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1、河北省普通高中学业水平测试英语预测试题(六) 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. Teachers usually get paid once_ month. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 22. He made a few notes to _ himself of what he wanted to say. A. call B. miss C. remind D. remember 23. . _ for breaking the window, the boy cried for he hadnt done it.

2、A. To be blamed B. Blamed C. Having blamed D. Blaming 24. Our water supply has been _ because theyre repairing one of the main pipes. A. cut out B. cut up C. cut away D. cut off 25. His best film, _ won several awards, was about the life of Gandhi. A. this B. that C. whose D. which 26. Harry's b

3、een driving all day. He _ be tired. A. need B. must C. should D. could 27. If I were any younger, I would do _ I am interested in. A. whichever B. whoever C. whomever D. whatever 28. Why not try on this overcoat? You will look great _ it. A. for B. in C. with D. at 29. She did much _ in the second h

4、alf of the match. A. best B. good C. better D. well 30. What he said is well worth _. A. considering B. being considered C. to be considered D. to consider 31. She finds _ boring to stay at home alone all day long. A. them B. these C. that D. it 32. She walked home by herself, _ she knew that it was

5、 dangerous. A. because B. if C. although D. as 33. There's no _ for you to come if you don't want to. A. need B. wonder C. doubt D. possibility 34. He _ as a captain since ten years ago. A. is serving B. serves C. has served D. served 35. I think you should go now. _. A. Never mind B. Go ahe

6、ad C. All right D. Youre welcome 第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A gentle breeze blew through Jennifers hair. The golden red sun was   36   . She was on the beach,looking up at the fie

7、ry(火红的)ball. She was   37   by its color, deep red in the middle, softlyfading into yellow. She could hear nothing but the waves and the seagulls   38 up&#

8、160;above in the sky.The atmosphere   39   her. After all she had been through, this was what she needed. “Its getting   40   ,” she thought, “I 

9、must go home. My parents will be    41  where I am.”She wondered howher parents would    42   , when she got home after the three days she w

10、as    43   . She kept on walking,   44    herself to the bungalow where she spent every summer holiday. The road was deserted. She walked slowly and  

11、 45   . Just in a few hundred meters she would be safe in her house.It was really getting dark now. The sun had set a few minutes before and it was

12、60;getting cold, too. She    46   she had her favorite sweater on  it kept her really warm. She imagined having it 47    her. This thought disappeared 

13、;when she finally saw her front door. It seemed    48   . The outside garden seemed    49   . She was shocked: her father was usually so strict a

14、bout keepingeverything clean and tidy.She entered the house. First, she went into the kitchen where she saw a   50    written by her father. It said, “Ellen,

15、60;there is some coffee    51   . I went looking.” Ellen was her mother but  where was she?  She entered her parents home. Then she saw her. Her&

16、#160;mother, lying on the bed,   52  .Jennifer would have wanted to wake her up but she looked too tired. So Jennifer just fell asleep beside her. When

17、0;Jennifer   53    , something was different. She was in her cozy bed in her pajamas.It felt so good being back home.    54  she heard a voice, “Are you feeling better now? You know you

18、 got us very, very   55    .”36.A.  disappearing  B.  setting   C .  rising D.  shining37.A.  amazed  B.  excited C.  disappointed D.  frigh

19、tened38.A.  moving B.  flying  C.  stepping D.  flowing39.A.  surprised     B.  confusedC.  relaxed   D.  exhausted40.A.  early    

20、; B.  cold     C.  warm       D.  late41.A.  wondering    B.  knowing   C.  ignoring    D.  finding42.A. 

21、 say   B.  take  C.  like       D.  react43.A.  working  B.  missing    C.  spending  D.  travelling44.A.  pointing

22、 B.  enjoying C.  directing    D.  teaching45.A.  easily   B.  silently  C.  happily       D.  willingly46.A.  believed B.

23、60; wished C.  guessed        D.  judged47.A.  with      B.  for       C.  at         D.&#

24、160; in48.A.  same      B.  familiar     C.  difficult    D.  different49.A.  crowded   B.  tidy      C.  

25、;deserted    D.  clean50.A.  text     B.  letter    C.  note      D.  sentence51.A.  ready     B.  gone &

26、#160; C.  present   D.  available52.A.  cried      B.  laughed     C.  coughed    D.  slept53.A.  woke up   B. 

27、; stayed up   C.  broke up   D.  held up54.A.  Fortunately  B.  Similarly  C.  Suddenly   D.  Constantly55.A.  moved     

28、; B.  lost       C.  Inspired    D.  scared 第三部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分20分)第一节 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) AAn old man died and left his son a lot of money. But  the  son  was  a foolish young man, and he quickly

29、 spent all the money, so  that  soon  he had nothing left. Of course ,when that happened,  all  his  friends  left him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who  was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles.&

30、#160;  "My money has finished and my friends have gone,"said the young man. "What will happen to me now?"  "Don't worry , young man," answered Nasreddin."Everything will soon  be all right again. Wait ,and you will soon feel much happier."&#

31、160; The young man was very glad."Am I going to get rich again  then? "  he asked Nasreddin.  "No, I didn't mean that," said the old man."I  meant  that  you  would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends."56. An old m

32、an died and left his son_. A.nothing B.some gold  C. much money   D.only a  house57. When  the  son  was_, he  went  to  see Nasreddin.  A.short of money    B.quite poor and sick     C.in  trouble

33、0;         D. quite poor and alone58.The young man was  very  glad  because  Nasreddin  said that_.     A.he would become rich again B. he  would  soon  feel  much happier   &

34、#160; C.he would become  clever  D. he  would  have  more  friends59.Nasreddin meant the young man_.        A. would get rich again    B. would  get used to having nothing     C.would get used to

35、 being in trouble D.would  get out of poorness60.What this story tells us is_. A.that  money  is everything   B. that money makes the mare goC.to save each  penny D. that misfortune tests the sincerity of friendsB Sandwich was an Englishman. He lived in the 18th ce

36、ntury. Sandwich was rich, but he liked to play cards for money. He often played for 24 hours, and didn't even stop to have his meals. He ordered his servants to bring him some meat and bread. He put the  meat between the two pieces of bread and held the food in his left hand while he p

37、layed cards with his right hand. People liked Sandwich's idea, and from then  on  they  ate  bread and meat as Sandwich did.    From the name of the man, Sandwich, we have the word of the food "sandwich" today.61. Sandwich was the     . A.&#

38、160; name of a servant B.  name of a man with a lot of money   C.  poor man who lived on playing cards D. name of food which was liked by the rich62. Sandwich    . A.  was so interested in playing cards that he often had no time to have his meals B.  ofte

39、n brought some bread with him to play cards C.  never ate anything when he played cards D.  had no money to play cards with at last63. People liked Sandwich's idea because   . A.bread, together with meat was cheap B. he always won when he played cards C.they liked Sandwich hi

40、mself D. when they ate with one of their hands they could do something with the other64. Today, "sandwich" is        . A. also a name of a rich man B. two pieces of bread with meat in between C. not interested in playing cards   D. not liked by most

41、of the people65. As food, "sandwich"               . A. is usually made of bread and chicken C. is made of bread and meat B. sometimes smells good, but sometimes not D. is easy for us to play.第二节 七选五 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) T

42、he Science of Risk-SeekingSometimes We decide that a little unnecessary danger is worth it because when we weigh the risk and the reward, the risk seems worth tasking. 66 Some of us enjoy activities that would surprise and scare the rest of us. Why? Experts say it may have to do with how our brains

43、work.The reason why any of us take any risks at all might have to do with early humans. Risk-takers were better at hunting, fighting, or exploring. 67 As the quality of Risk-taking was passed from on ration to the next, humans ended up with a sense of adventure and a tolerance for risk.So why arent

44、we all jumping out of airplanes then? Well, even 200,000 years ago, too much risk-taking could get one Killed. A few daring survived, though, along with a few stay-in-the-cave types. As a result, humans developed a range of character types that still exists today. So maybe you love car racing, or ma

45、ybe you hate it. 68 No matter where you are on the risk-seeking range, scientists say that your Willingness to take risks increases during your teenage years. 69 To help you do that, your brain increases your hunger for new experiences. New experiences often mean taking some risks, so your brain rai

46、ses your tolerance for risk as well.Mean taking some risks, so your brain raisers your tolerance for risk as well.70 For the risk-seekers a part of the brain related to pleasure becomes active, while for the rest of us, a part of the brain related to fear becomes active.As experts continue to study

47、the science of risk-seeking, well continue to hit the mountains, the waves or the shallow end of the pool.A.It all depends on your character.B.Those are the risks you should jump to take.C.Being better at those things meant a greater chance of survival.D.Thus, these well-equipped people survived bec

48、ause they were the fittest.E.This is when you start to move away from your family and into the bigger world.F.However, we are not all using the same reference standard to weigh risks and rewards.G.New brain research suggests our brains work differently when we face a nervous situation. 第四部分 写作 (共15分

49、)第一节 完成句子 (共10小题;满分5分)71. The students will be _ in all subjects at the end of term. (examine) 72. Jay who has a g_for music is popular with us students. 73. I was so _ and warm in bed that I didnt want to get up. (comfort) 74. How I regretted _ so much time! (waste) 75.The main _ between the groups

50、 was age. (different)76. Everybody can borrow two books at a time from the school l_.77. Grandpa often told us some i_stories after supper.78. In America there are many volunteers who are w_ to help people in trouble at weekend.79.The Red Cross often _ food and shelter for disaster areas. (provide)8

51、0. We like to surf the Internet for some i_.第二节 写作目前, 有些学校考试频繁,学生和家长对此有不同看法。某中学生英文报“读者来信”专栏正在就此问题展开讨论。现在,假如你是这些学校的一位高二学生,请你用英语向该报投一篇稿件,以亲身经历谈谈你对这种做法的意见。 For(正方) Against(反方) the task of studentsbusy preparing for examsimprove our studiesdo harm to our healthhope of the parentsno time to do other thin

52、gsthe Entrance Examnot the only way to improve studies注意:(1)意见可参考上述要点,并适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; (2)词数:80左右,开头已写好,不计入总词数,只需接着写。Dear editor, In our school we nearly have two examinations each week. _ _ _ _ _ A reader 河北省普通高中学业水平考试英语试题答案(六)21-25 ACBDD 26-30BDBCA 31-35DCACC 3640 BABCD 4145 ADBCB 4650 BADCC 5155 A

53、DACD56-60 .CDBBD 61-65 BADBC 6670 FCAEG 71.examined   72. gift       73. comfortable   74.wasting 75. difference76.library        77.interesting    78.willing   79.provides     80. info


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