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1、名言大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 励志名言英语短文 导读:本文是关于励志名言英语短文的文章, 如果觉得很不错, 欢迎点评和分享! 1、自尊不要轻人,自信不要自大,自立不要孤立。 Self-esteem should not be belittled, self-confidence should not be arrogant, and self-reliance should not be isolated. 2、信念,你拿它没办法,但是没有它你什么也做不成。 Belief, you cant do anything with it, but you cant do anything with

2、out it. 3、离你最近的人是你自己,你却总是看不清自己。 The nearest person to you is yourself, but you cant always see yourself. 4、 世间的任何事物, 追求时候的兴致总比享用时候的兴致浓烈。 Everything in the world is always more interested in pursuing time than in enjoying it. 5、走自己的路,让别人去说吧! Go your own way and let others talk about it. 6、每个人都要长大、但不是

3、每个人都懂得长大。 名言大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 Everyone needs to grow up, but not everyone knows how to grow up. 7、如果敌人使你生气,说明你没有胜过他的信心。 If the enemy makes you angry, it means that you are not more confident than him. 8、 如果是棵小草, 即使在最好的企业里, 你也长不成大树。 If its a grass, you cant grow a tree even in the best enterprise. 9、道路多歧

4、,善择者少走弯路;人生多惑,善辨者少入迷途。 The road is divergent, the good chooser seldom takes detours; the life is confused, the good discerner seldom goes astray. 10、在人之上要自重,在人之下要自尊。 Be self-respectful above and below. 11、人生照例是一场值得一搏的争衡,然而它的奖品是拼斗。 Life as usual is a struggle worth fighting, but its prize is fighting

5、. 12、意志能使生命继续,奋斗能使人生辉煌。 Will can make life go on, struggle can make life brilliant. 名言大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 13、表现勇敢则勇气来;往后退缩则恐惧来。 Courage comes when courage is shown; fear comes when retreat. 14 、我们的成绩因为习惯而优秀, 我们的梦想因为努力而精彩! Our achievements are excellent because of our habits, and our dreams are wonderful b

6、ecause of our efforts. 15、就算全世界都否定我,还有我自己相信我。 Even if the whole world denies me, I believe in myself. 16、有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。 Some things are beyond our control and we have to control ourselves. 17、改变自己不是为了取悦他人,而是为了自己。 To change oneself is not to please others, but for oneself. 18 、造物之前,必先造人。 Man mu

7、st be created before creation. 19、金钱什么都可以买的来,可唯一买不来的就是诚实。 Money can buy anything, but honesty is the only thing you cant buy. 20、一个有决心的人,将会找到他的道路。 A determined person will find his way. 名言大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 21 、我觉着要使自己活着,就是为了使别人过得更美好! I feel that I want to make myself alive in order to make others live b

8、etter! 22、不相信奇迹的人永远都不会创造奇迹。 People who dont believe in miracles will never create miracles. 23、付出才会杰出;为别人创造价值,别人才愿意和你交往 Only by giving can we be outstanding; only by creating value for others can others be willing to associate with you. 24 、所谓的挫折只不过是为自己的成功舞台奠定的台阶。 The so-called setbacks are merely s

9、teps for their own success. 25、 猜测是科学发现的前奏, 你们已经迈出了精彩的一步! Guess is the prelude to scientific discovery, you have taken a wonderful step! 26 、我们在爱中生长,爱也在我们中生长。 We grow in love, and love grows in us. 27 、我们都是因为美丽的误会而爱上人,因坚持的忍耐才会爱 下去。 We all fall in love with people because of beautiful misunderstandin

10、gs, but only because of persistent patience can we fall in 名言大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 love. 28 、威力再强的炮,打不中,不也什么都不是么。 No matter how powerful the gun is, it cant hit you. Its nothing. 29、为五月最后统考拼搏,稳做王者看谁与争锋? Fighting for the final unified examination in May, who will be the king of stability? 30 、十年磨剑为一搏,六月试锋现真我

11、。 Ten years of sharpening the sword for a struggle, in June to test the true self. 31、生活就像海洋,只有意志坚强的人才能达到生命的彼岸。 Life is like an ocean, only a strong-willed person can reach the other side of life. 32、世界上从来没有救世主,拯救自己得只有自己。 There has never been a savior in the world. He has to save himself. 33、雄心壮志是茫茫

12、黑夜中的北斗星。 Ambition is the Big Dipper in the dark. 34 、你也许只花了一分钟去选择,但你可能要用一生的时间去 忏悔。 You may only spend a minute choosing, but you may spend a 名言大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 lifetime confessing. 35、握手不一定是友谊,指责不一定是敌对。 A handshake is not necessarily a friendship, and blame is not necessarily hostile. 36、取得成就时坚持不懈,要比遭到

13、失败时顽强不屈更重要。 Persistence in achieving success is more important than perseverance in failure. 37 、一件事被所有人都以为是机遇的时候,实在它未不是机会 When an event is regarded as an opportunity by everyone, it is really not an opportunity. 38、随缘不是得过且过,因循苟且,而是尽人事听天命。 Successful fate is not muddling along, abiding by meticulous

14、 rules, but doing everything possible to obey the destiny of the heavens. 39、相信自己 把握未来,坚持做个有用之人! Believe in yourself, grasp the future, and persist in being a useful person! 40、信赖便是健壮,怀疑只会克制才干,而信奉便是力气。 Trust is strength, doubt is restraint, and faith is strength. 41、弱者等待时机,强者争取时机,智者创造时机。 The weak wa

15、it for the opportunity, the strong fight for the opportunity, 名言大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 and the wise create the opportunity. 42、所有目标都是黑暗的,只有行动才与光明相伴! All goals are dark, and only action can accompany light! 43、眼泪的存在,是为了证明悲伤不是一场幻觉。 Tears exist to prove that grief is not an illusion. 44 、自个打败自个是最可悲的失利,自个打败自个是最可

16、贵的 成功。 To defeat oneself is the most tragic defeat, and to defeat oneself is the most valuable success. 45、事实上,当你说谎的时候,你从来没有真正愚弄任何人。 In fact, when you lie, you never really fool anyone. 46、不管别人脸上有没有饭粒,都请你先照照镜子。 Whether or not there are grains of rice on other peoples faces, please look in the mirror

17、 first. 47、我的言行,我自己负责。我不鼓励别人效仿。 I am responsible for my words and deeds. I dont encourage others to follow suit. 48、无一事不学,无一时不学,无一处不学,成功之路也。 名言大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 Everything is learned, every moment is learned, every place is learned, the road to success is also. 49、腾不出时间娱乐的人,迟早会腾出时间来郁闷。 Someone who cant

18、spare time for entertainment will spare time for depression sooner or later. 50、乐学实学,挑战高考;勤勉向上,成就自我。 Enjoy learning and practice, challenge college entrance examination; diligent and upward, self-achievement. 51、对未来生活的自信,是理智的期望。 Confidence in future life is a rational expectation. 52、人生富贵驹过隙,唯有荣名寿金石。 Life is full of wealth and wealth, but only honor and longevity. 53、推销产品要针对顾客的心,不要针对顾客的头。 Sales products should be aimed at the customers heart, not at the customers head. 54、今天的优势会被明天的趋势代替,把握趋势,把握未来。 Todays advantage will be replaced by tomorrows trend, grasp the trend, grasp the futur


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