小鼠胚胎上胚层细胞的程序性死亡导致囊胚腔的形成。Gastrulation in the mouse emb
19、ryol 6.5 d: beginning of gastrulation, the appearance of primitive streak; antero-posterior axisl 7.5 d: primitive streak elongates until the bottom of the cup, forming notochord (head process)Gastrulation and neurulation in the mouse embryol 7d: the node formation, anterior ectodermneurectoderm (br
20、ain and spinal cord)l The anterior part of the embryo grows in size and head fold appears, definitive endoderm replace visceral endoderm to form an outer layer on the ventral surface of the embryo. The notochord begins to form.Gastrulation and neurulation in the mouse embryol 8d: head is distinct, n
21、eural folds have formed, gut have closed, somites begins to form on either side of the notochord.l 10.5d: the complete of gastrulation and neurulation after turning.Tuning in the mouse embryol Turning: a developmental quirk peculiar to rodents: human embryos are surrounded by their extra-embryonic m
22、embranes from the beginning.l8.5-9.5d: the mouse embryo becomes entirely enclosed in the protective amnion and amniotic fluid. The visceral yolk sac, a major source of nutrition, surrounds the aminon, the umbilical cord connects to the placenta.胚轴形成胚轴形成 胚胎细胞形成不同组织、器官,构成有序空间结构胚胎细胞形成不同组织、器官,构成有序空间结构的过
23、程称为的过程称为图式形成图式形成(pattern formation)。)。 在动物胚胎发育中,最初的图式形成主要涉及胚轴在动物胚胎发育中,最初的图式形成主要涉及胚轴(embryonic axes)形成及其一系列相关的细胞)形成及其一系列相关的细胞分化过程。胚轴指胚胎的前后轴(分化过程。胚轴指胚胎的前后轴(anterior -posterior axis)和背)和背 腹轴(腹轴(dorsal -ventral axis)。)。胚轴的形成是在一系列基因的多层次、网胚轴的形成是在一系列基因的多层次、网络性调控下完成的络性调控下完成的。Body axes formation:小鼠胚胎发育的早期无法辨
24、认体轴小鼠胚胎发育的早期无法辨认体轴l The specification of the inner cell mass of a mouse embryo depends on the relative position of the cells with respect to the inside and outside of the embryos.l Transcription factors: Cdx2 (滋养层细胞的分滋养层细胞的分化化) and Oct/4 (内细内细胞团的分化胞团的分化)The axes of the early mouse embryol Blastocyst
25、 stage: 4d: inner cell mass is confined to embryonic region and this defines an embryonic-abembryonic axis (geometrically, not cell fate)5.5d: the antero-posterior axis visible, with the formation of primitive streak at the posterior end. The symmetry-breaking event is the specification of the anter
26、ior visceral endoderm (前端内脏内胚层前端内脏内胚层, AVE)l 5.5d: A small region of visceral endoderm at the distal-most end of the cup is specifies as AVE induced by Nodal signaling from the epiblast and begins to proliferate and extend to one side of epiblast.l The anterior fate is restricted to the distal regio
27、n by inhibitory signals from the extra-embryonic ectoderm to the proximal visceral endoderm; induces anterior ectodermThe symmetry-breaking event is the specification of the anterior visceral endoderm (前端内脏内胚层前端内脏内胚层, AVE)l 6.5d: primitive streak begins to form on the opposite side, marking the post
28、erior end of the axisRole of the AVE in establishing the anterior-posterior axis of the mouse embryoCylindrical SymmetryBilateral SymmetryAPCerberus (anti-Nodal)Dkk (anti-Wnt)Lefty (anti-Nodal)Otx2Anterior neural ectodermNodal,Cripto (co-receptorFor Nodal)Endo-mesoderminductionDay 5.25 Day 5.5 Day 6
29、.25orhypoblastEndo-mesoderm induction,Primitive streakwnt, brachyury, fgf expressedEpiblastectodermThe left-right asymmetryl While the vertebrate body is outwardly symmetric, most internal organs are in fact asymmetric with respect to the left and right sides, called left-right asymmetry, e.g., the
30、heart, the right lung has more lobes than the left.l 1/10,000 in humans, situs inversusl mutation in the iv gene causes 50% of mice have hearts that loop to the right.l Key proteins in establishing leftness: extracellelar signal protein Nodal and transcription factor Pitx2Determination of left-right
31、 asymmetry in the chickl left-right symmetry is broken at an early stage by the asymmetric activity of a proton-potassium pump (H+/K+-ATPase)l The release of Ca2+ from cells in the left side as part of the symmetry-breaking process.l Pitx2: leftness; Lefty (Nodal antagonist) provide midline barrier
32、to prevent Nodal crossing to the right-hand side; Activin inhibit Shh activityLeft-right asymmetry in the mouse embryol Cilia(纤毛纤毛)-directed flow generates left-right asymmetryl Directed leftward flow of extracellular fluid at the node at around the late head-fold stagel Leftward flow of fluid propa
33、gates the release of intracellular Ca2+ to upregulate Nodal expression on the left side胚层的来源和特化胚层的来源和特化 (specification)l Fate map: tell us which tissues the different regions of the embryo give rise tol The fate maps and the genes involved in germ-layer specification are more similar in all vertebra
34、te models than are in early axis specificationl 根据被标记细胞的命运,构建两栖类早期囊胚的命运图:根据被标记细胞的命运,构建两栖类早期囊胚的命运图:labeled by injection of high-molecular-weight molecules such as rhodamine (cannot pass through cell membranes), as rhodamine fluoresces red in UV light, so detected under a UV microscope. The fluorescen
35、t protein green fluorescent protein (GFP) is now widely used.胚层的来源和特化胚层的来源和特化 (specification)l Fate mapping of the early Xenopus embryo: C3 is labeled with fluorescein (green)- tailbud stage, the cells give rise to mesoderm cells胚层的来源和特化胚层的来源和特化 (specification)Fate map of a late Xenopus blastulal Ec
36、toderm: epidermis, nervous systeml Along the dorso-ventral axis the mesoderm: notochord, somites, heart, kidney and bloodl Endoderm overlying the mesoderm in the marginal zoneFate map of a mouse at the late gastrula stage l Node: exclusively notochordl The middle part of the streak: mainly lateral-p
37、late mesoderml The posterior part of the streak: tailbud, extra-embryonic mesoderm that forms the extra-embryonic membranes-the amnion, visceral yolk sac, allantois.不同脊椎动物的不同脊椎动物的 fate map 基于一个图式的改变基于一个图式的改变l Similarities: the future notochord mesoderm occupies a central dorsal position; the neural
38、ectoderm lies adjacent to the notochord, with the rest of the ectoderm anterior to it.l Differences: mainly to the yolkiness of the different eggs, which determines the patterns of cleavage and influences the shape of the early embryo. Endoderm overlying the mesoderm in the marginal zoneFate maps of
39、 vertebrate embryos at a late blastula or early gastrula早期脊椎动物的胚胎细胞的命运并未决定,是可以调整的早期脊椎动物的胚胎细胞的命运并未决定,是可以调整的l Fusion of mouse embryos give rise to a chimera (mice that are mosaics of cells with 2 different genetic constitutions-by fusing 2 embryos): 8-cell stage embryo of an unpigmented strain of mous
40、e is fused with a pigmented strain will give rise to a chimeric animall Grafting experiments: transplanting the cells or regions to a host embryo, if determined, they will develop according to their original position; if not yet determined, develop in line with the new positionl Early mouse embryos
41、can regulate to achieve the correct size: retains considerable capacity to regulate until late in gastrulation.l Inner cell mass remain pluripotent up to 4.5 days after fertilization-they can give rise to many cell types. Cells in ICM can be cultured to produce embryonic stem cells (ES cells)小鼠发育相关突
42、变的产生小鼠发育相关突变的产生l Studying the role of a particular gene in development, to study the effects of a mutation in that gene l Mice: transgenic techniques, overexpress or knock-out a given genel Introducing embryonic stem cells (ES cells) carrying the mutation into the blastocyst小鼠的中胚层诱导和模式建成发生在原条形成时期小鼠的
43、中胚层诱导和模式建成发生在原条形成时期l 6 days: the AVE induce anterior character in the underlying epiblast and early markers of the future primitive streak (PS) are restricted to the proximal epiblast l 6.5 days: BMP activates the expression of mesoderm markers and the posterior movement of cells expressing PS marke
44、rs results in PS formation小鼠的中胚层诱导和模式建成发生在原条形成时期小鼠的中胚层诱导和模式建成发生在原条形成时期 7 days: extra-embryonic mesoderm is produced from the posterior end of PS while the node forms at the anterior end, which will give rise to axial mesendoderm (form doral mesoderm and gut endoderm)小鼠的中胚层诱导和模式建成发生在原条形成时期小鼠的中胚层诱导和模式
45、建成发生在原条形成时期The molecular interactions within the streak at 6.5 daysl BMP activates the expression of mesoderm markers, Nodal and Wnt express in PS, establish the posterior end of the PS and for mesoderm formation.中胚层诱导和模式建成的信号蛋白中胚层诱导和模式建成的信号蛋白l Brachyury: earliest markers of mesoderm; Brachyury: a key transcription factor in mesoderm specification and patterning.中胚层诱导和模式建成的信号蛋白中胚层诱导和模式建成的信号蛋白Graded response to increasin
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