



1、第1页,共 9 页2018-2019年天津市蓟县许家台镇中心小学三年级上册英语复习题无答案一、我会选一选(选择题)1. Whats this?Its an_ .A . fish B . ice cream C. juice2.I have an_ .A. eraser B . pencil3.见到同学非常高兴应该说: _A. Nice to meet you.B. Hello.4 . roots_A.B.5 . How many_?A. pensB. pen6.I have a_B . bag C . rulerD . pencilA. book7.询问他人应说:_第2页,共 9 页B. Wh

2、ats that?8 .看图,读短语,选择与短语意思相符的图片,将序号填入括号内。A. Whats this?第3页,共 9 页()1. birthday gifts()2. birthday card()3. birthday cake ()4. good friends()5. June 15th ()6. five thirty9. Youthree.()A. amB. areC. is10. Look at my panda .A. Oh, it s lovely. B. Sure!C. Here it is.11 早上和同学见面时,应该说: _A Good after noon.B.

3、 Good morni ng.12 当早晨见面打招呼,你可以说: _A . Good morni ng.B. Good after noon.13. Where is the milk?()A. I drink some m ilk. B. Here it is.C. Here you are.14. How_ cakes?It s 9.A . manyB . fine C. old15. _c6 45RL第4页,共 9 页二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16. 选择正确的答语填空。Autu mn_ (is, its) my favourite (最喜爱的)seas on.17. 连词成句。(只写

4、出序号即可)1. am I Liu Xia2. Zoom Are you _?3. is there Who _ ?4. your Close book5. me your Show ruler6. my can I ABCs say18. 请将所给单词组成一句话,使其意思完整,注意标点符号和大小写。(1) these naughty are ducks (.)(2)watchingI m TV (.)(3)come I can in(?)(4) can bird fly this (.)(5) are animals there stone (.)19写一写,写出下列字母的左邻右舍。_Cc_

5、 Ff_ Ii _ Ll_Oo_ Rr_ Uu_ Xx_20. _- one = nine21. 从上面的字母表中,选出元音字母,并写在下面的四线三格中。(大小写)22根据图片,写出身体部位的英语单词。(3)第5页,共 9 页(1)S 23. 读一读,给句子标顺序,使其成为一段完整的对话。(_ ) Lets make a puppet!(_ )Good morning. Zip.(_ )This is the hand. This is the arm.(_ ) Good morning. Zoom.(_ )Great!24.Ee _ Gg25 根据图片提示,把同一类的单词写在相应的横线上ru

6、ler, cat, face, brown, bread, eye, green, pencil, tiger, juice)(3)第6页,共 9 页(2)第7页,共 9 页(4)二、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26 选择与汉语意思想对应的单词,连线。1. thatA 谁2. fatherB 那3. whoC 笑4. motherD 爸爸5. gran dmother6. gran dfather7. smileE 爷爷F 妈妈G 真的8. really27 将英文、图片以及汉意连线。H 奶奶1. hot dog 2. chicke n3. French fries 4. bread 5. ham

7、burger28 Look and match (读一读,连一连)ellephian29看图读句子,将恰当的图片和句子连线第8页,共 9 页30.将单词与相应的数字用线连起来。四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)A . Hi, Lulu. Im Mocky.B . Look, What a lovely deer!C. This is Lulu Leopard.D. Oh, no Its not Lulu!four nine seven tenGve three eight six(4)第9页,共 9 页31 .翻译题(1)_ This is my mother.(翻译成汉语) _(2)

8、_Good evening.(翻译成汉语)_(3)她是我祖母。_(翻译成英语)32. m_sic 音乐33将下列短语的汉语意思写在横线上。36按要求圈出单词。(1) Point to the bird.(圈出动物名称的单词。)(2) Hi !“ TweMeet!”(圈出小鸟叫声的单词。)1. blue eyes _3. yellow hands _5. gree n pencil_7. black body _34.写出单词的中文意思1.worry_2. all35单词拼写1. 妈妈_2. 爸爸_3. 爷爷_4. 奶奶_5. 老师_6. 星星_五、我是小法官(判断题)2. white eras

9、er_4. red mouth _6. orange cray on _8. brown bag _第10页,共 9 页(3) Good afternoon , Zhao Wei!(圈出关于时间的单词。)37.根据所听内容,判断是否与图相符合,用“或“X表示。第11页,共 9 页38.判断下列短对话是否正确。()A: Whats your name?B: Thank you.39.Look at the blackboard.是擦黑板的意思。判断对错()六、阅读理解40. 阅读小短文并选择正确的答案。Hello! I m Jack. I m ten. I like dogs, cats, pa

10、n das and elepha nts. I like blue. My dog is back 但是) box isblue. My eraser is yellow. I like bread, eggs, and milk. I donkes. t like ca1.Jack is_.()A.6 B . 10 C. 82.Jack likes_.()A.dogs, cats, pan das and elepha ntsB.dogs, cats, pan das and ducksC.pigs, cats, pan das and ducks3.Jack s dog is_ .)A . red B . blue C. black4 . Jack s pencil bos_ .()A . blue B . yellow C . blackmy pencil第12页,共 9 页5.Jack doesn t lik 不喜欢) _ .()A . eggs B . bread C. cakes41.小明是一个表现突出的好孩子,英语课上,张老师发出的指


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