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1、T/CNS 82018ICS 27.120.99F 90T/CNS 82018电子束处理印染和造纸工业废水技术规范Specification of electron beam for textile dyeing and papermillwastewater treatment2018-03-15 发布2018-05-30 实施中国核学会 发布目 次tuW I弓iw nlMffl l2规范性引用文件13 术语和定义 14 原理和方法35 总体要求36装置和流程47 过程控制和质量控制 68 运行维护和管理89 应急管理8附录A (规范性附录)水质检测方法及依据9附录B (资料性附录)电子束在

2、水中的深度剂量分布曲线图 10附录C (资料性附录)水膜厚度的测量方法11T/CNS 82018本标准按照GB/T 1.12009给出的规则起草。本标准由中国核学会提出。本标准由核工业标准化研究所归口。本标准起草单位:中广核达胜加速器技术有限公司、清华大学、中国原子能科学研究院、上海大学、 苏州中核华东辐照有限公司、中国核学会、核工业标准化研究所。本标准的主要起草人:王建龙、何仕均、张幼学、陈川红、俞江、吴明红、林敏、连哲莉、王春雷、 左都文、秦子淇。I学兔兔标准下载T/CNS 82018印染和造纸工业的废水排放量大、有机污染物浓度高,是我国重要的污染来源之一,也是典型的难 降解工业废水。印染

3、废水中含有各种染料、浆料、助剂、纤维等大分子难降解物质,造纸废水中主要含有 纤维素、半纤维素、木质素等天然高分子聚合物和氯酚等有毒有害物质,常规处理方法(如混凝沉淀、生 化、吸附)很难经济高效地进行降解处理,满足日益严格的废水排放标准或回用。近年来,电子束技术在废水处理领域的应用引起了越来越多的关注,因为它不仅能降解绝大多数的 持久性有机污染物,而且反应速度快,降解效率高,被国际原子能机构列为21世纪和平利用原子能的主 要研究方向。俄罗斯、美国、韩国、巴西等国陆续实现了电子束辐照技术在水处理领域的中试及以上规 模的应用。2003年,韩国在大丘市Daegu建立了处理规模10 000 m3/d商业

4、化运行的电子束辐照处理 染料工业联合企业的污水处理厂。2017年,我国在浙江省建立了第一座电子束处理印染废水示范工程,处理规模2 000 m3/d,现场随 机抽样检测结果显示:电子束辐照进水COD 150 mg/L250 mg/L,色度60100倍,出水COD 30 mg/L50 mg/L,色度28倍,经过半年多的连续运行,出水水质稳定,处理效果显著。2017年10月, 电子束处理工业废水技术通过由中国核能行业协会组织的技术鉴定,与会专家一致认为该技术处于国 际领先水平,具有广阔的推广应用前景。标准是技术推广的载体。制定电子束处理印染和造纸工业废水技术标准,有利于规范电子束处理 印染和造纸工业

5、废水工程的设计、建设和运行管理,促进电子束处理印染和造纸工业废水技术在国内的 推广应用。学兔兔标准下载T/CNS 82018#学兔兔标准下载电子束处理印染和造纸工业废水技术规范1范围本标准规定了电子束处理印染和造纸工业废水的总体要求、装置和流程、过程控制和质量控制、运 行维护和管理及应急管理等技术要求。本标准适用于能量为1 MeV-3 MeV电子束处理印染和造纸工业废水工程的设计、建设和运行管 理,也可供电子束处理其他废水工程参考。2规范性引用文件下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于本文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于

6、本文件。GB 3544制浆造纸工业水污染物排放标准GB 3838地表水环境质量标准GB 4287纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准GB/T 69201986水质pH值的测定玻璃电极法GB/T 74671987水质六价铬的测定二苯碳酰二肼分光光度法GB 8978污水综合排放标准GB/T 118891989 水质GB/T 118931989 水质GB/T 119011989 水质GB/T 119031989 水质苯胺类化合物的测定N-(l-萘基)乙二胺偶氮分光光度法 总磷的测定钼酸铵分光光度法悬浮物的测定重量法色度的测定GB/T 15446辐射加工剂量学术语GB/T 16841能量为300 keV25

7、MeV电子束辐射加工装置剂量学导则GB/T 253062010辐射加工用电子加速器工程通用规范GB 50752电子辐射工程技术规范HJ/T 602000水质硫化物的测定碘量法HJ/T 832001水质可吸附有机肉素(AOX)的测定离子色谱法HJ/T 91地表水和污水监测技术规范HJ 5362009水质氨氮的测定水杨酸分光光度法HJ 5512016水质二氧化氯和亚氯酸盐的测定连续滴定碘量法HJ/T 6362012水质总氮的测定碱性过硫酸钾消解紫外分光光度法 HJ 8282017水质化学需氧量的测定重铬酸盐法T/CNS 1辐射加工用电子加速器装置运行维护管理通用规范3术语和定义GB/T 15446

8、界定的以及下列术语和定义适用于本文件。印染废水 textile dyeing wastewater纺织、染整等生产过程中产生的废水。3.2造纸废水 papermaking wastewater制浆、造纸等生产过程中产生的废水。3.3初级处理 primary treatment去除废水中的漂浮物和悬浮物的初级净化过程。3.4二级处理 secondary treatment废水经一级处理后,用生物方法继续去除废水中胶体和溶解性有机物的净化过程。3.5三级处理 tertiary treatment废水处理中采用混凝沉淀、高级氧化等措施进一步去除二级处理不能完全去除的污染物的净化 过程。3.6电子束

9、electron beam电子经电场加速形成的具有一定动能的单向电子流。3.7电子加速器 electron accelerator产生、加速、引出高能电子束流并用于处理废水的装置。3.8吸收剂量 absorbed dose电离辐射授予质量为dm的物质的平均能量de除以dm所得之商,见式(1):D = de /dm( 1 )式中:D吸收剂量,单位为戈瑞(Gy.l Gy=l J kg-v)。3.9最小吸收剂量 minimum absorbed dose在保证处理效果的前提下,废水处理所需要的最小吸收剂量。3.10深度剂量分布 depth-dose distribution电子束垂直于介质平面人射时

10、,沿射束中心轴吸收剂量随深度变化的关系曲线图,见图1。T/CNS 82018opl R5Q -50c Rp 深度(任意单位)001e O 2 D 5C/ D忒/迴te粟喇菘咨彦图1电子束在均匀材料中的深度剂量分布曲线3.11最佳水膜厚度 optimum thicknessopt在废水中,吸收剂量等于与电子束人射表面处的吸收剂量所对应的厚度。3.12运营单位 operator有资质和能力承担电子束处理印染和造纸工业废水处理运行的单位。3.13安装鉴定 installation qualification;IQ获取数据并证明辐照装置及其相关设备已经按照技术规范的要求提供和安装。3.14工艺鉴定 p

11、erformance qualification;PQ获取数据并证明符合安装鉴定的辐照装置能始终按照预定的技术规范进行废水处理的过程。4原理和方法电子束处理废水技术主要是利用高能电子束辐解水分子产生具有强氧化性的羟基自由基和还原性 的水合电子、氢原子等活性粒子,这些活性粒子作用于污染物质,达到一定的吸收剂量,从而使废水得到 净化。5 总体要求5.1企业应对废水的产生、处理和排放进行全过程控制,优先采用清洁生产技术,提高资源、能源利用 率,减少污染物的产生和排放。5.2电子束处理废水工程的建设和运行应符合国家和地方环保规划建设等法规要求。 5.3运营单位应建立辐射安全管理体系,制定相关管理规程,

12、明确管理机构职责并设有专门机构或专 人负责运行、维护和管理。5.4 电子加速器的设计、建设应符合GB/T 253062010与GB 50752的要求,剂量测量应符合3T/CNS 82018GB/T 16841的要求,运行维护管理应符合T/CNS 1的要求。5.5电子束处理印染和造纸工业废水工艺,应根据进出水质和设计要求,合理选择电子束与常规废水 处理工艺(如物化、生物和膜分离等)的组合,形成技术可行、经济合理的解决方案。5.6经电子束处理后的印染和造纸工业废水排放指标和排放途径应满足GB 4287、GB 3544、GB 8978、 GB 3838等相关标准法规的要求,废水监测应满足HJ/T 9

13、1,废水水质检测方法及依据见附录A。6装置和流程6.1装置6.1.1电子束处理废水装置主要包括电子加速器及屏蔽体、废水传输系统、控制系统、辐射安全联锁系 统、水质监测系统以及冷却、通风等辅助设施。6.1.2工艺参数是影响废水处理效果的关键因素,主要包括电子束能量、平均束流、扫描宽度、废水流 动的平均速度和水膜厚度,应在整个处理过程中严格监测和控制。6.1.3电子加速器的技术要求应符合GB/T 253062010规范,还应满足:a)暴露在辐照室内的电子加速器结构应考虑防潮、防腐蚀以及在潮湿环境中的绝缘性要求;b)束下风冷系统应特殊设计,不影响水膜的均匀分布;O 电子加速器的启停、运行应与废水系统

14、联锁,主要包括电子加速器的启停应与废水传输系统联 锁、束流强度与废水流量联锁;d)电子加速器控制系统应考虑水质参数变化时的自动调节功能;e)应考虑非正常故障下处理能力的冗余性设计。6.1.4废水传输系统的技术要求暴露在辐照室内的废水传输系统应采用耐酸碱、耐腐蚀和耐辐射的材料。如采用不锈钢材料 时,性能应选取不低于316L不锈钢。废水传输系统应与电子加速器处理能力相匹配。6.1.5屏蔽体的技术要求屏蔽设计应符合GB/T 253062010中8.1.3的辐射防护安全要求。屏蔽体内室材料应考虑耐潮湿、耐腐蚀的要求。6.2 流程6.2.1工艺设计

15、根据进出水的水质要求,电子束处理废水工艺可分为预处理和深度处理两类:a)预处理:主要适用于含有毒有害或难降解物质、可生化性低的废水.BOD5/C()D0.3.常用工 艺见图2;b)深度处理:主要适用于常规废水处理方法难以达标排放的尾水处理,C()D差标准深度/(g/cm2) 1. 0 MeV 1. 5 MeV2. 0 MeVh 2. 5 MeV 3. 0 MeV 3. 5 MeVI 4. 0 MeV4. 5 MeVG 5. 0 MeV图B.1电子束在水中的深度剂量分布曲线图附录C(资料性附录)水膜厚度的测量方法C.1水膜厚度的测量装置C.1.1水膜厚度的测量装置结构水膜厚度的测量装置包括支架1

16、座,水位测针2个,水膜厚度的测量装置参见图C.1。A图C.1水膜厚度的测量装置C.1.2测试装置的建立将2个水位测针分别固定在上下两台小车上,小车安装在支架上,小车可沿着X方向移动,测针可 沿Y方向移动。支架和小车在X方向和y方向保持水平,水位测针在Z方向保持铅锤。C.2水膜厚度测量方法水膜厚度测量方法包含以下内容:a)在废水传输系统射出水流的上下方分别布置水位测针A和测针B;b)调节两台水位测针的针尖彼此接触,记录水位测针的读数为测针零点,分别为A:和B1;c)废水传输系统出水稳定后,调整水位测针,使上下两台测针分别接触水流的上下表面,记录此 时测针读数分别为A2和b2;d)测试点水膜厚度只

17、的计算公式见式(C.1):R = (Az-A1)(B2B1)( C.l )e) 保持y方向位置固定,沿着X方向测量不少于5个测试点的水膜厚度。C.3水膜厚度不均匀度计算公式采用水膜厚度相对偏差y反映水膜厚度的不均匀度,水膜厚度相对偏差V见式(C.2):。2=丄X 100%( C.2 )I = 1 avg )式中:O2水膜厚度相对偏差;n 水膜厚度测试点数量5;R.某个测试点的水膜厚度,单位为毫米(mm);Kavg水膜厚度的平均值,单位为毫米(mm)。ICS 27.120.99F 90Association Standard of Chinese Nuclear SocietyT/CNS 820

18、18Specification of electron beam for textile dyeing and papermillwastewater treatment电子束处理印染和造纸工业废水技术规范(English Translation)Issue date:2019-05-27Implementation date:2019-09-01Issued by Chinese Nuclear Society13T/CNS 82018ContentsForeword 15Introduction 161 Scope 172 Normative references 173 Terms an

19、d definitions 184 Theory 215 General 216 Facilities and processes 227 Process validation and control 268 Operation management 299 The requirements to theemergency management 29Annex A (normative)Test methods of water quality 31Annex B (informative) Graph of depth dose distribution of electron beam i

20、n water 32Annex C (informative) The measurement method for water film thickness 3335ForewordChinese Nuclear Society is in charge of this English translation.In case of any douby about the contens of English translation,the Chinese original shall be considerd authoritative.This standard is drafted in

21、 accordance with the rules given in the GB/T 1.12009 Directives for standardization Part 1 : Structure and drafting of standards.This standard was proposed by Chinese Nuclear Society.This standard was prepared by Institute for Standardization of Nuclear Industry.IntroductionThe wastewater from the t

22、extile dyeing and paper mill industries is typical recalcitrant industrial wastewater and major pollution sources in China. Textile dyeing wastewater contains high concentrated of macromolecular non-biodegradable substances such as dyes,sizing agents, auxiliaries and fibers. On the other hand, paper

23、 mill wastewater contains natural polymers such as cellucose, hemi- cellucose and lignin, and chlorophenol-like toxic substances. The conventional treatment methods, such as coagulation-sedimentation, biodegradation and adsorpton, are not efficient to treat these kinds of wastewater to meet the upgr

24、ated standard of wastewater discharge and reuse.Recently, the application of electron beam (EB) for wastewater treatment has received increasing attentions.EB irradiation can degrade most of persistent organic pollutants effectively, and thus has been considered as the main research trend in peacefu

25、l uses of atomic energy in the 21st century by IAEA. Several countries including Russia, United States, Korea and Brazil etc. have sucessfully applied EB irradiation in wastewater treatment on pilot-scale and industrical-scale. In 2003,a dyestuff wastewater treatment plant with the capacity of 10 00

26、0 m3/d using EB irradiationon on commerial scale was established in Daegu,Korea.In 2017,the demonstration plant of textile dyeing wastewater by EB was established in Zhejiang Province, China, with the capacty of 2 000 m3/d. The results of randomly field sampling showed that the COD concentration of

27、influent ranged from 150 to 250 mg/L,TOC concentration ranged from 45.4 to 7.6 mg/L,and colority varied from 60 to 100 times. During operation of EB treatment for more than half a year, the quality of effluent remained at stable and good levels with COD of 30-50 mg/L and colority of 2-8 multiple. Th

28、e technology of industrial wastewater treatment by EB irradiation passed the technical appraisal organized by China Nuclear Energy Association in October, 2017. All of the experts participating in the conference reached consensus that EB technology for industrial wastewater treatment has reached the

29、 international advanced level and has wide prospects.Standard is an important promoter for industrial application.Setting up the standard of EB irradiation for textile dyeing and papermill wasteater treatment contributes to normalize the design, construction and operation management of projects usin

30、g EB irradiation to treat textile dyeing and papermill wastewater. This will further promote the popularization and application of the technology in China.Specification of electron beam for textile dyeing and papermill wastewater treatment1 ScopeThis standard specifies the technical requirements of

31、general requirements, facilities and procedures, process and quality control, operation and maintenance to ensure that EB irradiation for textile dyeing and paper mill wastewater treatment.This standard is applicable to the design, construction and operation of EB facilities in the energy range betw

32、een 1 MeV and 3 MeV for textile dyeing and paper mill wastewater treatment. It can also be used as the reference to other kind of industrial wastewater treatment by EB irradiation.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dat

33、ed references? only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.GB 3544, Discharge standards of water pollutants for pulp and paper industryGB 3838, Environmental quality standards for surface waterGB 4287, Disch

34、arge standards of water pollutants for dyeing and finishing of textile industryGB/T 6920 1986, Water quality Determination of pH value,Glass electrode methodGB/T 74671987, Water qualityDetermination of Chromium (VI) -1,5 Diphenylcarbazide spectrophotometric methodGB 8978, Integrated wastewater disch

35、arge standardGB/T 118891989,Water qualityDetermination of aniline compoundsSpectrophotometric method with N-naphthyl) ethylenediamineGB/T 118931989,Water qualityDetermination of total phosphorusAmmonium molybdate spectrophotometric methodGB/T 119011989, Water qualityDetermination of suspended substa

36、nceGravimetric methodGB/T 11903 1989, Water quality Determination of colorityGB/T 15446, Terminology relating to radiation processing dosimetryGB/T 16841,Guide for dosimetry in an electron beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 300 keV and 25 MeVGB/T 253062010, Standard of electr

37、on accelerator facility engineering for radiation processingGB 50752, Technical code for electronic radiation engineeringHJ/T 602000, Water qualityDetermination of sulfideIodometric methodHJ/T 832001,Water qualityDetermination of absorbable organic halogensIon chromatography methodHJ/T 91,Technical

38、specifications requirements for monitoring of surface water and wastewater HJ 5052009, Water qualityDetermination of biochemical oxygen demand after 5 days ( BOD 5) for dilution and seeding methodHJ 5362009, Water qualityDetermination of ammonia-nitrogenSalicylic acid spectrometricHJ 5512016, Water

39、qualityDetermination of chlorine dioxide and chloriteContinuous iodometric methodHJ/T 6362012, Water qualityDetermination of total nitrogen , alkaline potassium persulfate digestion UV spectrometric methodHJ 8282017, Water qualityDetermination of the chemical oxygen demandDichromate method T/CNS 1,

40、Specification of operation maintenance and management of electron accelerator facilities for radiation processing3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in GB/T 15446 and the following apply.3.1textile dyeing wastewater the wastewater produced during

41、 the production process of textile, dyeing and finishing3.2papermaking wastewaterthe wastewater produced during the production process of pulping and papermaking3.3primary treatment the process used to remove floating materials and suspended solids in wastewater3.4secondary treatment the process use

42、d to remove colloids and dissolved organic matters in wastewater after the primary treatment, normally refers to the biological methods3.5tertiary treatment the purification process used in the wastewater treatment such as coagulation-sedimentation and advanced oxidation process to further remove th

43、e pollutants that cannot be completely removed by the secondary treatment3.6electron beam a stream of electrons which is generated by electron accelerator3.7electron accelerator a device of for generating, accelerating and outputting high energy electron beam for wastewater treatment3.8absorbed dose

44、 the quantity of ionizing radiation energy imparted per unit mass of a specified material. The SI unit ofabsorbed dose is the gray (Gy),where 1 gray is equivalent to the absorption of 1 joule per kilogram in the specified material (1 Gy = 1 J/kg). The mathematical relationship is the quotient of ds

45、by dm, where cte is the mean incremental energy imparted by ionizing radiation to matter of incremental mass dmD = ds / dm3.9minimum absorbed doseThe absorbed dose given in the process specification as the lowest dose that can be applied to a- chieve the desired removal efficiency in the wastewater

46、treatment3.10depth-dose distributionThe variation of absorbed dose with depth from the incident surface of the wastewater exposed to a given radiation (see Figure 1)%/usop poqJOSPB jo on Is11C3O10050LK/20opt 50 50c尺pDepth(Arbitrary Unites)Figure 1A typical depth-dose distribution for an electron beam in a homogeneous material3.11optimum thicknessR optthe Ropt is depth in the wastewater at which the absorbed dose equals the absorbed dose at the surface where the electron beam enters (see Figure 1)3.12operatorthe department or enterprise that has the qualification and ability to ope


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