



1、 留学必备优秀英文申请书格式 留学必备优秀英文申请书 Dear _, I am applying to study a business degree, specialising in Human resource Management (HRM) because I have undertaken paid work since my 13th birthday and have not stopped, having fulfilled a number of roles, in a number of employment places. The world of business ha

2、s always intrigued me; being given the opportunity to study Business Studies at A-level then confirmed my idea of pursuing a career in business. I am looking forward to learning from a wide range of modules the breadth of areas associated with running businesses such as ethics, entrepreneurship and

3、business analysis. I have been interested in learning about leadership styles on my current Business course, as well as market segmentations, and finance. I love the way that numeracy, literacy and ICT skills are utilised in practice-based scenarios and problem-solving in the study of Business, prep

4、aring me for pursuing a successful career. I look forward to deepening my understanding of budgeting, project management, time-management and theoretical knowledge of organisations and the behaviour of those who inhabit them. I am keen to learn more about the legal and economic side of Business. Bei

5、ng absorbed in this wealth of learning will enable me to create my own brand in terms of employability, as I realise that businesses occupy economic, political and social spaces that interact in a complex web competitively, on the global stage. My current studies have developed transferable knowledg

6、e and skills in preparation for further education. Sociology has contributed to my knowledge of issues around equal opportunities e.g. with sexism, racism and ageism in the workplace. Sociological knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research methods has provided me with grounding in conducting

7、 e.g. training needs analyses and employee feedback research. I am able to critically analyse evidence, assess the reliability and validity of data and draw trustworthy conclusions. English Literature has equipped me with literacy techniques, a high standard of written English and the ability to cri

8、tique texts. Business Studies has given me an insight into the real world of Business by shaping my understanding of how consumers work, how a business runs and more importantly how to generate profit. The business world is a rapidly changing global technological environment that I am fascinated by

9、and I want to enhance my communication skills and creative solution based thinking. The psychology of organisations also fascinates me, and is an area I would like to build on. My employers have found me highly reliable, a hard worker and able to work with a close team of people. At one company, I w

10、as given managerial responsibilities, supervising a team of five staff in the busy summer months at a seaside resort. I dealt with customer complaints, reconciled tills, ordered stock, and made sure the business was working at a high standard. This gave me a true taste and experience of being in aut

11、hority. Having worked in a range of different companies, I have experienced how different organisations operate; this has given me a varied perspective of approaches in different businesses, in terms of management styles and differences in company ethos. I want to study Business because in the futur

12、e I aim to be an independent woman, in charge of my own destiny. My keen interest in Business is demonstrated by my voluntary work helping in Year 10 Business classes at College. The Business Faculty awarded me as their Student Ambassador; where I help with events such as open evenings and mentoring

13、 in Business classes. My desire to learn new things and work out of my comfort zone is illustrated by me currently working towards a First Aid qualification; testing myself with new experiences excites me. I am ready for this challenge in my life, and know that I will work hard, thrive and develop a

14、s a result of undertaking a degree in Business and Management, as well as contribute and give back to my University community. Yours sincerely, 法国留学安全注意常识 1、在国外尽量不要一个人独行,在地铁站不要轻易的拿出手机或者掏出钱包。如果发现有危险因素的人群或时间一定要主动的躲开,千万不要看热闹围观。学习完后尽量早些回住处,别因好奇心到处乱逛。 2、如果有不懂的一定要问清楚,非常是在签合同、购物的时候要万分小心,只要有不明白的就问,因为根据以往的一些

15、留学生的留学经验发现,有些公司会在合同上做手脚而给留学生造成财务上的损失。不要有自认倒霉的心态,比如房东要押金,那一定索要收据,这也是一旦退房,房东不退押金或者找理由扣掉大部分押金时,好凭收据进行法律上的申述。 3、出门在外会遇到各种付款的情况比如:电话公司,internet公司,电业局等,在法国这些都是可以通过支票付款的,而且这些公司每月都会给你寄账单,千万不要采用预付费的方法,财务上的主动权还是掌握在自己手中比较好。 4、国外生活的环境和国内是不一样的,老外在生活上都很节俭,即使家庭条件再好,也别乱充大方,尽量采用AA制,这并不丢人。 5、出门时记得随手锁门,不要怕麻烦,或者是因为去公共厨

16、房拿东西,觉得锁门太繁琐了。其实这方面经常有留学生交流过,有时候去公共厨房拿个东西,回来就发现房间被盗了。 6、女孩子留学期间,不要总是背着笔记本上街或上课。 7、专家指出如果在法国勤工俭学时,老板不签合同,那是一定要提出来的,维护好自己的权益,因为随着国内到法国留学的学生越来越多,几乎随处可见中国的临时工,因此很多老板会因为你没签合同做出不给工资的情况,如果真的碰到这样的情况,一定要马上起诉黑心的老板,毕竟雇佣黑工在法国是特别严重的问题。 留学法国学生兼职指南 一、资格限制 在读的学生需要在相关机构进行了正式的学生注册,而且遵照要求购买了学生保险,还需要申请APT的许可证,而且保证自己没有递

17、交任何奖学金的申请。 政策规定兼职工作的时间,每周不能够超过20个小时,并且明确入职需要签订雇佣的合同,大家可以将自己的工作时间进行累积,这样可以在寒暑假从事全职的每天八小时的工作。 二、工作种类 学生一开始能够做的工作,大都是集中在服务业和体力劳动的方面,后续大家学习到的技能增进,可以考虑和自己的专业关联度比较高的工作,既能赚钱,又可以锻炼自己。 1.零售业 主要是商店和超市内的收银员和导购的岗位,这些工作对没有什么专业技能的要求,并且也其他的限制也比较低,只要求法语或者英语水平能够进行简单的对话,兼职的月薪在500欧左右。 2.餐饮业 这个行业对于员工的需求量也是特别大的,并且提供的岗位也特别多,不过大部分都是体力方


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