



1、is one of the practical form of values. The so-called values refers to the objective things are of no value and the value of fundamental perspective. Different values, people's behaviour, attitudes, ways are different. People-oriented focus on human value and reality, we need the broadest masses

2、 as values. Adhere to people-oriented values, is to make the economy more development, improve democracy, cultural prosperity, and live a happier; is deeply concerned that human development and human values, development of social and human development of rational unified, insisted in the material ci

3、vilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization in the overall advancement of Socialist civilization to a higher level. Also want to see that person's value is not only meet your needs, also is to meet the needs of others and the community. Adhere to people-oriented, to strongly ad

4、vocate every community member, serve others, beneficial to the community of people. The so-called Outlook, attitude is on the record, including who, how to create a record of achievements, how to evaluate performance, and so on. What values, what kind of Outlook. Adhere to people-oriented Outlook, i

5、s on the premise of respecting the interests and power of people, creating a popular, warm hearts, steady heart performance, creating "serve for one officer, the benefit of" achievements, and overall construction of well-off society and promoting the all-round development of people's p

6、erformance. Achievement evaluation in both economic accomplishments, take another look at the effectiveness of social progress; changes in both urban and rural change; both hard environment to strengthen and take another look at the soft environment improvement momentum of development at present, de

7、pending on the potential for sustainable development. Leave people to talk about "values" are worthless and leave people to talk about "Outlook" is not what the performance. 4. people responded to the starting point of the question, and replied to questions point. Man is the sum

8、of social relationships. We cannot leave the chichuanyongdu, housing, tourism and entertainment, entertaining, and even certain political, economic, cultural and social environment, and so on. Due to human needs, all walks of life will come into being. People create for their survival, and continue

9、enjoying the results of the construction. Colorful in the transformation of the people of the world, community vitality in the creation of man. Therefore, any work we do, the starting point is human, what are people. Us speed up development, the core of which is to meet the needs of people, includin

10、g survival needs, emotional needs and self-actualization needs. It should be noted that people are not machines, not the slave of an object, not to be controlled. People have their own personality, has its own personality, has its own dignity. Person in need of care, you need to understand, need to

11、meet. It is said that in the "agricultural society, people plant" in "industrial society, man is an animal" "the information society, return中油西安机场路加油站管道改造工程施工方案及安全措施编制人:王新奇审核人:白海峰编制单位:陕西金平石化建设有限公司日 期:二零一零年四月二十六日中油西安机场路加油站管道改造工程施工方案及安全措施1、概述 中油陕西西安销售分公司机场路加油站地处西三环,有油罐4个。加油站更换

12、加油机和大零管系统,对管道,电源线和加油岛等维修改造。2.编制依据;2.1石油库安全管理标准规范汇编2.1.1石油库静电安全规程2。1。2石油库电气安全规程 2。2中国石油销售总公司石油库动火安全管理办法2。3石油库要害部位安全管理办法2.4中国石油天然气集团关于工业动火安全管理办法3.施工环境及条件;3.1机场路加油站正在营业,4个油罐内有成品油。3。2施工正值春季,油气挥发速度快,施工天气较理想。3。3施工现场水电齐备,但不具备蒸汽吹扫条件.3.4汽油物理化学特性:密度0。710.73;饱和蒸汽压41。18982.376kpa;闪点50-20摄氏度;爆炸极限18%(v,后面标示为LEL);

13、(v%,后面标示为LEL)4.施工部署:土建开挖完毕,抽排原来发油管道内剩余油品,原来出油管位置不符合要求,需要移位,进行动火改造12条。安装加油机6台,砌筑加油岛6个。5。加油站管道改造方案51出油管施工流程改造前准备排管道汽柴油、抽出底阀封堵管口、动火安全措施回填管沟、修复地坪焊接管道试压土建开挖管沟管道防腐安装加油机加油岛恢复零星土建拆除加油机5.2施工方法5。2。1改造前准备与管道有关的预制工作全部完成管道、法兰、管件进场,验收合格;油罐密封垫准备到位;接油容器到位施工人员进场教育完成。5.2.2 土建进行开挖管沟,新敷设油管道管沟开挖成形,需要作业的地方作业坑开挖合格。5.2。3拆除

14、发油管道法兰螺栓,剩2条螺栓以便控制油的流量,准备棉布一块,法兰口打开前,用棉布包口,防止残余油压力过大发生喷射现象,油品污染施工现场,增加清理现场工作量。用手动油泵将接收的汽油迅速回罐。抽出底阀,底阀管道垂直拿出,随时拿油桶承接出油管内的油品,油管上端缓慢向下倾斜,把管内油品缓慢倒入油桶.5。2。4 关闭加油机电源,拆除电源线和大零管线,拆开金属软管,松开加油机地脚螺栓,把加油机缓慢抬下,移到指定位置。5。2.5 对需要改造的管道从原加油机下用防爆风机向管道内鼓风驱油,在人孔井内接油.风机一直吹到管道内已经干燥,油气浓度监测值小于20%LEL合格,用DN40法兰盲板封堵人孔井内的出油管法兰口

15、.从加油机下管口注水,水灌满至到溢出,无油花漂浮.找出需要改造部位,抬高管道,动锯前检测油气浓度,低于LEL20%方可施工,同时准备一桶水,用输液管将水吸出,控制出水量,让水滴到锯口处,水不得间断,其降温和防止产生火星作用.5。2.6清理杂物,清洗管道口,油气浓度检测合格小于20%LEL,加强监护,动火焊接新管道。管道敞口处不得站人。5。2。7管道试压合格,管道防腐。回填管沟,修复裂纹破损地坪.5.2。8安装加油机和附件。5。2.9安装静电跨接线,保证接触良好,牢固。5。3零星土建5.3.1新砌加油岛 拆除旧加油岛,垃圾及时外运,按照新标准砌筑新加油岛,做好钢护圈,贴好瓷片。5。3.2 新罐坑

16、砌筑按照中油标准进行人孔井改造,贴瓷片.5.3.3 地坪维修用切割机割除断开缝,用破碎机拆除旧地坪,垃圾及时外运,按照C25标准现浇地坪6 施工组织61、施工单位:陕西金平石化建设有限公司第一分公司62、主要施工人员:张秀岐、白海峰、王智、白景峰、陈少博、王文良 项目经理:张秀岐 项目技术负责:白海峰 质量安全员:白景峰63、计划开、竣工时间:2010年5月7日-5月20日64、入场施工机具:电焊机、角向磨光机、氧炔切割工具7、安全管理措施: 安全目标:无安全事故7.1指挥系统和安全组织7。1。1成立加油站、施工单位和安全单位参加的加油站管道改造领导小组,统一指挥协调改造工作。7。1。2根据实

17、际情况成立作业小组:数据测试整理小组、施工作业组、消防监护组,做到任务明确,责任到人。7。1.3加强动火审批制度7.2 安全教育及监督检查7。2。1施工前由质量安全处负责,会同加油站安全部门,根据分工情况,对有关人员进行安全教育和操作技术岗位岗前教育,并经考核合格后方可上岗。7.2.2 每天上班前,要认真检查水管、设备、电缆等,确认符合要求和无隐患后,方可施工。7。2.3在加油站内动火时,做好油气检测,须有甲方专业消防人员携带消防器材到现场监护。7.2.3 在加油站动火时,做好油气检测,须有甲方专业消防人员携带消防器材到现场监护。8kg干粉灭火器10台,30kg干粉灭火器推车4台。7。2.4发


19、每隔半小时检测一次。7.5.3油气浓度符合工作要求时,应连续监测30分钟,仪器测值不再上升时,才视为合格。7。6加强现场管理7.6.1 清理现场油污、杂物等易燃物品。清理施工点上的杂物,放入接油盆,消防器材和监护人员到位,临时盛接成品油容器到位。7。6.2在关键部位做好隔离工作,防止电焊熔渣飞溅。7.6.3 动火在加油站下风口施工.7.6.4对于法兰连接管段,给螺栓喷螺栓松动剂,使用铜质扳手松螺栓,若螺栓锈死,可用钢锯锯断。在锯时先作油气检测,低于LEL20才可施工,并给锯口加水,防止摩擦起火星。7。6。5无油流出继续施工.每隔10分钟检测油气浓度一次,超出LEL20,立即停止施工,采用防爆轴

20、流风机进行驱油气,合格后继续施工。7.6。6拆卸法兰口,用黄泥封堵管口,防止管内油气逸散,污染现场。7。6.7拆除管道拆下旧管道及时进行封闭,减少管道内油气挥发污染施工现场,运出罐区时注意,不得与油罐和新换管道发生碰撞.7.7动火安全措施7。7.1油气浓度低于LEL20,签发动火票后,方可动火施工。7。7.2油品泄漏污染施工现场,及时用干黄土和干砂子吸附,用防爆风机进行强制性机械通风,吹散油气,直至合格为止,加强油气检测.7。7.3当日施工完后,要认真检查现场,确认无隐患方可离开,关闭电气设备和总开关电源。8、特殊情况81 在拆除、安装油罐人孔盖时,罐坑作业人员佩戴安全带,防止人员坠入油罐.8

21、.2 防止喷油 准备棉布一块,法兰口开启前,用棉布包口,防止法兰口一开残余油喷射。9油罐改造应急程序91、施工中存在的危险源及环境因素:9.1.1 在危险环境动火施工,操作不当,危险因素控制不到位,有爆炸、火灾的风险。91。2、工具使用不当伤人.93、用电不慎,电击伤人。92本程序是中国石油天然气股份有限公司陕西西安销售分公司加油站应急预案组成部分。9.2。1报警:当管道改造过程中发生火灾险情时,施工安全监护组长张秀岐迅速报告现场做消防监护的消防队员,同时向消防队值班员报警,详细说明火场情况:地点、油罐编号、着火油品名称,消防队接警后迅速向“119"报警求援,并向片区值班领导、消防安


23、方向。9.2。7.急救:将受伤人员撤离到现场安全区域,由救援组白景峰负责的救援人员对伤员作必要的救护工作,待120'急救医务人员赶到后再做专业急救。Now, we are in a new historical stage of all-round construction of a well-off society. In perform duties, and carried out work of process in the, we to put people as a guide principles, and a test standard, efforts from ma

24、sses most hope do of things do up, from masses most care of hot problem grabbed, from masses most not satisfaction of place modified up, not make nominal of formalism, not do grandstanding of cosmetic, to seeking of style, help masses share, is people benefit. (C) the investee people is not only an

25、idea, it is a job requirement. Philosophy through to the people-oriented thought in the work of the Office, must be clear work objectives. Party Office in the city this year remains: Advanced civil strife, local brand. The County (City) Party Committee offices and units directly under the Office to

26、hold high the banner of first to excellence, people-oriented requirements, strengthen the construction and management of the Office towards the work "a higher level". Investee 1. political participation based on conspiracy to adhere to people-oriented, will be around to promote coordinatio

27、nDevelopment events, great searchings. The 16 session of the party's scientific Outlook on development, is the new Central collective leadership to the development of connotation, development essentials, further deepen the essence of development and innovation, is our party's ruling idea a l

28、eap. At present, establishing and implementing the scientific concept of development has become the party's important work. As the Office of party Committee, working party should service center, initiative to claim leadership of the decision, the current focus is to focus on promoting comprehens

29、ive, coordinated and sustainable development with more suggestions, do more research, summarized the typical. One is drafted to raise the level of your presentation. Your presentation is the main Office of "products", is the basic carrier staff service, is important to measure service levels. The quality of your presentation, mainly depends on how much we drafted a document recognized by the leadership, how many are listening to the people in fav


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