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1、英语模拟试题七第一卷( 80分)二、单项选择(本题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)( )21.-:Youve got_ e-mail address, havent you? -:Yes, its_ fxm 288 .A, a, / B. an,/ C. the, a D. /,an( )22. This pair of jeans looks nice Sandy because she looks very nice blue. A on ,in B in ,on C for ,on D to ,in( )23.Mr Wu often spends lots of time _ diff

2、icult problems _us.A. to explain; for B. explaining ; for C. to explain ;to D. explaining ;to( )24.Lily is _ to donate all of her pocket money to charity. A. generous enough B. enough generous C. too generous D. so generous ( )25. “Tom prefers orange to brown.” Means_.A. Tom likes orange better than

3、 brown. B.Tom likes orange bestC. Tom likes brown better than orange. D. Brown is Toms favourite colour( )26. When we say someone is green with envy, it means he or she is very_.A. generous B. energetic C. jealous D. active( )27.How many pieces can you _ the cake _?A.be divided ; into B. divided ; i

4、nto C. divide; into D. be divide; into( )28.Good hobbies can help us_ and make our lives_. A. relaxing,colourful B. relaxing,colour C. relax,colour D. relax,colourful( )29. Daniel was a bad mood and couldnt find to _.A. on; something ;talk B. with; anybody ;to talk C. in; anybody; talk to D. in; som

5、ebody; talk to( )30. Most children ice cream fruit.A. would rather; than B. prefer; to C. prefer to; rather than D. like; better( )31.-:Who likes diving deep into the sea in our class ?-:_ . Its dangerous and_ of us is brave enough to do that . A. None; no one B. None ; everyone C. No one ; every on

6、e D. No one ; none ( )32. Yellow is the color of the sun. It can a warm, sunny day. A remind you about B remind you of C remind you D remind of you ( )33. _ red can make it easier for you to take action. A. Wear B. Wearing C. To wear D. Wore( )34. I felt _ yesterday evening , and then I fell _ quick

7、ly .A. sleeping ; asleep B. asleep ; sleepy C. sleepy ; asleep D. asleep ; sleepy( )35. -:Do you mind if I sit here? -:_. Its for Mr Brown.A. Not at all B. Never mind C. Better not D. Of course not三、完形填空(本题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。If you study in America,you need to know some

8、 classroom customsWhen the teacher asks a question,you 36 to give an answerIf you do not understand the question,you should put up your hand and ask the teacher to 37 the questionIf you do not know the answer,it is all 38 to tell the teacher that you do not knowThen he or she may know _39 you need t

9、o learnThere is 40 for not doing your homeworkIf you are absent(缺席的),you should call your teacher or someone 41 is in your class and ask for the homeworkIt is not the teacher's responsibility to remind you 42 your missed homeworkYou must not be absent on a test dayIf you are 43 ill,call and let

10、the teacher 44 you can't be there for the testIf your teacher allows you to make up the test,you should take the test within one or two days after returning to classSerious illness is the only reason for _45_a testBe on time! It is considered rude to be lateAlso,it disturbs other students 46 you

11、 come late,be sure to be quietHave your books and papers out of your bag 47 you enter the roomThen come in and go to your seat quietlyIn the U.S. it is not necessary to knock when you enter the classroomIf you must leave during a class,do so quietlyThere is no need to ask for the teachers permission

12、Before entering a teachers office or 48 office with a closed door,knock first,then wait to 49 in_50 in class is considered impolite by many teachersSome teachers may ignore(忽视) it,but you should get permission(允许) first( )36Aexpected Bare expecting Care expected Dexpect( )37Apardon Brepeat Cask Drai

13、se( )38Awrong Bright Cstupid Dhelpful( )39Awhat Bhow Chow many Dwhy( )40Ano use Bno time Cno chance Dno excuse( )41Athose Bwho Cwhich Dwhose( )42Aon Bto Cin Dof( )43Ahardly Bstrongly Cbadly Dmostly( )44Aknows Bto know Cknow Dknew( )45Anot taking Btaking Cnot missing Dpassing( )46AFor BIf CEven if DA

14、lthough( )47Aafter Bwhile Cbefore Das soon as( )48Aany Ball Canyone Da( )49Abe noticed Bbe invited Cbe stopped Dlet( )50AWith a hat BIn a hat CPutting on a hat DWearing a hat四、阅读理解(本题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)A WORLDWATCHBusiness JournalistThis international (国际的)business magazine with 23,000 readers in the

15、world, needs a journalist to help report news in Europe(欧洲).The one who wants this job should: have at least two years' work experience for newspapers or magazines , be good at French and German, and if Possible have some knowledge of Spanish(西班牙语), have traveled widely. Please write to David Be

16、nton. 89 Brown Street,Washington Tel:23670072House RentThose who need a 2bedroom house please call Ms Morison after 6 pm .Tel:2391400Single? Nervous about traveling?Too busy to plan your traveling?Leave it to ECUTOURS. Our guidedJourneys make travel abroad easy.Italy, France , Germany, Holland (荷兰),

17、England7 days $8.87541 prince Road Tel:23870052()51. Mr. Smith wants to have a seven-day journey around Italy, France, Germany , Holland and England. How much will it cost him? A. ¥8.857. B. ¥8.875 C. $8.857 D. $8.875()52. What telephone number should Lily call if she needs a2bedroom house? A2391400

18、 B.23670072 C. 23870052 D.2378002()53. Which one is NOT true according to the above ads? A. You should have traveled widely if you want to be the journalist. B. You need to write to David Benton if you want to be the journalist. C. Itll take 7 days to travel around Italy, France, Germany, Holland an

19、d England. D. If Tom needs a 2bedroom house, he can call Ms Morison before17:00.B A young lady was on holiday in Brighton. One day, she went into a bank to get some money. It had been sent there for her from the town where she lived. The clerk(职员)in the Brighton bank did not know her, so he said, “W

20、hat proof(证明)have you got that you are really the lady who should get this money?”The young lady looked worried for a few moments and said, “I dont think Ive brought any proof with me,” but then she suddenly looked happy again. She opened her bag, took a photo of herself out of it and showed it to t

21、he clerk. “Heres something,” she said. The clerk looked at the photo carefully and then looked at the young lady. “Yes, thats you,” he said, and paid the money to her without any more trouble.( ) 54. Where did the lady live?A. In a town.B. In Brighton.C. In a bank.D. In a city.( ) 55. Why did the la

22、dy feel worried when she was at the bank?A. Because she didnt know the clerk.B. Because she was far way from home.C. Because she had spent all her money.D. Because she couldnt prove who she was.( ) 56. From the passage we can see that the clerk was _.A. silly B. kind C. clever D. impoliteDA wise wom

23、an who was travelling in the mountains found a precious stone in a small river. The next day she met another traveller who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveller saw the precious stone in the wise womans bag, admired(羡慕)it, and asked the wise woman to g

24、ive it to him. The wise woman did so happily. The traveller left, excited with his good luck. He knew the stone was worth(值)enough for him to live on for his whole life. But a few days later he came back, searching for the wise woman. When he found her, he returned the stone and said, “I have been t

25、hinking. I know how valuable(有价值的)this stone is, but I give it back to you and hope that you can give me something much more precious. If you can, give me what you have within you that made you give me the stone.”( )57. Where did the woman find the stone?A. In a bag.B. In a village. C. Under a tree.

26、 D. In a small river.( )58 . How did the man feel when he met the woman?A. He was sorry. B. He was sad. C. He was hungry.D. He was excited.( )59 . What does “precious” mean in this passage?A. 古老的 B. 珍贵的 C. 坚硬的 D. 好玩的( )60.We know from the passage that _.A. the man lived happily since he got the ston

27、eB. the man got the stone after he paid a lot of moneyC. the man wanted to have the same good feeling as the womanD. the woman and the man were travelling together in the mountainEIn recent years ,advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past. New me

28、dicines and machines are developing every day to extend(延续) life. However, some people , including some doctors, are not in favor of (赞成)these life extending measures(措施), and they say that people should have the right(权利)to die when they want. They say that the quality of life is as important as li

29、fe itself, and that people should not be forced to go on living when conditions of life have become unbearable(不堪忍受的).They say that people should be allowed to die with dignity(尊严)and to decide when they want to die. Others dont agree and say that life under any conditions is better than death and t

30、hat the duty of doctors is always to extend life as long as possible. And so the battle goes on and on without a definite(明确的)answer(  )61. The best title for this passage is _. A. The Right to Live                &

31、#160;  B. The Right to Die C. The Doctors Duty                  D. Life Is Better than Death(  )62. People can live longer than in the past. Its because _. A. medical technology develops   &

32、#160;      B. we have big hospitals C. there are many good doctors           D. both B and C(  )63. According to some people whether a dying patient has the right to die is up to _. A. the doctors  B. the surro

33、undingsC. his or his family   D. the patient himself or herself(  )64. In the writers opinion, _. A. death is better than life                B. life is better than death C. neither life nor death is good 

34、       D. none of the above(  )65. Why do some patients want to die?  Because _. A. the doctors are not good             B. the conditions are bad C. life is too hard     

35、;                     D. they are seriously ill第二卷 主观题(共60分)五、 词汇(本题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)A 根据英文解释、汉语提示获句意,写出句中所缺单词66. When doing shopping, Sam is always slow to make a _ (决定).67. People all over the world love

36、 _(和平).68. The boys and girls all took an _ part in the school sports meeting.69. My mother was _(pleased) with my excellent work at school.70.In the past , she _( like better) not to think about the future. B. 从方框中选用合适的词并用其适当的形式填空success, sad , sleep , hope, grow 71.Share your happiness and _ with

37、your friends72.The firemen have saved the boy from the fire _ .73.They waited to see their film stars. But it seemed to be_.74.Green represents new life and .75.The speech was so boring that almost everyone felt _. C. 从方框中选用合适的动词并用其适当的时态填空think, remind, promise, pass, colour,76. He always _ us a lot

38、, but none of his promises has ever come true.77.Sorry, I didnt hear you. I _ about a problem.78.Many years _ since they discovered the great secret. 79.Read this book, and it _ you of your happy childhood(童年).80.- Maybe the children are making a paper plane. - No, they _ the paper red to make a flo

39、wer. 六、句型转换(本题共5小题,每小题5分,每空0.5分,共5分)81The boy is outgoing and he can make many friends easily.(保持句意不变) Its outgoing _the boy _make many friends easily.82.The girl preferred doing it to arguing with you about it.The girl would rather_ it than _ with you about it.(同义句)83.He is too short to take down t

40、he pictures on the wall. (保持句意不变) He isnt _ _ to take down the pictures on the wall .84.Andy invited me to his birthday party last week.(改为被动语态) I _ _to his birthday party last week.85.Duan Linxi is playing wonderful music now.(改为感叹句) _ _ music Duan Linxi is playing now.七、 短文填空(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) L

41、ove Is the Band-Aid(创口贴)“What are you busy with yourself, Mom? ” the girl of six years old asked her mother.“Making dinner for the neighbor aunt .”“Why?”“Because the other day the aunt l_86_ her daughter in the earthquake and is so sad now. We must take g_87_ care of her these days.”“Why n_88_ our c

42、are?”“Because from then on ,the aunt cant do what she liked to along with her daughter. Making dinner and doing housework are also becoming so d_89_. I dont know 90 to do . My dear ,can you come up with an i_91_to make the aunt feel better?” All of a sudden ,the girl went to the neighbors house and

43、k_92_at the door.“What can I do for you ?” asked the neighbor.“I h_93_ my mother say you are very sad without your daughter.” The girl gave the band-aid t_94_ the neighbor.Tears ran down from the neighbors eyes. She took the girl in her arms and said ,”Thank you. Your band-aid will h _95_ me a lot .”86. _ 87._88._ 89._90._91._ 92._ 93._94._95 ._八、阅读与回答问题(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)请认真阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。“Other countries have a climate


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