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1、【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课综合英语二【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课本课导图Mind-map考题模块(二)Reading Comprehension 阅读理解【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课解题步骤四大题型阅读理解如何破【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课四大题型:1. 细节题 (同义替换)2. 推断题3. 主旨题(在开头或结尾处的句子找)4. 词汇释义题(同义替换)【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课解题三步走STEP1: 浏览题干和选项抓STEP2: 按照一致性规律带着和出题类型回归原文查找STEP3: 重点阅读出现处的文章将原

2、文与选项比对切记:题干+正确选项=原文信息值(同义替换)【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课3. 主旨大意题将全文或段落大意进行整理概括包括:main idea型(全文或段落大意)、topic title型(归纳标题型) 常见命题方式:What is teral/main idea of the passage?The passage/ text is mainly about. What's the best title for the text?The best title for this passage is.注:正确一定具有概括性或结论性,细节性选项为错选【基础精讲】综合英语二/

3、第四次课1. 段首段末多出现主旨句2. 例子前面是主旨句【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课寻找主旨句:【例1】People have different tastes in food. Some feel that they haven't eaten a mealun1ess they have had steak or other red meatSome prefer chicken or fish and eat one or the other at every meal. Others prefer vegetables and fruits or grains and wo

4、uld enjoy a meal of spaghetti, eggplant and fresh fruit0thers could live on what were called fastfoods:a hamburger or hot dog. French fries and a soft drink【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课寻找主旨句:【例1】People have different tastes in food. Some feel that they haven't eaten a mealun1ess they have had steak or other

5、red meatSome prefer chicken or fish and eat one or the other at every meal. Others prefer vegetables and fruits or grains and would enjoy a meal of spaghetti, eggplant and fresh fruitOthers could live on what were called fastfoods:a hamburger or hot dog. French fries and a soft drink例子前面是主旨阅读理解【基础精讲

6、】综合英语二/第四次课Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.Historical periods are dominated by distinct sets of ideas which form teralspirit of a period in history. Greek philosophy, Christia【教】,Renaissance【文艺复兴】 thought, the Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment are examples of sets of

7、 ideas that dominated their historical periods. The changes from one period to the next are usually rather gradual.; other changesmore abruptare often referred to as revolutions.16. The author considers the change caused by Darwins On the Origin of Species.A. gradualC. religiousB. abruptD. philosoph

8、ical【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课 The most far-reaching【深远的,广泛的】 of all these intellectual changes wasthe Darwinian revolution. The worldview formed by any thinkingin theWestern world after 1859, when On the Origin of Species was published, was bynecessity quite different from a worldview formed before 1859. It

9、is almostimpossible for a modernto project back to the early half of the nineteenthcentury and reconstruct【v.重建】 the thinking of this pre-Darwinian period, for the impact of Darwinism on our views has been so great.16. The author considers the change caused by Darwins On the Origin of Species.A. gra

10、dualC. religiousB. abruptD. philosophical【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课 The most far-reaching【深远的,广泛的】 of all these intellectual changes was theDarwinian revolution. The worldview formed by any thinkingin the Westernworld after 1859, when On the Origin of Species was published, was by necessity quite different fr

11、om a worldview formed before 1859. It is almost impossible for a modernto project back to the early half of the nineteenth century and reconstruct【v.重建】 the thinking of this pre-Darwinian period, for the impact of Darwinism on our views has been so great.16. The author considers the change caused by

12、 Darwins On the Origin of Species .A. gradualC. religiousB. abruptD. philosophical“other changesmore abruptare often referred to as revolutions.”【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课 The most far-reaching【深远的,广泛的】 of all these intellectual changes was theDarwinian revolution. The worldview formed by any thinkingin the W

13、estern worldafter 1859, when On the Origin of Species was published, was by necessity quite differentfrom a worldview formed before 1859. It is almost impossible for a modernto projectback to the early half of the nineteenth century and reconstruct【v.重建】 the thinking of this pre-Darwinian period, fo

14、r the impact of Darwinism on our views has been so great.17.The influence of Darwinism has been so strong that it is difficult to. A.know how people looked at the world before 1859B. imagine peoples worldview after 1859C. disregard the implications of his theoryD. know what Victorian society was lik

15、e【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课 The most far-reaching【深远的,广泛的】 of all these intellectual changes was theDarwinian revolution. The worldview formed by any thinkingin the Western worldafter 1859, when On the Origin of Species was published, was by necessity quite differentfrom a worldview formed before 1859. It is

16、almost impossible for a modern to projectback to the early half of the nineteenth century and reconstruct【v.重建】 the thinking of this pre-Darwinian period, for the impact of Darwinism on our views has been so great.17.The influence of Darwinism has been so strong that it is difficult to. A.know how p

17、eople looked at the world before 1859B. imagine peoples worldview after 1859C. disregard the implications of his theoryD. know what Victorian society was like【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课 The intellectual revolution brought about by Darwin went far beyond the realm of biology, causing the overthrow of some of th

18、e most basic beliefs of his age. For example, Darwin rejected the belief in the individual creation of each species, establishing in its place the concept that all of life descended from a common ancestor. By extension, he introduced the idea that humans were not the special products of creation but

19、 evolved according to principles that operate everywhere else in the living world.18. Darwin believed that all species in the world.A. were created individuallyC. became increasingly betterB. sprang from the same originD. shared the same pace of progress【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课 The intellectual revolution b

20、rought about by Darwin went far beyond the realm ofbiology, causing the overthrow【n.,】 of some of the most basic beliefsof his age. For example, Darwin rejected the belief in the individual creation of each species, establishing in its place the concept that all of life descended from a common ances

21、tor. By extension【相关地,引申开来】, he introduced the idea that humans were not the special products of creation but evolved according to principles that operate everywhere else in the living world.18. Darwin believed that all species in the world.A. were created individuallyC. became increasingly betterB.

22、 sprang from the same originD. shared the same pace of progress【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课Darwin upset current notions of a perfectly designed natural and gentle worldand substituted in their place the concept of a struggle for survival【竞争生存】. Victorian notions of progress and perfectibility【可完善性】 were serious

23、ly weakened by Darwin's demonstration that evolution brings about change and adaptation, but it does not necessarily lead to progress, and it never leads to perfection.19. It can be concluded from the passage that Darwin was.A. a modest scholarC. an original scientistB. a born thinkerD. a practi

24、cal theorist【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课Darwin upset current notions of a perfectly designed natural and gentle worldand substituted in their place the concept of a struggle for survival. Victorian notions of progress and perfectibility were seriously weakened by Darwin's demonstration that evolution brings

25、 about change and adaptation, but it does not necessarily lead to progress, and it never leads to perfection.19. It can be concluded from the passage that Darwin was.A. a modest scholar【谦虚的学者】B. a born thinker【天生的思考者】D. a practical theorist【实际的理论学家】C. an original scientist【科学家】【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课 Darwi

26、n would be remembered as an outstanding scientist even if he had never written aword about evolution., some people believe that Darwins most original contributionto biology was not the theory of evolution but his series of books on experimental botany【植物学】published near the end of his life. This ach

27、ievement is little known among non-biologists, and the same is true for his equally outstanding work on the adaptation of flowers and on animal psychology, as well as his imaginative work on earthworms【蚯蚓】.20.The author intends to say in the last paragraph that. A.Darwin did outstanding work apart f

28、rom his theory of evolution B.non-biologists know very little about Darwin's theory of evolution C.scholars failed to recognize Darwins contributions for a long timeD. Darwin's most outstanding contribution is his theory of classification【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课Darwin also attacked important problem

29、s with extraordinary originality【创意,独创性,原始】, thereby becoming the founder of several now well-recognizedseparate disciplines【学科】. Darwin was the firstto work out a soundtheory of classification, which is still used by most experts today.20.The author intends to say in the last paragraph that. A.Darw

30、in did outstanding work apart from his theory of evolution B.non-biologists know very little about Darwin's theory of evolution C.scholars failed to recognize Darwins contributions for a long timeD. Darwin's most outstanding contribution is his theory of classification【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课Darwin

31、also attacked important problems with extraordinary originality, therebybecoming the founder of several now well-recognized separate disciplines. Darwinwas the firstto work out a sound theory of classification, which is still usedby most experts today.20.The author intends to say in the last paragra

32、ph that. A.Darwin did outstanding work apart from his theory of evolution B.non-biologists know very little about Darwin's theory of evolution C.scholars failed to recognize Darwins contributions for a long timeD. Darwin's most outstanding contribution is his theory of classification第二课The M

33、an Who Could Work Miracles(I)【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课The Man Who Could Work Miracles(I)【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课Paragraph 1Until he was thirty years old, Fotheringay did not believe in miracles. It waswhilehewasassertingtheimpossibilityofmiraclesthathediscoveredhisextraordinary powers. He was having a drink in a bar

34、. Toddy Beamish opposed everything he said by a monotonous but effective "So you say," and drove him to the limit of his patience. Angry with Mr Beamish, Mr Fotheringay determinedto make an unusual effort.Fotheringay 福泽林盖assert 'st vt. 维护,坚持extraordinarykstrd()n()ri adj. 非凡的;特别的monoton

35、ous m'nt()nsadj. 单调的,无抑扬顿挫的【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课直到30岁,佛泽林盖也不相信Paragraph 1“说”。正是在他斩钉截铁地不可能发生的时候,他Until he was thirty years old, Fotheringay did not believe in miracles. It was while he was asserting the impossibility of miracles that he discovered his extraordinary powers. He was having a drink in a b

36、ar. Toddy Beamish opposed everything he said bya monotonous but effective "So you say," and drove发现了的特异功能。他当时正在一家酒吧喝酒。无论他说什么,托德·比米什都说同一句单调却又很起作用的话加以:“这你说的。”这真使他忍无可忍。由于对比米什先生十分生气,佛泽林盖先生决定别出心裁,一定要使对方服输。himtothelimitofhispatience.AngrywithmakeMranBeamish,MrFotheringaydeterminedtounusual

37、effort.【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课Paragraph 89.Turn upside down without breaking, and go on burning steady,' and Hullo!"It was enough to make anyone say "Hullo!" The incredible was visible to them all. The lamp hung upside down in the air, burning quietly with its flame pointingdown.incredib

38、le n'kredb()l adj.难以置信的,惊人的 visible vzbl adj. 明显的;看得见的【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课Paragraph 89.给我倒过来,不许熄 灭,不许摔碎!然后哎呀!”.Turnupsidedownwithoutbreaking,andgoonburning steady,' and Hullo!"Itwasenough tomake anyonesay"Hullo!"Thehung这足以让任何人惊叫一声“哎呀”!令人难以置信的事就摆在大伙眼前:那盏灯倒着悬在空中,火苗朝下,缓缓的燃烧着。incredib

39、lewasvisibletothemall.Thelampupside down in the air, burning quietly with its flamepointing down.【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课It was enough to make anyone say “Hullo!” The incredible was visible to them all.(2013年10月)A、 The trick in the performance was obvious to the audience.,B、 What happened confused thewho ha

40、d said “Hullo.”C、 Everyone was not so much surprised at what had happened.D、 The miracle occurred right before the eyes of everyone present.【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课It was enough to make anyone say “Hullo!” The incredible was visible to them all.(2013年10月)A、 The trick in the performance was obvious to the au

41、dience.,B、 What happened confused thewho had said “Hullo.”C、 Everyone was not so much surprised at what had happened.D、 The miracle occurred right before the eyes of everyone present. 句子释义:Incredible难以置信的, visible可见的,斜体部分意思是,每个人眼前发生了。在【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课Paragraph 39A flying cow hit the ground and smash

42、ed like an egg. There was a crash thatmade all the most violent crashes of his past life seem like the sound of fallingdust.Avastwindroaredthroughoutearthandheaven,sothathecouldscarcely lift his head to look.smash smæ vi. 粉碎;打碎scarcely 'skesl adv. 几乎不,简直不【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课Paragraph 39一头牛飞驰而过,

43、撞到地面,象个鸡蛋落地一样, 立即粉身碎骨。那头牛坠地时发出了震耳欲聋的巨响,与之相比,他以往生活中所听到最剧烈的轰响只不过是灰尘落地。一股飓风呼啸于天地之间,使他根本无法抬头环顾四周。A flying cow hit the ground and smashed like anegg.Therewasacrashthatmadeallthemostviolent crashes of his past life seem like the sound of falling dust. A vast wind roared throughout earth and heaven, so tha

44、t he could scarcely lift his headto look.【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课There was a crash that made all the most violent crashes of his past life seem like the sound of falling dust.(2015年4月、2012年1月)A、 Compared with the most violent crashes in the past, this one seemed asgentle as dust falling.B、 Compared with thi

45、s ear-splitting crash, all the other crashes in his past life seemed nothing.C、 In his past life he had never experienced a crash of such force as to make falling dust seem violent.D、 When this crash occurred, its deafening noise drowned all other noises; so no one could hear dust falling.【基础精讲】综合英语

46、二/第四次课There was a crash that made all the most violent crashes of his past life seem like the sound of falling dust.(2015年4月、2012年1月)A、 Compared with the most violent crashes in the past, this one seemed as gentle as dust falling.B、 Compared with this ear-splitting crash, all the other crashes in hi

47、s past life seemed nothing.C、 In his past life he had never experienced a crash of such force as to make falling dust seem violent.D、 When this crash occurred, its deafening noise drowned all other noises; so no one could hear dust falling.句子释义:那声巨响使得他以往生活中所听到最剧烈的轰响只不过是灰尘落地。选自下册第二课 The Man Who Could

48、 Work Miracles(I)第四课Zero Hour: Forty-Three Seconds【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课Paragraph 1On a brilliant summer's morning in 1945, Kaz Tanaka looked up into the sky over Hiroshima and saw the beginning of the end of her world. She was 18 then, and her mind was filled with teenage things. She

49、had wakened with a slight fever, just bothersome enough to keep her home from her job in a war plant. But she felt well enough to be up and about; her father had asked her towater a tree in front of their house.Kaz Tanaka 山田和子Hiroshima ,hi:ru'i:m; 'hirim 广岛市 bothersome 'bðsm adj.麻烦的

50、;令人讨厌的【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课Paragraph 11945年夏天的一个阳光明媚的早晨,田中和子抬头向广岛On a brilliant summer's morning in 1945, Kaz Tanaka looked up into the sky over Hiroshima and saw the beginning of the end of her world. She was 18 then, and her mind was filled with teenage things. She had wakened with a slight fever,

51、just bothersome enough to keep her home from her job in a war plant. But she felt well enough to be up and about; her father had askedher to water a tree in front of their house.上空望去,看见了预示幸福生活完结的那个东西。那时 她18岁,心中充满了对青春的 憧憬。醒来时她有点儿低烧, 不太严重,但也不舒服,因此 她没有去军工厂上班。不过, 她感觉起床活动是没有问题的; 父亲叮嘱过她给房子前面的一棵树浇浇水。【基础精讲】

52、综合英语二/第四次课Paragraph 2The plane did not frighten Kaz. For one thing, Hiroshima had gone almostuntouched by the air war. For another, Kaz had been born in California, andalthough her father had returned to Japan while she was still in diapers, sheliked to tell people she was the American in the family

53、.California ,kæl'f:nj n. 加利福尼亚diaper 'dap n. 尿布【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课Paragraph 2TheplanedidnotfrightenKaz.Foronething,这架飞机并没有让和子感到Hiroshima had gone almost untouched by the air war.For another, Kaz had been born in California, and although her father had returned to Japan while she was still

54、in diapers, she liked to tell people she wasthe American in the family.恐惧。其中一个是,广岛几乎没有遭到过空袭。另一个是,和子出生在美国加利弗尼亚,尽管在她还是个婴儿时父亲就带着她返回了,她还是喜欢对人讲她是家里唯一的美国人。【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课The plane did not frighten Kaz. For one thing, Hiroshima had gone almost untouched by the air war.(2012年10月)A、 enemys air forces had ne

55、ver occupied Hiroshima.B、 almost noing had ever occurred in and around Hiroshima.C、 Hiroshima was the only city where no one was killed by air raids.D、 hardly had Hiroshima been attacked by enemys air forces during the war.【基础精讲】综合英语二/第四次课The plane did not frighten Kaz. For one thing, Hiroshima had gone almost untouched by the air war.(2012年10月)A、 enemys air forces had never occupied Hiroshima.B、 almost noing had ever occurred in and around Hiroshima.C、 Hiroshima was the only city where no one was killed by air raids.D、 hardly had Hiroshima been attacked by enemys air for


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