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1、牛津初中英语8A Unit4 Wild animals学习案Comic strip and welcome to the unit1look delicious 看起来美味(1)The dish looks much than that one.(delicious)(2)This kind of food                (闻起来)delicious.(3) 多么美味的食物啊!它尝起来真的很好。_ food it is! It _

2、 really _!2 If you eat my food, I wont talk to you. 如果你吃了我的食物,我就不和你说话。 if 引导的条件状语从句(一般现在时)+主句(一般将来时):谈论可能发生的行为所带来的可能的结果。(1)If he             (have) time next week, he             &

3、#160; (go) to the zoo.(2)She               (be) a good dancer if she              (practise) often.(3)If it         

4、0;     (rain) tomorrow, we                (not play) football3If I die, no one will look after you. 如果我死了,就没有人照料你了。 look after =take care of 照顾 die (v.) / dead (adj.) 死的 (1) Please look after my dog w

5、ell.(同义句) (2)The next day, the old man found the poor dog _ (die) at the door.练习:阅读并背诵卡通漫画(P58),然后填写短文,一空一词.Eddie is having some bones. Hobo w_ like to have s_ of them. He thinks they are d_ and hell d_ if he doesnt have food. Eddie doesnt a_ with him. He says that he w_ talk to Hobo if he e_ his fo

6、od. He will a_ die if he has no food. If he dies, no one will look a_ Hobo. Do you think Eddie is a good m_?Reading4like best/least 最喜欢和最不喜欢你最喜欢和最不喜欢什么动物,袋鼠,松鼠还是海豚?What animals do you like or , , or ?5ten years old 十岁 an eighteen-year-old boy 一个18岁的男孩 我第一次看见小熊猫,那时她才十天大。(1)The baby was _(十个月大). It co

7、uld eat nothing but drink milk.(2)There is (一只11月大的长颈鹿)in the zoo.6She looked like a white mouse. 她看上去像一只白色的老鼠。mouse(复数)miceThe baby pandas look like white (老鼠)7We called her Xi Wang.(S+V+DO+OC)我们叫她“希望”call 称呼,叫做,后跟宾语和宾语补足语,如:(1)We call him Mr. Li.我们叫他李老师。(2)The boy Jim is my best friend. 那个叫做Jim的男孩

8、是我的好朋友。call的其他用法(1)喊叫,叫醒 Please call me in the morning.请早上叫醒我。(2)呼唤,召唤 Call the doctor at once.立刻叫医生来。(3)打电话 I called him yesterday. 昨天我打电话给他了。8When Xi Wang was born ,she weighed just 100 grams. 当希望出生的时候,仅仅称100克。A baby panda is only 100 _ (克) at birth, do you know?weigh(v.) 过去式 weighed (n.)weightMy

9、little dog _ (weigh) two kilograms last month.=The of my little dog was two kilograms last month.9 At four months old, she weighed about 10 kilograms and she started to go outside her home for the first time.at five = at the age of five =when he was five 当他5岁的时候for the first time 表示第一次,当time作“次”解释,前

10、面又有序数词时要与for连用。 如:(1)I left home for Beijing in 1998 .1998年我第一次离家去北京。(2)When did you meet him ? 你第一次什么时候遇到他的?(3)When Tom was 5, he _to China _.汤姆五岁时第一次来中国。(4)At fourteen years old, he went to America alone for the_(two)time.但:(1)作表语时不与for连用,如:这将是我第一次看到烟花。 It will be to see the firework. (2)times 前有基

11、数词时不与for连用,如:当他在中国工作时去过三次上海。 He went to Shanghai when he worked in China.10Eight months later, she was not a small baby any more.(1)later adv. late 的比较级,意为之后,过了以后“一段时间+ later”相当于“after+一段时间”,多用于一般过去时.如三天后,他去了英国。Three days , he went to England. = three days, he went to England.(2)not any more 不再 = no

12、 more 八个月之后,我的妹妹长成了一个健康的小宝宝,她不再经常哭了。 _, my little sister _ a healthy baby and she _often cry _.11She grew into a healthy young giant panda and weighed 35 kilograms.grow into 长成,发展成(1)She a big girl.她长成一个大姑娘了。(2)Our hometown a modern city. 我们的家乡将发展成一个现代化的城市。(3) (18岁时), he (长成)a handsome strong man. g

13、row up长大12At the very beginning(起初), Xi Wang drank her mothers milk for up to 14 hours a day.(1)At the (begin) of the 21st century, many young people liked wearing jeans.(2)Their teacher went to Australia of this year.(今年初)up to 意为达到,接近,多到,一直到(1)The number of students in our school is 5000. 我校的学生数多达

14、5000。(2)He does his home work for 3 hours every day. 他每天做长达3小时的作业。(3)The team did not play its best today. 那个球队今天没有发挥出最理想的水平。(4)             , baby giant pandas spend a lot of time           

15、0; for _ 14 hours a day.  最初,小熊猫花费很多时间喝它们母亲的奶时间达14小时。13Giant pandas eat bamboo             (shoot) and               (leaf).14When Xi Wang was 20 months old, she had

16、 to look after herself because her mother had another baby. 当希望20个月大的时候,她得照顾自己因为她的妈妈又生了个孩子。(1)She is not old enough to look after _ (she).(2)His parents died when he was ten years old. He had to _.(照顾自己) had another baby.又生了个孩子 another “又” “再”(1)This pair of shoes is too small. Can you show me pair?

17、(2)I need / workers. (我还需要两个工人)(3)The cake is very delicious! Could I have_ one?A. the otherB. other C. another D. an other 15          , it is very                   

18、60;                              . 令人悲哀的是,大熊猫要在野外生存下来非常困难。(1)Its not easy for the baby panda (在野外生存) if it gets lost in the forest.(2)People cannot s_ with

19、out water.(3)We should protect the animals in the w_. 16If hunters catch a giant panda, they will kill it for its fur. If farmers cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.(1)很久以前,猎人们捕捉动物只为了他们的肉。 Long, long ago, hunters _ animals just _.(2)After the earthquake, millions of p

20、eople _(无处可住). We should try our best to help them.(3)_(令人难过的是), farmers often (砍伐)trees and _(森林).17Mothers often leave baby pandas for two whole days on their own. 妈妈经常让小熊猫单独呆两天。on ones own = by oneself = alone 单独,独自leave sb. on ones own 把某人单独留下(1)Mother giant pandas often leave baby pandas for tw

21、o whole days by _. (they)(2)Simon can cook dinner now.(独自)(3)Mrs. Brown often leaves her son (单独呆一整天)(4)Many young people in American like _. 美国许多年轻人喜欢独自居住。 (5)( )5. Last night I was at home_ watching TV. A. along B. lonely C. to D. aloneleave (left) (1)离开 He home in a hurry. 他匆忙离开家。(2)留下,忘带He her b

22、ook in the garden. 他把书丢在花园里了。(3)把留给 I will my car to you. 我会把我的车留给你。(4) leave +宾语+补语(为形容词,介词短语,名词等) ,使处于状态 the door open 让门开着 the baby 把婴儿单独留下 The woman her baby 这个妇女留下她的孩子无人照看。(5)去,出发 Its time for us to . 我们该出发了。18 find baby pandas alone 发现小熊猫独处时(1) I find maths _ (easy)(2) He can find my house _ (

23、easy)(3) I find it _ (easy) to learn a foreign language.19take them /it away 带走它们/它(1)The dress is very beautiful. Can I ?(试穿一下)(2)如果人们发现一个熊猫崽独自呆着,他们常会把它带走。If people _a panda_, they will often _.20need help 需要帮助(1) He neednt _ (finish) his homework right now.(2) Does he need _ (finish) his homework

24、right now?21in danger 处于危险中 (反义词组) out of danger / keep sb./sth. safe from danger / be safe from danger 脱离危险safe (adj.) safely (adv.) safety (n.)(1)Its good to be _ at home on a night like this .(2)He got home _ at last .(3)Did you do anything for your own _ ?(4)He took the little boy to the _ .(5)(

25、 )Is he_ danger or _ danger? A. in out B. in out of C. out in D. on of out(6) Yesterday he was _,but now he is _. 昨天他处于危险中,但现在已经脱离危险。22We can take the following actions to protect giant pandas. 我们可以采取下列措施来保护熊猫。(1)Can you answer the _ (以下的) questions?(2)Doing eye exercise is good for _(保护) our eyes.(

26、3)Its our turn to take some _(行动) to help the animals.(4)We should _(采取一些行动)to make our English better.(5)What can we do _ (protect) giant pandas?(6)我们需要采取措施保护处于危险中的动物。 We need to _23 make giant panda reserves bigger 扩大大熊猫保护区的范围(1)Tom asked his mother _ the cake _, because it was not big enough for

27、him.(2)If we want to make our city _, we must plant more trees.A. is greenB. is greener C. greener D. to greener24Encourage farmers to leave the giant panda reserves 鼓励农民离开熊猫自然保护区 encourage sb.(not) to do sth. (1)The teacher (鼓励) us _ (说)English as often as possible. (2)He failed in the exam. His fa

28、ther _ give up.(鼓励他不要放弃)(3)( ) My father wrote me a letter _ harder. A encouraging me studying B encouraging me to study C to encourage me studying D to encourage me to study25If we do nothing , soon there will be no giant pandas in the world.( )If we dont do _, soon giant pandas will die out. A. no

29、thing B. everything C. something D. anything26giant pandas favourite food 大熊猫最喜欢的食物 These _ (foreign) favourite food is Chinese food.Vocabulary and Grammar1. fox-foxes monkey-monkeys wolf-wolves sheep-sheep fish-fish2. If I see a snake in front of me, I will run the other way. (如果我看到前面一条蛇,我会跑开) 主将,从

30、现3. have time = be free (有空) e.g If he _/ _ (有空)next weekend, he will go to the zoo.4. walk through a rainforest 穿过热带丛林through 内部通过 e.g. go _ the dooracross 表面通过 e.g. go _ the road5. learn a lot (much) about - 对-了解很多6. If I arrive at noon(在中午), I will see the feeding of animals.(给动物喂食) arrive at +小地

31、点 e.g. arrive _school arrive in + 大地点 e.g. arrive _ Shanghai7. If I have some more time(再多一些) , I will watch the dolphin show. (看海豚表演) e.g. May I have _ cake?(再吃一块)8. watch the animals carefully (仔细观察动物)9. attack people 攻击人10. catch fish from the water 从水里捉鱼11. hunt for their own food 掠取它们自己的食物 hunt

32、 for food / furhunt animals 猎捕动物12. live as a family = live in family groups 群居13. because + 从句 because of +短语 e.g. The dolphins were really tired because of the long performance (长时间的表演) e.g. The dolphins were really tired because the performance was long.(表演时间长)14. an advertisement on TV (电视上的一则广告

33、)Integrated skills 1. be good at hunting other animals (擅长捕捉其它动物)2. alone 独自一个人 (无感情色彩)不能用作定语lonely 孤独、寂寞 (带感情色彩)e.g. He lives on a _ farm _, but he never feels _.3. hunters hunt them for their fur and bones (fun 不可数) 猎人们为了它们的皮毛和骨头猎杀它们4. have good eyesight, hearing and smell . (smell 名词) 有好的视力、听力和嗅觉

34、5. be friendly towards (to) each other 相互间问好6. work as a team 团队合作7. kill for fun 杀戮取乐8. the loss of living areas 居住区域的丧失 lose v. lost (过去式) loss n. lost adj. 丢失的, 迷路的 e.g. They are _ their homes The _ of his toys made him sad. Luckily, the police found the _ boy.9. make medicine from their bones (m

35、edicine 不可数) 用它们的骨头制药 服药 take / have medicine10. We are writing to you about protecting wild animals. 我们写信给你是关于保护野生动物的事情11. cut down forests砍伐森林 cut it down12. I dont think you should buy clothes made of animals fur (否定前置) (定语)我认为你不应该买动物皮毛做的衣服13. 衣服+ look lovely on +人 人+look lovely in +衣服e.g. You lo

36、ok lovely_ the coat. The coat looks _ you.14. lose ones life e.g. lose his life / lose their lives (复数)15. Soon, they will have no home or food. 不久, 它们将没有家和食物 e.g. He seldom eats fruit _ (and / or ) vegetables.16. someone else 其它人17. If no one buys furs(皮衣), then people wont kill wild animals any mo

37、re. 如果没有人买皮衣, 那么人们将再也不会杀死野生动物18. Maybe youre right. = You may be right. 也许你是对的。Pronunciation1. give them good areas of forest to live in 给他们森林中好的区域居住 Find a room / house to live in 不及物动词live后要加in 但是a good place to go (一个好去处)中的place后一般不用介词2.live in family groups 以家族形式群居 / live as a family 像家庭一样生活3. c

38、ontinue to destroy forests to build roads 继续毁林造路continue to make new farmland from forests 继续从森林中开发农田 continue to do sth 继续做某事 It rained hard, but the farmers _(继续干活) in the fields.4.make a lot of money 赚很多钱 He _ (赚钱) by selling flowers.5. sell elephants tusks 卖象牙 sell _ (过去式) Its wrong for hunters

39、_ (卖象牙) at the market.Main task & Checkout1.Baby giant pandas spend a lot of time drinking their mums milkup to fourteen hours a day. 熊猫幼仔花很多时间喝母乳长达14个小时每天。 他表弟每天看电视长达两个半小时。 His cousin _ every day.2.Female giant pandas have only one or two babies at a time.1)at a time 一次,每次, 表示数次相同行为中的一次,此处的不能用o

40、nce代替How many books can you borrow from the library _? 你一次能从图书馆借几本书?We cant do two things _ . 我们不能一次做两件事.2) at times 有时,不时,相当于sometimes通常他们在学校吃午饭,但有时在附近的饭店吃 .They usually have lunch in the school, but at times they have it in the restaurant nearby.3.The number is getting smaller and smaller. 他们的数量变得

41、越来越少了。(get + 比较级+ and + 比较级 表示“变得(越来越)”。 Winter is coming. Its _. 冬天要来了,天气越来越冷了。With the development of technology, English is _. 随着科技的发展,英语越来越重要了。4.If farmers keep taking the land, giant pandas will have nowhere to live. keep doing sth. 一直做某事/ 不停地做某事,强调重复进行某一相同的动作,常与延续性动词或表示静止状态的动词连用The man _ for about half an hour. 那个人站了大约半个小时.5.If this continues , then


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