KB2Unit 5Meet my family 2_第1页
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1、国际部教学计划模板 Module: unit 5 meet my family Planned periods:6Periods taught:6教学目标与评估细则项目 content 目标 goal 知识Knowledge VocabularySpelling· Hear, read and copy vocabulary: family, cousin, mummy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, babyPhonics 能识别/ T /音(th浊辅音)Sentences1. 所有格s2. 现在进行时表现正在进行的动作,现在进行时的拼写He/She isnt

2、(walking), Theyre (eating)技能skillsListening and speaking1. 能够听懂谈论家庭成员的对话和关于说话时正在进行的动作问答,能识别/ T /音(th浊辅音)2. 能够谈论关于家庭成员的话题,能够描述说话时正在进行的动作,学会发出/ T /音(th浊辅音)Reading 能够认读表示家庭成员关系的单词和含有现在进行时的句子 Writing能够拼写出表示家庭成员关系的单词态度Attitude Show respect to teachers and peers during and class through attentive listenin

3、g.行动Action· Can recognize the house words.· Can answer and respond to teachers questions.· Initiate to practice and speak English during and after class教学资源 teaching resource书面资源 written resourceActivity book,Worksheets,实物资源Objects1. (lesson 1 )人物单词卡片1,2,3,4,5,6,7,23,25,56(Suzy, Simon

4、, Stella, Grandpa Star, Grandma Star, Meera, cousin (Lenny), baby (Frank))2. (lesson 2 )Star一家7口的单词卡片,第一册第四单元的歌曲磁带或CD(CD1,55磁带1,B),名字卡片(上面写着听力材料里的10个人物的名字,若干套,保证每人可以拿到一张卡片),表示家庭成员关系的单词条(教师资源包P94,Meet my family)3.(lesson 3 )自制20个纸团(里面写有1-20的阿拉伯数字),学生用书P30挂图,4.( Lesson 4 )第一册第十二单元的食物单词卡片,一张橙子的图片,歌曲挂图。

5、5.(lesson 5 )家庭成员的单词卡片(Simon, Stella, Mrs Star, Mr Star)6.(lesson 6)表示家庭成员的变位词(mymmy, dydda, rehobtr, tissre, nisuco, gdpnraa, ramgnrd)两人一份,故事卡片, 对话单词条(每段台词用一条,需自己制作),可复印的活动5(两人一份),强化练习1(每人一份)校内资源In school resource校外资源Out school resource多媒体资源Media resourcesCD,DVD网络资源探究过程(知识习得、问题探究、知识巩固、完成作业、成果展示)和评估

6、程序(过程性评估:自评、互评、组评、师评、总结性评估:分作业评估、综合总评)Target 学会谈论家庭成员Period The 1st period The design objective Teaching process Step 1: Warming up ( 5 minutes)1. 说:Today we are going to see some old friends. Who are they? Guess! 将已学过的人物(Star一家5口、爷爷奶奶、Meera、Lenny)的名字慢慢地写在黑板上,让学生猜出人物名字。2. 将相应的人物单词卡片发给几个学生,说:Match th

7、e cards and the names.让学生将卡片和人物名字匹配起来。3. 说:Lets play whos who. Im Stella. Whos my mother? 让学生装扮某个孩子,并就亲属关系提问(Im XXX. Whos my mother / father / brother / sister / grandfather / grandmother?)4. 最后说:This is the Star family. 并在黑板上写出 the Star family。Step 2: Presentation ( 10 minutes)1. 展示人物单词卡片baby(Frank

8、),说:This is a baby. Hes very young. His names Frank. 并将人物名字写在卡片旁边。让学生多念新人物的名字。2. 说:Open your pupils book at page 28, please. Look at the pictures. Who can you see? Find the hidden star. 3. 说:Now, listen and point to the people. 播放录音。4. 问:Whos with Lenny? Whats his cousins name? Who has got the kite?

9、 Listen again. 再次播放录音。让学生听完后两人一组核对答案,再全班核对答案。5. 问一些细节问题,例如:Whos that? How many cousins has Meera got? How many cousins has Simon got? How old is Frank? Is Frank Lennys brother?Step 3: Practice ( 15 minutes)1. 说:Lets do activity 2. Listen, point and repeat. 播放录音,学生齐声跟读单词。2. 再次播放录音,每播出一个单词,就把这个单词拼写在黑板

10、上。3. 传话游戏。低声在一个学生耳边说出一个表示家庭成员的单词,让学生传给下一个学生,传到最后一个学生时,让他/她到黑板前说出并指出听到的单词。4. 将人物单词卡片有画的一面朝里贴在黑板上,盖住人物的名字,指着一张卡片说:Whos this one? Shes a girl. Shes four.(Suzy)再指向另一张卡片说:This is her sister. Whos she? . 利用已知人物,提出问题,让学生说出亲属的名字。5. 把Stella, Simon, Suzy的人物卡片贴在黑板上,说:Theyre a family. Look at their faces. Whats

11、 different? 让学生观察人物的模样,比较他们五官的异同Step 4: Production ( 10 minutes).1 活动用书第28页,活动1。说:Open your activity book at page 28, please. Lets do activity 1. Read quickly and find the family words. Draw a line under the family words. 两人一组核对答案,再全班核对答案。2. 说:Read again. Can you write the names? 两人一组核对答案,再和全班一起核对答案

12、。3. 说:Look at activity 2, please. Can you read the words? Put these words in groups. Which words are in the house / about family / toys / at school?让学生独立完成练习。先两人一组核对答案,再全班一起核对答案。4. What have you got on your face? Mummys eyes? Daddys nose? Grandmas mouth? Grandpas ears? Whose hair color?5. Draw a pic

13、ture of your family. Show us the picture. Do you look the same with your daddy and mummy? Talk about your family. (What name? How old?) 6. Have you got any brothers / sisters / cousins? How old is he/she? How many (brothers / sisters / cousins) have you got?播放:CD1, 55 磁带1,B播放录音CD1, 56 磁带1,BHomework

14、听CD1,55磁带1,B三遍。把自己上课画的全家福的画像展示给家长看,并用英语说出自己那方面长得向哪个家庭成员,请家长判断。Design of the blackboardPresent the knowledge clearly and vividly. Feedback of the periodWith attached document Target 谈论更多关于家庭的话题,了解家庭谱图Period The 2nd period The design objective Teaching process Step 1: Warming up ( 5 minutes)1. 播放第一册第四

15、单元中的歌曲We are family.让学生跟唱。2. 说:Look. This is the Star family. 把Mr Star和Mrs Star人物卡片贴在黑板上,以家谱的形式展示人物单词卡(如下图):Mr StarMrs StarStellaSimonSuzy3. 问:Whos Stellas father? Whos Suzys sister? Whos Simons mother? Is she Stella and Suzys mother? Whos Simons sister? Whos Stella and Suzys brother?等表示家庭关系的问题,让学生回

16、答。在空中做出划圈包围整个图谱的动作,说:This is a family tree.Step 2: Presentation ( 10 minutes)1. 摸牌游戏,每组10人,学生可以站起来活动。把名字卡片有字的一面冲下混在一起,请10个学生摸牌,每人一张,报出卡片上的名字。给出指令,让他们根据家庭关系排成小组。例如:Frank, find your mummy and daddy. Nelson, find Anna. Nick and Kim, find May, Lenny and Sam. Sam, find your cousin. Kim and Ben, find your

17、 mum and dad. Lenny, find your sister. May, find your father. Frank, find your mother. Lenny and Sam find your grandma and grandpa. 游戏完毕,收回卡片。2. 说:Open your pupils book at page 29, please. Lets look at the family tree and play whos he and she. 教师先念出活动4中的问题,让学生回答:Hes Lennys father. (Nick) Shes Bens m

18、other. (Anna). 还可继续就家庭关系提问,让学生回答。3. 说:Now, ask your friend the questions. 让学生两人一组,互相问答。教师监督,给予适当的帮助。当学生越来越自信时,让学生随机搭配做问答。4. 说:Look at the family tree. Lucy is Franks 等待学生说出mother. 将mother写在黑板上。用同样的方式,引导学生说出本课中家庭关系的其他词汇(grandma, grandpa, baby, cousin, father, mummy, daddy)并写在黑板上。做我说你指的活动。5. 把Star一家七口

19、的人物卡片展示出来,请学生把六个单词条贴在相应的卡片上。说:Stick the words to the pictures.Step 3: Practice ( 15 minutes)1.完整播放歌谣,教师拍手示意节奏。由教师拍打节奏,学生看书念歌谣,教师可不停顿地多拍几遍歌谣,并节奏逐渐加快。2. 小组练习,站起来拍手(或做扭动身体等表示节拍的动作)念歌谣。比赛哪组念得最流利、节奏感最整齐。3. 说:Now say the chant again.播放录音。4. 说:Lets do activity 4. Listen. Are they correct? 播放录音第一遍,每句后给予片刻停顿

20、,说:Correct it with your friend. 让学生与同伴核对答案。5. 再次播放录音,每句之后停顿,让学生说出正确的句子。Step 4: Production (_10_minutes)1. 活动用书第29页,活动3。说:Open your activity book at page 29, please. Look at activity 3. What can you see? Whose family is it? 2. 说:Read the sentences. Find the family words. Draw a line under the words.

21、让学生在文本中找到表示家庭成员的单词,并在下面划线。3. 说:Do they look the same with Trevor? Find the face words. And draw a line under the words. 让学生在文本中找到表示脸部器官单词,并在下面划线。4. 说:Now read and write the names under the pictures. 让学生独立完成练习,教师监督,给予必要的帮助。5. 说:Can you see some color words? Get ready with your colors and color. 让学生在文

22、本中找到表示颜色的单词,准备出相应的彩笔,涂色。6. 全班核对答案。然后说:How old is Tricia / Tony / Trudy / Tom? 7. 说:Lets do activity 4. Look at the two pictures. Its a man and a woman. What are these words? Heres an example. 手指bbya问:Whats this word? (baby.) Is it a boy? Is it a girl? There are baby boys and baby girls. So put the w

23、ord “baby” here and there. Now write the words on the lines. Boys are together. And girls are together. 举起书,进行简单的指点,确保学生理解如果做题。让学生独立完成。两人核对答案后,请同学到黑板上按照男、女两列,写出单词。8. 问:Have you got any brothers or sisters / cousins? Draw a picture of them. And talk about them. Whats his / her name? How old? 播放KB 1第四

24、单元的录音:CD 1 的55播放录音:CD1, 43磁带1, B播放录音CD1,57磁带1,BHomework 听CD1,57磁带1,B三遍。根据自己家庭的情况,(在家长的帮助下)画一个含有三代人的家族图谱,在家庭成员的名字或头像下方写出表示家庭成员的单词。Practice the adverbs of frequency.Design of the blackboardPresent the knowledge clearly and vividly. Feedback of the periodWith attached document Target 学习描述说话时正在进行的动作Peri

25、od The 3rd period The design objective Teaching process Step 1: Warming up ( 5 minutes)1. 邀请20个学生到教室前面,每人随意发一个自制的纸团,让学生悄悄打开看到里面的数字,不要给别人看。让学生排成队,从1开始大声说出自己的数字,让全班同学检查是否有重复。说:Heres a paper ball for you. Open it and see the number. Dont show it to others. Now stand in line. Say your numbers.2. 说:Now,

26、I say you do. 说出一些学过的动作和课堂指令语。例如:Stand up. Sit down. Open your book. Color / draw a picture. Jump! Walk. Drive a car. Sleep. Throw the ball. Play basketball / tennis. Ride a bike / horse. Write a word. Clean the board. Hit the ball. Fly a kite. Read a book. Sing a song. Talk to your friend. Point to

27、 XXX.3. 播放第一册第十单元的歌曲。Im walking.说:Sing the song and do the actions.Step 2: Presentation ( 15 minutes)1. 请一个学生到前面来,悄悄对他/她说一个表示动作的词(draw / sleep / fly / jump / run),让他/她不停地做动作。说:Heres a mime. Look! Whats (s)he doing? 提示学生说:(Shes) Hes drawing. 再换几个同学轮流到前面做动作,全班描述正在做的动作,如果学生不能做出预期的回答,教师自问自答,可给予完整的回答。2.

28、说:Open your pupils book at page 30, please. Who can you see? Where are they? What are they doing?3. 说:Listen and point. 播放录音,每句话后停顿,给学生思考的时间。4. 说:Listen and say the number. 播放录音,第一句话后停顿,让学生说出数字(16)。播放录音的其余部分,每句后停顿,让学生两人一组核对答案。5. 说:Listen and repeat. 播放录音,每句话后停顿,让学生齐声跟读,并全班核对数字。6. 进一步检查学生对图片的理解,问:Wha

29、ts Lenny hitting? Whos sitting next to Frank? Whats Grandpa doing?Step 3: Practice ( 15 minutes)1. 说:Lets play I do you say. 做动作,让学生说出相应的动作名称。例如:throw the ball, catch the ball, fly a kite, talk, jump, sit, hit the ball, clean the mouth, run, kick the ball, sleep2. 把挂图展示在黑板上。两人一组,每组选中学生用书P30上图片里一个动作,

30、轮流到前面来,一人表演,一人问:Whats he/she doing? 请其他同学回答。答对的,可以到前面坐下一组动作。3. 在挂图旁边,抄写一个方框里的现在分词(例如getting),念出来,并让学生认读。问:Look at the picture. Whats the dog doing? 让学生用getting (the ball) 回答。用方框里的每个现在分词做同样的练习。4. 玩猜谜游戏。请两个学生到前面来,面对大家,给一个学生蒙上眼睛,让另外一个反复地做同一个动作。全班齐声问:Whats he/she doing? 让蒙着眼睛的学生猜,给三次机会。如果都没猜中,就让做动作的同学自己

31、说:Im .教师可做示范。5. 用一种颜色,把下列单词横排写在黑板上:running, hitting, jumping, getting, sleeping, throwing, catching, flying, cleaning;用另一种颜色写出下列单词:run, hit, jump, get, sleep, throw, catch, fly, clean。确保hit/hitting等动词心室不相邻。让学生轮流上来连线搭配单词(run-running)Step 4: Production (_5_minutes)1. 活动用书P30页,活动5。说:Open your activity

32、book at page 30, please. Look at sentence number 1. What are you doing, Mum? Which picture? Picture 5. Whos talking? Suzy or Mum? Mum. 手指字母j说:Write the letter “j” in box number 1. 确保学生明白活动要求。让学生两人一组完成活动,教师监督。2. 活动用书P30页,活动6。说:Now listen and check your answers. 播放录音。学生听录音,改正句子。然后两人一组核对答案。再次播放录音,请几组模仿

33、人物的语气念出句子。3. 动作闪换游戏。请几个同学到前面,教师说出Im v-ing的句子,学生做动作,教师不断变换句子中的动作,学生紧跟着换动作,做错动作的就被罚下场(回到位子上),最后一个留在前面的学生为胜者。再请几个学生来做同样的游戏,这次让前一组的胜者发出动作指令。4. 小组活动。动作接龙游戏。每组4人,每人想好一个动作,从第一个学生一边重复做一个动作(例如reading a book),一边说出自己在做什么动作(Im reading a book.)。第二个学生站在第一个学生旁边,反复做一个另动作,同时说:She/He is reading and Im jumping.第三个、第四个

34、都做不同的动作,把句子接下去。5. 动作合成游戏。教师示范:做第一个动作(例如clean the board),维持第一个动作,再加上第二个动作(例如kick the ball),做到同时做出两个动作。说:Im cleaning the board and kicking the ball. 让学生两人一组,轮流做动作合成并描述这个动作,玩这个游戏。播放录音第一册CD3,23磁带3,A播放录音CD1, 58磁带1,B播放录音:CD1, 48磁带1, B播放录音:CD1, 48磁带1, BHomework 先听CD1,58磁带1,B三遍。给家长描述学生用书第30页中大家都在做什么。Practic

35、e the adverbs of frequency.Design of the blackboardPresent the knowledge clearly and vividly. Feedback of the periodWith attached document Target 继续练习谈论说话时正在进行的动作,学唱一首歌Period The 4th period The design objective Teaching process Step 1: Warming up ( 5 minutes)1. 耳语游戏。教师对一个学生低声说出一个表示动作的词语(例如flying),让这

36、个学生再低声传给后面的同学,指导最后一个学生站起来反复做相应的动作。2. 指着做动作的学生说:Look. Hes isnt throwing a ball. Hes 让学生说出flying a kite完成句子。3. 让学生来给出指令,教师也当传话的人,在最后一个学生做动作时,说出:(S)He isnt , (s)hes 的句子,同时摆手表示否定。重复此练习。Step 2: Presentation ( 15 minutes)1 展示歌曲挂图,说:Look at the picture. Who can you see? Where are they? What are they doing?

37、2. 教师做动作,问:Who is it?3. 说:Open your pupils book at page 31, please. Listen and point. 播放录音。4. 说:Where am I? Listen again and dance. 再次播放录音。 5. 说:Lets enjoy the song and sing. 播放录音。让学生跟唱。Step 3: Practice ( 15 minutes)1. 小组合作,每组7人,分别扮演grandpa, grandma, father, cousin, baby sister, brother, mother等角色,分

38、唱本人角色的歌词,并做动作。2. 收起挂图,让学生合上书。说:Listen and say “yes” or “no”. 说出一些描述个角色动作的句子,每句都把人物和动作错误组合,让学生判断。教师注意在学生判断之后,多次说出“(S)He isnt . (S)Hes ”的形式,引导学生使用这个结构。3. 全班合唱。展示挂图,请一个比较自信的学生到前面, 听歌曲的卡拉OK版本,指点人物,引导全班一起合唱歌曲。说:Lets sing the song together.4. 说:Look at the picture. Whats grandpa doing? 让一个学生回答。(Hes flying

39、 a kite.)将学生分为两人一组,说:Work with your friend. Ask and answer. 再次指点挂图中的人物。学生两人一组练习,教师给予必要的帮助。5. 请几个学生到前面轮流做挂图中人物的动作。让几组学生根据同学做的动作,判断人物,练习问答。Step 4: Production (_5_minutes)1.快速利用实物卡片或单词卡片复习食物名词。问:Whats this? 并让学生做动作表示吃的。2. 复习食物单词的拼写。例如,说:Whats this word? Give me an o, give me an r, give me an a, give me

40、 an n, give me a g, give me an e. what does that spell? (orange等食物单词)3. 活动用书第31页,活动7。说:Open your pupils book at page 31. Look at activity 7. This is a crossword. You can find words in it. Look at the pictures. What are they doing? Theyre eating. Talk with your friend. What are they eating? 让学生两人一组,判

41、断应该在游戏里填哪些词。确保学生明白应该把单词写在哪里。学生独立合作完成练习。全班核对答案。4. 说:Now complete the sentences. 以第一题做示范。学生独立完成练习。然后两人一组核对答案。最后全班核对答案。5. 让学生两人一组,做猜动作的游戏。A做出一个动作,B问:What are you doing / eating? A回答。Review some relevant phrases and lead in the topic about routines.播放录音CD1, 60磁带1,B播放录音CD1, 61磁带1,BHomework 听CD1,60磁带1,B三遍

42、。给家长唱课上学的歌。Practice the adverbs of frequency.Design of the blackboardPresent the knowledge clearly and vividly. Feedback of the periodWith attached document Target 学会识别/音(th浊辅音),并学会就现在的动作进行提问和回答Period The 5th period The design objective Teaching process Step 1: Warming up ( 5 minutes)1. 说:Lets liste

43、n and sing a song. 播放录音,学生跟唱学生用书P31上的歌曲。2. 将Simon, Stella, Mrs Star, Mr Star的人物卡片有画的一面朝里,贴在黑板上。慢慢掀开一角,问:Whos (s)he? 学生说对了,就把,卡片翻过来。3. 当4个人物都翻过来后,问:Mr Star is Simons ? 让学生说出人物之间的关系。Step 2: Presentation ( 15 minutes)1.说:Open your pupils book at page 32, please. 手指羽毛提问:Look! His name is Heather. Hes a

44、bird, a feathered friend. 手指右边的图片说:What are they doing? Theyre having a race. This is an egg and spoon race. Who are these men? Who are those women?Who are over there? Theyre their fathers, mothers, and brothers. Whats todays sound? 重读单词里的/音,等待学生说出/音。帮助学生正确地发音。2. 说:Point to the picture. Lets say it

45、with Monty. 播放录音,让学生手指图片跟读。3. 把歌谣写在黑板上,问:Where are the / sound? Draw a line under them.在学生的帮助下,给发/音的字母加下划线。Step 3: Practice ( 15 minutes)1. 变化方式让学生练习说歌谣。两人一组说,全班说,大声说,小声说等。2. 做动作比赛。说:Lets play an action race. Stand up, please. I say you do the action. Jump. Fly a kite. Play baseball. Kick a ball. Ru

46、n. Play football. Ride a bike. Sleep. 发出指令的速度越来越快,做错的就停下来,看谁能够准确完成所有指令,即为胜者。再请胜利的学生来给大家发动作指令,反复做几遍。3. 说:Lets do activity 10. What are the boys talking? Can you read? 让学生读书中的对话。Whats Simon doing? 让学生回答(Hes sleeping.)。逐一就每一幅图提问,让学生回答。请一组学生(两人)就另一幅图做问答。说:Its your turn, now. Talk with your friend. Ask a

47、nd answer. 学生两人一组练习问答。教师监督,并给与必要的帮助或指导。邀请任意两名学生来做问答活动。4. 把下列单词写在黑板上。让学生两人一组,先清楚的说出单词,再找出发音不同的那一个单词。全班核对答案。mother, brother, father, sisterthrow, run, fun, oneball, chair, small, boardcatch, watch, lamp, mathit, eat, sit, kickStep 4: Production (_5_minutes)1. 活动用书第32页,活动8。说:Open your activity book at

48、page 32, please. Activity 8. What are these pictures? They are sweets. (做出好吃的样子,说:Yummy, yummy.) 以mother为例做示范,说:mother. Which word has the same sound? 等待学生找到brother。说:Whats the sound? (/T/) color the mother sweet and brother sweet with what color? 让学生说出颜色(pink)。说:Now work with your friend. Find the

49、same sound. 让学生两人一组独立做练习,互相大声说出单词,找到搭配。全班一起核对答案,再涂颜色。2. 问:Which are the /T/ word? 3. 制作单词蛇。让学生在笔记本上画一条长蛇,在蛇身上,以任意顺序写下表示动作的单词,告诉他们可以参照学生用书第30页下方的单词。4. 两人一组,互相说出自己的单词蛇身上的单词,对方做出动作。5. 活动用书第32页,活动9。说:Open your activity book at page 32, please. Lets do activity 9. Look at “a”. “Hes kicking ” Whats he kic

50、king? Find the other half. Write the letter “a “ in the box. 让学生自己完成练习。两人一组核对答案,再全班核对答案。请几个学生念出完整的句子,并做动作。6. 让学生根据学生用书第30页活动6中方框里的词,编写10个变位词,写在笔记本上。与同伴互换笔记本,将对方的变位词还原为正确的拼写,速度快者为胜。播放录音CD1, 61磁带1,B播放录音CD1, 62磁带1,B播放录音CD1, 62磁带1,BHomework 听CD62,磁带1,B三遍。跟读。画一幅大家公园里玩乐的图画。并给家长描述各个人物在做的动作。Practice the adv

51、erbs of frequency.Design of the blackboardPresent the knowledge clearly and vividly. Feedback of the periodWith attached document Target 阅读一个故事,复习本单元的语言点Period The 6th period The design objective Teaching process Step 1: Warming up ( 5 minutes)1. 做耳语游戏。教师对一个学生低声说出一个动作(fly a kite),让该学生做出听到的动作。教师给出描述:Hes flying a helicopter.如果说得对,学生就竖起大拇指,如果说得不对,学生就大拇指朝下。动作内容复习第一册第十单元(at the funfair)中所学的动作。2. 两人一组,每组一套表示家庭成员的变位词,比赛还原拼写,速度最快的小组获胜。Step 2: Presentation ( 15


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