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1、读后续写20212021年普通高等学校招生年普通高等学校招生 全国统一考试广东一模全国统一考试广东一模Continuation Writing 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整短文。续写词数应为 150 左右。 On a freezing morning of December, two police officers were patrolling the streets. Suddenly, the walkie-talkie(对讲机) on Alan, one of the officers, rang. “The cake shop near the

2、City Museum has reported a burglary (窃案). Please rush to the scene immediately”, said the electronic voice.The two policemen quickly arrived at the shop, only to find that the scene showed no sign of crimes at all. Curiously, they checked the monitor and found that a thin woman broke open the window

3、 and climbed into the store at 5: 20 a. m. Instead ofsearching around, she walked straight into the storage room, stole cheese, chocolate, butter and other ingredients for a cake, and then ran away down the road. Both policemen felt quite confused about her behavior. One of the le shop assistants id

4、entified the thief as Clara, a single mother who lived nearby. She has an eight-year-old boy to take care of and lives in poverty. Moments later, the two officers arrived at Claras house. Bob, another officer, pulled out a gun and was about to break in. But Alan told him to put the gun away and knoc

5、ked gently. The door opened and out came a very thin woman. From the outline of her figure, Alan recognized that she was exactly the thief. The woman, Clara, immediately understood the situation when she saw the two policemen. She buried her face in her hands and sat down on the le floor. At that ve

6、ry moment, a childs voice broke the silence, “Mom, is anyone coming my birthday? Invite them in, please.”After hearing the boys words, Clara stood up and begged in a low voice, “Officer, I did steal those things, but theres nothing else I could do. Its my babys birthday, and Ive got neither job nor

7、money. Please dont take those things away. Ive just used them to make him a cake.”注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 Looking into the womans teary eyes, Alan understood and walked into the house. Bob nodded thoughtfully and asked, “What about the things she stole?”StorywhenwherewhowhathowwhyO

8、n a freezing morning of Decemberin the streetstwo policemen, Alan and Bob,a thief named Clara and her eight-year-old boya burglary in the cake shop near the City MuseumClara wanted to make her son a birthday cake一、准确理解材料,理清人物事件一、准确理解材料,理清人物事件 1. 浅层信息理解浅层信息理解 首先要审题:体裁:_;人称:_;主体时态:_。记叙文第一人称一般过去时2. 深层信

9、息理解深层信息理解 理清故事的发展线索(理清故事的发展线索(How)PARAGRAPHPARAGRAPH(段(段落)及空间线索落)及空间线索BEHAVIORSBEHAVIORS(行为)(行为)TOPIC(段意)(段意)were patrolling,rang,reported,rushThe two policemen heard of a burglary. Para. 1(in the streets)2. 深层信息理解深层信息理解 理清故事的发展线索(理清故事的发展线索(How)PARAGRAPHPARAGRAPH(段(段落)及空间线索落)及空间线索BEHAVIORSBEHAVIORS(

10、行为)(行为)TOPIC(段意)(段意)arrived,checked,broke open,climbed into,stole,ran away,felt quite confused,identifiedAfter checking, the two policemen found Clara was the thief.Para. 2 & 3(at the shop)2. 深层信息理解深层信息理解 理清故事的发展线索(理清故事的发展线索(How)PARAGRAPHPARAGRAPH(段(段落)及空间线索落)及空间线索BEHAVIORSBEHAVIORS(行为)(行为)TOPIC

11、(段意)(段意)arrived,put the gun away,knocked gently,recognized,immediately understood,buried,broke the silence,begged,did steal,dont take those things awayClara recognized her burglary only to make her son a birthday cake.Para. 4,5,6 & 7(at Claras house)3. 整合本篇的整合本篇的故事故事情节和情感线索:情节和情感线索: 整合本篇的故事梗概:12

12、月一个寒冷的早晨,两名警察在街上巡逻,发现一家蛋糕店发生盗窃,经过调查发现是一位名叫克拉拉的单身母亲所为,为了给她刚刚八岁的儿子过生日,克拉拉恳求警官不要拿走偷了那些东西,小孩邀请警官进去一起过生日 情感线索:语调问题:touched,understandable,pitiful;性格问题:Alan and Bob(confused,decisive, quick,gentle,considerate),Clara(caring,tense,helpless);文中感悟:Love is late but never absent.二、分析续写段首,确定续写方向根据段首句1(看着女人含泪的眼睛,

13、Alan明白了,走进了屋子)及空间线索词into the house,设想以下问题获取写作要点: Which words or phrases catch your eyes? (teary eyes,understood,walked into)What did Alan understand? How did the boy tell the policemen? What had happened in the house?根据段首句 2(Bob点了点头,若有所思地问道:“那她偷的东西怎么办?”),并结合上段内容可知,本段要续写寻路过程,设想以下问题:Which words or phr

14、ases catch your eyes? (nodded thoughtfully,the things she stole)Why did Bob nod thoughtfully?How did the policemen deal with the problem?What did I learn from the story?二、分析续写段首,确定续写方向三、借助文本资源,创设续写情节三、借助文本资源,创设续写情节 根据已知人物、事件及续写段落首句预测故事总体的发展。 Paragraph 1:开端 看着女人含泪的眼睛,Alan明白了,走进了屋子故事发展看见坐在轮椅上的小男孩准备吃生日

15、蛋糕高潮警官与这一家人一起庆祝生日。 Paragraph 2:结局思考如何处理Clara盗窃之事及妥善解决感悟 爱虽迟,但永不缺席。四、参考范文四、参考范文One possible version Looking into the womans teary eyes, Alan understood and walked into the house. To their surprise, they found a child sitting in a shabby wheelchair, enjoying his cake. Upon seeing their coming in, the

16、little figure yelled excitedly. “Welcome to my birthday!” Without hesitation, Alan walked forward, hugging the sweet creature tightly as if the boy were out of breath. They sang birthday songs with the family together and shared the四、参考范文四、参考范文delicious cake together, with the room full of oceans of

17、 happiness. At last, the two officers had to say goodbye to them. On their way back to the station, Alan murmured to Bob, “I dont think that woman should be taken to the police station. Bob nodded thoughtfully and asked, “What about the things she stole?” Alan replied, “Although what Clara did was w

18、rong indeed, she was just a helpless mother and it would be too cruel for us to take away a desperate四、参考范文四、参考范文mother who occasionally made a mistake because of her child!Moreover, never can we take away a childs birthday cake.” After returning to the cake shop, they explained the case to the shop

19、 owner and then paid for the stolen materials for the mother. Knowing what the officer had done, Clara felt ashamed of her theft and took the initiative to go to the police station, asking for her punishment. She was determined to mend her fault in her own way. Love is late but never absent. 原文第一段根据文本尾段背景Clar


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