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1、贵州遵义贵龙中学18-19学度高一下第一次抽考试题-英语(无解析) I卷 选择题 一单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. As we know, the 2008 Olympic will_ in Beijing, China. A. take place B. be taken place C. be to be held D. hold2. We _ the old scientist_ his contribution_ the country. A. admire; for; to B. admire; at to C. respect; on; for D. respe

2、ct; on ; at3. The discovery of new evidence led to _. A. the thief having caught. B. catch the thief. C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught.4. He spoke as though he_ anything of the world. -Really? A. had known B. knew C. knows D. has know5. When _ help, one often says “Thank you.” or

3、“Its kind of you.” A. offering B. to offer C. to be offered D. offered6. This toy is meant _ Tom as his birthday present. A. to B. for C. by D. with7. All of us know fibre is hard_. A. to digest B. to be digested C. digest D. being digest8. Did you enjoy yourself at the party? - Yes, Ive never been

4、to _ one before. A. a more excited B. the most excited C. a more exciting D. the most exciting9. As youve never been to Shantou before, Ill have someone _ you the way. A. to show B. show C. showing D. showed10. He _ on the bed_ to his parents that blackbirds had_ their eggs on Mars. A. lay; lying; l

5、ied B. lied; lied; lied C. laid; laid; laid D lying; lied; laid11.If you cheat in the exam youll never _it. A. get along B. get across C. get away with D. get off12. Sir, you _ take this seat. Its just for the old. A. oughtnt to B. cant C. wont D. neednt13. I _ tell you what he did for fear that he

6、should be angry with me. A. darent B. darent to C. dared not to D. dares not14. -When will your new book come out? -It _ be out in a month at most.A. should B. must C. can D. might15. I saw her in the office this morning. She _ back to work without the doctors permission. A. couldnt come B. couldnt

7、have come C. should have come D. should not have come二完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分;满分30分) One man was to meet his wife downtown and spend some time shopping with her. He waited 16 for 15 minutes. Then he waited impatiently for 15 minutes more. After that, he became 17 . When he saw a photograph booth (照相亭) ne

8、arby, he had 18 . He wore the most unhappy expression he could manage, which was not 19 in the situation. In a few moments, he was holding four small prints that 20 even him.He wrote his wifes name on the back of the photos and handed them to a 21 behind the desk in the booth. “ 22 you see a small,

9、dark lady with brown eyes and an apologetic expression, obviously 23 someone, would you please give her this?” he said. He then 24 his office in Morrison Building, 25 that if a picture is worth a thousand words, then the four photos must be a good 26 ! He sat down with a smile.His wife 27 those pict

10、ures. She carries them in her purse now and shows them to anyone who asks if sh8e is married How are you with 28 ? One person calls it “wait training.” It seems that there is always something we are 29. We wait on traffic and we wait in lines. We wait to hear about a new job. We wait to complete sch

11、ool. We wait for someone to change his or her mind.Patience is an important 30 of a happy and rewarding life. 31 , some things are worth waiting for. 32 presents many opportunities for wait training.We can hate waiting, 33 it or even get good at it! But one thing is 34 - we cannot avoid it. How is y

12、our 35 coming along?( )16. proudly B. respectfully C. patiently D. curiously( )17. A. angry B. hungry C. frightened D. thirsty( )18. A. a question B. a reason C. an opinion D. an idea( )19. A. serious B. difficult C. convenient(方便的) D. regular ( )20 A. hurt B. encouraged C. attracted D. shocked( )21

13、. A. clerk B. secretary C. passer-by D. friend( )22. A. since B. Before C. As D. If( )23. A. looking for B. working for C. sending for D. paying for( )24. A. called up B. returned to C. visited D. left( )25. A. worried B. disappointed C. satisfied D. surprised( )26. A. description B. preparation C.

14、excuse D. lecture( )27. A. tore B.saved C.developed D. destroyed( )28. A. your wife B. your family C. patience D. determination( )29. A. hoping for B. waiting for C. ready for D. fit for( )30. A. lesson B. experience C. purpose D. quality( )31. A. For example B. After all C. Right now D. So far( )32

15、. A. Every age B. Every shop C. Every day D. Every office( )33. A. accept B. control C. change D. improve( )34. A. certain B. interesting C. precious(宝贵的) D. easy( )35. A. photo taking B. job hunting C. decision making D. wait training三阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分) A Increasingly, Americans are becoming th

16、eir own doctors, by going online to diagnose their symptoms(症状), order home health tests or medical devices, or even self-treat their illnesses with drugs from Internet pharmacies(药店). Some avoid doctors because of the high cost of medical care, especially if they lack health insurance. Or they may

17、stay because they find it embarrassing to discuss their weight, alcohol consumption or couch potato habits. Patients may also fear what they might learn about their health, or they distrust physicians because of negative experiences in the past. But playing doctor can also be a deadly game. Every da

18、y, more than six million Americans turn to the Internet for medical answers most of them arent nearly skeptical enough of what they find. A 2002 survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that 72 percent of those surveyed believe all or most of what they read on health websites. Th

19、ey shouldnt. Look up “headache”, and the chances of finding reliable and complete information, free from a motivation for commercial gain, are only one in ten, reports an April 2005 Brown Medical School study. Of the 169 websites the researchers rated, only 16 scored as “high quality”. Recent studie

20、s found faulty facts about all sorts of other disorders, causing one research team to warn that a large amount of incomplete, inaccurate(不准确的) and even dangerous information exists on the Internet. The problem is most people dont know the safe way to surf the Web. “They use a search engine like Goog

21、le, get 18 trillion choices and start clicking. But thats risky, because almost anybody can put up a site that looks authoritative(权威的), so its hard to know if what youre reading is reasonable or not,” says Dr. Sarah Bass from the National Cancer Institute.36. According to the text, an increasing nu

22、mber of American _.A. are suffering from mental disordersB. turn to Internet pharmacies for helpC. like to play deadly games with doctorsD. are skeptical about surfing medical websites37. Some Americans stay away from doctors because they _.A. find medical devices easy to operateB. prefer to be diag

23、nosed online by doctorsC. are afraid to face the truth of their healthD. are afraid to misuse their health insurance38. According to the study of Brown Medical School, _.A. more than 6 million Americans distrust doctorsB. only 1/10 of medical websites aim to make a profitC. about 1/10 of the website

24、s surveyed are of high qualityD. 72% of health websites offer incomplete and faulty facts39. Which of the following is the authors main argument?( )A. Its cheap to self-treat your own illness.B. Its embarrassing to discuss your bad habits.C. Its reasonable to put up a medical website.D. Its dangerou

25、s to be your own doctor. BBuster Brown was a thief-and a good one,too,he thought. Hed never been caught by the police because he never took chances. He was always prepared for anyunforeseen event or emergency. Confidently,he stood outside the house of his intended victim(受害者)and readthe sign on the

26、front gate of the house. “Don't worry about the dogbe aware of theowner!” it saidBuster smiled and found his way in The house looked quite normal outside,but inside it was very exotic with fascinating objects on displayAs he began putting them into his bag,a dog came intothe roomIt stopped when

27、it saw Buster,then wagged its tail madly and went over to him,licking his outstretched hand"Good boy,” Buster whispered. “What a great guard dog you aretrying to lick me to death.” Satisfied he'd made friends with the dog,Bluster began to wander round the house,choosing items to put in his

28、bagHis skilled eye picked out only the best antiques(古董):a pair of silver candleholders,a silver tea-and-coffee service,etcHis new friend,the dog,sat and watched,as if wondering what was happening “Well,boy,”Buster whispered,finally“That might doAny more and I won't be able to carry it!” He swun

29、g the heavy bag onto his shoulders, just as the lights came on, nearly blinding him. He shielded his eyes with his hand. "You're a very silly person," the figure in the doorway said, his voice dry as dust. As the man came closer, Buster could see he was well dressed. His face seemed fa

30、miliar, but Buster couldn't quite place where he had seen him before. "You should have taken more notice of the sign outside," the man rasped. "I knew about this attempted robbery last week and I also know you will end up behind bars for 20 years. Fancy trying to rob the house of

31、the world's greatest fortune-teller!"40. Why was Buster so confident?( )A. He was not afraid of dogs. B. He knew the owner of the house lived alone.C. He had never been caught by the police. D. The house had no security alarm.41. Which of the definitions is closest in meaning to the word &q

32、uot;exotic" in the third paragraph?( )A. Messy and untidy. B. Rich and expensive.C. Comfortable and calming. D. Foreign and unusual.42. How did Buster decide which objects to take?( )A. He took those that were easy to carry in his bag.B. He took only the best antiques.C. He took those that he k

33、new he could sell easily.D. He looked for silver objects.43. What punishment waits for Buster Brown?( )A. A prison sentence with hard labour. B. A long prison sentence.C. A heavy fine. D. Community service for 20 years. C If youre like most students, you probably read both at home and outside your h

34、ome: perhaps somewhere on your schoolyard and maybe even at work during your breaks. Your reading environment can have a great effect on your understanding, so give some thought to how you can create or choose the right reading environments. The right environment allows you to stay alert(专注的)and to

35、keep all of your attention on the text, especially when it is both interesting and difficult. When youre at home, you can usually create effective conditions for reading. You might want to choose a particular place-a desk or table, for example-where you always read. Make sure the place you choose is

36、 well lighted, and sit in a chair that requires you to sit straight. Reading in a chair thats too soft and comfortable is likely to make you sleepy! Keep your active reading tools (pens, markers, notebooks or paper) and a dictionary close at hand. Before you sit down for a reading period, try to red

37、uce all possible interruptions. Turn off your phone, the television, and the radio. Tell your family members or roommates that youll be busy for a while. If necessary, put a “Do not disturb” sign on your door! The more interruptions you must deal with while you read, the harder it will be to keep yo

38、ur attention on the task at hand.44. The author believes that the right reading environment_.A. helps readers a little in their reading tasksB. helps readers a lot in their reading tasksC. can only be created at ones homeD. can only be created outside ones home45. Which type of the following interru

39、ptions is mentioned in the text?( )A. Dictionaries. B. Paper.C. Notebooks. D. Phone calls.46. What would be the best title for the text?( )A. What to ReadB. The Ways to Reduce Possible InterruptionsC. Creating an Effective Reading EnvironmentD. How to Read Fast D Answering the Community Needs of Our

40、 City The Silver City Council recognizes that citizens have certain needs. To better meet your needs, we have made several changes to community facilities in 2004. The followings show how we have tried to make your life better.TransportThree stations for the suburbs have been added to the western tr

41、ain service.20 new buses for the southern line were purchased in January.50 per cent of city bus-stops have been upgraded.CommunicationBroadband cable is now available to all parts of the city.All of the new Government buildings are ' smart'-wired for better computer service!Medical Faciliti

42、esThe new state-of-the-art Nightingale Hospital was opened in June.To overcome a shortage of trained medical staff at Dover Hospital, 10 doctors have been employed from overseas.Some facilities at Station Street Hospital have been upgraded.EducationTextbooks will be free to all primary students in 2

43、004 ! Rental for private schools has been reduced.Protection and SecurityExtra police now patrol (巡逻 ) the tourist areas.50 new police officers graduated in July and have taken up duties in the city area.Entertainment / RecreationThe new Central Community Building opened in May.5,000 new fiction boo

44、ks were bought for the Silver City Library.47. The public notice is from_A. the community B. the local governmentC. the citizens D. a travel agency48. The notice is mainly about _A. the work carried out by the people of Silver CityB. the facilities available in Silver CityC. some improvements in Sil

45、ver CityD. information for interested tourists49. All the following are true EXCEPT that _A. both residents and tourists can enjoy more security nowB. Station Street Hospital had out-dated facilities before 2004C. primary students had to pay for their textbooks in 2003D. Dover Hospital is still shor

46、t of trained medical staff50. Which of the following changes would tourists to Silver City be most happy with?( )A. Travel books are provided in the new library.B. Traveling by train is more convenient in Silver City.C. Free medical treatment is available at Station Street Hospital.D. There are more

47、 police officers on duty now.四补全对话(共5小题,每题2分,满分10分)Hello. Gerry speaking.Hello, Gerry. Its me John here. _51_.Well, Im terribly sorry, but Im not feeling very well.Is that all? _52_No, Im sorry. I was sick all night. I think it must be the fish I ate last night.Well, I think you should have at least

48、 phoned Kate and told her you werent coming to the meeting._53_ Im sorry about that. Anyway, I think Ill be able to get in to work tomorrow._54_I wont. Thanks for calling._55_.A. Why didnt you phone?B. OK. Take care and dont eat any more fish.C. Why werent you here at the meeting?D. Thats all right.E. We thought you might have had an accident or forgotten the day or something.F. Ill be glad to se


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