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1、单元加餐练(一) 完形阅读组合练.完形填空One day I was walking home. Suddenly, a man came up to me, _1_, shouting, “Gil! Gil Gadson!” I said “ _2_”, to which he grabbed me in a bear hug. He stepped back and saw the look of _3_ on my face. He went on to explain how he _4_ me.You see, I work in the field of mental health

2、 and _5_ speak at different places. He said that at one such place, I'd given a(n) _6_ about the power of gratitude (感激). He said we'd even talked for a while after it and that my _7_ had made him re­evaluate everything in his life. He _8_ by sharing that he started _9_ the things he ha

3、d, stopped feeling _10_ for himself and had become active in his life and for others.He expressed that he'd made amends (补偿)to those he had _11_ and opened his eyes to all who had always showed him _12_ and love. He then _13_ me again very tightly and with tears in his eyes said that I'd cha

4、nged his life and he would be forever _14_. We exchanged numbers and then he was gone, _15_ to stay in touch with me. I didn't remember this man but I'll definitely _16_ him.I tell this _17_ because when it comes to kindness, it often happens from complete _18_ who kindly confirm our very ex

5、istence with just a few words when they're only saying thank you. It's my _19_ that we as human beings should help and encourage each other and by _10_ it, we'll create more new threads in life that bind (绑) us all.语篇解读:本文为夹叙夹议文,回家途中一个曾经听过作者演讲的人激动地走上来打招呼,热情地向作者表示感谢。1A.surprisedBannoyedCe

6、xcited Dembarrassed解析:选C由本空后shouting及“he grabbed me in a bear hug”可知,此人很激动。2A.no ByesCsorry DOK解析:选B由“to which he grabbed me in a bear hug”可知,此人并没有认错作者,即作者名字就叫Gil Gadson,故他回答yes。3A.pleasure BworryCdisappointment Dconfusion解析:选D由下文“I didn't remember this man”可知,作者记不起这位此时大声叫自己的人,所以心感困惑。4A.knew Bno

7、ticedCtrusted Dwanted解析:选A由下文语境可判断此处意为他认识作者。5A.seldom BalmostCoften Dnever解析:选C认识作者的人很多,因为他经常在不同的地方演讲,由此语境可判断选C项。6A.analysis BspeechCcomment Dlesson解析:选B由上文“speak at different places”的提示可判断,此处指作者做了一次有关感恩的演讲。7A.behaviors BfactsCobjections Dwords解析:选D他听了作者的演讲之后其生活发生了变化,即作者的话改变了他的生活。8A.lived Bcontinued

8、Cpassed Dhelped解析:选B由sharing可判断此处意为他继续往下讲。9A.preserving BdoubtingCappreciating Dconsidering解析:选C由“had become active in his life and for others”可判断,作者的演讲使此人发生了好的转变,由此可判断他是开始感激、欣赏自己拥有的东西。10A.sorry BreadyCthankful Danxious解析:选A既然是好的转变,就是不再为自己感到难过了。11A.taught BpunishedCmet Dhurt解析:选D由“made amends”可推断,此处

9、指他伤害过的人。12A.curiosity BkindnessCwarmth Dstrength解析:选B由“and love”可推断此空应与love相匹配。13A.touched BcaughtChugged Dheld解析:选C由“to which he grabbed me in a bear hug”中hug的提示可判断选C项。14A.grateful BcheerfulChopeful Dcareful解析:选A由“I'd changed his life”可知,作者改变了他的生活,所以他对作者非常感激。15A.agreeing BtryingCoffering Dpromi

10、sing解析:选D由“We exchanged numbers”可推断,他走的时候许诺会与作者联系。16A.forget BvisitCcall Dinvite解析:选C由“We exchanged numbers”可推断,此处应指作者以后会打电话给他。17A.story BthoughtCadventure Devent解析:选A此空应指上文讲述的故事。18A.colleagues BfriendsCfamilies Dstrangers解析:选D由上文的例子可知,生活当中kindness通常来自我们不认识的人。19A.routine BbeliefCtheory Drule解析:选B由“s

11、hould help and encourage each other”可判断,此处应指作者的信念。20A.saying BgettingCdoing Dcreating解析:选C本空后的it应指“help and encourage each other”,故此处应为实践这种做法。.阅读理解Whenever I was cautious about trying something new, my mom would always tell me one thing: you don't know unless you try. I've been holding this

12、belief in my entire life. It lets me explore various opportunities that I would have missed.Over the summer, I helped out at a preschool with the kids who needed some extra learning. At first I thought it would be super crazy with kids running around all over the place. I thought it would be a month

13、 of pure annoyance, but it ended up being pretty cool. They actually opened up to us, talked to us, and told us things they needed to get off their mind. They were so joyful to be around. I found myself happy that I was helping these kids, no longer afraid of the experience.Again in middle school, I

14、 experienced this same belief. There were various school dances and school holiday events. I was not very fond of going to these events, thinking that I would either be made fun of or just simply be bored. I went to my first school dance in the 7th grade. It was a school welcoming dance. At first I

15、really did not want to go but my mom forced me to go anyway. I was not happy with the choice my mom made, but soon regretted my doubt. The dance was really fun, with music, food, and friends. My mom was right. I never thought the dance would be enjoyable.After these two events I gained more courage

16、to try new things. I guess my mom was right. I'd never know if I never tried.语篇解读:本文为记叙文。作者总是不敢去尝试新的事物,是母亲的鼓励让作者获得了很多宝贵的机会。1By “you don't know unless you try”, the author's mom intended to _.Awarn the author Bblame the authorCdelight the author Dencourage the author解析:选D推理判断题。分析第一段可知,作者总

17、是不敢尝试新的事物,因此妈妈说这句话的目的是鼓励她。2Before helping out at a preschool, the author thought it would _.Abe quite coolBgive her much pleasureCgive her a chance to learnDbe an unpleasant experience解析:选D细节理解题。由第二段“I thought it would be a month of pure annoyance .”可知,作者去学前班之前认为跟孩子们待在一起会很不愉快。3The author went to the

18、 school dance because _.Ashe liked dancingBshe was afraid of missing itCshe thought it would be enjoyableDshe was forced to go by her mother解析:选D细节理解题。由第三段“At first I really did not want to go but my mom forced me to go anyway”可知,作者不愿意去参加舞会,是她妈妈逼迫她去的。加餐练(二)第卷规范增分练.语法填空One day, I was waiting for my t

19、rain in the waiting room, in _1_ I saw large crowds of people. Among the crowds _2_ (be) a little boy carrying some pairs of sunglasses in his hands.The boy was about 10 years old. He was selling sunglasses. He tried from one person to another, but _3_ (sad), nobody seemed interested in his sunglass

20、es. Judging from the _4_ (express) on his face, the boy was very _5_ (disappoint)Out of sympathy for the poor boy, I _6_ (give) him 20 dollars, saying that I was not in need of the sunglasses. _7_ my surprise, he became angry. I didn't know what _8_ (say) next. Then the boy said to me, “Either y

21、ou buy a pair of sunglasses _9_ you take back your money. I don't need your pity. I want to earn money with my own hands.” I apologized to the boy, and I told him that I would buy two pairs.The boy managed to keep his self­respect and chose to make a living on his own. I couldn't help _

22、10_ (show) respect for the boy.语篇解读:本文为记叙文,作者在候车室等火车时,遇到一个卖太阳镜的小男孩。作者想给他20美元,却被拒绝了。1which“in which I saw large crowds of people”是“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句。2was动作发生在过去,故用过去时。3sadly空格中所填单词在句中修饰整个句子,需用sad的副词形式。4expression空格中所填单词在句中作from的宾语,需用express的名词形式。5disappointed该空在句中作表语,因此使用disappoint的形容词形式。6gave这里描述的是过去某一

23、天发生的事,用一般过去时。7Toto one's surprise是固定搭配,意思是“让某人惊讶的是”。8to say“疑问词不定式”结构相当于该疑问词引导的名词性从句,what to say nextwhat I should say next。9oreither . or .意思是“要么要么”。10showing“can't help doing sth.”是习惯用法,意思是“情不自禁做某事”。.短文改错When I was small, my parents were such busy that they had no time to look after me.As

24、the result, I spent most of my childhood on my grandparents.I really enjoyed play with my grandfather.Last year, when my grandfather passed away, I felt a deep sad.Later, I decide to do something in the honor of my beloved grandfather.So I started making a short film.It tells a story of a small boy

25、or his grandfather.The short film is very touching and is loving by many people.I think it's my love for my grandfather makes it so touching.答案:第一句:suchso第二句:thea; onwith第三句:playplaying第四句:sadsadness第五句:decidedecided; 去掉the第七句:orand第八句:lovingloved第九句:grandfather后加that.书面表达假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom打算暑假来北京骑车旅游。请你根据以下信息给他写一封邮件介绍相关情况,并对他的旅行提出建议。1地势平坦,适合骑车。2用护照


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