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1、 2022传播学硕士个人留学申请书 国内大学的标准读书时间是本科4年,硕士3年,而在澳大利亚、英国、新西兰,新加坡等国,本科仅需三年,硕士只需一年,这就大大降低了留学的机会成本。这里给大家分享一些2022传播学硕士个人留学申请书,欢迎阅读! 2022传播学硕士个人留学申请书 Dear _, Its all about the headline. Its about getting your point across in the most direct way you can. These personal statements are very good example of this, i

2、n just a few lines I have to get my message of why I want do a degree in Journalism across to my prospective universities. That is one of the reasons why I love to write, the challenge of putting over a complex thought or concept to a large audience of people and convey it in such a way everybody wi

3、ll understand it. As the great writer Hemingway once said, “My aim is to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.” My own personal experience of journalism started young, my dad used to write for a magazine and take me with him when he went to interview people, sinc

4、e then I have been fascinated with the industry. When I was 14 I was lucky enough to get a work experience placement at “News International” in Wapping. I got to work on the websites of “FiredU”, “R” and “P” as well as have a tour of the offices of “The Sun”, “News Of The World” and “The Times”, I h

5、ave also recently been offered a days work experience at my local paper and I am currently waiting for news of work experience at the BBC. I pride myself on being well organised and thorough in my research. I have also developed many skills such as interview techniques and being able to see things f

6、rom another perspective, a skill I have acquired through Sociology and Communication Studies, analytical skills through Film Studies and Media Studies and I have learnt about analysing and collating numerical data and factual evidence in Psychology. Although I have already completed three A-Levels a

7、nd two AS Levels, I have taken a year out to study AS French, Sociology and Spanish. I did this in order to improve my grades and to give me a wider choice of qualifications as my previous subjects are all very similar with their syllabus as well the fact multiple languages would be an invaluable ad

8、vantage to have when working in the area of communication. Some of my outside interests are music, politics, the Internet and reading. Music in particular is a great love of mine, I regularly attend “gigs” and concerts and have been an active member of the “Sum 41 Street Team” for over a year, this

9、involves spreading publicity through flyers and posters to promote the band, I find it very fulfilling and enjoyable. Another one of my interests is the Internet, I contribute articles to a site dealing with issues such as “top-up fees” and other important student matters, which I enjoy greatly and

10、is helping to improve my knowledge of university for the future. I have a part time job waitressing at a local hotel which I do a few nights a week. It gives me a sense of my own independence and responsibility, I also help my mother at the local Red Cross during half terms and holidays cooking for

11、the elderly and have also recently volunteered to sell Poppies for Remembrance Sunday throughout my town. Another activity of mine is being my tutor group representative for our colleges student council and regularly attend meetings to deal with concerns of the student body. I am thoughtful, organis

12、ed and handle pressure well, I love to write and it is my ambition to do so, I believe I can bring many things to the courses I have selected and in turn can get a lot out of them as well. Yours sincerely, 留学泰国生活常识一览 1、穿衣 泰国地处热带和亚 热带,全国大部分地区属热带季风气候,全年分为凉,雨,热三季。泰国的年温差很小,即使在凉季,月平均气温也不低于18摄氏度。四月是最热的月份,

13、温度一般在33-38摄氏度之间,夜里稍凉。 留学人员住泰国院校的学生,需自备蚊帐、毛巾被、枕头等床上用品。自备电扇、暖瓶、台灯等生活用品,不过泰国市价不贵,也可在当地购买。全衬中山装、西服不适用,一般自备一套半衬西装,以参加重大活动用即可;短袖衬衣、连衣裙较适宜,需多带,颜色宜多样。 2、饮食 泰国的饮食是以稻米、蔬菜为主食。 在泰国,您可以吃到其它国家的许多美味佳肴。数不清的各式饭店按各种可能的亚州烹饪方式提供饭食。中餐馆在泰国随处可见,不要担心吃不上家乡饭。 3、交通 泰国全国铁路比较发达,共有4条国立铁路:北方线-由曼谷至清迈,东方线-由曼谷至柬埔寨境附近的阿兰亚著托多,东北线-由曼谷至

14、老挝国境城市诺凯,南方线-由曼谷向南沿马来半岛而行。 各府、县都有公路相连,四通八达。要注意的是,出租车往往不按表收费,需事先谈妥价钱。懂英语的出租车司机较多,如果要到有些距离的地方去,可以租车前往,价格需要进行交涉,大致在10-20铢左右。专线公共汽车:一些主要地方都有专线公共汽车,有的公共汽车号码一样,但线路不同。可以察看公共汽车交通图或询问饭店的服务人员后乘坐(近距离3铢)。 4、银行 一般银行的办公时间是周一至周五,上午九点三十分或十点至下午三点三十分或四点。除周六、周日、法定假日休息外,一般平时每天营业时间从上午8:30至下午3:30;一般银行都有外币兑换处,外币兑换处整日营业,可以

15、随时对换外币。 学生到泰国后,一般学校统一组织学生对换外币,并协助其办理定期存款和提款卡相关事宜。 5、购物 泰国购物中心一般周一至周五早10:00到晚9:00开放,也有的早9:00点,甚至是8:00就开;晚上最迟的有到11点关的;不少购物中心休息日照常开放。百货公司的营业时间为每日上午十点至下午八点或之后,其他商店营业时间为每日上午十点到下午七点。 泰国留学需要注意什么 一、生活上 泰国的天气常年都是炎热的,太阳的辐射比较强,在泰国留学要注意防晒,在准备行李的时候带一些防晒的衣物、防晒霜。饮食上,泰国人喜欢吃甜的和辣的,所以他们的饭菜几乎都有甜味和辣味,一日三餐都是吃饭,但是饭量很少,如果自

16、己是吃不惯这里的食物,可以自己在宿舍做饭的。穿衣上,在泰国,一般都是短袖、短裤、和凉鞋,为了防止因为空调开得过高,还要带上外套,在泰国留学是需要穿学校制 服的,还有黑皮鞋。要注意时差,泰国时间比中国慢一个小时,到了泰国,记得调放。泰国的交通是靠左行驶的,跟中国完全相反,过马路看红绿灯。 二、当地习俗 进入泰国的寺庙,不要穿短裤,穿着整齐,还要脱鞋;如果碰到僧侣要避免接触,要礼让;打招呼双手合掌,不要随意摸别人的头,头部在泰国是很神圣的部位,也不能用脚去指人或物,脚在泰国是最污_的部位;在泰国给小费是很常见的,小费不要给硬币,因为在泰国,硬币是给乞讨的人的;泰国禁止赌博,打牌打麻将也是,千万不要去触碰了法律。 三、学习上 在学习泰语


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