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1、Un it 2 Coin cide neePart APre-liste ning TaskQuestio ns for Discussi onWhat is coincidenee Give an example to illustrate it.Have you ever experie need or read about an amus ing case of coin cide nee If yes, what is itHow do people react to coin cide nces How importa nt are they in huma n lifeCan co

2、in cide nces be expla ined Why or why notWhat can coin cide nces do Are they mostly ben eficial or harmfulWhat do you think can be the causes of coin cide nces Do you think coin cide nces are bey ond chaneeAdditi onal Questi on for Discussi onDo you thi nk there is a cause-a nd-effect relati on ship

3、 betwee n eve nts that share some similaritiesWhy or why notLan guage FocusHere are some sentences and structures that you may find useful in discussing the above questio ns. Coin cide nee refers to the phe nomenon in which two or more events which are similar or related happe n to take place at the

4、 same time or place.It / What a coincidenee that Coin cide nee is not rare. It happe ns around us every day.It so happe ned that three of our classmates were born on the same day.Compared with non-coin cide ntal eve nts, coin cide nces are rare.Coin cide nee is the result of pure cha nee / our memor

5、ies.The huma n mind tends to look for patter ns in events / remember events that match but forget events that don match.Speak of the devil and he will appear / the devil comes.No coin cide nces, no stories.Everythi ng un der the sun is possible.Coin cide nces make great stories / very good topics fo

6、r small talk.Coincidences make life more interesting / amusing / colorful.Coin cide nces tend to stay in our memory Ion ger.People remember coin cide nces and love to pass them around among frien ds.It smea nin gless to try to explain coin cide nces.Some people try to find a cause-a nd-effect relati

7、 on ship betwee n eve nts that happe n to share some similarities.Some people believe coin cide nces are the work of mysterious forces / super natural powers.Some people believe coin cide nces can reveal relati on ships betwee n even ts, huma n beings and n atural phe nomena that are not obvious to

8、them.Coin cide nces have nothing to do with good luck or bad luck / no power to predict future eve nts.As the say ing goes, Good fortune seldom repeats itself but troubles n ever come s ” glyPart BListe ning TasksPassage 1What a Coi ncide nee! (Part One)Word Banktuitionn. payment for schooling 学费som

9、ehowad. for some reason that is not clear 由于某种未知的原因clickv. to become sudde nly clear or un dersta ndable 突然变得明白real estate agenta person whose business is to buy, sell or look after houses or land forpeople 房地产经纪人note downto write down 记下男子名)姓)AndrewStewartScript:Andrew had always wanted to be a doc

10、tor. But the tuition for a medical school in 1984 was15,000 dollars a year, which was more than his family could afford. To help him realize his dream, his father, Mr. Stewart, a real estate agent, began searching the house-for-sale ads in newspapers in order to find extra business. One advertisemen

11、t that he noted down was for the sale of a house in a nearby town. Mr. Stewart called the owner, trying to persuade him to let him be his agent. Somehow he succeeded and the owner promised that he would come to him if he failed to get a good deal with his present agent. Then they made an appointment

12、 to meet and discuss the thing.As good things are never easy to acquire, the time for the appointment had to be changedalmost ten times. On the day when they were supposed to meet at 3 o clock in the afternoon, Mr.Stewart received another call from the owner. His heart sank as he feared there would

13、be another change of time. And so it was. The owner told him that he couldn t make it at three but if he would come right then, they could talk it over. Mr. Stewart was overjoyed. Leaving everything aside, he immediately set out to drive to the house.As he approached the area, he had a strange feeli

14、ng of having been there before. The streets, the trees, the neighborhood, all looked familiar to him. And when he finally reached the house, something clicked in his mind. It used to be the house of his father-in-law! The old man had died fifteen years ago but when he was alive, he had often visited

15、 him with his wife and children. He remembered that, like his son Andrew, his father-in-law had also wanted to study medicine and, failing to do so, had always hoped that one of his two daughters or his grandchildren couldsomeday become a doctor.Exercise 1Listen to the story and choose the right ans

16、wers to the questions you hear.Who are the two main characters in the story you have just heardMr. Stewart and his son.Mr. Stewart and his clie nt.Mr. Stewart and his father-in-law.Mr. Stewart father-in-law and the owner of the house.How did Mr. Stewart get to know the owner of the houseFrom a house

17、-for-sale advertiseme nt in a n ewspaper put up by the owner.Through the in troduct ion of Mr. Stewart father-i n-law.They atte nded the same medical school.They lived in the same n eighborhood.What problem did Mr. Stewart haveHe had no house to live in.He had lost his job.He was disappo in ted with

18、 his son.He did not have eno ugh funds for his son college educati on.What is the coin cide nee in the story you have just heardHis clie nt house was the one that once bel on ged to a friend of his.His clie nt house was the one his family once lived in.His clie nt house was the one his father- in-la

19、w once lived in.His clie nt house was the one he once wan ted to buy.Exercise 2Listen to the story again and fill in the blanks with the missing information.The story happe ned in 1984. Mr. Stewart, a real estate age nt, had a son whose n ame was An drew. The young man wan ted to go to a medical sch

20、ool. But the tuition was so high that his father couldn afford it. In order to help his son realize his dream, Mr. Stewart searched newspaper ads, hoping to find extra business. One advertisement caught his eye. It was for the sale of a house n ear where he lived. But although he succeeded in persua

21、di ng the owner of the house to let him be his agent, the appo in tme nt time was changed aga in and aga in. At last, he received a phone call from the owner, ask ing him to go and discuss the matter with him right away. Mr. Stewart put aside everythi ng he was doing and left immediately for the hou

22、se. Whe n he approached the area, he found everyth ing there looked familiar to him. And whe n he saw the house, he realized it was his father-in-law s 01d house. He had visited it many times years ago whe n his father-in-law was still alive. What a coincidence!Passage 2What a Coi ncide nee! (Part T

23、wo)Word Bank lattern. the sec ond of two things or pers ons just men ti oned 后者in trigue v. to fascin ate; to appeal stron gly to sb. 激起. 极大的兴趣 mystifyv. to fill with won der; to completely puzzle使困惑; 使大为惊奇sta ndinga. being at a particular level or amount (水平、 量等)现有的, 现在显示的coverv. to be eno ugh to p

24、ay for sth. 够支付bearv. to have or show 具有,带有miraclen. a won derful eve nt 奇事, 不可思议的事blessingn. a lucky thing 幸事be in forto be going to experie nee sth.必定会经历receipt slipa writte n or prin ted stateme nt ack no wledgi ng that sth. has bee n paid for orreceived 收条in sb. placein stead of sb.代替某人Script:Wh

25、e n he en tered the house, Mr. Stewart was even more amazed to find that the house was decorated exactly as he had remembered it. He told the owner about this and the latter became intrigued too. However, they were in for even greater surprises. It so happened that in the middle of their discussion,

26、 a postman came to deliver a letter. And the letter was addressed to Mr. Stewart father-in-law! Were it not for Mr. Stewart presenee there and then, the letter wouldbe retur ned as no pers on of that n ame lived in the house any Ion ger. As the postma n dema nded a sig nature on the receipt slip, Mr

27、. Stewart sig ned for his Ion g-deceased father- in-law. Mystified, the owner urged Mr. Stewart to ope n the letter and see what it contain ed. The letter was from a bank. When he opened it, two words immediately met his eye For education ” . It was a bankstatement of an amount his father-in-law had

28、 put in years ago for his grandchildren education needs. With the interest it had earned over the years, the standing value of the amount came to a little over $15,000, just eno ugh money to cover the tuiti on of An drew firstyear at a medical college!Another thing that is worth mentioning is about

29、the postman. The original postman, who had worked in this n eighborhood, called in sick that day. So the postma n, who was new to the area, came to deliver mail in his place. Had it been the old postman, the letter would undoubtedly have been returned to the sender, as he knew full well that no pers

30、on bearing that n ame lived in that house any Ion ger.The miracle was a bless ing for An drew. With the money give n to him by his gra ndfather he was able to study medicine. Now he is a doctor in 川inois. Exercise 1Liste n to the record ing and write dow n the coin cide nces men ti oned in the text.

31、The house was decorated exactly the same as Mr. Stewa rt remembered it.R 力 r Stewart happened to be in the house when a postman came to deliver a letter to his father- in-law who had died 15 years ago.The old postma n had called in sick that day, and the postma n who came in his place was notfamilia

32、r with the n eighborhood. Otherwise the letter would have bee n returned to its sen der.Exercise 2Listen to the recording again and write down answers to the following questions.How did the owner feel about the fact that Mr. Stewart father-in-law once lived in the houseHe was in trigued.What was in

33、side the letter delivered by the postma n A bank stateme nt.What did Mr. Stewart learn from the letterHis father- in-law had put an amount of money in the bank for his gra ndchildre n seducati on.What was the standing value of the amount of money fifteen years laterA little over $15,000.What could A

34、n drew do with the moneyHe could use the money to cover the tuiti on of his first year at a medical college.What do you know about An drew nowHe is a docto门n Illi nois.Speak ing TasksPair WorkDebati ng - Argume nts for or aga inst believi ng in the super naturalA SamplePeople hold different views to

35、ward coincidences. Some think that they are mere chanee whilethose who believe in the super natural search for some higher order beh ind them. What your view Express and defe nd your view from the perspectives give n in the card below.Topic: Are there mysterious forces at work whe n coin cide nces o

36、ccurPerspectives:From the perspective of a pers on who believes in the super natural (positive)From the perspective of a pers on who believes in scie nee (n egative)Possible Argume nts (for refere nee)From the perspective of a pers on who believes in the super natural (positive)A lot of strange coin

37、cidences happen around us. And so far scienee hasn been able to provide an swers to them. For example, a friend of mine told me that he dreamed that his uncle had died and the death was con firmed by a phone call he received the n ext morni ng immediately after he woke up. Wasnt that odd There was n

38、o way he could have known about his uncle death beforeha nd. My friend believed that it was his uncle coming to bid him farewell before he left the world for good. And I don know whether he is right or not. It couldn be just a coincidenee, I think. There seems to be some mysterious forces at work. I

39、f not, how can we explai n itFrom the perspective of a pers on who believes in scie nee (n egative)I don think there are mysterious forces at work when coincidences occur. Most coin cide nces are simply the result of pure cha nee. And some coin cide nces, unu sual though they may be, can actually be

40、 explained. Take coincidental birth dates for example. An experiment men ti oned in an article by a professor at the Uni versity of Virgi nia shows that if you ran domly select a group of 23 pers ons, there is a 50 per cent cha nee that at least two of them celebrate the same birth date. Un believab

41、le, is n tit Few people would have guessed that could be so com mon. If that the case with birth dates, isn it likely that many other coincidences are probable as wellThis experime nt proves that it is possible to calculate the probabilities of some seem in gly coin cide ntal happe nin gs. In real l

42、ife, however, we tend to give coin cide nces a lesser probability than they deserve.Now use the above sample as a model and carry on similar activities with your part ner. You can refer to the no tes below for ideas and vocabulary. You are also welcome to con tribute ideas of your own.Topic: Do you

43、think one fate is a decisive factor in one lifePerspectives:From the perspective of a pers on who believes in fate (positive)From the perspective of a pers on who believes that success depe nds on huma n effort(n egative)Some Ideas for Refere neeThe Argume nt (positive)Effort alone sometimes can do

44、nothing. In the old days, many girls were deprived of their right to education simply because they were girls.People are sometimes too weak to fight aga inst their fate.We can n ever choose our pare nts / what families or what regi ons we were born in.Our birth ofte n determ ines what we can achieve

45、 in future.We can be limited in what we can achieve by forces bey ond our con trol.There are things that we can hardly control. Natural disasters, diseases, wars are some of the things that can preve nt our dreams from coming true no matter what great efforts we make.We huma n beings appear so fragi

46、le and helpless before misfort unes that may fall on us.All our efforts would be wasted if we were uni ucky eno ugh to be the victim of an ill fate.The Coun ter-argume nt (n egative)The success stories of many people at home and abroad have shown that so long as you persevere in doing what you aim t

47、o do, you will succeed one day no matter who you are.There are many factors contributing to a person success in his or her life. According to AbrahamLincoln, our resoluti on to succeed is more importa nt tha n anything else.A person clear goal and his or her perseveranee in realizing it are really s

48、omething that cou nts.For us college students, to have a clear aim and to work hard toward its realization is of vital importa nee.Ones success has nothing to do with his or her fate.We are not dest ined from birth for what we are or will be.We create our fate every day we live.Our fate is in our ow

49、n han ds.Fate is a cover-up for the fact that you don have control over your own life.Part CTest Your Liste ningA Compo und Dictati onListen to the passage three times and supply the missing information.One of the best-k nown 1) collections of parallels is betwee n the careers of Abraham Li neol n and Joh n F. Kenn edy. Both were 2) shot on a Friday, in the 3) presence of their wives; both were succeeded by a Souther ner n amed Joh ns


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