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1、Unit 2 What should I do?温故知新(课前预习类训练)Word recycling and grammar reviewing(旧词循环和语法复习). Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words or phrases in the box.( 用方框里的单词或短语的适当形式填空。)problempart-timeimportantsurprisecolorfulborrowwritecall someoneupgo to someone s houseevery nightHe watches TV at hom

2、e _.I often _to my parents when I was in college.You can _books from the library.My mother has a _job on the farm.5. YesterdayI _my grandfather s_not farfrom my house.It is very _to study English.I worked out this _yesterday morning.8. I _you_, but you didnt answer the telephone.I gave him a big _wh

3、en his birthday came.I have a _life after school.参考答案:1.every night2.wrote3.borrow4.part time5.went to; blem8.called;up9.surprise10. colorfulPreparation for new lessons(新课预习). Draw a line to match the English word or phrase with the right Chinese.(把所给的英文单词、短语和恰当的中文意思用线连起来。)1.kee

4、p outA. 把, 除外2. on the phoneB. 流行的3. out of styleC. 一方面 ,4. the same asD. 各种各样的5.in styleE. 过时的6.get onF. 与, 一样7.as much as possibleG.包括8.all kinds ofH.失败9.on the one handI. 相处,进展10.on the other handJ. 在通话11.failK. 合适12.fitL. 尽可能多13.includeM.不让 ,进入14.exceptN. 另一方面 ,参考答案: 1.M 2.J3.E 4.F 5.B 6.I 7.L8.

5、D 9.C 10.N 11.H 12.K 13.G14.A一鼓作气(课中强化类训练)Exercises for new words(生词专练).Write down the rightword form requested in the brackets.(根据括号内的要求,写出单词的正确形式。)1.tutee( 反义词 ) _2.succeed( 反义词 ) _3.organize (形容词) _4.press( 名词 ) _5.they( 反身代词 ) _6.baker( 动词 ) _7.nice( 比较级 ) _8.soccer(同义词) _9.exclude( 反义词 ) _10.cr

6、aze(形容 词 ) _11.origin( 形容词 ) _12.pay( 过去式 ) _参考答案: 1.anized4.pressure5.themselves6.bake7.nicer8.football9.include10.crazy11.original12.paid.Translatethe Chinese in the bracketsintoEnglish.( 把括号中的中文译成英语。)1.His teachers clothes are out of_ (式样).2. He can t think what he did wrong. Hes

7、very_ (心烦的 ) and doesn tknow what to do.3.Mary Lee was very worried because her history book was _ (丢失 ).4.Doctors say many children are under too much _ (压力 ).5.Tom goes to school every day_ (除, 之外) Sunday.参考答案: 1.style2.upset3.lost4.pressure5.exceptExercises for phrases(短语专练). Fill in the blanks w

8、ith properprepositions or adverbs in the box.( 用方框里恰当的介词或副词填空。)A. asB. onC. upD. inE. outF. ofG. orHow are you getting _with your classmates?Last night, I called you _and your mother answered the phone.In this term, my opinion is the same_ yours.I want buy some new clothes _style because the old one

9、s are_of style.Where s Mary? She is talking with her mother_ the phone.There are all kinds _animals in the zoo.He is an excellent student. On the one hand, he works hard, and _the other hand, he is honest.Either you_ I will stay at home to watch the house.Please wear a hat to keep _of the sun.10. If

10、you want to improveyour English,trytospeak asmuch_ possible.参考答案: 1.B2.C 3.A4.D;E5.B6.F7.B 8.G 9.E10.A.Choose the proper item which has theclosestmeaningtothe part underlined.(选择与画线部分意义最相近的一项。)1. Youneedntbuy a new bike for me.A. don t have toB. mustn tC. can tD. may not2. Let s go hiking tomorrow,

11、OK?OK! It s great fun to go to that big mountain!A. not funnyB. very interestingC. very badD. no use3. Would you like one more pie?A. oneB. anotherC. otherD. the other4. There are over thirty tigers in the zoo.A. onlyB. less thanC. more thanD. nearly5. The summer holiday goes on from July to Septemb

12、er.A. startsB. takesC. staysD. lasts参考答案: 1.A2.B3.B4.C5.DExercises for function items(交际用语专练).Choose the proper sentences to complete the dialogue. ( 选择适当的句子完成对话。 )A: Hi, Jim.1B: I have to stayat home, formy parentswontgiveme so much money forvacation.2 You could earn money by yourself.But I am so w

13、eak after a long-time illness.3 But I really want to go on my vacation on a beach.You could sell your computer, I think.B: No, I can t.4Then maybe you should stay at home and look at the beach on TV.I should use it for relaxation and information.Why not take a part-time job in a restaurant?That s a

14、good idea.Where are you going on your summer vacation?参考答案: 1.D2.B3.C4.AExercis es for grammar(语法专练).Multiple choice( 单项选择 )1. _ you be here at eight oclock tomorrow morning?A. WouldB. ShouldC. CouldD. Shall答案:Cwould 为 will的过去式, 不符合题意。 shall用于第一人称。 should意为“应该”,结合题意“明天早上八点你能到吗?”应用could ,表示一种委婉语气。2.

15、_yo u pass me a ball pen? Id like to write down the phone number.A. CouldB. ShouldC. MustD. Need答案: A四个词中只有could 能表达委婉请求的意味。3. Could I borrow your bike? Yes, of course. you _.A. mustB. canC. willD. need答案: Bcould 在此不是表示过去式,而是表示一种礼貌的语气。回答的时候用can。4. Ann always works hard, and she _not fail in the exam

16、.A. mustB. needC. shouldD. may答案: C前句讲到“她总是努力学习”,因此后句句意应为“她不应该考试不及格”。5. You_ put on your warm clothes when you go out.It s so coldou tside.A. shouldB. shallC. mayD. can答案: A由后句“外面很冷”可知前句应是“你应该穿上暖和的衣服”。6. The boy _answer this kind of hard questions one year ago.A. canB. mayC. couldD. would答案: Ccould

17、是 can 的过去式,意为“能够,会”,其否定式为couldn t 。7. Look, this digital camera is reallycheap! Its only five hundred yuan.The _, the better. Im short _money, you know.A. cheaper; ofB. cheap; forC. expensive; ofD. more expensive; of答案:Athe+ 比较级 . ,the+ 比较级 .是固定句型, 意为“越 , ,越, ”。 be shortof 意为“缺乏”。8. Why don t you _?

18、A. to go boatB. go to boatC. go boatingD. to go boating答案: C本题考查 why dont you +动词原形和go+doing 两种形式的掌握情况,因此答案为 go boating 。9. Why _a party this Sunday?A. not haveB. not to haveC. don t haveD. not having答案: A此题考查提建议的问法,应选A 项。此题 又可说 Why dont you have a partythis Sunday?10. You should _it better next tim

19、e.A. doB. didC. to doD. not do答案: Ashould 表示推论、应当等, 后面接动词原形。再接再厉(课后巩固类训练)Elementary exercises(基础题).Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.(用方框里的词填空。 )withelsekeepareplayforoutfitDon t _music in class.I can get a ticket _the basketball game.You shouldn t talk _your classmate in class.We found _

20、the news was true.5.The trou sers don t _him. They re too short.6.You should _everything nice and tidy.Everyone _in my class went for a picnic except me.The Whites _on a vacation now.参考答案: 1.play2.for3.with4.out5.fit6.keep7.else8.are .Complete the dialogue with a proper word.( 用适当的单词完成对话。)A: Hi, Gin

21、a! Why do you w(1) a hat?B: I dont like my haircut.A: What sw(2) with your hair?B: Its short and ugly.A: Let me have a l(3).Wow,you lookso cool!You are smarterthan b(4).B: But it looks l(5) boys hairstyle. I wear a hat so nobody can see it.A: But now its summer. Its tooh(6)when you wear a hat.B: Wha

22、t s(7) I do?A: I have an i(8).You could wear sunglasses instead of(而不是 ) a hat.B: Oh, no. I dont like to do that.A: Then I t(9) you could wear a wig(假发 ).It is very p(10) now.B: Yes, that s a good idea.参考答案: 1.wear2.wrong 3.look4.before5.like6.hot7.should8.idea9.think10.popularIntegrated exercises(综

23、合题).Multiple choice( 单项选择)1. You can give him a ticket _a pop concert.A. onB. ofC. inD. for答案: D表示什么样类型的票常用介词for 。2. Jenny has _pictures than I do.A. niceB. goodC. wellD. nicer答案: Dthan 说明本题要用比较级。只有D项为比较级。3. I need to get money to pay _the present of my mothers birthday.A. forB. withC. inD. on答案: A为

24、什么东西付钱常用短语pay for。4. I think I should _.A. call up himB. call him upC. call on himD. call him in答案: B“打电话给某人”用短语call up。如果宾语是代词时,要放在副词up 之前。5. Sorry, you speak _quickly _I can t follow you.A. too; toB. so; thatC. as; toD. very; so答案: B从后句“我不能跟上你”可知前者是说得太快。“太, 而不能”用短语too.to的结构。6. I have no money to g

25、o camping. What should Ido? _ you could get _part-time job.A. Wh y; aB. May be; /C. Maybe; aD. Sure; /答案: Cjob 是可数名词,所以用不定冠词a, 可排除 B、 D 两项。 A 项的 why 应用于疑问句。所以选C 项。7. You don t like the drawing. I dont like it, _.A. tooB. alsoC. eitherD. still答案: C表示否定的“也”用 either, 表示肯定的“也”用too 。8. May I _your MP3?Ce

26、rtainly, but you cant _it to others.A. borrow; keepB. lend; keepC. keep; borrowD. borrow; lend答案: Dborrow 意为“从别人处借过来”,lend表示“从自己手中借出去”。9. If he doesn t want to do the job, does _want to?A. everybody elseB. anybody elseC. else anybodyD. else everybody答案: B后句为疑问句,所以要用anybody 。 anybody 是不定代词,形容词修饰不定代词时

27、要后置。10. My clothes are not in style. That makes me _.A. happyB. unhappyC. look coolD. feel cold答案: B由前句“我的衣服过时”可知后句应是让我不开心。.Can you solve the problems in the pictures. Write down your ideas.( 你会处理图中的这些问题吗?把你的方法写下来。)Picture 1.I should _.Picture 2.I should _.Picture 3.I should _.Picture 4.I should _.P

28、icture 5.I should _.参考答案: 1. 答案: stop the boy throwing at the bird答案: help my mother with housework答案: give her some money or buy her a ticket答案: say sorry to the old man答案: send her my umbrellaLink to test(模拟链接).Multiple choice( 单项选择 )1.*2018 江苏徐州毕业升学,41) Must I finish that work today? No, you _.You may finish it in three days.A. mustn tB. needn tC. shouldn tD.couldn t答案: Bmust 的否定回答用 neednt 。2.(2018江苏徐州毕业升学, 42)Who can tell me


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