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1、【最新】unit5 section B 课件 Can you come to my party?【最新】unit5 section B 课件Section B【最新】unit5 section B 课件 1c PAIRWORK A : Whats today? B : Its Monday the 14th. 【最新】unit5 section B 课件 1. 与时间相关的短语有很多。与时间相关的短语有很多。 例如例如: today 今天今天 tonight 今晚今晚 tomorrow 明天明天Explanation【最新】unit5 section B 课件the day after tom

2、orrow 后天后天yesterday 昨天昨天the day before yesterday 前天前天 two days ago 两天前两天前the day before last 前年前年after three weeks 三个星期后三个星期后 in two years 过两年过两年【最新】unit5 section B 课件2. 问日期的句型有:问日期的句型有: Whats the date today? 今天是几号?今天是几号? 或或 What date is it today?3. “日期日期”的表示法有例如的表示法有例如 :11月月 5号号 November 5; Novembe

3、r 5th; 读做读做November the 5th【最新】unit5 section B 课件4. Monday (名词)名词) “星期一星期一” 在英语中表示星期的词有:在英语中表示星期的词有: Monday 星期一星期一; Tuesday 星期二星期二; Wednesday 星期三星期三; Thursday 星期四;星期四; Friday 星期五星期五; Saturday 星期六;星期六; Sunday 星期日星期日【最新】unit5 section B 课件注意注意:表示表示“星期星期”开头的字母要大写。开头的字母要大写。表示星期的单词都以表示星期的单词都以“day” 结尾结尾问问“

4、星期星期”的句型有:的句型有:What day is it today?What day is today?【最新】unit5 section B 课件No2a ListeningCan Vince play tennis with Andy? 【最新】unit5 section B 课件 Vinces Activities Days _ Play soccerTodayTomorrowthe day after tomorrow _ Go to the doctor _ Study for a test _ Have a piano lesson _ Babysit his sister b

5、aabc2b answers 【最新】unit5 section B 课件TapescriptAndy: Hi, Vince?Vince: Yeah, hi, Andy!Andy: Vince, can you play tennis with me?Vince: Uh, when?Andy: Today.【最新】unit5 section B 课件Vince: Uh, no, sorry, I cant. I have to go to the doctor and study for a test today.Andy: How about tomorrow?Vince: Sorry, t

6、omorrow Im playing soccer and I have a piano lesson.【最新】unit5 section B 课件Andy: Oh. Well, what are you doing the day after tomorrow?Vince: I have to babysit my sister.Andy: Oh, I see.Vince: Im sorry, Andy. Im really busy this week!【最新】unit5 section B 课件3a Read the e-mail massage. Then complete Sonia

7、s calendar below. SundayMondayTuesday Wednesdaycousins birthday partytennisdentist【最新】unit5 section B 课件Thursday Friday Saturdaygo to the moviesstudy for chemistry test【最新】unit5 section B 课件 1. Thanks for asking . 谢谢你的邀请。谢谢你的邀请。 for是个介词不能直接跟动词是个介词不能直接跟动词 “ask”,所以动词变为动名词的形式所以动词变为动名词的形式 “asking” 起到名词作

8、用。起到名词作用。Explanation【最新】unit5 section B 课件 Thanks for your photos . (photos为名词为名词) Thanks for helping me . (helping为动名词为动名词) 如果说:谢谢你邀请我去做什么事情。如果说:谢谢你邀请我去做什么事情。 我们可说我们可说;Thank you for your invitation to visit next week .【最新】unit5 section B 课件 Fill in the blanks with the words given . Change the form

9、of the word if necessary. Then make your own sentences with the word.Self check【最新】unit5 section B 课件 play come have to study visitMy American friends is going to _ me next vacation.2. Are you _ football this weekend.visitplaying【最新】unit5 section B 课件3.I cant join you because I _ help my mom on week

10、days.4.Please keep quiet! Im trying to _.5.Do you want to _ to my birthday Party?have tostudycome【最新】unit5 section B 课件Exercises在横线上填入适当的词在横线上填入适当的词, 使其与原句使其与原句意义相同。意义相同。1.Thank you very much for asking me to your party. _ a lot for asking me to your party.Thanks 【最新】unit5 section B 课件2. Ill give her the message. Ill give the message _ her.3. He handed her the letter. He handed the letter _ her.4. I am here and Polly is here, too. I am here and _ is Polly.to to so【最新】unit5 section B 课件5. She is fine, and Joan is fine, too. Sh


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