



1、高三英语培优外刊阅读班级:学号:姓名:外刊精选I华为“鸿蒙”的未来,在谁的手里?2019年8月,华为首次发布其自主研发的鸿蒙系统(HarmonyOS)。时隔两年,华为在 今年6月正式发布HarmonyOS 2及多款搭载HarmonyOS 2的新产品。这也意味着“搭载鸿 蒙系统的手机”已经变成面向市场的正式产品。作为挑战谷歌安卓一家独大局面的一次有力 尝试,“鸿蒙”将面临什么样的考验?华为能否沉着应对?Huawei Targets Googles Android Dominance with Harmony OSBy Dan StrumpfHuawei Technologies Co. on W

2、ednesday launches its self-developed operating system for mobile phones, the companys latest bid to break free of U.S. suppliers and an attempt to challenge Googles dominance in smartphone software.Huawei gadgets have been cut off from updating Googles Android operating system since August, followin

3、g a series of U.S. sanctions against the Shenzhen-based company. The ban also cost Huawei access to the U.S. companys package of smartphone software known as Google Mobile Services, used widely across the industry.While Huaweis own smartphone sales are in free fall after briefly topping the world a

4、year ago, the company is targeting other handset vendors that they hope will adopt Harmony OS, posing a direct challenge to Google Androids dominance of the market.Convincing vendors to adopt Harmony OS, however, may be an uphill battle. With an established network of software developers and billion

5、s of consumers used to its interface, Google Android dominates the smartphone market. More than eight out of 10 smartphones sold run Android.Other challengers have had limited success unseating Google.Huaweis challenges include building a large enough ecosystem of software developers, building a lar

6、ge enough user base that entices developers and convincing outside vendors to abandon a tried and tested product, analysts say.【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。.target to: gi t v.n.dominance do ml nons n.launch 10 : ntf v.n.self-developed.bid bi d n.software so ftweor n.gadget gsed I t n.sanction sserjkJ an

7、n.cost ko st vt.top to p v.uphill , A p hl 1 adj.run rA n v.unseat a n si: t vt.entice I n tai s vt.【词块学习】请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。.操作系统.摆脱;挣脱;打破;冲破藩篱.努力做某事.切断;打断;中止.接触某物的通道,使用某物的权利.自由落体(本文中指销量直线下跌).手机设备制造商.对.提出挑战.说服某人.十分之八.经过反复考验的拓展练习阅读理解Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei officially launched the 2.0

8、 version of its self-developed operating system (OS) on Wednesday night, the Harmony OS. The move paved the way for the Chinese firm to challenge Google*s and Apples role in current and future OS ecosystems.Among the major advantages, the HarmonyOS, with a highly scalable(可扩展的)distributed platform,

9、can be applied to multiple devices, including smartphones, computers, and other electronic devices, the company said.Analysts said the OS will do a lot to promote Huaweis transformation into being a software service provider. Huaweis founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei said that the company was focusing on

10、 software because future development in the field was fundamentally outside of US control and we will have greater independence and autonomy(自主权)Ren called on the companys staff to “dare to lead the world in software.“The success of a software system will always have to rely on hardware(硬件),but curr

11、ently, Huawei doesnt have enough hardware to support its software ambitions thats the most difficult part,“ said Jiang Junmu, chief writer at a news website. Once as the worlds largest smartphone maker, Huaweis domestic smartphone market share has continued to drop in recent months. Liang Zhenpeng,

12、an industry analyst, said that as an OS aimed for the Internet of Things(IoT) era, the HarmonyOS may need more time and equipment to test than the OS for smartphones, and that will take at least two to three years.Moreover, Liang noted that an ecosystem will always be the decisive factor for the suc

13、cess of an operating system. Does the HarmonyOS have enough applications that can attract consumers to update to the OS? Thafs a question,Liang said. So far, more than 300 application and service partners, 1000 hardware partners, and 500,000 developers have participated in the construction of the Ha

14、rmony ecosystem.What highlights the HarmonyOS? A.It operates faster than Google system.B.It works on a diverse range of equipment.C.It provides users with a secure experience.D.It has different versions in different countries.What does Ren Zhengfei convey in his words?A.Huaweis transformation is cha

15、llenging.B.Huawei will break its dependence on the US.C.The companys staff need to improve their skills.D.Huawei is seeking a new software service provider.What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?A.The future software ambition of Huawei.B.The success of developing the HarmonyOS. C.Smartphone sales i

16、n the domestic market. D.The difficulties in promoting the HarmonyOS.What does Liang expect partners and developers to do?A.Create enough applications. B.Update the original devices. C.Establish a HarmonyOS ecosystem. D.Cooperate with experts in various fields.外刊精选答案【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。.target t

17、o: gi t v.瞄准;目标是 n.目标.dominance do ml nons n.主导地位,支配地位,统治地位3.1aunch 10 : ntj v.推出,发布;发起,发动,启动,组织活动;发射n.发布;发动4.self-developed 自主研发的.bid bi d n.努力.software so ftwesr n.软件.gadget g不dj I t n.小器具;小装置.sanction srjkf on n.制裁.cost kD st vt.花费.top tD p v.位居榜首;登顶.uphill . Ap hi 1 adj.上坡的;艰难的.run rA n v.运彳亍.un

18、seat a n si: t vt.让位; 赶下台.entice i n tai s vt.引诱,吸引【词块学习】请从文章中找到下面中文相对应的文词块。.operating system 操作系统.break free of/from摆脱;挣脱;打破;冲破藩篱.an attempt to do sth.努力做某事.cut off切断;打断;中止.access to sth.接触某物的通道,使用某物的权利.free fall自由落体(本文中指销量直线下跌).handset vendor手机设备制造商.pose a challenge 对提出挑战.convince sb.说月艮某人.eight out of 10 十分之八.tried and tested adj.经过反复考验的【全文翻译】华为欲借“鸿蒙”挑战谷歌安卓主导地位周三,华为技术发布了其自主研发的手机操作系统。这是该公司摆脱美国供应 商束缚的最新举措,也是其挑战谷歌在智能手机软件领域主导地位的一次尝试。在美国对这家总部位于深圳的公司实施一系列制裁后,自去年8月起,华为设备无法再 从谷歌获得安卓操作系统更新。这项禁令还让华为无法使用谷歌的智能手机软件包,也就是 业内广泛使用的谷歌移动


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