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1、2021届普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(ying y。)仿真卷五)本试卷(shijudn)共12页“全卷尊分« 150分,考试(kfioshl)用时120分钟祝考试(品oshi)顺利*考前须ft(xQzhl) «L答题苗.先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题巷和答题卡上.并将准考证 号条形码咕财在答SB卡上的指定位置.用2B钳毛将答31卡上试卷类型A后的方椎 涂JR.2. 选择炫的作答:每S&逸出答案后.用2B钳笔把答超卡上对应坟目的答案标 号涂象.写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的芸答题区域均无效“3. 非选择题的作答用签字笔百接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内与在试题

2、 卷、章稿纸和答题艮上的非答J®区域均无效。4. 考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。第一卷第一局部听力(共两节,寂分值30分做鹿时,现将答案标在试«±.录音内容堵束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷 上的答宴尝涂到答3S卡上.第一节(共5小题;每踱1.5分,总分值7.5分)听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一个小KL从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项 中选出最正琥选项.并院在试卷的相应位宣听完每段对话后.你都有10秒钟的 时间来答复有关小!S和阅读下一小每段对话仅读一途.例:How nuch is the shirt?£ 19. 15B.£ 9. 18

3、C.£ 9. 15答案星Co1. Vhat will the vomn do first (might?A. Go la a novir.B. Go to a concert.C. Finish herhofxmork.2. Vhat day is it today?A. Monday.& Friday.C. Sunday.3. Vhat is true about Saliy?A. Shp vi 11 go to Asia.B. She not the n»n Ust night.C. She called the wotuin in 岫 York.4. Vhat

4、 does the run neon?A. John will co时 soon.B. They *un' t wait for John.C. They will slay up all night.5. Vhal are tbc speakers nainly tulkins about?A. An apartnent building.B. A college caxpus.C. A laboraton*第二节 (共15小题:1.5分,兑分慎22. 5分听下Bi 5段对话或独白°每段对话或独白后有几个小题.从通中所给的k B. C 三个选项中透出微正瑚透项,并标在试卷的

5、相应位置。听每段对话或徐白前.你将有 时间阅读各个小题 每JS5秒忡.听完后.各个小地将拾出5秒的作答时间每段 对话或独白读两返。听第6段材料.答复第6、76. Vho is the nan waiting for?A. His friend.B. His sister.C.His vife.7. Where does this conversation nost likely take place?A. At a concert.B. At a novie theater.C. At asupernarket.Yours faithfully,Li Huh内容总结(1) 2021届普通高等学

6、校招生全国统一考试英ifi仿真卷(五)本试卷共12页听第,段材科.答SL第8至8. Wliat does the (tan say about young people?A. They trust their parents.B. They should lx? given more? frrrdofKC. They dnn* t respect their parents.9. What is the woonn' s job?A. She'snnurse.B. She'sawaitress.C. She'saschool teacher.10. Howdoe

7、s the wonanfeel about her parents?A. They are strict.B. She respects then for their advice.C. She feels lucky that they are still together. 听第8段材料(Milibo).答复第10至1311. Ikx* did the man get the bike?A. He bought it.B. He got it as a reward.C. He got it as a birthday present.12. Khai does the vonan thi

8、nk of dogs?A. She is afraid of them.B. Six* is fond of then.C. She is bored with ihrm.13. What vi 11 the vnnnn prohnbly do next mexith'?A. Go to England.B. Call the nan.C. Look ofter Mrs. Snith' s dogs.听第9段材料(edilido).答复弟14至16题。14. Where will the speakers have a snack?C. At theA. OutKide the

9、 church. B. On the Lop of the hi 11. car park.15. Hhen? is the old church?A. Near the waterfall. B. At the foot of the hill.C.队hindthe park.16. How long vill the speakers spend hiking in total?A. Aboui two hours.B. About three hours.C. About fourhours.听尊10段材料(cdilido).答复第17至20 fl.17. lh.it kind of p

10、ine。is the speaker nainly describing?A. A fanous rcstaurnnt chain.B. A local caf。 in Sowth Africa.C. An unkfxnin resuurant.)8.night you see »hen you co to the dining rog?A. Fonosi.B. Fish.C.Real vi Id aninaU.19. lhat arc the nain dishes served with?A. Traditional drinks.B. Beautiful floix?rs.C.

11、 Culturalstories.20. H<w would the speaker like visitors to £ccl?A. Cnnc<*rnc»<i Abnut ttx» environment.B. Hnppy irith the delicious food.C ViUing to help the poor.第二局®(j<Jbi>)阅读珑解共两节,兑分值40分)第一节共15小ffi(xiao 11):每J® 2分.总分值30分)阅读以下短文.从<5短所给的四个透项A、B、C M I)中选出最

12、正筋迭项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑,A(湖北省武汉市武&区商三I flillJtt)(Sumor Flicks: 6-9 p.». NRG P】eza, Patriot Pl砒a Foxborough. Take a )a*n chair and 心 a free outdoor novie. Pro-sho*' enieruiiment on the plaxe. W:>vie begins nt dusk. To<liy: "Angry Bird* Movie. *For infonvition: 618-374-583Ori.ipal Eas

13、too Parser' 8 Mark戒:ID a. ra. to 2 p. n. S-Cun on Depot Street near Sh"' 8. Easton. Saturdays thiough Oct. 28. Lots of 8uwr»?r vegetables end berri breads and other baked goods. For 8 full list of seHers and liens for sale, check out the Oriicinal Easton Faniers Market on xw Twn

14、9; s tvbslie.For inroindlicin: 617-698-5757Making stsling rilner jewelry: 10 a. r. to 4 p. n. Qucsct Ifousc. 51 Vain St. North Easton. ihilc there is no training. Easton resident and lon-tinr silver jcnelry naker Burt Levis will help you get started with inforration on tools and equipnent needed and

15、 iwrc. Xo nppointiwnt nerded.For infomaticin: 5(X4-238-2000Kina Rich蛔'8 Faim: wkends. Spt. 2-Oct. 22. at 25 Main St., Caner. Open on Saturdays and Sundays as wel)削 tw<« holiday Mondays: Sept. 4 and Oct. 9. lhe New England Reneiissonc flivnl offers perforners. artims* gtaes and rides, foo

16、d and drink fiixl n>re. Gaus open frixi 10:30 a. n. to 6 p. n. Adulssion: $16 for children ages 4-11; $32 each adull <ace 12 arid up).For infonwlion: 5呻-866-539121. Vherc can you find son? cnlcrloiment free of change?A. In Sumer Fl icks.B. In King Richard* s Fairc.C. In Making sterling silver

17、jewelry.D. In Original Easton Fnrnc»r' a 加 km.22. Vhich nunhor should you cal I if you int<>resl(*<i in handwork?.t 618-374-583 B. 6l7-»»8-57570. 508-238-2000 D. 5OH"539123. How nuch dbould he pey if a teacher with two students aged 10 ax tends th<? King Richard&#

18、39; 8 Fairc?A. $l«. K $64. C. $90. D. $96.江西咨临川(lln chufin)二中高三 1 月联考)A supenrarket checkout operator was praised for striking; a blow for ruidern manners and a return io the age of p<>l itcncxx «fler refusing to serve h shopper vhn wax Lnlking on her nnbi Ic phone.The svpcrnarkct nw

19、nngcr vas forced to apologize to the custoncr who cccrplained she was told her goods would not be scanned unless she hung up her phone. Jo Clark, 46, said, MI don, t know what she was playing at. 1 couldn't believe how Hide she was. Vhen did she have the right to give ne a lecture on checkout rn

20、anners? 1 won* l be shopping there 呻in. But users of social nedia sites and Internet forums(ifeS(luntdn) were very angry that store gave in ond the public appeared to be supporting the angry checkout worker. *Perhaps this is a turning point for nobile phone users everywhere. When chatting keep your

21、eyes on people around you. That includes people trying to serve you. other road users and especially people behind you in thr stair?;, " n typicn) post."It's time checkout staff fought back ogninst these people constantly chatting on their phones. They can drive anyone crazy. It's

22、rude and annoying. I often want to grab saneone* s phone and throw it as far as 1 can, even though 1 aii not a checkout girl, just a passer-by. " said another. Siol>han Fr<?egard, fciundrr cif |>arenling silc Netnwins said."While his checkout operator docsn't hnvc the authorit

23、y to order custoncrs to switch off their phones, you can sec clearly bow frustrated and angry she felt. No natter Kow hisy you are, life is nicer vhen you nnd those around you have good manners, 24. According to Jo Clark, the checkout operator.A. lacked the knavledge of checkout inanners. B. played

24、with a nubile phone while at work.C. dcsrrvrd prnisc for her mcxlcrn nanner. D. hnd nn right to forbid her friw using her mobile ph<xic.25. The third and fourth paragraphs inply that the public.A. are used to chatting on their reobile phones. B. are driven crazy by constant nobile calls.C. seem t

25、o support the checkout operator. D. ignore the existence of aobile phone users.26. What is tlw* altitude of Siobhan Freegard lovards the checkout operator?A. Disapproving B. Supportive C. Neutral I). Indifferent27. The passage is nainly nlmut .A. whether wr should tnlk on our phones while being serv

26、edB. why wc can talk on mobile phones while shopping.C. what good manners checkout operators should have.D. bw we can develop good nanners for nobile phone.C全国(qudn gu6名校大联考高三新课标仿真四)If you want to convince the boss that you deserve a pay rise or proowtion, the solution could be siifple eal the sane

27、food as they do. Psycloloists have discovered nanagers are nuch wore likely to instantly trust ux if we cb<x>xe the? nsuh? tlishcN as then.During cxpcrint4;, discussions over wages nnd work conditions wen? nuch more successful if both sides chose to snack on the snuc treats. And shoppers were

28、iruch no re likely to buy a product advertised <xi IV by saneone eating a sinilar kind of food to then at the tine.The reason is thought to be so-called similarity attraction theory where people tend to like others who have similar tastes or habits to themselves. But this is believed to be one of

29、 the first studies highlighting the role of food in this relationship. Researchers at Chicago University in the US conducted a series of experiments to examine food* s role in earning trust.In a test, participants were told to ”机ch TV vihere someone prrlending lo br a nxnnlicr of tbr pub) ic prais&#

30、171;fd n certain product. The volunteers were given Kit K?it bnrs to nibble, *hiIc the IV people ale either a Kit Kot or gropes as they talked.The results showed viewers were much n»re likely to express an interest in buying the product if the IV showed the other person eating a Kit Kat too.The

31、 researchers added. * Al though similarity in food consunption is not a sign of whet tier two people will get along, we find consumers treat this as such, lhey feel nurt* trusting of those *hu CGnsune a* they M It nuanx people can imtxfdlately begin to fe<?l frirrxiship and (kvelop n bnmi. lendin

32、g to snoot her trnnsactions from the sUrt.”Harley Street psychologist Dr. Lucy Atcheson said it was already known that wearing sinilar clothes could instantly create trust. But this vas the first report that food had the sane effect. She said. This is really interesting. It nakes sense as people fee

33、l they have the counon ground and can trust the other person. Thai neans negotialions are note likely l<> the successful.”28. According to the passage, custoners are likely to buy a product from a dealer who A. advertises his products on TVB. reduces the price of his productsC. has Ihe sane ta

34、ste as themD. pays attention io the quality of his products29. The expcrimtMils conduct<xl by rejcearcherx at Chicago University showthnt .A. food plays an important role in earning people' s trustB. bosses like employees that have the sane Uste ns themC. people Mio have similar tastes to the

35、ir boss' s earn moreD people have less interest in buying products advertised on TV30. Vhat can be inferred from the passage?A. People eat similar food are more likely to trust each other.B. People wi11 get along with each other if they like to eat sinilar things.C. The effect of wearing similar

36、 clothes hasn* t been proved by researchers.D. People are nore likely to nake friends with those wearing the sane clothes as them.31. Which of the following sayings can be an exanple of the sinilarity attraction theory?A. Honesty is the best policy.B. Al 1 good things cune to an eixi.C. Birds nf a f

37、eather flock together.D. Where there is n viII, there is nD(,三晋j'rOJt街际大喉考四)The last thins Caitlin Hipp would have expected as she prepared to tum 28 years aid vns to be living at hone with her parents. All she* s ever vnnted to do is to becoac an clCTHjatan* school teacher. And she* s been vork

38、inR through her teaching certifications for four years nftcr obtaining an (xiucMicn dognx* free Bowling Gren Sun。University in Ohio, US.Hipp hos racked up $100、000 in student loen debt and isn" t able to earn enough through irking as q pari-Ur»? skating inatrucur and restaurant server u>

39、; live anywhere other than h*The Pe Research Center recently reported that 2021 “8 a iiilestone in the evulving living mnmgEenls of young udulls in the VS. Eor the First line since 1 湖. adults aged 】8 to IM becane wore likely to be living vilh a parent than to be livinc on their orn. Before 2021. th

40、e raost corann living arranCTent for young adults rax to bo 1 ivins in their sn property as part of a couple.I'BS Financial Services, a Swiss global financial scrriccs ccapany. released a report that even suggestj; one reason far the graiing nunher of young adults still Iiving at hran could lx&#

41、187; thAt their fnily doesn* t vant then to leave.Th«? report sbem-s that 74 percent of fiilenniel8(-T lfl""代(yl d6i)et $x<ie kind of financial support frou their parenu after college. It finds that nilknntald have redefined the ties that carbine parents and children. MM()ennial8 s

42、ee their parents as peem, frietxJB and guide冷.Nearly three quarters ulked 5ih their parents rc>re Ihun <inc<* h neck ckirinc co) lose. In return, I heir parenls happily provide rinanclal support into adulthood, helping fund everything for then. *Stuart Hoffiwn, chief eccoowist for the FtC F

43、inancial Croup in the US> said although Job gnywth for nillennlala since 2021 has irproved. »hich doe剑't necessarily fn that «ll)ennial$ are dialling to fly the nest. He said. *lhere* 8 no doubt il has held bwek household fomation and purctwaes on thinKS people spend nciney on relat

44、ed to huuwhold lornalion and chi)d-r<?arinK, * Hoffnan cxp!airx*d. "But they are probably travel ing i»re and cat ins out noiv if they don* t have d house expense or nurriasc. 1 deci' t knau if it represents a change in ixirul values. But it* s rwch reorc comon for adult chiIdrcn to

45、 live in tbeir parentR s banes because it* s bccuning part of the culture. *32. Ihy rf<x?s Cnitlin Hipp hnvf» to Iivo nt bnr with hr parents?A. Rrcauj; sh。 can* t afford to )iy<» on her iwnB. Becmise she doesn,t v<mt to Jiv onhre othr thon hon?C Because she wants to obtain wore de

46、greesD. Because she warns to be an eltdiy sehool teacher33. Mliat can * learn about young adults aged 18 Ui X befoix? 2021?A. They dicin' I have the freedom lo arianue ibeir HvinuB. They wvuld rather Jive with lheir rxircnlx I han Hvc by tbcnsclvesC. They started to fly the rxst ax rx>re jobs

47、 were providedD. They preferred to live avay fron their parents34. lhat conclusion can g draw frea tbc report released by the Swiss caigny?A. Children living with parents is bcccaing part of the cultureB. The ran jor i ty of ni 1 Icnni.ils rgfus。to gc*t fimine ini help froa parentsC. Most ni 1 lonni

48、A)s are building closer relntianhip vith tlx»ir parents0. Young people 2nd to live at hone because of fewer job opportunities35. Mhat* 8 Stuart Hotfmn, s attitude towards this trend*?A. Indifferent B. SubjectiveC. Objeclive D. Necdtfve策二节共5小题,每题2分,总分值10分),艮据(Vnjtd蛆文内容.从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正弱送项.选项中

49、有两项为多余送项.Master Your Deadllhes山东?f*FlErtf 三中 fli三一调)lhe slruccle begins in high schuol. iccoetinex carlicr. Deadlines, and lots of tbc®. start to pi 1c up. At coIIcrc. the pressure sc®etin?s leads to last-ninutc rush and unsatisfactory work. At rork. failing to nx*t doadlincs can easily ge

50、t you bared. 36 Here arc a fev best practices. .Assign deadlines to what natters.If th0 t,s;k isn* t of high inportancn. dnn* t net a specific dc*adlino. In this; 盼y, you are <ible to keep it on your roder for a whilefuelingprocured. 37 Phis will provide just en«xigh pressure to ensure you g

51、et it dooe. 38Set 8 personal deadline for yourself a (fay or tm> before the actual dendHne. _39_ If you* re Aorklnc with a R>x»up of pvople add (n even tiore tine* to account Cor potential r<iH<mups and the need for approvals. Keep ccoiunicat ing.,1。 This noans letting others kn(w v

52、hrn soxethinj: is taking lonscr than expected, when a del ivory didn* t cano in. when a client is not providing the necessan* inforaation. etc. Although it ay feel cxbarrassinj; to adnit that sonothing in not on Kchndulo. being honest is ouch hnttpr for rt>linv>ng your streu;,.A. Plan for flex

53、ible hour&B. Finish your project as early as possible.C. fkit If en ectivuy is urgent, sei a deadline iwKidtely.D. In this vay, you' 11 never have to stay 叩 late and feel Mi彻钮d£. But handled prvperly. deadlines can actually itprove pivducUvfty.F. Ihvnei'er you fee! chullensed to fin

54、ish nvrk on tine, ctxnunical<«.G. So if anything lakes longer than expected, you can still wrep it up and subnit it 8 tine.第三局部英语(ying y。)知识运用(共两节,总分值45)第一节充形填空(共2D小题;每题1.5分.总分值30分)阅读下面短文.从短文后各S3所培的四个选项A、B、C和D)中,选出可以(kdyl)iXA空白处的费正构迭攻并在答题卡上将该项潦黑,辽宁省东北育才(yucdi)学校高三一模)"Sd Mach hin to clos

55、e the door* , my daughter linna responded after listening to no _41_ HRoin about the dog coning in fron the back door, bringing with him a blast of January 42 ai r .Teach a dog tn close a <kx>r behind hinf? lhal hax got to be a really, rea 11 y 43 thing to do . But then she took it a stcd1144C

56、oneon. Koi by " . she said, grabbing sone treats and 45 h i n in front of the open door . MTouch . " And atouch " he did, which fK>vcd the door to a 46 position She 17 hin with a treat, smiled, looked at ne. and said "see! ” And I s»w and bccnroc 48 Over the Inst few days

57、 I have been with Kolby. Each time he canes in 1 bring him back to the 49 door and ask him to close . There have ben 50 in the beginning, but lately wore and norc successes .However, there remains nuch work to be done I have to get hin to fol low my hand signal again and aga i n 51 he will close the

58、 door fron a distance Rut, I ng rcitlizc, as long us you keep to the focusthe 52 willbe canpleled,andinthiswaythingsnre53 andcoffpleted quickly Wliat a S4_treat to have adogl hatcanclosethedoor afterhimself! Even ni>re*widcr can befound inthe_55_I learnc?ds clearlyfron both lumo and Kolby A wishis just Qwishuntil you decideto take56.Onceyou 57_the beliefthatit is "loo hard .then itreimins*toohard " and out oi*_58_ Once you vantto cconplish agoal.and 59that it is"easythen it becoaes-easy * todo whatneedsto be done. Just60doing it .41. A. canplainB.screamC. worr


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